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01x04 - Zigby's Team/Zigby's Wind Up Friend

Posted: 07/28/23 15:53
by bunniefuu
on a tropical island far away and a

cheeky zebra loves to play




he's my friend Bertie the place


and his friend



we'll win the island Cup

with only minutes left the monkeys are

in the lead

zig bees team must score you're doing

just fine on your own sake baby birdie

come on like we practiced I've been busy

practicing my ballet would anyone else

like to join me now who's getting into

position well doing ballet on my own is

nice but it'll be more fun if someone

else would like to do it with me

anyone will ZigBee kick to 30 or try to

kick the goal himself now


I really love soccer and I love this

team there was so much fun segment hmm

fun like ballet but you can play it with

your friends both teams scored one goal

it's a tie so no one's won the eye link

up but there'll be another game after

lunch to decide a winner whoever scores

a goal first wins the island cup can I

join your team sure as I'm stripey no


terrific oh not so fast yeah just a


have you ever played soccer Vicky well

no oh that doesn't matter

hey I can teach you yeah Sydney can

teach you but we already have three


yeah oh well with four players we can

have an extra in case someone needs a

rest during the game yeah and extra

player come on Vicky I'll show you how

to play

let's see how you kick the ball oh this

will be fun hmm you have to kick the

ball harder than that but I could

scratch the polish of my toenails I'm a

flamingo it's my job to look fabulous at

all times

I think ZigBee is trotting us into


what Vicky needs is a soccer shirt like

ours can you get her one Oh

fashion sure no problem

if you don't want to kick the ball then

try hitting it like this your turn Oh

you nearly knocked my boa we found your

soccer shirt Ricky just the same in ours

you mean we all wear the same clothes

yeah that's part of being on a team well

if I have to but it needs more style I'm

a flamingos flamingos have to have style

at all times if you don't want to kick

the ball or head the ball we'll try you

is goalie okay that sounds like fun you

have to stop the ball from going between

the goalposts ready


Mickey you missed it use your wings to

grab the ball I might get my feathers


I'm a flamingo I have to I know I know

you have to look fabulous at all time

exactly we did it look Wow

this will definitely show off your

flamingo style hmm does it have to be

that color I'm the goalie I want to give

her a try

just for this game she's so excited

about playing vicki has to be the extra

player at least until she's better at

playing next time I want one that

matches my bow I was leave I'm on

Ziggy's team no oh let her have a turn

only playing for fun and the cup

don't forget the island top ZigBee we

have to have the best team plan the

first team to score a goal wins

hmm I'm ready to play ZigBee oh good

Nikki it might be better if you um sit

on the bench for this game be the extra

player you mean off the field

oh yeah next game it'll be your turn

yeah and you'll be great so I don't come

on at all only for this game you're not

quite ready and it is for the island Cup

after all maybe you're right you're

still part of the team come on ZigBee

game time hey where's the fun sitting on

a log

the kick go straight to tink who

dribbles it beautiful injured player

whoa you all right Mick mere yeah I'm

fine mr. a beat no I'm ZB oh he'll be

all right

hey it's just a bum foot he'd better

have a rest oh come on

ZigBee you're a player down there have

to be two full teams

otherwise we've got an extra player

crazy coconuts she's gone you've got

five minutes to get her ZigBee or the

cup goes to the monkeys

you said I'm not ready we're a team

we'll help you that's what teams do

you're right

I don't know anything about soccer I'm

only good at ballet yes you are good at

ballet what's that move called arabesque

maybe soccer and ballet aren't that

different what else is it come on we've

got a game to win we've got a are you

sure Vicky is well going to work I move

now see with the ball is racing down for

you thirsty shadows Vicky's giving them

a chance to score on the save by stink a

beautiful tie key hits it deep now link

is calling for stake and there's no way

Vicky can pull off a second miracle

does the monkeys can't believe it

the crow can't believe it ZigBee Bertie

America believe it and the winner of the

oiling Cup is a team of Sigma ready and

third position kick your leg out just as

if you were practicing soccer oh I

thought we were practicing soccer

sometimes it's hard to tell the

difference no Vicki yes now our best


on a traffic


loves to play running through the jungle

he's trotting into tribal


he's my friend Bertie the but please be






what a fantastic twig gotta look really

good on my nest do you like my new

fishing rod birdie do you want to come

to the beach with me and try it out in

the water no thanks ZigBee I've got to

fix my nest okay I'll ask mcneir McMahon

look Muir do you want to come to the

beach and play with my new fishing rod

I'd love to ZigBee but I've got

something really really important that

I'm doing right now never mind I'm sure

one of my other friends will want to

play maybe silly I'd love to play big B

but I've got to practice my new song

it's about singing do you want me to

sing it I

maybe we can stick no we have to run

round and round the tree remember I'm

going to scratch the back you'll have to

catch me first

well if everybody is too busy to play

with me what can I do for a friend it's

not like you can just build a friend my

best idea ever


what is it it's my wind up Fred wind up


mcneir birdie-birdie McNear wind up

friend are you sure you're not trotting

into trouble again

haha nothing can go wrong birdie I'm in

complete control look first I wind it up

then I use this remote control roll

sweep this controller I can make it go

this way I can make it go that way and

watch this


oh that was amazing yeah except he

caught my nest no problem

my wind-up friend will fix it it needs a

little bit of tidying up but it's pretty

good so I guess I could go fishing now I

could come fishing - were you doing

something really really important was I

oh yeah I wonder what it was forget

fishing my wind-up friend can do so much

more did you get it to help me remember

the really important thing I was just

doing that's about the only thing it

can't do wait till the others see my new

friends well his Ziggy's got a new

friend I might as well finish my nest

and I better go and do whatever it was I

was doing what was it again trying to

remember what you were doing




let's play another game sure Zara after

I show my new friend to the others



Ziggy's been gone a while it's kind of

quiet and lonely here without him oh hi

I hope he's having fun with his new

friend mm-hmm

feels nice the new friend did a good job

oh maybe not I still can't remember what

I had to remember I'm going to find

ZigBee I do my best thinking when we're

together do you want to come no I'd

better stay and rebuild my nest all by


not that I mind this is the best trick

of all I still think we should run round

and round a tree you'll have plenty of

time to do whatever you want with my new

friends he'll trust look at this there

you go

one banana smoothie banana licious hey

sure is I'm stripy coming right up okay

let's see how fast you can go




you're it your eat what are you doing

be careful he'll catch you let's go over

the rules one more time my friends are


the controls still not working

we've got to get even closer okay I mean

closer to my wind-up print the control

ZigBee I can swing right up to your new

friend and get it to put in Zara town

and I want to go why should you have all

ah they're as good as new hybrids igby

would like to see it if he wasn't so

busy playing with his new friend cool

bananas that's the answer

I need my fishing rod I'm fine it's not

too badly damaged I could rebuild it


never mind ZigBee Hey

I've just remembered the really

important thing I was doing what was it

I was making this for you oh that's nice

McNair what is it it's a friendship

bracelet I made it myself

gee thanks mcneir I got an idea for a

new game we can play together what is it

it's called who can rebuild birdies nest

the fastest who wants to play me all

play well somebody's got to make sure

you don't trot into trouble after all

I'll beat you guys for sure




