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01x05 - Zigby Puts on a Play/ Zigby's Kite

Posted: 07/28/23 15:50
by bunniefuu
♪ On a tropical island far away ♪

♪ A cheeky zebra loves to play

♪ Zigby, running through the jungle ♪

♪ Uh-oh he's trotting into trouble ♪

♪ Zigby and his friends are here today ♪

♪ Zigby's off on a new adventure ♪

♪ Here's McMeer, his helpful friend ♪

♪ Bertie the bird says, "Please be careful!" ♪

♪ But it's okay, it'll work out in the end ♪

♪ Zigby, running through the jungle ♪

♪ Hurray, he's trotting out of trouble ♪

♪ Zigby, and his friends are here to play. ♪

♪ Zigby!

(whimsical music)





Three in a row!

At last!

I finished my play.

I wish I could write a play.

Um, what is a play, Zibgy?

Well, McMeer, it's like a story

but acted out by actors!


People who pretend to be someone else.

Oh, if I pretended to be a honeybee,

would that be acting?

(buzzing like a bee)

Yes, McMeer, and very funny!


So, here's what my play's about.

There's a beautiful princess called Juliette.

And she's being kept prisoner by a fierce dragon.

(roars like a dragon)

And she's rescued by a brave zebra!


Played by me.

Who's going to be the dragon?

Ooh, me!

Me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me!

Sorry, McMeer.

I've already chosen someone who looks more like a dragon.



I've been practicing my dragon role.

(clears throat)

(makes quacking sound)

Oh, perhaps it needs some work.

Who's going to be the beautiful princess?

I'm going to give the part to Celeen.

Or maybe Vicky.

They can't both do it.

That's right Bertie, that's why I'm going

to hold an audition!

An audition?

It's how to choose who's going to be who in a play.

Ooh, that sounds like fun!

Auditions can be very tricky.

I think Zigby might be trotting into trouble with this one.

Whoa, alack, who will save me from this

terrible, roaring dragon.

(moos like a cow)


I still haven't quite got the role.

I really wanted to be in Zigby's play,

but making the posters is twice as good!



And so, we give thanks to Zigby the Brave,

never again will we be terrified of the dragon's

fierce roar.

(meows like a cat)


Clem, the play is on tomorrow.

Will you be able to roar by then?

Leave it with me.

Thanks Celeen, you did a really good audition.

Does that mean I can be Princess Juliette in your play?

Well, I have to give Vicky a turn at auditioning too.


I'm a big,

brave lion.

I'm a big,

brave lion.



You scared me!

Sorry about that, Laurence.

I need your help.

You're a lion, right?

I'm big, brave lion!

I'm a big, brave--

Yes, I heard.

So that means you can roar?

Well, when I roar, it sounds like this.

(makes a squeaky roar sound)

Oh, I'm not very good at it.

I will be when I'm bigger.

But I need to learn how to roar by tomorrow night!

It's for Zigby's play.

Zara might be able to teach you.

She knows everything!

And so, we give thanks to Zigby the Brave.

Never again will we be terrified of the

dragon's fierce roar.

That was a really good audition, Vicky!

Does that mean I get to be Princess Juliette in the play?

Hmmm, maybe.

But Celeen also did a really good audition.


Well, let my know soon.



Oh, they're both so good!


But how will I choose which one will be the princess?

Vroom, vroom.

Hey Zara, Clem has a problem.

You see, I'm playing the dragon in Zigby's play,

but I don't know how to roar.

Do you know anyone who could teach me?

Hmmm, I might be able to.

How's this?



Oh, doesn't sound much like a dragon to me.

(upbeat happy music)

Hey Zigby, do you like our posters?


Which one do you like better?

Where's the princess?

There's a zebra, and a dragon,

but no princess.

That's because we don't know who's playing the princess?

Is it going to be Vicky or Celeen?


This is really hard!

I can't decide!

(splashing water)

Oh, Celeen or Vicky?

Vicky or Celeen?

Hey Zigby, what do you think of the stage?

What stage?

(boing) Oh!


That stage.

Oh, sorry.

I can't make up my mind who should be Princess Juliette

in my play.

Zebras are bad at making decisions.

They can't even decide what color they want to be.

Black, white.

Black, white.


Maybe you monkeys can help!

Who do you think should be the princess?

Celeen or Vicky?


No, Celeen!

No, Vicky!

How about El?

Oh dear.

(upbeat playful music)

Vicky, Celeen.

Celeen, Vicky.

Who do I choose? ♪ A maiden fair


♪ With golden hair >> Huh?

♪ Went dancing in the stream

Did I mention I could sing?

I can tap dance too.

Don't you think I would be great as Princess Juliette?

Yes, but I need more time to decide.

Oh, okay.

But I hope you choose me.

Flamingos are fabulously talented.


Vicky, Celeen.

Celeen, Vicky.



Oh, Zigby!


Hello Celeen!

Did I mention I can do circus tricks?

Wouldn't I be fantastic as Princess Juliette?

Yes, but I need more time to decide.

Sure, but I hope you choose me.


Crazy coconuts!

There can only be one princess.

But if I choose one, the other one will be sad.

And it'll be all my fault.

Um, excuse me goose, are you any good at roaring?

(makes honking sound)

Oh, it doesn't look like there are any animals

that can teach me how to roar.

Hey, look at this little bug!

Maybe he can roar?

I doubt it.

(roars loudly)


Do you think you can teach me how to do that?


(upbeat happy music)

Bertie, why are you making two different posters?

Well, because we still don't know who's going

to be the princess.

If it's Vicky, we'll use this poster.

And if it's Celeen, we'll use this poster.

Ohh oops! (winds blowing)

♪ La, la, la, la, laa



I'm the princess!




What's this?

I'm the princess!

Vicky, Celeen.

Celeen, Vicky.

Hey Zigby,

I'm so happy!

I'm the princess!

(giggles) >> Oh!

Hey Zigby, thanks for choosing me!



No, Zigby gave me the part of Princess Juliette.





Hold it!

I'm sorry, I just can't choose between you!

I've been pacing up and down like this all day long.

Pace, pace, pace.




Are you hurt, Zigby?

Yes, it's my foot!

I don't think I can do the play now.

But you have to do the play.

Who else could play the part of the brave zebra?

Cool bananas!

Acting means pretending to be someone else!


Vicky, Celeen, the show must go on!

Whoa, alack!

Who will save me from this terrible roaring dragon?

(roars loudly)

(audience gasps)


Brave Zebra, will save you from this terrible

roaring dragon, fair Juliette!

(audience cheers)

It's a shame you hurt your foot, Zigby,

and can't be in your own play.

Hm, yes.

But you have to admit, that Celeen is doing a

very good job of playing the brave zebra.

Do you think you'll write another play, Zigby?


But not for a while, Bertie.


Not for a while.

(audience cheers)

(light, playful music)


Whoa, what a wind! (laughs)


That's odd.

I'm all wobbly today.

Or is it the house?

Or is it the whole world?

(door knocking)

I'm coming!

Save me! >> Over here!



Don't move, I'll get you!

(playful music)


Hey, neat trick!

Can we do that again?

I'm not going out there again, McMeer.

Today's a great day for staying inside.

I don't know, Bertie.

Wind like this can be lots of fun.

Yeah, in wind like this,

we could watch the clouds in the sky fly past.


Our chase leaves, woo, yeah!


I've got it.

Got what, Zigby?

What we can do on a day like this.

We'll fly a kite!

Fly a kite in that wind?

You'll be trotting into trouble for sure.

(chuckles) This won't be any old kite, Bertie.

This will be the biggest, fastest,

highest-flying kite ever.

Oh, that's what I was afraid of.


I've always wanted to fly a kite.

Zigby, what's a kite?

This is a kite, McMeer.

There, ready to launch.

This part flies up in the air

and we hold on to the string.

What's this part for, Zigby?

I almost forgot.

That's the tail.

Can you tie it on the end please, McMeer.

Um, okay.

I'll check the wind direction.

The end.

Maybe in here!

I think the winds slowed down a bit.


McMeer, where are you?

McMeerNearly finished.

Oh no!

Wind in the string, Bertie.

McMeer is in the kite!

It's going too fast!

What are you going to do, Zigby?

What are we going to do?

Bertie, this is no time to panic.

It's the perfect time!

McMeer's headed for outer space!

McMeerOkay, all set! (gasps)

ZigbyKeep calm, McMeer.

We're going to get you down.

Don't panic.


I didn't know flying a kite meant actually flying.



How are we going to get him down?

It's okay, Bertie.

When the string gets to the end, the kite will stop.


Unless I forgot to tie it on, of course.

Oh, Zigby.

Hold on tight, McMeer.

We're going to save you, I promise.

Can't hear you!

Bye! (giggles)

Oh, Zigby.

We've really trotted into trouble this time.

Don't stop now, Wind!

I wanna keep flying.



I don't like the landing part.

Now how do I get out?

All set for our rescue mission, Bertie.

I got McMeer into this

and I'm going to get him out of it.

As sure as I'm stripe-y!

(light music)

(McMeer grunting)

There was a way out.

I know there was.

I know!

I'll do what Zigby does.

I'll think about the problem.

Think, McMeer, think.


Then again, a nap always helps me think better.

(monkeys laughing)

What's that?

A giant worm.

No, it's a dragon!

No, it's a monster!


You'll wake it up!

You think it's alive?

Let's find out.

(McMeer snoring)




It's going to get us!


TinkA monster!


The way out!

(strains) Hello!

Anyone there?


The kite has to be around here somewhere, Bertie.

(leaves crunching)

BertieWhat's that noise?


Wink, Tink, Stink.

What are you doing here?

Is it still behind us?

Is what still behind you?

AllThe monster!


What monster?

Back there!

It had big teeth and scary eyes.

And it tried to get us!

Don't be silly.

Monsters aren't real.

How can you be sure about that?

This one's real.

We saw it!

Zigby, what if,

the monster's got McMeer?

They saw the monster over there,

just where he probably landed.

Okay, there's no harm in looking.

(upbeat music)

(twig snapping)



What are they up to?


Excuse me, what are you doing?

Sssh, we're hunting a monster.


A monster!

Can I come?


WinkOver there.


AllThe monster!

The monster!

ZigbyBertie, I can't see!

(bones chattering)

Don't worry, Zigby.

I'll save you.


(monkeys yelling)

Where's the monster?

Where's the monster?


Thank goodness it's you!

And you're okay.

The monster didn't get you.

Of course I'm okay,

but where's this monster?


Aww, that's not a monster.

That's the kite.

Oh, so it is.

I told you monsters weren't real.

Yeah I knew that.

No, you didn't.

I did.

I was just tricking (chuckles).

You were not.


(monkeys yelling)

What's that?

That's my tummy rumbling.

(giggles) I'm starving.

How do we get home, Zigby?

Um, well, you see, McMeer.

I'm not really sure.

He means we're lost.

Don't be silly.

We know the way home.

Do we?

'Course we do!

Just follow us.

BertieHey, wait for us!


And I'm sure they went that way.

No, they definitely went that way.

Don't worry about them.

I'm sure we're on the right track.


Another kite the same as ours!

And it's broken too!

That is our kite.

We're back where we started.

Crazy coconuts.

We must have gone in a circle.

I'm sorry, everyone.

What are we going to do?

And what are we going to eat?

I left half a banana sandwich at home.

I wish I could get back there

as fast as I got here.

Cool bananas!

That's it, McMeer.

That's what we'll do.

We'll use this.

Not another kite, Zigby.

That's how we got into this trouble

in the first place, remember?

ZigbyNot a kite, Bertie.

Something even better.


It's a hang glider.

How exciting, Zigby!

A hang glider!

What do you do with it?

It works like a kite, only you hang from it

and then you steer it where you wanna go.

Well, flying a kite was fun,

a hang glider will be even better!

But Zigby, you know flying makes me nervous.

(chuckles) But Bertie, you're a bird.

Once we get above the trees,

we'll spot the way home easily.

And get there in time for dinner.

All right.

Now, we just wait for a gust of wind.

BertieOh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

(McMeer and Zigby cheering)

Look, there's our clearance!

McMeerDinner, here we come!


(upbeat music)

♪ Zigby

♪ Zigby