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01x03 - Zigby and the Mango/Zigby and the Bigfoot

Posted: 07/28/23 15:48
by bunniefuu
♪ On a tropical island far away ♪

♪ A cheeky zebra loves to play

♪ Zigby running through the jungle ♪

♪ Uh oh, he's trotting into trouble ♪

♪ Zigby and his friends are here today ♪

♪ Zigby's off on a new adventure ♪

♪ Here's McMeer, his helpful friend ♪

♪ Bertie, the bird, says, 'please be careful' ♪

♪ But it's okay -- it'll work out in the end ♪

♪ Zigby, running through the jungle ♪

♪ Hooray

♪ He's trotted out of trouble.

♪ Zigby and his friends are here to play. ♪

Mm, smell those delicious mangoes, Zara.

Smell them? Ah, I can almost taste them!

(laughs) Guess what time it is, Zigby?

Zigby and ZaraIt's mango o'clock.

Hm, I wonder where Bertie is?

Okay, coming!

Are you sure we need that basket?

Mangoes are messy. We need something to put them in.

Great idea, Bertie! Come on, let's get those mangoes.

There's the mango tree, but where are all the mangoes?

(slurping) And what's that noise?

Oh, no! It's a ravenous, mango-eating monster.

Run for your lives!

Zara and ZigbyHuh?

[Zigby] Let's go and find out.

Oh, oh, dear!


(laughs) Come out, Bertie. It's just McMeer.

Uh, McMeer?

Mm, the mangoes are delicious this year.

(gasps) McMeer, you've eaten all of the mangoes

on the tree. You must have been here all morning.

No, I started over there.

Oh, you've eaten all the mangoes on all the trees?

Oh! I only wanted one single mango.

There is one more.

Here it is.

Thanks, McMeer!

Ugh, it looks a bit funny.

It's a worm. Ugh! It's rotten.

Hey, you've gone and eaten all the mangoes

on the whole island.

Well, you know how I like a big breakfast.

Actually, there are plenty more mangoes on the island.

Really, Clem? Where?

Right up the river, in the deep, deep jungle,

grows a giant mango tree, its branches dripping

with bright, juicy mangoes!

I feel one of my brilliant ideas coming on!

_ Oh, dear!

You go deep into the jungle and bring back

a mango for Zara.


Uh, it sounds like a long way to walk, Zigby.

ZigbyHm, that's why we're going to build a boat!

(gasps) A boat? You mean a-floating-on-the-water-

where- all-the-bitey-fish-live kind of boat?

Exactly! We'll sail up the river

and bring back a whole boatload of mangoes!

Yay! (giggles)

I think Zigby might be trotting

into trouble again, McMeer.


Come on! Let's hurry, so we can get there by lunchtime.

Uh, great. This is the last nail.




[Zigby and McMeer] One, two, three, go! (laughs)

That's the sail ready, Captain Zigby.

McMcmeerWhoa, it's very big.


Are you sure it'll float?

As sure as I'm stripey. (laughs)


(all laugh)

[Crowd] Whoa!

The boat is ready to set sail. Where's Bertie?

There he is.

I just had to get a few things.

What's in the bag? Another life vest?

No, that'd be silly.

It's my blankie.

And the mop?

A clean ship's a good ship.

Come aboard, Bertie! We're ready to set sail.

I name this ship the --

S.S. Vicki after me.

Oh, oh! S.S. Celine after me.

Oh, I know, the Mango Queen!

crowdThe Mango Queen!

Hey, we're not moving.

You didn't hit it hard enough. Here.

[Zigby, McMeer and Bertie] Whoa!

We'll bring you back a mango, Zara.


A mountain of mangoes!

Double yay!


Did someone say a mountain of mangoes?

allMm! We like mangoes.

ZigbyFull sail ahead, shipmates!

Seaman McMeer, can you give me a report from up there?

Ay ay, Captain.

Oh, wow, I see something really amazing.

The mango tree?

No, my toes, and they're really, really big.

Hey, and I can see your house, Zigby.

Oh, and a boat full of monkeys.

[Zigby and Bertie] A boat full of monkeys?

Mango! Mango! Mango! Mango! Mango! Mango!

Oh, there after the mangoes!

Full speed ahead, shipmates. Monkeys, ahoy!

Oh, no -- they're overtaking us.

Nice day for mango picking. (laughs)

MonkeysMango! Mango!

We need to go faster. We need another sail.

My blankie!

I don't think now is a good time for a nap, Bertie.

Just tie this in. You'll see.

(laughs) Your blankie is a sail now!

Keep pedaling fast. We're going to beat them.

[Monkeys] Mango! Mango!

[Zigby and friends] Hooray!

Let's get this tub moving.

We have to beat them.

MonkeysMango! Mango! Mango!

Mm, mangoes, ahoy!

BertieHundreds of mangoes. Just like Clem said!

Uh oh. Whoa!

[Zigby and Friends] Whoa!

Oh, what happened?

Vines, ahoy, Captain Zigby.

Oh, no, we're stuck.

Whoa. Hey!

I'm okay, Zigby.

You and Bertie go and get the mangoes.

I would never leave you dangling there,

not for all the mangoes on the island.

MonkeysThose mangoes are ours.

Mango! Mango! Mango! Mango! Mango!


Let's get to work!

Get every last one.

I gotcha, McMeer.

Thank you, Zigby, but they've got the mangoes.

Hey, Zigby, look what we've got,

a mountain of yummy mangoes .... Whoa!

Oh, dear.

Whoa ... uh, oh!

Hey, we're sinking.

Too many mangoes.

Abandon ship!

[Monkeys] No, mangoes!

Crazy coconuts, Zara really wanted one of those.

Never mind the mangoes, how are we going to get home?

With us. Grab the mop.


(gasps) The last mango, it's mine!

Okay, crew. Heave!

My precious.


Got it. Cool bananas!

Woohoo! Yay! Yippee!

Zigby, Zigby, did you bring the mountain of mangoes?

We tried really hard, Zara.

But, well, all we got was one mango.


One mango, that's okay. I only wanted one.

Where is it?

And where's McMeer?

(groaning) Mango!

McMeer, step away from that mango, slowly.

I was just sniffing it.

It's okay, McMeer. I'll make mango pie,

so everyone can have some.

[All] Mango pie, yay!

(upbeat chimes)

(wing flapping)


(fly buzzing)

(scurrying whistle trickle)


(excited vocalizing)

What a beautiful shell!

Just lying here

it's so smooth--


So-- Mine!

Give it back, Stink.

You have to get it off me first.



Give it back, Wink. (bouncing spring)

The Shell. (bouncing)

Oh, No!

(bass strumming)

Look what you've done now!

I wonder where my shell is.

(bouncing spring)

Uh, Hi!

Wink, Tink and Stink, have you seen my shell?

Your shell?

Was it about so big (gasps)

with pretty pink colors inside.

[Wink & Stink] Shh!

Uh-huh, that's it. I had it when I went to sleep.

(grunts sadly)

I wonder what happened to it.

Uh--could of been anything.


A Caterpillar might of eaten it.

Or it could of grown legs and run away to the sea.

Or Bigfoot might of (stammers and stumbles)

dropped it down a hole by accident.


A Bigfoot--

A Bigfoot took it (panicking)





Don't run away.

He believed you.

But we had to say something.

We couldn't tell Lawrence that we lost his shell.

(gasping out of breath)


There's a Bigfoot on the loose,

and he took my shell.

A Bigfoot?

I've never heard of anything so silly.

(snarling growl)

But-- (snarling growl)

We better go and tell Zigby.

Just in case.

(snarling growl)

Wait, Zara!

(mischievous upbeat music)


(birds chirping)

(snarling growl)

(upbeat Caribbean beat)

(door creaks open)

Huh? What's that rumbling noise?

It's very loud.

What's going on?

That noise is ruining my singing practice.

Maybe it's an earthquake?

Or a volcano?

(voice shrills) or both?

(gasping for breath)

Tell them Lawrence.

Tell them.

(out of breath gasping) Well--

A Bigfoot came out of the jungle,

and took Lawrence's shell.

[Group] (gasps) What!

A Bigfoot--



Maybe the Bigfoot is making the noise.


it stopped.


[Group] (startled jump) Whoooa!


Gezuntite, McMeer!

Did I miss something?

There was a Bigfoot who took Lawrence's shell

and then he rumbled and now he's stopped.

He must of gone back into the jungle.

(sniffles) I don't like the Bigfoot ooo--

It's okay, Lawrence.

The Bigfoot might be big,

but he's probably very friendly.



Are you sure?

Sure, as I am stripey.


I'm going to lead an expedition into the jungle

to find the Bigfoot.

[Group] Ahh!

Oh, Dear! (nervous laughter)

An Expedition!

Thanks Zigby!

(spring bounces questionably)

What's an expedition?

It's an exciting journey into the jungle!

We can ask Bigfoot to give you back your shell.

Uh--Zigby you're trotting into trouble again.

It's not trouble, Bertie.

It's an adventure!

Oh, Dear.

(light drumming)

All we need is McMeer and the expedition can begin.

[Group] (shouts) Yay!

Ooh, Expedition.

What expedition?

(giggles) I'm here.

And I brought lunch.


(playful slip)



♪We're off to meet the Bigfoot

♪ We're off to meet the Bigfoot ♪

The Bigfoot?

Now they all believe there's a Bigfoot.

But there isn't really a Bigfoot.


What will we do?

We'll have to pretend to be the Bigfoot.

Or they'll know it was us who lost the shell.

[Stink, Tink, Wink] Yeah, Right!

I wish we could all meet the Bigfoot.

You will, when we find him.

We'll bring him back here to meet everyone.

Okay, everyone.

Keep your ears peeled for the rumbling noise.

Rumbling noise?

What rumbling noise?

I don't know.

But that gives me an idea.

Come on!

(Caribbean chimes)

This lunch is very heavy.

I need to make lighter.



Mmm. (lip smacking)

Uh-- the Bigfoot's obviously nowhere around.

(gasps fearfully)

We might as well head back.

Here they come!

And here comes the rumbling noise.

(rumbling thump)


That's him!

Let's go!

He must be close.

(upbeat light piano)

I'm being a slow poke.

I need more energy.

(plop) (squish)


You know it's strange.

You think a creature with big feet

would make--

Big footprints.


[Group] (gasps) Whoa!

Silly bounce)


(repetitive bounce)


It's hard work being a Bigfoot.

Yeah but now we started all this

we have to keep going.

(gasps) Quick, they're coming!

(funky electronic chimes)


Look! There's no more footprints, Zigby!

We must of come to the end of the trail.

Did they say end of the trail?

That's sounds like something to celebrate!


No bananas left.


That looks like yummy fruit!

It would be a shame to waste it.


Gezuntite, Mcmeer!


Mmm-- (giggle)


Ah, now all that eating has made me tired.


Time for a nap.


Uh-- everything is so big in this part of the jungle.

Like those palm leaves they're huge!

And those vines are so thick.

And look at those big flowers.


(gasps) This is where the Bigfoot lives!

[Group] (gasps)

Hey, it worked!

They think they're in the Bigfoot's home.


Now we're out of trouble.

I know how to bring him out of hiding.

Let's give him the bananas that McMeer brought.



The Bigfoot has eaten the bananas already!

And where's McMeer?

[Twink, Wink, Stink] Where is McMeer?

The Bigfoot has got him.

This is all that's left.

(frighten gasps)

Crazy Coconuts!



Group(shouts) The Bigfoot!

[Tink, Stink, Wink] Huh?

That's enough of this game.

Stop making that noise you two.

Uh-- I'm not doing anything.

Oh, me neither.

[Tink, Stink, Wink] It's the Bigfoot!

He's real!


Wink, Tink, Stink!

What are you doing here?

Help us find McMeer.

The Bigfoot.

Run for your lives.

(scamper off frightened)

(vocalizing fright)

What do we do now?

Find the Bigfoot!

And that's where McMeer will be.

Come on!

Oh, Dear.

(rumbling snarl)

(light suspenseful piano)


This is it.

Here we go.

(gasping out of breath)


(bouncing fall)




I think we found our Bigfoot.

It's been McMeer snoring all along.



I should of remembered.

He always snores like this when he a cold.



I don't think so.

Hey, I like this stick.

It can do lots more stuff than the shell.

Hang on. If there was no Bigfoot,

What about the rumbling when McMeer was awake?

And who made the footprints?

They look the same shape as a monkey's bottom.


I think there's been a bit of monkey mischief

on this expedition.

What does that mean?

It means the monkeys made up the Bigfoot

and everyone back home won't be meeting him

like you promised, Zigby.

Ha-Hah! They still might get the chance.

(birds chirp) (wings flap)

(tom toms)

[Group] (shouts excitedly) Here it comes!

The Bigfoot--

There he is, isn't he wonderful.

(slipping whistle)




Good one, Zigby! (snorts laughing)

That was a good joke. (laughing)

So they didn't find the real Bigfoot after all.

(rumbling snarl)

[Group] (gasps)

Oh, yes we did!


(upbeat Caribbean calypso beat)

♪ Zigby!