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01x02 - Zigby's Jungle Vine/ Zigby and the Stink

Posted: 07/28/23 15:47
by bunniefuu
♪ On a tropical island far away ♪

♪ A cheeky zebra loves to play

♪ Zigby running through the jungle ♪

♪ Uh oh

♪ He's trotting into trouble

♪ Zigby and his friends are here today ♪

♪ Zigby's off on a new adventure ♪

♪ Here's McMeer his helpful friend ♪

♪ Bertie the bird says please be careful ♪

♪ But it's okay

♪ It'll work out in the end

♪ Zigby running through the jungle ♪

♪ Hooray

♪ He's trotted out of trouble

♪ Zigby and his friends are here to play ♪

♪ Zigby

(playful music)

Have a great vacation, Celine!

Everything will be fine.

I'll be away for a whole week.

(Celine sniffles)

(Celine snorts)

Oh, are you sure you're up to looking

after my beautiful garden, Zigby?

Sure as I'm stripey, Celine!

No trouble at all.

Oh, oh!


Whoa (laughs)!

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, well you've got to check

for bugs and water the flowers.

Check flowers and water bugs.

Right, got it!

Oh, and most important, look after my jungle vine.

Just a little bit of water, a little bit of sun,

and a little bit of plant food.

Not too much, or you never know what'll happen.

Oh, you're extra special, aren't you pookie pie?

Pookie pie?

Okay, water, sun, plant food, special.

Got it!

Remember, don't give it too much of anything.

(playful music)

Garden, here I come!

(Zigby humming) (playful music)

Nope, no, no, no, ah ha!



Um, Zigby, what are you doing?

Checking for bugs.

That's what a head gardener does, you know.

A head gardener?

Uh, since when did you become a head gardener?

Since Celine went on vacation.

Oh, he's trotting into trouble again.

Gardening can be tricky business.

So I'll need some gardener's helpers.

Oh, oh!

I'm your meerkat!

(McMeer panting)


Uh, uh, I have delicate wings.

Here's some gloves.

(Bertie sighs)


Let's get gardening!


What's this for?

You are now on bug duty.

You have to keep any bugs off of Celine's plants.

Bugs (exclaiming)?

(Zigby sighs) (McMeer sighs)

♪ De de de de de

♪ I get up late

♪ Do do do do do

♪ I'm a gardener's mate

♪ Nu nu nu nu nu

♪ I swing on a gate

♪ I'm a gardener's mate

♪ I eat off a plate

(monkeys sniffing)

McMeerMaking me hungry.

Let's have some fun.

Three, two, one.

♪ Zigby thinks I'm great

♪ I'm a gardener's mate



That's funny.

Where's my water gone?


(playful music)

(monkeys laughing)

(McMeer grumbling)


Uh oh!

(monkeys screaming) (water splashing)

McMeerWait, wait, come back here!

Just a little bit of water for you, pookie pie.



I'm on it!

(McMeer grunting)


Being a gardeners helper is a very important job you know?

Uh, uh, Zigby?

Could I just uh--

You can harm some plants if you give them too much water.

You mean like that?

(playful music) (water splashing)

(Zigby gasps)

Oh no!

Too much water.

I need something to scoop it out!

(playful music)


Hey I found a bitey grub.

Oh yeah.

Aw, isn't he cute?


Look at his little nashers.

Oh, what shall we call him?

(bitey grub exclaiming)


Eat up Chompy.

Hey, get him off there.

Leave me Chompy alone!

Oh, did the angry zebra scare you?

(Chompy quivering)

Bertie, we can't let him eat Celine's special vine.

Look, I'll take him into the jungle.

No, I'll do it.

(Chompy chattering) (playful music)

Whoa, you were hungry Chompy.

Look, he's eaten the whole leaf already.

And your glove.

And my, (Bertie gasping).

(playful music)

He'll be happy out here.

There's plenty more leaves for him to eat.

(Chompy whining)

Oh, but look.

He misses jungle vine.

Celine's jungle vine.

The same Celine who won't have bugs in her garden.

Zigby! >> Hm?

Come quickly!

It's all droopy!

[Bertie and Zigby] Huh?


(playful music)


Too much sun.

It's getting too much sun!

(McMeer grunting)


Go away sun.

Get off our plant.

McMeer, that's not gonna keep the sun off.

Come on.

I've got an idea.

(playful music) (wings flapping)

And pull!

(Bertie grunting)

And pull!

And pull!

(Bertie grunting)


A shade house is what we need.

No more sun on the jungle vine.

And now the final touch.

Just a little bit of plant food.


(McMeer sniffling)

Did someone say food?

No McMeer!

The rope!

(playful music)

ZigbyOh, McMeer!

Are you okay Zigby?

(Zigby grumbling)

Yes, I'm okay but look at the jungle vine.

Soaked with water, baked in the sun

and now way too much food.

Poor little jungle vine.

Will it last through the night?

Huh, we'll come back tomorrow to see.

And if it doesn't we'll make the rest of the garden

look so good maybe Celine won't notice.

(playful music)

(Zigby panting)


Come quickly!


And bring some scissors.

(Zigby panting) (playful music)


(Zigby panting) (playful music)

What do we need scissors for?


ZigbyNeeded one haircut.

Uh, it's unstoppable.

It just keeps growing.

How hard can it be to trim a plant?

(McMeer panting)

See, easy (gasps)?


Why you.

Take that!


(Bertie exclaiming) (McMeer exclaiming)

Hey out me down!

Get it off me!


Zigby help!

Crazy coconuts, this is trouble.

Are you okay?

Uh, yes.

We just wanna get down.

Can you get us down Zigby?

I'm trying, but it's growing faster then I can cut.

You need super scissors.

Or super nashers.


Cool bananas.

That's it McMeer.

Wait there!


[McMeer and Bertie] Huh?


(McMeer panting)

Never fear!

Chompy's here!

(Chompy chattering)

[McMeer and Bertie] Chompy!

ZigbyGo for it Chompy.

You're favorite food, jungle vine.

(Chompy chattering)

I know Chompy's special but what can one little bug do?

You mean one little bug with lots of friends.

(Chompy chattering)

(Chompy whistles)

(bugs chattering) (playful music)

An army of bugs.

And they all love jungle vine.

(playful music) (feet pattering)

(bugs munching) (playful music)

Here you go.


(McMeer panting) (bugs munching)

Great work Chompy.

(Chompy chattering)

And all his chomping chums.

But what will Celine say with all

these bugs in her garden?


We need to show her that not all bugs are bad.

(playful music)

And no peeking or you'll spoil the surprise.

What surprise Zigby?

Open your eyes, now!

Ta da!

Is that you pookie pie?

(playful music)

It's amazing (laughs)!

Oh however did you do it Zigby?

I had a little help from some friends.

(playful music)

Meet Chompy.

(Chompy chattering)

(Celine gasps)

A bug?

Yep, lots of bugs.

They made that for you.

(bugs chattering) (playful music)

Oh, they did?

Oh how sweet (giggles).

I guess I could add a few bugs in my garden.

Especially if they make it look so pretty.

Oh, you hear that Chompy?

You can stay!

Oh, and you can mind my garden anytime Zigby (laughs).

(Chompy chattering) (playful music)

(playful music)

Huh there's nothing I like more

than a day on the water.

(McMeer chuckles)

You'll like it more when we get to the water, Zigby.

(Zigby laughs)

Clem! >> I wouldn't go there

if I were you.

Take a sniff. (sniffing)

Pee-yew. (sniffing)


Ugh! >> Eh!

What's that stink?

Pong pansies!

The flowers only grow once a year,

but when they do, oh! >> ZigbyEw! Ugh!

I vote we go paddling tomorrow.

All in favor? Say pee-yew.


(playful music)

(monkey screeches)


Oh, what a beautiful smell!

Wink and Tink would love this flower.

(monkey screeches)

(tinkling music)


Hey Wink! Tink! Get a sniff of this!

(monkey whoops)

Stink! >> Stink!


What's wrong?

BothIt stinks.

We know you love stinky smells, Stink.

But that is the worst smell

Wink And TinkEver!

(monkey grunts)

But it's my beautiful flower.

Sorry Stink. Either that flower goes.

Or you go!


(xylophone tinkling)


One banana cake, coming up.


Pee-yew! >> I like your smell

Huh? >> and you like my smell,

so why don't they like our smell?

Uh hi, Stink. What's wrong?

Wink and Tink have sent me away.


They said my pretty flower stinks. Aww.

And I thought they were my friends.

Poor Stink.

I know a place you can stay!

You do?

With me!

Both of us? >> Sure as I'm stripey!

(playful music)

Mm yum! I can almost smell that banana cake now.



I think those bananas are past their peel-by date.

That's not the bananas. That's Stink!

Hi there.

He's come here to stay with me.

Ew! >> Pew.

(slide whistle)

Uh Zigby? C-could we have a word?

That's a pong pansy he's got!

Wink and Tink have thrown him out!

And he's all alone with no friends

and nowhere to go.

Don't worry. The flowers only lasts for one day.

Then the smell will be gone

and his friends will have him back!

So let's just forget the smell.

Act like everything's normal.

(playful music)




I smell nothing!

My flower has lost its stinkalicious pong.

Hmm. Well look on the bright side!

Now you can go home to Wink and Tink.

But I don't wanna go home.

I wanna stay!

They're not real friends, not like you.

I'm gonna be so happy here!

(monkey chants)



(peaceful music)

Oh I never knew this floor was so hard!

(playful music)


Oh yum! (slurps)

Hey, I was going to drink that!


And eat that!

Are you finished with that comic yet?


(monkey whoops)

Oh careful, Stink! >> Yee-haw!

Hey! Whoa! (crashing)

Crazy coconuts, this really isn't working out.

I'll get things back to normal.

I just have to think of how.

(playful music)


There, good as new!

I just have to show Stink that Wink and Tink

really are still his friends.

But how?

Those three belong together.

Yeah, they were always playing tricks, having fun.

They were the perfect team.

Team? Cool bananas, Bertie!

You've got it!

I have?


Team Zigby will challenge Team Monkey to a race!

What kind of race?

The kind that will bring Wink, Tink, and Stink

back together again!

(boing) (McMeer laughs)


A canoe race? >> Yes!

Bertie, McMeer, and me versus you three.

Me? Race with them?

No way.

Same goes for us then.

Too bad. Because there's a special first prize!

Ta-da! Banana cake!


We love banana cake.

Oh, me too.

But I still won't race if I have to be on their side.

That's fine with us.

We'll race with just two.


(McMeer and Zigby sigh)

Welcome everyone to the big race.

Would all competitors make their way to the starting line?

Hey, Stink! It's not too late to change your mind.

They're fine on their own.

They don't need me.

There's an old jungle saying

"Never let a pong pansy come between friends."

Hurry up, Zigby. We don't wanna miss the start.

Don't forget what I said!

Oh, we used to have such fun.

But that was before.

The race is about to begin!

On your marks, get set, go!

(grunting) (cheering)

And they're off! What a show, what a race!

The boats are neck and neck.

Yes folks, anyone could win!


Faster, Tink!

I'm going as fast as I can!

Look Zigby, we're winning!

Uh, are we supposed to be winning?

That's the plan.

Now it's time for Clem to help us out.

Oh, let's see here. Uh yes.

(clears throat)

Zigby's boat is racing ahead.

No, no. Wink and Tink are falling behind!

Wink and Tink are falling behind.

(Stink groans)

They'll never catch Zigby with just the two of them.

They need help,

from a friend who can peddle-

oh, paddle, that is. (laughs)

Oh they need me! I can't let my friends down.

Hold on, Wink and Tink. I'm coming!

Wink and TinkStink!

Who else? Come on, we've got a banana cake to win!

GroupMonkey see, monkey do, monkey see, monkey do,

monkey see, monkey do! >> There's no way those monkeys

can beat us now!

GroupMonkey see, monkey do, monkey see, monkey do,

monkey see, monkey do, monkey see, monkey do,

monkey see, monkey do.

The winners!

(laughing and cheering)

High five!

We won!


Looks like the best team won.

And we couldn't have done it without our

best friend Stink!


You mean we're friends again?

You are, without a doubt, the smelliest best friend

a monkey could have.

Then let's celebrate!

With banana cake! (cheering and hooting)

Let me hold the cake! >> No, me!

You have to catch me first!

Oh, dear.

Cheer up, McMeer!

At least Wink, Tink, and Stink are back together again.

I know, but that cake looked so yummy.

That's why I've got a surprise for you!


Second prize in the race is a banana cake too!

Hooray! Let's eat!




With banana cake, everyone's a winner.


(theme song)

♪ Zigby

(theme song)

♪ Zigby

(theme song)