01x10 - Coffin for a Clown

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mannix". Aired: September 16, 1967 – April 13, 1975.*
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Joe Mannix works for a large Los Angeles detective agency called Intertect, using computers to help solve crimes.
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01x10 - Coffin for a Clown

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪

You made a...

You made a wise
choice, Josh.

First, you start on the
ground, then we'll...

Mr. Brewer?

Um, your ex-wife
is looking for you.

Now, look, she has
no claim on the boy.

No, not legally.

I was hired to find you
and deliver this letter.

You could have mailed it.

Yeah, well, uh,
I don't have your address.

You're a missing person.

Well, now,
let's keep it that way.

Uh, I'll, uh...

I'll mail it for you.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Before we pass like two ships
in the night, friend,

I'd like to know
why you've been tailing me.

Get out of my way.

Now, let's talk.

That ought to even the odds.

Thanks for waiting,
Mr. Mannix.

I still think
you're making a big thing

out of what was probably
an accident.

It wasn't an accident,
Mr. Lohman.

Someone deliberately
tried to run Brewer down.

There's also been some character
following me all day.

When I tried to talk to him,
he ran off.

Maybe he was following
you for another reason.

Maybe it had nothing
to do with them.

Maybe I'm Peter Pan.

Mr. Mannix?

I want my son back,
that's all I know.

Well, why don't you go to court,

Mrs. Lohman,
and ask for custody.

You shouldn't
have any trouble.

I don't stand
a chance.

I walked out
on them.

Please, Mr. Mannix,

help us.

I'll, uh...

see what I can do.

Why did you upset her?

You could be wrong.

I could be right.

Do you have any idea

why someone might want
to k*ll Brewer?

Who knows
what it's about with that guy?

He walked into our wedding
wearing a clown suit

and dragging a stinking goat
on a chain.

Look, I didn't want the kid
in the first place.

A guy dreams.

I wanted my own.

But it's beginning
to look like we can't.

If Alan Brewer is an oddball,
there isn't a judge in the world

that wouldn't give
your wife custody.

Listen, she walked out.

I mean, she's a good girl.

But she couldn't take
that educated bum anymore.

They didn't have bread.

She wasn't exactly divorced
when we...

You know what I mean.

I'll, uh... I'll give you a call

if I get another lead.


You were lucky to
find him once.

Now he knows
you're looking.

Well, I'll, uh,
talk to his cousin.

Maybe he knows something.

I spoke to Daniel
a few days ago.

He hasn't seen
Alan for months.

Alan Brewer's in trouble.

People in trouble
usually turn to relatives.

Even ones
they don't like.

Good old Alan.

There he goes again.

Dan, you're not ready.

The show, huh?

Helen, this is
Mr. Mannix, the man

I told
you about.
How do you do?

May we talk tomorrow,
Mr. Mannix?

We've had these tickets
for so long.

Mr. Mannix thinks that
Alan's life is in danger.

Well, we all have enemies,
Mrs. Brewer.

Alan has no one
but himself.

You said that
you were, uh,

very close to
Alan at one time.

Yeah, but not
since college.

He kept accusing me

of selling out
to the establishment.

I merely followed
school instructions

on proper dress.

You'd better find that boy.

Alan belongs in a padded cell.

Where would you suggest
I start looking?

In a sand dune,

in a coffeehouse somewhere,

with a group
of vagabonds

with nothing
on their minds but today.



Yes. Yes, in
a few minutes.

It's the hospital.

An accident case.

Lower jaw.

I'll get something
to eat.

Meet you
at the hospital.

I may be hours, dear.

I'll wait.

I really don't feel
sorry for Alan.

Each of us makes his own way.

Don't let him fool you,
Mr. Mannix.

He envies Alan
with every breath.

That's not
what he said.

He is, in fact, a... a dreamer,

just like Alan.

Maybe it's their bloodline.
I don't know.

Well, um, give me a call
if anything turns up, huh?

I don't want my husband
reminded of Alan.

If necessary,
Mrs. Brewer,

I'll keep coming back
until I get a lead.

A man called the house
the other day.

A money lender.

His name was Arikonian.

Alan owes him some money.

Your husband
didn't mention that.

I didn't tell him.


Uh, Intertect...


Ah, Joe.

Garlic, schmarlic.




Ah, Jo?


Is he in?



Wait a minute, Joe!

I said he's not in.

You know, Arman, you never
were much of a salesman.


When it's time to refurnish,

you always remember
your old companion

from the revolution,
and you always come back.

Well, I never forget
to keep you in front of me.

That's why I'm
still around.

And my eyesight
has never been A- ,

and my r*fle
was always rusty.

Come in, come in.

I want to talk, J.D.

My house is your house,

like they say
in America.

They say that in China.

How far off was I?

Call off your rug
salesman, J.D.

Now, let's put your samples
on the desk.

Listen, Joe,
I got new goods here.

Look at them.

How long has it been
since I carpeted your pad?

Yeah, I'm still
paying for 'em.

I got a new chenille
that was made for your place.

Pure white like snow.

Thick like sour cream.

This is a g*n in my hand, J.D.,
not a floor plan.

A g*n? Here?

What have we come to?

I want information.

J.D. Arikonian is a carpet man,
not a librarian.

I can always go to the police.

I bail easy.

I want to know,
uh, why you tried

to k*ll a customer

No, that must have been Arman.

He pressures too hard.

I'm talking about Alan Brewer.

Now, you listen to me carefully.

J.D. Arikonian
has a good name in carpets

and an excellent reputation
in the money lending business.

Once in a blue moon,

a customer falls behind
in his payment book,

so he gets a little lesson,

but I never put anybody away
for good in my life, Joe.

I have scruples.

You know that.

That deadbeat Brewer
is only on the books for $

to buy a crazy little car
for his kid.

Why'd you lean on his cousin?

A businessman must make
every effort to remain solvent.

Besides, the teacher
is paying for him now.

Uh, that teacher said
she never paid you a dime.

Just like a woman--

supports a bum
and then is ashamed to admit it.

She's lying, Joe.

Why do you think I'm here, J.D.?

You tell that Weber lady
that I'm holding a note

on that crazy house
up on that hill,

not that I want such a place
on my hands.

Well, thanks for the
information, J.D.

Joe... tell me something.

You don't know
this teacher girl.

Well, I do now.

You got a lead
out of me.

Well, thanks anyway, J.D.

I could have rolled you up
in a carpet

and dumped you
in the river

before you even got
to the door.

You're right, J.D.

This would look great
in my living room.

Arman Jarab,
stop it.

You want
to ruin the sale?

You know, I thought
all painters

had one ear
and starved.

I'm a teacher, Mr. Mannix.

I'm sure your detective work
told you that.

All right, teacher.

May I ask a question?

Now we've exchanged
this electric dialogue,

you must be exhausted.

Go home and lie down.

We've just begun
to know each other.

A pass won't work either.

All right, let's just talk.

Alan would be upset
if he found us together.

Jealousy in Bohemia?

I don't believe it.

Now, that I didn't expect.

You know, somewhere under
the well-tailored clothes,

I sense a free soul.

Now, you listen to me.

Yesterday on the street
while Alan ran like a thief

with his boy in tow,

somebody tried to run
him down with a truck.

You know, I'm surprised,
Mr. Mannix.

You seemed capable
of a better effort

to get me to tell you
where Alan is.

Will you try and
understand he's in danger?

I'd hand you your hat, but
you didn't come in with one.

You can't stay.

I'm not a

Why should
I run?

I need some red.

He said someone is trying
to k*ll you.

What for?

Half a sack
of salt?

You again.

Don't tell me;
you're alone.

g*nf*re doesn't
seem to bother you.

I thought it was a car.

Would you like to use the phone?

You're really hooked on sand,
aren't you?

Yeah, Mannix here,
get me Wickersham fast.

PhD in economics.

Hey, Lou.

You found Brewer
and his son.

You're close.

They get away again?

They did.

How, this time?

While I was trying
to put out a fuse.

What fuse?

Look, Lou, do me a favor,
will you?

Call Jacobsen at homicide.

Joe, homicide?

What is going on?

The deceased's name
is, uh, Stasik.

It looks like he might have
been a former pug.

You'll find his body

outside the house at
Canyon Crest Road.


Any idea who k*lled him?


I did.

You're serious
about the danger to Alan.

Well, that shouldn't bother
a cool kitten like you.

Now, what happened outside?

Oh, they just tried
to blow the house to the moon.

Or you staged
a little act.

Now, it doesn't
make any sense.

Why would anyone
want to k*ll Alan?

Well, if I don't get a lead
pretty quick,

you may not know
until the eulogy.

Yeah, now
that's getting close.

Most of her sketches
were beach scenes,

uh, at small dunes
with some scrub on it.

Oh, and these, uh,

the background bluffs
were kind of black and rocky,

you know, the kind
that takes a million years

to push
out of the ground.

I'm sure it's a place
you can drive dune buggies.

Probably Alan Brewer and the boy

are hanging out near there.

I'll have copies made
and pass them around.

If she's painting
a real location,

we can spot
it for you.



The fingerprints say
his name is Ed Regan--

locates missing heirs
to unclaimed estates

for a high percentage
of the take.

Operates on a borderline
between legality and extortion.

Hmm. You know,
it'd be interesting to know

if Alan Brewer is up
for any unclaimed estates.

You already know.

I ran it through the computer.

Complete list of missing heirs,
estates recently in probate,

the works.

Even went back years.


What about Stasik?

Minor hood, three priors.

One odd thing, though.

Nose broken twice
with no attempt at repair,

one cauliflower ear,
yet his teeth were capped.

About $ , worth
of cosmetic dentistry.

The whole thing
is preposterous....

Look, all I need...
...like the rest of your life.

...just enough to
get out of town.

Where to this time?

I don't know.

But you do know
that you need money.

I don't know what
I'm running from.

The way you live.

You were
a fine engineer once.

You spoiled your life,
now you're spoiling...

How do you
know that?

Even I don't know.

You knew enough to get a degree

with honors.

I knew what there was in books.

Well, for all
your apparent concern

for mankind and its fate,

somebody hates you enough
to k*ll you.

I'm very busy, Alan.

Bye, Cousin Daniel.


It's my
magic rock.


Yeah, Mannix here.

Get me Wickersham.

Joe, that sketch.

Sea Dunes Cove.

I'm on my way.

What about Regan?

Uh, well, it's like this, Lou.

Uh, you'd better get
Jacobsen again.

Joe, you didn't.

No, Lou, not this time.

What happened to your
concern for their safety?

I told Alan
what you said.

They're leaving town.

They don't seem to be
in much of a hurry.

You know why he's out there?

Because he promised Josh
one more ride in the buggy

and he'd never go back
on his word.


Alan, run!

Can't you understand,
I'm trying to help?

No. No, you want
to take Josh away.

Well, I'll never let
him give that boy up.

It would be
the end of him.

Where's Josh?

Adding to his
rock collection.

You're in trouble,

and that means
the boy is, too.

Well, what do you suggest?

Leave Josh
with his mother.

Convenient, the way
it turns out for Cloris.

She hires you
to talk me

into turning Josh
over to her

and suddenly,
things start happening,

and it's the only thing to do.

Just leave him there until
we find out what's going on.

Any kind of deal you want
to make with your former wife,

that's your business.

We'll be all right.

Leave the boy
with his mother.


Look, he's only a kid.

You want to run,
go ahead, but he's a baby.

He doesn't even have a choice.

Mr. Mannix,
my son is bright.

He's aware.

He's only eight,

but we haven't
neglected his education.

Fran and I tutor him.

We've taught him to love
the flowers and the birds

and everything that lives,

the desert and the sea.

He has shelter.

He has food,
and he has love.

What can Cloris give him
but a three-button suit

and an attaché case
when he's older.

Can you convey
the message?

Or shall
we write it down?

You're both acting
like a couple of kids.

Look, will you get
out of here?!

What is it?

I told Josh to wait
over there.

Maybe he's
just teasing.



Where is he? Josh!

Come on out, Josh!

Maybe he got frightened
when he saw Mannix.

I told him not to worry.

If anything happens
to that kid...



Get down!

My car's down the road;
get it and get out of here,

and call Lou Wickersham!

Who is it?

Hurry up.

I picked up your car
from Brewer.

He thinks
his son's been kidnapped.

What do you figure
they're after?

Oh, money, probably.
Who knows?

What are you asking me for?
This is your case.

How do you get
so invol...?
Shh! Lou, please!

Hey, uh, would you
like a drink?

Is somebody here?

Well, you know how it is.

I don't believe it.

You're on a case.

A boy has been kidnapped,

and you find the time
to entertain...

Lou, I'm down here.

I'd fire you right now,
but it would look bad
for Intertect.

So, I'll wait until this is
over, then I'll fire you.

I told Brewer
what his wife wants.

Well, how did you
find the time?

At least you did
what we were paid to do.

Now, Lou, we can't drop
the case, not now--

not while that boy is missing.

We won't, but if you
don't drop her...

Look, Lou... Lou!

Brewer will not
give up the boy.

Brewer doesn't have him
to give up anymore.

that's not our business.

An inheritance investigator
has been following Brewer.

Inheritance investigators are
usually looking for money.

I'd prefer you didn't go
in there, Lou.

All right, Joe.
I'll be very discreet.

You're on a big case
and it's, "Good-bye, doll.

Come back again
when he's not so busy."

Well, I wanted to keep
you out of this, Lou,

but, uh, since you insist.

Who knows about this?


I'm warning you.

Don't try to con me
into anything.

Look, now why didn't
they just sh**t Brewer
in the first place?

I mean, why
all this attempt

to make it look
like an accident?

Blowing up a house,
trying to run him
over with a car.

Joe, why did
you grab this kid?

Because I don't know what's
going on, I don't know why.

And the boy's father
won't protect him--

somebody's got to!

Before you talk me
into anything...

I'll swear you were
in on the whole thing.


...whole thing?

Give me an hour, Lou.
Just an hour.

Call the boy's mother.

Say he's disappeared,

and, uh,
that it looks bad,

but we'll keep it quiet

until they get a lead
on the thing, huh?

And you'd better tell
Alan's cousin, Daniel.

By the way,
where is Brewer staying?

A rooming house,
East th Street.

Good. Now, uh, at exactly
: a.m. call Fran Weber.

Say that, uh, you want
$ , in small bills,

and tell her that you'll
call back later

with delivery
instructions, huh?

Now, where are you going
while I become your accomplice?

I mean, just in case I'm
arrested before you get back.

To see what makes Alan run.

Lou? She must have given him
your message.

He's calling somebody right now.

He's rolling.

Honey, listen.
Alan's up to something.

He never agreed
to meet with me before.

Why now?
Why suddenly now?

Mr. Wickersham said
Josh was missing.

He didn't know why.
I want to know.

I know!

Alan's up to something.

Let me go, please.

Cloris, use
your head.

He's trying to work us out
of the bundle and the boy.

We asked to talk to him;
now he's willing.

I want to hear
what he has to say.

Josh has disappeared.


That's all they said.

The kid is missing
and it looks bad.

Dan, we've got
to do something.



Now, don't look
at me that way!

And don't tell me
the way I sound.

My dear cousin didn't see
me all those years

and that's just fine.

I will not become
involved again!

I don't think Josh is
really missing.

This is your way
of punishing me.

Josh has been kidnapped.

A man called.

They want $ ,
by noon tomorrow.

Who would ever expect me to have
that kind of money?

Where do you propose to get it?

From Bert?

He's the only one
I can turn to.

All right, Alan.

Bert will give us
the money; I'll see to it.

But you will sign a release.

There will not be
any custody hearing.

I don't know if you had
anything to do with this,
I don't care.

This settles the bill.

When we get Josh back,
he's mine.

He's mine!

Cloris, please...


It's all right;
it's just a scratch.

Get him out of here,

Don't you understand?
They're trying to k*ll you!

She's hurt!
I'll get her
to a doctor.

Now get him
out of here.

The label was
a pillbox tag

from the Happydayle
Convalescent Home.

Regan could have stepped
on that any place.

True, but Happydayle has
one interesting patient--

an old man named Fraser,
just back from Brazil.

What's so interesting
about him?

Five million.


Lou, I never thought you
were interested in money.

Fraser's family might be.

One branch is named Brewer.

Excuse me, nurse, but, uh,
is Mr. Fraser still in ?

Mr. Fraser was in .

He died.


Yesterday afternoon.

I didn't mean
to be so abrupt.

Was he a relative?

Uh, no, no.
Just a friend.

That's a shame.

They say he left
a very large estate.

Yeah, until yesterday,
there was no estate.

He never had
any visitors.

I wonder who will
get all that money?

I think there are
a few people

trying to settle
that out of court.

Oh, Mr. Mannix.

Listen, I've heard
what's been going on.

I mean, kidnappers...
and sn*pers.

How do people get
so involved?

Well, I thought
you might tell me.

Well, this poor fellow
fell down some steps.

I have to look it over
before I operate.

How can I help you?

Well, names keep
popping up.

Uh, for instance, Stasik.

Should I know him?

Well, it's a long shot.

Uh, he had some special
dental work done.

I thought you might know him.

What about Fraser?


That's Alan's mother's name.


Sure. Alan's your second
cousin-- you'd remember.

Old Jake was probably very
close to you two boys.

I mean, letters and postcards
from exciting places.


Jake Fraser?

Why don't we check
the file.

Maybe you forgot
Stasik, too.

I'll look.


Anton Stasik.


Was that his name?

You said Anton.

Well, that's the name
you gave me.

I only gave you his last name.

You forgot.

Did I?

Let's check again.

The name might have
just stuck in your mind.


Now, you wouldn't
be fool enough

to keep
an accomplice's record.

Or would you?

Maybe you forgot
to destroy Stasik's mold?

I gotta hand it
to you, Mr. Mannix.

You solved the crime.

You're the only one
with a motive.

There's the phone.

If I am wrong,
I'll never live it down.

Asking the police to look

for a m*rder suspect
in a wall full of teeth.

Yes, give me, uh,
Jacobsen in Homi...

An eight-year-old boy!

What took you so long?

Why did Regan have to come here?

All excited.

Drooling over his percentage
of the estate.

Regan must have thought you were
first in line for the money.

The way Alan lived,

with that machine
racing across the sand.

Anything could have
happened, anything!

And it would have, too,
sooner or later.

Yeah, so you decided
to give him a push, huh?

No. No, look, I,
I dismissed it from my mind.

It won't be hard to prove
you hired Stasik.

He came to me.

I don't bother
with people like that.

I don't know anybody like that.

He came in here.

In here!

There was a big fight
down the street.

He, he was hurt.
His jaw...

So you decided to make
a little deal, huh?

m*rder in exchange
for dental work.

Oh, that's an even trade.

His mouth was bad.

It needed work.

I told him that I would
do it for nothing

if he just let me try
some new techniques,

and he was, he was honored.

And I worked.

And I talked.

And it didn't take long
to convince him.

He had two friends to help.

Yeah, well, Stasik and one
of his friends are dead.

Now, what happened
to the other one?

I don't know.

Don't lie to me!

I don't know.

I don't stand
to inherit anymore.

Alan and the boy had to die

before Jake Fraser.

This way, Alan's going
to get the money.

Then the boy and the family.

I'm out of it forever.

Oh, I'd be real broken up

if I didn't know you tried
to k*ll an eight-year-old boy.

I'm glad you're here.

I'm glad they're alive.

Whatever I did,
I didn't k*ll anybody.

You had Regan k*lled.

No, no. No, I swear.

No, I don't know
what you're talking about.

Somebody tried to sh**t
Alan this morning.

That must have been
your third k*ller.

Now why didn't you call him off?

Stasik hired him.

I don't know who he is.

Let's go.

Did they call yet?

They just called me
at the office.

They want the money now.

They have the kid
with them.

I went right to the bank.

Excuse me.

You okay?


We'll get him back.

You look worried.

Yes, I'm worried.

Your friend in there.

I don't trust him.
He's up to something.

Be careful.

Look who ends up hero.

You can't blame yourself
for what happened to Josh.

No, blame him.

Blame all the Bert Lomans

who knuckled under
and made a conformist

success of their
lives, but not me.

Now, don't be so hard
on yourself.

You do things.

Make a list.

You love life,
you love people.

When this madness is over,

I'm going to explain to my son

why he should live
with his mother.


Cloris was honest.

Money was important.
She admitted it.

I'm going to tell
Josh that

walking on the sand
is wonderful,

but the sidewalks
are where the bread is made.

We'll take my car.

It's faster.

Can I get you anything?

Mrs. Loman, where's Alan?

Why, he just left
with Bert to get Josh.

What are you
talking about?

The kidnapper
called Bert's office

this morning right
after he got to work.

Bert took the money
out immediately.

We have partners.

Alan's still in trouble.

I knew it. I knew he was
up to something dirty.

This thing is a hoax.

It's something Alan dreamed up

so he could
get his hands

on Bert's money.
That's not true.

Don't worry about the boy.
He's all right.

He's with two Intertect agents
right now.

Do you know a man
named Ed Regan?

Uh, Regan...
only by name.

He telephoned recently,

but he spoke to Bert.


The attempt
at the coffee shop?

Now what is this about?

Look, all we want to do
is find him very quickly.

Now do you know
where they went?
He didn't say.

Do you know which way
they went?

North, I think.

The Hill road.

Mrs. Loman,
your husband owns

a rock quarry up there,
doesn't he?

Do you want
to come with me?

I don't see anyone.

Is this some
kind of trick?

No. No.
Josh has been kidnapped!

There's the cave.

Yeah, we're supposed to
leave the money there.

Maybe they backed out.

Nobody backs out
of $ million.

$ million?
I thought you said

it was a hundred thou...

Get into the cave.

Loman, what's this all about?

In the morning,
they'll dig you out.

Won't get laughs like that bit
you pulled at my wedding.

But I'm just a working stiff.

Let's go.

Go on.



You're a troubled man.

Money wouldn't help
a guy like you.

What money?!

Don't worry.
We'll take care of your heir.

We'll take good care of Josh.

I swear to God,
we'll give him a good life.

I don't have any money.

If you hadn't moved
at that coffeehouse,

this business would be finished.

You shot Cloris.

I hate your guts.


Put your g*n away!



Bert, what did
they do to you?

You wanted the boy.

I wanted you to have him.

All right, Bert,
do what they say.

We'll work it out.

It's all right, Bert.

Do what they say!
Get her out of here.

It will be all right.

It's not that easy,
is it Mannix?

Is that the g*n you k*lled
Regan with, Loman?

I wonder what all that money
is going to do to them.

I don't know.

I never had that problem.

You know, Lou...

All right, come on.
The case is closed, let's go.

No, no, not yet.

Cousin Daniel
hired three men.

One of them doesn't know
the case is closed.

Ah, don't worry, Lou.

I'll take care of it.
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