01x04 - The Many Deaths of Saint Christopher

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mannix". Aired: September 16, 1967 – April 13, 1975.*
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Joe Mannix works for a large Los Angeles detective agency called Intertect, using computers to help solve crimes.
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01x04 - The Many Deaths of Saint Christopher

Post by bunniefuu »





♪ ♪

♪ ♪

No! No!

♪ ♪



Come to my office please.

Why not the big
blond man?

Mister Vladek, Mister Wiem,

this is not a department store;

you don't get to shop
for the merchandise.

Don't bother
to change...
But he seems
so capable.

We represent Richterindustrie.

Ernest Stasos,

the head chemist at our Zurich
research facility,

has disappeared.

Any idea why he disappeared?

Several months ago he came to us
with the announcement

that he had discovered
a very cheap process

for reducing

into %

a process worth tens
of millions of dollars.

He demanded
a bonus:

one million dollars.

Naturally we refused.

We threatened to have him
arrested and he fled.

Sounds like a straight case
of grand theft.

Why don't you go to the police?

I shouldn't think our personal
motives would interest you.

They do...

unless you really prefer
the big, blond man.

We are not interested
in retribution,

Mr. Mannix.

We need the

We want you to find him
and buy back the formula

for the million dollars
he originally demanded.

Why do you think
he's in this country?

Mr. Wickersham.

Yes, Joe,

we have some photographs
we'd like you to see.

This is Staso''

She arrived here
a few weeks ago

to enroll as a student
at the university.

We believe Stasos
sent for her

and will make contact
with her.

Why don't you just, uh,

tell his daughter
you'll meet his terms?

He wouldn't
believe us.

He was in a concentration
camp during the w*r,

and he has a morbid horror
of imprisonment.

The moment we threatened him,
we lost him.

Do you, uh, have
a photograph of him?

Unfortunately, no.

The girl is
the only lead to him.


let me discuss this
with Mr. Mannix.

I'll phone you
this afternoon.

Good day,
Mr. Wickersham.

Good day, Mr. Wiem.
Good day,

Mr. Mannix.

All right, what's bugging you?

A lot of things.

Why don't they stake out
the girl?

Well, Stasos might
be keeping an eye on her.

If he sees them near her,
he'd take off.

You're sure they're not
kidding about the money?

Uh-uh, it's already
on deposit.

In our bank,
in our trust account.

And we've already checked
the credentials of both men.


I use the girl to
trap her father

and force a million
dollars on him.

Maybe he doesn't
want it.

You know, you can really start
feeling sorry for this girl

if you don't get to Stasos
before he sells that formula,

because then our clients
will call in the police,

and Stasos will end up
in prison.

You know, Lou,
it's great to work

for a humanitarian

I'm going to need
some help.


Mannix here.

What are you doing
after work?

I thought I was going home.

I'll meet you in the garage
building at : .


So you're going
to play the hero.

The -pound weakling

who beats up
the big bully.

♪ The boat that I rode
won't cross the ocean ♪

♪ The boat that I rode
won't get me there soon ♪

♪ I've got the love
if you've got the notion ♪

♪ The boat that I rode's big
enough for two... ♪

♪ Saying these things
so you know me, baby ♪

♪ You understand
what I'm all about ♪

♪ The boat that I rode
won't cross the ocean ♪

♪ The boat that I rode
won't get me there soon ♪

♪ I've got the love
if you've got the notion ♪

♪ The boat that I rode's big
enough for two ♪

♪ Just me and you. ♪

Thank you very much.

♪ ♪

♪ She spent every night
just raisin' Caine ♪

♪ Johnny, Bill and Joe ♪

♪ They all meant the same ♪

♪ She tried to hide... ♪

Hiya, honey.

Hey, why don't we slip
outta this place

and find some place
with real action?

No, thank you.

Say, there's a topless
place down the street

that has a real show.

Please leave
me alone.
Hey, listen,

I was just trying to extend
a courteous invitation.

I don't think
the lady's interested.

Hey, man,

do you mind if I finish
the set by myself.

Are you all right?

Yeah, yeah.

Let me help you.

It's all right.

I'm fine.

It is because of me
that you're hurt.

I'm sorry about
that trouble, Miss...

My name
is Rina Kirgen.

Well, I'm, uh...

Joe Mannix.

Let me do something
about that cut.

Come on with me.


♪ She spent every night
just raisin' Caine... ♪



I think that should
be all right, hmm?

How is the coffee?


But it's better than that
stuff at the coffee house.

It's Serbian coffee.

Mr. Mannix...


...why did you help me?

The name is Joe,
and I helped you because...

tried to help you,
because you were in trouble.

Is that enough reason
to help someone?

Where I come from it is.

You are lucky.

Where do you come from, Rina?

The place that I come from
no longer exists.

Why did you come here?

America is where all little
girls go if they're good.

I've loved America ever
since I was old enough to read;

about baseball games,

and the great election trains

that go roaring
through the country;

and the shows on Broadway,

and the people
who smiled at strangers.

I-I was never able
to come before.

But then...

things happened,
and I could come.

Joe, why did you
really help me?

Wasn't my reason
good enough?

You could have
called the, uh,

what do they call him?

Uh, bouncer?
The bouncer.

Then I wouldn't
have met you.

You could have
just come over.

You seemed to want
to be alone.

I did.

Uh, it is late,

I... I'm sorry.

It's only : .

I don't want to have
to ask you to go,

but I have an : class
tomorrow morning,

and I still have
some studying to do.


No, it is not.

Perhaps he has moved
to a different address.


It was a wrong number.

I-I hope you will
be all right.

I'd like to see
you again, Rina.

I would like that.


you did not ask
for my telephone number.

Oh, I've got it.

You see, the telephone
company has a very
convenient practice,

they put the number on the
center of the dial.

Good night.

Be right with you.

Where are we going?

I'd like you to meet
some friends of mine.

See how they
like the water.

So, what's not
to like?

What does that mean?

You know, I never
did find out.

My mother always used to say,
"So what's not to like?"

And I'd say,
"I don't know, Ma."

And she'd say, "See?"

And that was
the end of it.

To this day,
I don't know what it means.

Is that really true?


No, I never really
knew my mother.

Maybe that's why it's so
difficult to know you.

You know all there
is to know about me.

I'm a promising auto mechanic
who has a way with animals.

Let's go see the bears.

So, an automobile mechanic

who has a way with animals.

That cannot be all.

No, it's not. Uh...

I'm not really an auto mechanic.

That's just a cover.

Well, what are you, then?

I'm a landscape painter.

Waiting to be discovered?

And I was discovered yesterday
by my landlady.

She gave me three days

to get all the junk
out of my apartment.

It is nice to be with you, Joe.

Sometimes you even
make me forget.


Who I am.

Who are you, Rina?

A student

who must get all Bs
in order to stay in school.

They are
a nice family, huh?




Who is that man?

The one
over there.

The one with his back to us?

He was with us when we came in,

and again over by the elephants.

I think he's following us.

Oh, come on.

Who'd want to follow us?

Let's go. Please.

Sure. Tell you what we'll do.

We'll go over to Rudy Galucci's
for spaghetti.

If he follows us over there,

we'll hit him in the face
with a hot pizza.

Fair enough?

Fair enough.

Let's go.

The board of directors
of Richterindustrie

is meeting a week
from tomorrow.

We must know by then

whether Stasos' refining process
will be available to us,

if that is not too much to ask.

Taking the girl on trips
to the zoo is no doubt amusing.

What would you suggest,
take her up to my place

and beat the information
out of her?

She happens to be scared
and cautious,

and she doesn't
trust anybody.

We do not deny...

And you're not
helping matters

by sending
your friend along

to follow us.
She spotted you.

She could not have
recognized me.

She didn't have to.

All that she has to know is
that somebody is tailing her.

You hired us because
you wanted a stranger,

somebody who wouldn't
scare off her father.

We were taking

Yeah, you keep
taking precautions,

you're going to blow
this whole case.

May I remind you,
Mr. Mannix,

that it is we
who are hiring you.

You think I'm incompetent,
fire me.

Mr. Wiem didn't mean
to imply...


If you trust me,
stay out of my way

so I can get the job done.

I want a complete rundown
on all of them--

Vladek, Wiem

and that, uh, business
associate of theirs, Dedjan.

I want their story checked
out from beginning to end,

and I want to know everything
there is to know about Stasos.

How come?

I'd like to know
who I'm working for.

All of a sudden?
They want
results fast.

I'm going to have to put
the clamps on that girl.

Before I do, I want to be
very sure of Vladek and Wiem.

And it isn't enough that
they've already paid us

a rather substantial sum
of money to get results?

I repeat-- how come?

You're asking a
lot of questions.

Oh, I'm sorry.
I thought that was my job.

Just like your job was
to get the girl hooked on you,

not the other way around.

Oh, you're letting your
imagination run wild.

She's a person, that's
all, but she is that.

I may have to hurt her.

Before I do, I want
to be sure there's a
good reason, okay?


All right, Corey,
start coding this

to our Zurich representative.

Subject, Richterindustrie.

Employees, B. Vladek.

W. Wiem.

You need a new fuel pump.

I just had
one put in.

Then you need a new mechanic.

Are you kidding
about that fuel pump?


What did you find out?

Well, my car should be
in such good condition.

Vladek has been an employee
of Richterindustrie

since and a
director since .

They hired Wiem
away from Krupp

to become head of
research operations.

Their credentials
are accepted

by every important business
organization in this world.

On Stasos--
he was hired in .

I got that from the head
of personnel

who cleared the entire story

right down
the line.

Any comment?

You've been running your car
on two quarts of oil.

That will be four dollars
and cents.


Well, can I at least have
my trading stamps?


Joe, I got you the information
you wanted.

What's the matter now?

I'll tell you
what's the matter, Lou.

There's a shy, frightened girl
who came here thinking

maybe for the first time
she had an outside chance

of leading a quiet,
peaceful life.

Now her good, trusted friend
is going to turn that life

into a nightmare.

Any other questions?


Here try this.

Miss Welles,
Miss Haskins said

you wanted to see me
before I left.

Uh, yes.

You've done very
well here, Rina,

and we're all very
happy with you,

but I'm afraid
we'll have to...

Well, we'll have
to let you go.

For what reason?

Oh, it's nothing
personal against you.

It's just that,

well, business hasn't
been that good,

and the other girls
have been here longer.

If there's something
I can do...

No. No, thank you.

Miss Haskins will mail your
paycheck in the morning.

Rina Kirgen?


I have a summons
for you to appear

in Municipal Court
Friday morning.


There's been a suit
brought against you

for injuries from
an auto accident.

That doesn't make sense.

I've never been in
an automobile accident.

That's the best
defense I ever heard.

I hope it holds
up in court.



Look, you
got a minute?

Could it wait until later,
Mr. Neiman?

I've had a very upsetting day,
and I would like to lie down.

Well, that's
the problem.


You got no
place to lie.

What do you mean?

I had to lock it up,
your apartment.

Orders from the owner.

Says he can't afford

to keep people
who don't pay their rent.

But I put the money
under your door the day before

I didn't get it.

If it is missing,
I will make it up.

But-But you have got
to give me time.

Me, you got no problem with,
but the owner-- he's stubborn.

I will get the money.

He's got to let me in
if I get the money.

If the place isn't rented
by then.

I'll try to talk to him,
but he's hard to reach.

He's a busy man.

I have got to get
into that apartment.

There will be telephone calls.

♪ A girl that'll stay ♪

♪ And won't play games
behind me ♪

♪ I'll be what I am ♪

♪ A solitary man ♪

♪ Solitary man ♪

♪ I've had it to here ♪

♪ Being where... ♪

I know a guy who's a lawyer.

I'll get him to check
into that summons,

and I'll see about
getting you a job.

Now, in the meantime,

I've got a place for
you to stay tonight.

No, I must go home.

I have to be
in my apartment tonight.


I-I'm expecting
an important telephone call.

It won't do you any good
to be in the apartment.

The phone's been

I checked with
the manager.

Can't they turn it back on?

Not until
tomorrow morning.

Look, why don't you just
call the party yourself?

I can't.

I have no number.

Well, I'm-I'm sure
it's gonna be all right.

Now, in the meantime, I've
got a friend, Charley Johnson.

He runs the Majestic

It's a nice place,

and he'll put you
up for the night.

♪ A solitary man ♪

♪ Solitary man. ♪

We've had her fired, evicted,
and served with a phony summons.

She's so scared and confused,

she doesn't know
what's happening.

You think she
will go to Stasos?

I don't think
she knows where he is.

He always contacts her.

In fact, he's called her twice
while I was there.

You had a tap
on the line?

No. A tap would be
a waste of time.

Stasos is too clever for that.

I'm sure he calls her from
a different pay phone each time.

Well, then, how do
you know he called?

The phone rang both nights
at about : .

Rina pretended
it was a, uh, wrong number.

Now I figure
when he calls tonight,

and finds the phone

he's going to go over
to the apartment

to find out what's happened.

When he does,
I'll be waiting.

The number you have dialed
is no longer in service.

The number you have dialed
is no longer in...

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Sit down.
Wait, please!

Listen to reason.
You better make it good.

I don't like being hit on
the head, especially by clients.

We never had anything to do...
You were the only ones
who knew where I was going.

I didn't even
tell my office.

Stasos showed up and you tried
to k*ll him. Why?

I want to know
who you are

and what you're
really after.

Our credentials are
in perfect order.

We are representatives
of the Richterindustrie.

I'm well aware of that.

What else are you?

We are hunters,
Mr. Mannix.

We have been hunting
for over years now.

For what?


In September of ,

there existed
a small town named Kozna

in the central plain of Serbia.

It was occupied
by the Germans.

On the fifth day
of that September,

the underground
destroyed the supply depot.

The Nazis gave us hours
to give up the partisans.

Of course we refused.

And they herded
us from our homes,

and marched us down
to the square

before the Church
of St. Christopher.

There they kept us waiting

for three hours in the hot sun.


And then they turned
the machine g*ns on us.

They k*lled of us.

But nine of us lived.

We took an oath of vengeance.

And Stasos?

Stasos is Hermann Mueller.

Formerly Captain Mueller,
of the S.S. unit

in Kozna.

We have been hunting them
for years now.

Some of us have been
k*lled by them.

But we have done well, too.

Only last week,
in Copenhagen,

Lieutenant Rolf Passauer

met with an unfortunate

Now only Stasos remains.

When he is k*lled,
our work is ended.

You hired me to do the job.

We hired you to serve justice.

Justice is for the law.

We will decide what justice is.

It's a pretty big

I'm not sure you're up to it.

I'm not sure
anybody is.

You have not shared
our suffering.

You're not qualified
to lecture us.

Maybe not.

But I don't like being lied to.

We regret that.

But now that you know
our purpose,

will you help us?

Sorry, I don't
believe in lynch mobs.

Very well, then.

We will find Stasos
without you.

But I must warn you
that any interference

would be very dangerous.

Hello, Charley.

My old friend, Mannix.

What are you doing
these days?

Eh, I'm running
a catering service.

What room is the girl in?

What girl?

Oh, come on, Charley.

I've got enough problems
as it is.

The girl I sent over
last night, Rina.

You must be doing business
with my competitors.

We've been friends a long time,

Charley, and I
hope you won't

be offended if I ask you
a very personal question.

In words, there's no offending.

Did someone pay you to forget
the girl showed up last night?

Mannix, I'm glad you
asked me that question,

because it shows
you're learning human nature.

But the answer is no.

Okay, Charley.


For what?

I hope you find her.

I hope she's worth looking for.

She is.

♪ ♪

Any problems?

She came back to the apartment
to ask for messages.

I waited until she got back
to the street

before I grabbed her.

Nobody saw.

Who are you?

It doesn't matter.

What do you
want from me?

We want your father.

Where is he?

I have no father.

My father was k*lled in the w*r.

Where is your father,
Ernest Stasos?

I don't know, please!


Now, what do you know?

I was a child
when he went away.

He used to send me
letters saying

some day he would
come for me.

Then, when my mother died,

they sent me
to a children's home

and I never
heard from him again.

Until now.

Un-Until he sent for me.

What else?

That's all there is.

I talk to him on the telephone.

Each night he calls

with a signal to
let each other know

that everything is all right.

But I've never seen him.

You're lying!

We know you met him.

I'm telling you the truth.


You must know it's only a matter
of time before we find him.

What shall we do with her?

Leave her here.

She knows nothing.

Somebody will come
tomorrow to let you out.

In the meantime,
you might as well relax.

There is no way you
can get out of here.

♪ ♪

Don't move.

Put down that phone.

Stand up.

Keep your hands high.

Mr. Stasos.

You know very well
who I am, Mr. Mannix.

Where is my daughter?

I don't know.

You will do better than that,
Mr. Mannix.

I was hired to find you
and offer you

$ million for a chemical
formula you developed.

I've developed talents
I never knew I had.

Do you believe that story?

I double-checked the personnel
records of Richterindustrie.

They say you were working
for them since .

They own the company.

They can fake the records
any way they want.

I know that now.

When they tried to sh**t you,
I dropped the case.

When you objected
to their story,

they must have
offered you another.

They say you were
a w*r criminal.

They say you were
responsible for the slaughter

of the entire
town of Kozna.

They told you that?

They are the criminals.

We've been hunting
them down for years.

And now that I have found them,
they have hired you

to help them k*ll me.

Sit down please.

Do you know how long
the town of Kozna lived?


In one night,
it was erased forever.

We lined up in the courtyard
of the St. Christopher Church.

I will never
forget them.

Your Vladek was in charge
of the operation.

Today, he sits

on the Board of Directors
of the Richterindustrie,

a man to whom
all honors come.

Wiem, he commanded
the SS Squad.

And that other one, Dedjan.

He was the lieutenant
in charge of the r*fle squad

that went through the bodies

with their bayonets.

My wife...
was k*lled by the b*ll*ts.

I held my little girl,
my Rina, in my arms.

I covered her with my body

so that they would not see her.

I lay still.

They passed over me,
thinking I was dead.

My little boy...

he was k*lled
with the bayonets.


Joe, is it you?

Yeah, it is.

Why didn't you go
to the Majestic Apartments?

I wanted to stay closer
to the house.

I left messages for you,

but, but you never called
your service.

Where are you now?

In a, a big factory

with, with two large towers

where, where they mix cement.

A man grabbed me
on my way from the house

an-and he brought me here.

Who is it?

Do you know where the plant is?

We, we went off a, a dirt road,

off th-the main highway.

There was a railroad siding.

Yeah, I know where that is.

I'll be out there right away.

Rina, your father's with me.

Where is she?

She's in a cement mixing
plant north of Agoura,

seems to be all right.

It's a trap.

They'll be waiting there.

It's a chance
I'll have to take.

I'll go with you.

No, they're
looking for you.

Alone, I may get
her out safely.

But she is
my daughter.

Then you wouldn't want her
caught in a g*n battle.

Now you wait here.

♪ ♪


Your papa
will be here soon.

We'll have a surprise
for him, won't we?

That's better.

Now, you stand right here

where your papa can see you.

I don't know
who's in danger, Lou.

All I know is a few people
don't like each other.

Look, how long do you figure it
will take the police

to get out to this plant?

Oh, forget it. By that time...
Wait a minute.

Tell 'em to be
at the girl's apartment.

Tell 'em to wait
out in the hall, out of sight.

And if I'm not there in an hour,

you'd better not count on me
keeping the appointment.


♪ ♪

♪ ♪


Where's Mannix?

I can't see him,

but I think he's behind the bank
on the north side.

And Stasos?

He'll be here.

Mannix is probably
waiting for him.


Someone's above you
on the tower.


I'm not sure.

Let him come.

Stasos shot Wiem.

I can see him,
but I can't get at him.

Use the girl.

Stasos! It's finished!

We have your daughter!

There is no escape!

Throw your g*n out and come out
with your hands on your head!

I will count to five!

If you have not come out
by then, we will k*ll her!

I'm not bluffing,






Let her go!

She's done nothing!

She's your daughter!


Your time is up!


Oh, papa!


drop the g*n.

This reunion
will have to wait.

We're getting out of here.
Let's go.


I'm very curious
about something.

What would have happened
if I hadn't jumped Dedjan?

I told you
we are grateful.

That's not what I meant.

I was wondering how you
could take such a chance

with your
daughter's life.

There was no danger to her.

They did thr*aten to k*ll her.

They would have done nothing.

You can be that sure
they wouldn't?

Nazis? Men who slaughtered
an entire town?

I have no time for analysis.

Rina, are you ready?

I'll tell you why you weren't
worried, Stasos,

'cause you're the n*zi.

Vladek was the hunter.

That's not true!

A hunted man can't make
a mistake, Stasos.

You made one.

You said Dedjan was in charge
of the firing squad.

Dedjan is years old.

Kozna happened years ago.

That would have made him
years old at the time.

Get your things.

Old enough to be a victim,
not an S.S. lieutenant.

Papa, this can't be true.

Take your things!


I never knew you.

I only
dreamed about you.

It would have been better
if you had let me dream.

Ernest Stasos?

He k*lled a man
at the Agoura
Cement Plant.

There were a couple of others
there, Vladek and Dedjan.

Yeah, they've
been picked up.

We just got the report.

Did you know
your father?


Was he a nice man?

I had a father, too.

He was tall and strong

and each night he would lift me
up in his arms

when he came home from work.

And every year
on my birthday

he brought me a red-and-white
cake with tiny candles on it

and he sang a song to me.

He was a very good man,

and he loved his
daughter very much.

I was a very happy girl.
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