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09x09 - The Best of the Best / Art's Parts

Posted: 07/28/23 10:31
by bunniefuu
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[Theme music playing]

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face
is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ Then throw some mighty
words your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
"ancient" and "twist."

It's a lovely afternoon
at the botsford house.


Can't you tell?

I'm practicing
the ancient art
of paper folding,

Known as origami.

It's my new thing.

Paper can be folded
and twisted

Into so
many cool shapes

Like a kite
or a flower

Or a dragon.

Narrator: wow!

Which one's the dragon?

Becky, put down
those paper rocks
and get excited,

my new friend victor,

The most popular kid
in my class,

Is coming over
for a play date

To our house!

Yeah, that's,
uh, great, tj.

Friends are fun.

You don't understand,

This kid is the best
at, well, everything.

Soccer, best.
Math, best.

Wait a minute.

This kid victor,
who's the best at everything,

His last name wouldn't
happen to be...

Isn't that cool?

the best part,

'Cause he's the best
at everything,

And when
you describe him,

You get to just
keep saying, "best,
best, best, best."

[Doorbell rings]
ooh! He's here!


I'm just glad
it's victor coming over

And not his sister

She just has to be
the best at everything.

It really irritates me.

Whoa! Two bests!

Victoria! Hey!

Hi, becky.
Hi, becky's brother.

I'm tj.

I brought my sister
with me.

I was hoping
that would be okay.

Okay? It's the best.

Becky, have you met
my brother victor? He's--

Let me guess. The best?

Not exactly.
He's good,

But more like
the second best.

in my own family,
I'm the best.

You might say
I'm the best
of the bests.

You would say it.
You'd have to,

'Cause it's true.

Sorry about
all this "the best" stuff.

I don't really think
I'm the best.

Just a name really.

Oh, wow, that's
so nice to hear, victor.

I mean,
even second best
can be pretty good.

You don't have to be
the absolute best
just to be happy.


Victor, want to go play
a little basketball?

My hoop is...well, I don't
know if it's the best,

But I like it.

Sure, teej,
let's do it.



Is that origami?

Yeah, actually...

I'm the best at that!

Of course you are.

[Paper crinkling]
ooh! Har har!

See? I'm the best.

Look, it's a dragon,

And it blows fire,
and it flies.

[Dragon screeches]

Why don't we do
something else?

Maybe a tour
of the house?

Or the bus stop?

Or the best stop.


Whoa! You really are
the best!

Eh, not really.

Who could be better
than you?

I'm sure not. Look.



Hey, are you better
than your sister
becky, though?

I never thought about it,
but, yeah.

Sure, I am better
than her.

In that case,
I say we challenge
becky and victoria

To a boys versus girls
sh**ting contest.

Winner gets the title
of being the best.

Sure. Games are fun.

Pfft! It's not a game.

It's a competition
to see who's the best

And who's not.

Uh, yeah,
that sounds fun, too.

This is my favorite room.

Really? Even though
it's non-best?

Wow! This is not even close
to being the best.

How old is this thing?

It seems ancient.

I don't think so.

"Ancient" means
very, very old
or from the past.

That couch was bought
a few years ago,

So it's certainly
not ancient.

Yeah, well, whatever it is,
it's not the best.

[Door opens]

Hey, you guys, victor
had the best idea.

[Laughs] oh, we'll see
about that.

Okay, I really can't
take any more of this.

We're going to have
a basketball sh**ting contest,

Boys versus girls.

Fine. Anything to get
out of here.

Yay! Another chance
to prove that
I'm the best!

I should probably
be on my own team.

you go first, becky.

Take any shot you want,
and if you make it,

Someone from
our team has to make
that same shot.

The first team
to miss sh*ts loses.

Victoria: making
the other team the best.

Here's the shot
your team has to make.


He is simply the--

not the best.

Okay, good, now it's--

Give me that ball.

Okay, I don't want
any trouble.

Victoria: got it!

My turn!

Nothin' but net!

Victoria: cha-ching!

Victor: swish!

I got this!

You didn't say "swish."

[Music playing]


Next person to miss

And it won't be me!

ha! You missed!

Uh-uh. This shot
has a great twist to it.

Wait for it.


Obviously it's the best!

Have you ever seen
anything like that?

Nature and sports
together as one!

That was actually
pretty amazing.

I'd even say it's...
[Gulp] the best.

Listen to him!
It is the best!

No! No, it isn't!

I can make that shot!


I won! I won!

I think you mean we won.

No, I didn't.

I don't like
that game anyway.

the best! Me!

I am who
I'm talkin' about!

The best! Whoo!

I'm so glad
you guys came over.

later, in tj's tree house...

Check it out.
Not to brag,
but I am president

Of the word girl
fan club.

That's great, tj.

Really something.

Oh, and this?
This is a photo I took

With word girl. Huh?

Wait. Wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait.

You've actually met
word girl?

Oh, yeah. We're
basically best friends.

Or maybe close friends?


Word girl
has superpowers.

She could probably
beat my sister victoria
at lots of things.

Do you really
know word girl?

Oh, sure.

Oh, yeah? Prove it.

Simply call out
that you're in danger
and need help,

And word girl
will detect your cry

With her super-hearing
and come and rescue you...

Or something like that.

Um, I don't know.

That seems like
it's not the best idea.

Oh, it's the best idea,
all right.

Trust me. Just give me
a few minutes with these tools.

I'll prepare
a special surprise
for word girl,

And then
you'll call her here,

And then everything
will be the best.

Okay, I guess.






I got one to go!

I'm the best
at gloating!

We get it!
You're the best!


Tj: help! Word girl!
I'm in trouble!

It's tj botsford,
and I'm in my tree house,

And I need help!

did you hear that?

My brother's in trouble!

He's calling
for word girl!

He is? Where?

I don't...what?


I guess I'm the best
at not being rude

And saying good-bye.

Tj: what is this machine
for exactly?

Oh, this?
It's just a ray

That will steal
word girl's powers

And give them
all to me.

Nice. What?!

And then I'll finally
be the very best!

Even better than
my sister victoria!

[Laughing maniacally]


Here I am!

I'm here
to save you from--

Word girl, I am so sorry!

I didn't know
anything about this!

Why are you apologizing?

Because I'm the best!



Why wasn't I told
about this tree
house meeting?

Don't worry about it,

Just stand back,
and I'll take care of this.

Word up!

Why am I not flying?

Because, word girl,
I stole all your power,

And now
I'll be the best.

[Gasp] no!

The best! Me!

Victor best, not victoria!

Me! I'm the best!

Flying is the best.

What do we do?

Psst! Word girl,
I have the best idea.

You do?


[Gasp] that's
a great idea, victoria!

Thank you.

Yeah, I'm pretty much
the best at ideas.

You had to ruin it.

I'm the best
at ruining it.

Word girl: it's too bad
victor didn't get
all my powers.

Then he really
would be the best.

What do you mean,
"all your powers"?

Well, my biggest
and best superpower

Is actually
an ancient secret.

That means old.

Right. Anyway,
if you want to know
that superpower,

You'll have to come
stand next to me

So I can whisper it
to you.

Okay, seems reasonable.

Now tell me
about the secret power.

Now, victoria!

Onto my bulldozer!



[Groans] my powers!

For one shining moment,
I was the best.

Wow! Victoria best
saving the day.

That's a surprising twist,

Could you just tell
victor and tj
what "twist" means?

"Twist" means to bend
or curl something,

Like how you twisted
the paper into different shapes.

Oh, but a twist can also be
something unexpected

Or surprising in a story,

Like how you actually
helped me stop victor

And get my powers back,

Even though we usually
don't get along at all.

Are you kidding me?

There was no way
I was going to let

Someone else be
the best.

I'm the best! Me!

Victoria best!

It's my name!

Wait! Word girl,
I'm really sorry
for calling you

When I didn't have
a real emergency.

I don't know
what got into me.

That's okay, tj.

But a friend that
asks you to do stuff
you don't want to do

Probably doesn't deserve
your friendship.

You're right.
You're always right!

And you're still
the best word girl fan I know.

Wow! Did she say
I'm the best?

No, I don't think so.
No way.

I think you
heard her wrong.

Oh, hey, you guys.
Did I miss anything?

You sure did!

First, victor
built this crazy machine,

Then word girl came in...

Narrator: and so
in a shocking twist,

Victoria best helps word girl
save the day,

Proving that
in the ancient story

Of good versus evil,
good is always the best.

Join us next time
for another stupendous,

Amazing, twisty, turny episode
of the best superhero.

That's right, I'm talking
about word girl!

♪ Word girl ♪

I'm beau handsome,

And this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may.

Today's featured word
is "discard."

To give you a clue,

Here are some clips
from "word girl"

That show the meaning
of the word.

[Game show music playing]


Phil, go ahead.

"Discard" means
to get rid of something

You don't want anymore.


And don't mind
if I do.

Uh, what are you doing?

I'm tired of being
a game show host!

I want to follow
my lifelong dream.

I want to dance!

[Dance music playing]

Uh, are you going
to tell me what I've won?

Indeed! Huggy,
show phil what he's won!


Dance lessons from none other
than yours truly,

Beau handsome!

Uh, I'm not sure
I want dance lessons
from you.

Of course you do.


Well, that's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: today's words
are "evasive" and "linger."

Ah, yes, another calm day.


And another wild
and crazy crime.



Heh heh heh!

Narrator: meanwhile,
becky botsford is at school

her latest masterpiece.


Wow, violet,
yours is really good.

Thanks, becky.

[Gasp] oh, violet!

That is
a wonderful painting.

I'd like to show this
at the art fair
this weekend.

Uh, becky,
if you need help
with your painting,

Don't be afraid to ask.

I do have one art question
that maybe you could answer.

Certainly, becky.
What is it?

Can you define what
makes something "art"?

Because I'm not
very good at painting,

So I'm not sure I even
know what art is.

Well, let's see.

Art is...hmm.

I'm not sure words
can describe

Exactly what makes
something a work of art.

But why not?

That's what words do.

They describe things.

I don't mean
to sound evasive,

But when it comes
to defining what's art,

You kind of just
know it when you see it.

Hmm. Maybe art
just isn't my thing.

Or maybe it is
your thing,

And you don't
know it yet.


Uh, what just happened?




[Students gasp]



Hold still!


Where'd you go?

It's like this thing
knows what I'm going to do

Before I even do it!




Bob, quick!



Let's see how evasive
you are now.


still pretty evasive.

Narrator: later,
on the school playground...

violet, are you okay?

Who would do this,

Who would steal art
from the school?

I don't know,
but whoever it is

Has been stealing art
all over town.

that is so sad.

If there is
no more art at school,

That would be the worst,
most awful crime

That has ever happened
in all of history ever.

Uh, sure,

But don't you think maybe
you're overreacting a bit?

No, I think
I'm under-reacting a lot.

But we still have
the most important classes,

Like reading and writing
and spelling and...

Those are not
the most important classes!

Uh, yes, they are.

But they're
all just words.

Just words?

What could be
more important
than words?


Art, more important
than words?

Yes, and more powerful.

Ta! Art? Powerful?

Yes! Super-powerful!

I bet art
can even stop crime

than word girl.

Oh, really?
And how would that work?

Uh, well...



Bob, nothing violet just said
makes any sense to me.

But she's my best friend,

So for her, let's go set
an art thief trap.

Narrator: later,
a shipment of priceless art

Is delivered to the museum.

I wonder what's inside.

Now we play
the waiting game.

Narrator: huh. I was kind of
hoping to get off work early.

How long do you plan
on waiting here?

I don't know,

But I promise
I'm not going
to linger around

Any longer
than necessary.

I'm glad to hear that...

I think.

Now, what does "linger" mean?

Oh. The word "linger"
means to wait around
in a place

Or spend a long time
over something.

For example, I knew
we might have to linger
here for a while,

for the art thief,

So I brought
a deck of cards
to pass the time.

Should I deal you in?




Well, the wait
is over, huggy.

We're finally going
to find out

The identity of
the evasive art thief.

[Door opening]

[Gasp] the learnerer?!

Word girl?!

What an unexpecteded

The word is "unexpected,"
not "unexpecteded," learnerer!

You say potato,
I say potato-o.

Then you say it wrong!










What brings you
to my evil research lair?

I'm here to arrest you

And return
all this stolen art

To where it belongs.

[Orb stretching]

of stolen art,

Let's see what you have
in the truck for me.

Hey! These art containers
are empty!

Unless the empty containers
are the artwork.

Uh, are they?

You tell me.

You're the art expert.

Art expert?

I'm called the learnerer

Because all I have to do
is see somethinging once

And I learner it.

But when it comes to art,

So far, I haven't

I know what you mean.

I've read every art book
in the library,

And I'm still not
even sure what art is.

I mean,
can someone tell me

What makes that art?

Word girl: I know!

what's the difference

Between a great masterpiece

And just smearing
a bunch of colors
on canvas?

And look at this.
What do you see?

A green dog.


But my files say
that dogs are not green.

So why did the art maker
make this art?

Maybe the artist
ran out of paint
that was dog-colored?

Hmm! I wish you
were more clear and
straightforward, art!

Me, too.

Sometimes I think
art people are trying
to be evasive.


The learnerer hasn't
learned that word yet.

Word girl,
would you mind?

Not a bit.

When you say something
is evasive,

It's another way of saying
that thing is hard to get

Or unclear
in a confusing way.


Yes, art people do seem like
they're confusing and evasive.

[Sigh] maybe we'll
never understand art.

The learnerer will!

The learnerer
never gives
up on learnering!

Oh, no, no, no, no!

I never give up
on learning, either.

I just meant--

And if my new art analyzerer
machine works,

I will finally learn
the most evasive secrets

Of what makes art art.

Eee hee hee hee ahh!

A machine that
tells you what art is?

That's a great invention!

How does it work?

Like this!

The machine works
by smashinging the art object

Into tiny bits
and then measuringing,

and analyzinging the pieces.

By studyinging
art's smallest parts,

We will finally understand
the whole thing!


Uh, I don't think so,

But either way,

I can't let you
destroy stuff

That doesn't belong to you.


Hey! Turn off
that machine!


Oh, come on, word girl.

Don't you want to learn
the secret ingredients
of great art?

To know
the building blocks

That give a masterpiece
its power?

To finally discover
art's smallest parts?!


Oh, no!
Violet's art project!




Wait! Please don't
crush that painting!

Why not?!

It belongs to the only
real artist I know!

Oh, reallyly?

Tell me, what makes her
a real artistist?

I don't exactly know,

But the stuff
she comes up with
is amazing!

So it's something about her
that makes her an artist.

Yes! I think that's it!

Of course! I get it now!

Art is so much more
than its parts!


[Machine creaking]


Oh, yeah, sure.

I'm just going to wrap
you up real quick
for the police.

Yeah, okay, no problem.

Come on, huggy!


This is so...


Narrator: the next day...

I am so glad word girl
saved the day

So we can have
art class again.


Becky! I love it!

[Gasp] you do?

Look at becky's painting!

[Gasp] becky,
your painting
is brilliant!

Did you just say
my painting is brilliant?

Yes! I am going
to show this

At the art fair
this weekend!

I think it will
win a prize.

Really?! A prize?!

Oh, becky,
this is just so...

I just don't know
what to say.

But I'm not even good
at art.

Becky! You're
very good at art.

I am?

What just happened?

You finally learned
what art is.

I did?

Can you explain
what you mean by that
in words?

I will let you
do that, becky.

I'd rather just paint.

Yeah. Me, too.

and so, once again,

Thanks to word girl,

The learnerer's
crime spree endeded.

I mean, ended.

The stolen artwork
was returned,

And becky made a work of art
out of words.

How'd she do that?

Well, maybe I'll tell you
and maybe I won't.

How was that
for an evasive answer?

Now, don't linger
around the tv all day,

But be sure to watch
the next exciting episode of...

Word girl?

♪ Word girl ♪

I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance

To play for even
greater prizes
on the bonus round.

Phil, you correctly defined
the word "discard."

Ready to play
the bonus round?


Great! Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition
for "discard."

[Game show music playing]

Give it a shot, phil.

I think it's number two.

In that picture, chuck
is discarding tickets.

That's correct!

Which means you're
our bonus round winner.

Show him
what he's won, huggy.

Please don't say
more dance lessons.

Did someone say
more dance lessons?

Hit it!

See you
next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Want more "word girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes
and test your word power

Want word girl's
word power?

Fly over to your local library.
Cape not required.

Word up!