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09x08 - Tim Botsford: Neighborhood Assistant / Set Sail for the Bake Sale

Posted: 07/28/23 10:30
by bunniefuu
Pbs kids opens
worlds of possibilities

For all children

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and viewers like you.

[Theme music playing]

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face
is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ Then throw some mighty
words your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
"prevent" and "assistant."

Ah, yes, another sunny day
in the city,

And mr. Botsford and becky

Are at the park
for a carefree day of fun.

[Gasp] ooh, dad!
Can we fly a kite?

Ha ha ha!
I don't think so.

Not with those thorny
rose bushes so close.

[Dramatic music playing]


did you hear that?

Yeah, I did hear that,

And it's coming
from over there!

[Gasp] prickly pete,
the town's prized porcupine?


Don't worry, little guy!
We'll save you!

I don't think so,

Mm-mmm, too dangerous.

Dad, pete needs us.

Please let me
climb the tree.

I can do this.


Okay, becky.

I guess if I really
keep an eye on you.

Ha! I can't believe
I'm allowing this.

Get serious.

Careful now.

Careful now!

I'm here for you!

Be brave!

Hi, pete.
Need a lift?

Don't get distracted!

Don't let anything
distract you!

Think about your mother!

See? I told you
it was easy.

Oh. I'd better
assist her.

No, no, no, dad!
Dad, don't!



I've got you, little buddy!
Hut! Ho!


Dad, why did you
do that?

Becky, I'm your father,

And one of my jobs
is to protect you

And keep you safe.

Dad, I'm getting older.

I can climb a tree
without your help.

I can do a lot of things
without your help.

What are you saying?

I guess I'm saying

I wish you would stop
helping me so much.

Oh! Well,
since helping my children

Is how I spend
most of my time,

What do you suggest I do
instead of helping you?

Um, maybe you could
help other people.

You know,
people who need it.

Okay, I will.

I'll find people
in the neighborhood
who need my help.

I'll be tim botsford...

♪ Neighborhood assistant ♪

♪ I made up this song ♪





[Engine revving]

Give me back my truck!


Hold it right there!


Hold it
right there.

Yeah! What?

Word girl!

And, um, who are you?

Oh, I'm tim botsford,
neighborhood assistant.

And I'm here
to assist word girl.

Hi, word girl.

Uh, hi.

But no need, sir!

Captain huggy face
and I have this
under control.

Oh. So...
Are you sure?

'Cause I got
nowhere to be.

Oh, yeah. I've defeated
chuck lots of times.

It's easy.

Word girl, this nice man
offers to help you

Stop a dangerous

And you tell him
to get lost?

No, no, no, no, no.

I will just not help,
I guess.



You know, now that I
think about it,

Huggy and I really could
use your help.

Are you kidding?

Oh, my gosh!
Oh, my gosh!
Oh, my gosh!

That was really nice
of you, word girl.

Thanks, chuck.

here's what I'm thinking.

While chuck and I
have our big battle,

You stand
over to the side,

And when the police come,

You can tell them
what happened!

A big battle?

That sounds
way too dangerous.

No, it's okay.

I'm a superhero.

also just a kid,

And battling villains
is dangerous business.

I'll take care of this.

[Watch ticking]
excuse me, charles?

You give me the keys
to that food truck

Before someone gets hurt.

First, let me
ask you something.

Do you have superpowers?

Well, I'm super helpful,

And I'm super friendly.

But no superpowers,
on the superpowers. No.

Good. Heh heh heh!

Whoops! Oh ho, hello!

Oh, my!
Didn't see that coming.

[Engine starts]
ha ha ha!

So long!

for all the help!

Ha ha hee!

[Horn beeps]

Whoo! Sorry, word girl.

I'm not % sure
I can say I assisted you.

Sure, you can.

The word "assist"
means to help
in some way

Or lend a hand.

For example, huggy
is my sidekick.

So whether
we're fighting crime

Or cleaning up
our secret hideout,

I can always count
on him to help

Or assist me
to get the job done.

And even though
chuck got away,

You tried
to protect me,

And I really
appreciate that.

Thank you, word girl.

Your definition
of the word "assist"

Makes me want to assist
you even more.

Oh, you don't have--

I don't mind!

You can expect to see
a lot more

Of tim botsford,
neighborhood assistant.

And, you know, right now,

I think we could use
an assist

Getting out
of this mustard.

Narrator: later,
at the botsfords' house...

Mmm! That pencil's
getting a little dull
for my liking.

[Sharpener whirring]

Ohh! This is getting
out of hand.


Hello, becky.

Hi, dad.

So, I see you're working
on some homework there.

That's right.

Well, don't worry,

I will not try
to help you.

Actually, I was hoping
you could help me
with something.

What is it?
I'll do anything.

This bookmark
has a rip in it.

Maybe you could tape
it up

So I don't get a papercut.

A papercut?!



Nope, nope, nope,
stop right there, tim.

Better not.

You were right before.

You're growing up.

It's time
I let you fly free.

That's why I've been
assisting people
who need my help.

Like, today,
I even helped word girl.

Yeah, I don't think
you should help word girl.

Wait a minute.

First, you don't
want me to help you.

Now you don't want me
to help word girl?

I just meant
that she already has

Captain huggy face
to assist her, so...

Becky, word girl
never told me

She didn't want my help.

You're the one
who said that.

[Rubbing noise]
now if you'll excuse me,

I can hear
from where I'm standing

That your mother
needs a fresh eraser.




[Crowd screams]

Step away
from the taco truck, chuck!

Word girl!

First a sushi truck,

Now a taco truck?

Why are you stealing
food trucks?

Because they're
doing it all wrong.

A food truck should
sell sandwiches,

Not sushi or tacos
or noodles.

Oh, by the way, I also
stole a noodle truck.

If you want
to prevent people

From eating sushi
or tacos or noodles,

You should just
open up a food truck
that sells sandwiches.

Word girl,
I am way ahead of you.

Say hello to chuck
the evil sandwich-making truck.

What do you think, huh?

Woman: do we have
a customer, chucky boo?

No, ma,
it's just word girl,

Not a customer,
all right?

Oh, forget it then.

Wait, is that your mom
assisting you?

[Sighs] yeah.

Mmm, how's that going?

Not good.

You know, she thinks
I can't do anything
by myself.

Chucky, I washed
the grill for ya!

I know how that is.

I'm having
the same problem with...

Tim botsford!

♪ Neighborhood assistant ♪

Chuck's mom: chucky,
I can't find the mayo!

[Sighs] could you guys
excuse me for a second?

I'll be right out
for our battle.

I'll be here.

Ma, it's on the shelf!
I told you!

You're embarrassing me
when I battle!

Chuck's mom:
what shelf, chucky?

There's a hundred
shelves here!

So you're here...


Right? And just in time
to assist you

While you battle chuck.

Actually, huggy and I
would like to handle
this one on our own.

Before we defeat chuck,

I want you
to put this on.

A bike helmet?

You mean I should put it
on top of this helmet?

Safety equipment
doesn't just look cool.

It prevents you
from getting hurt.

Oh, come on now! I--

I'm back!

Ha ha ha!
Who wants mustard?

[w*apon squirts]
ha ha ha!


Oh. Is that it?

Mom, why is there no mustard
in my condiment ray?

I used it to fill
the condiment trays!

Why would you do that?

I thought
we might be busy!

Why would we be busy?
We haven't had--

Word girl, you look
upset about something.

Is it me?

You can tell me
if it's me.

Just say if it's me.

Yes or no, is it--


Every time you try
to help me do my job,

You end up preventing me
from doing my job.

I'm preventing you
from doing your job?

Yes! You see,
the word "prevent"

Means to keep something
from happening.

For example, if chuck
is about to commit a crime

But huggy and I stop him
before he can do it,

You say we "prevented"
the crime.

And tim botsford
is there to assist.

You're not assisting.

You think you are,
which is nice,

But when you
help me with stuff
I don't need help with,

You end up preventing me
from preventing a crime!

Hmm. I think I get
what you're saying,
word girl..

When I try
to help someone

With something they don't
really need help with,

It's not really help.


This is probably
why my daughter becky

Asked me
to stop helping her!

Yes! And the thing is,

Your daughter really
does want your help.

She does?

But only with things she
actually needs help with,

Not with things
she already
knows how to do.

I see.
So I should help her

With things that she
doesn't know how to do yet,

Things that
she needs help learning.


Thanks, word girl.

Now hurry up
and defeat chuck

So I can tell becky
the good news

And start
helping her again.

Great idea,
mr. Botsford.

Go get 'em, word girl!

I'll be right here
helping you

By, uh, not helping.

You know what I mean.

Don't you tell me I don't
know how to make sandwich!

Wait a minute.

Were we always this
high up off the ground?

I don't think so!


Word girl: I'll take
this food truck to go...

To jail! Ha!

Huh. Maybe I could sell
sandwiches in jail,

But not these ones.

You did them wrong, ma.

the next day at the park...

Thanks for teaching me
how to fly a kite, dad.

Becky, I'm glad to help.

Okay, when I say go,

I want you to run real fast,

And then I'll let go
of the kite. Ready?



and so, once again,

With chuck's
crime spree stopped,

Tim botsford,
neighborhood assistant,

Is able to spend time

His favorite girl
in the neighborhood...

Pull on the string,

Pull on the string,
pull on the string!

Oh, you're doing fine,
you're doing fine.

Narrator: with stuff
she actually needs help with.

Good-bye for now,
loyal viewers.

Here's hoping nothing
will prevent you

From watching the next
exciting episode of "word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

I'm beau handsome,

And this is...

"may I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may.

Today's featured word
is "consume."

To give you a clue,

Here are some clips
from "word girl"

That show the meaning
of the word.

[Game show music playing]


Emily, go ahead.

"Consume" means
to eat or drink up.

In all those clips,
people were consuming

Or preparing
to consume different
kinds of food.

That's correct!


You are today's winner!

Huggy, show her what she's...

You okay there?

Yeah. I'm just
really hungry,

And seeing all that food
is making my stomach grumble.

Sorry to hear that.

Anyway, huggy, show emily
what she's won!


A lifetime supply
of animal crackers

For you and everyone
in this room.

Audience: ooh!

Can I have one?

after the bonus round.

Okay, that's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: today's words
are "distant" and "transport."

The energy monster
is on a rampage,

And word girl is
nowhere to be found!


What an exciting way
to start an episode!

Where's word girl
when we need her?

Oh! Sorry we're late.
Long story.

I was checking out
the debate club bake sale

All the way across town.
It is--

Just please
stop the mayhem!

Oh, right.

[Electricity buzzing]


Well, it's
worth a shot.

Wow! Somebody replaced
all the hot dogs

With electricity?

Ooh, yummy!

Now, huggy!


[Buzzing fizzles]

You know, huggy?

Sometimes being a superhero
is pretty fun.

Announcer: are you a fan
of "pretty princess"?

I am!

Well, then you're
going to love
the amazing show

That's coming
to your town

In the not-too-distant

Want to hear what it is?

[Scoffs] yes!

I can't hear you!

Because this is
a tv commercial.

Tell me what it is!

It's "pretty princess"
on roller skates!

[Gasp] roller skates!

So buy your tickets
and come see the show

That, up until
just this minute,

You had no idea
you totally needed to see!

I totally need to see
"pretty princess
on roller skates"!


Narrator: meanwhile, across town
at the debate club bake sale...

Fellow students and people
who happen to be walking by,

Ask yourselves,
are you hungry?

Do you expect to be
hungry very soon?

Do you know anyone
who is currently hungry?

If you answered yes
to any of these questions,

You should buy
one of our delicious

Chocolate and coconut
granola bars

And help the debate club
buy new podiums.

[Tires screech]

Sorry I'm late,
you guys.


Guess what. I came up
with the perfect way

To spend the money we make
selling granola bars!

I thought we decided to get
new podiums.

But I found
something better!

Something way more

Than some
boring old podiums!

Boring new podiums?

We're all going
to "pretty princess
on roller skates"!

Debate club field trip!

You guys,
how excited are we?

Let me get
this straight.

Instead of buying
new podiums,
which we need...

And which are basically
just wooden boxes,
am I right?

You think
we should buy
tickets to a show

That has nothing
to do with debate club?

Yes! And transport

To a distant,
magical world
of princesses...

On roller skates!

But last week,
when you said
we needed new podiums,

We all agreed with you,

Which never happens
in debate club,

we're a debate club.

You guys want
new podiums, right?

This is a tricky spot,

Because, technically,

I think
the debate club president
is allowed to decide

How we use
the bake sale money,

So that's what
we're using the money for.

Becky, i--

Scoops, I'm afraid
this isn't up for debate.

Now who wants to sell
some granola bars?!

[Skates rolling]
excuse me, miss.

Want a healthy snack?

"Not up for debate."

That's the name
of the club!

Narrator: meanwhile,
back at the marina,

A loud
and destructive traveler

Arrives from a distant land.




Nocan the contrarian!

That is my name!

Do wear it out!

Um, hi.

Are you here to do
what you usually do?

What does nocan
usually do?

Well, usually, we ask you
not to be destructive,

But you always
do the opposite

And break
a lot of stuff.

Nocan is here
and nocan is hungry!

If you're looking
for food,

There's a grocery store
right over here.

That's where people
usually get their groceries.

Nocan rejects
that idea!

Nocan does not do
what people usually do!


Huh? Does nocan smell
chocolate coconut...

[Sniffs] granola?

Where are these
ingredients hiding?

Um, I guess you're
smelling the granola bars

From the bake sale
over at the school,

But that's all the way
across town.

Pretty distant actually.

Nocan wants
granola bars!

Nocan will set sail
for the bake sale!

Well, there's no river
to sail a boat down,

So that's pretty much

Then nocan
will make a river

By digging!



Well, so much for
not being destructive.

back at the bake sale,

There's not much
selling going on.

Granola bars!

Help us go see
"pretty princess
on roller skates"!

Becky, are you sure
you won't change your mind

About the podiums?

Because, wow,
will they be great!

Not changing
my mind, scoops.

I think you're being
a little unfair.

The rest of us really
want those podiums.

Are you even listening?


[Gasps] do you
hear that, scoops?

Hear what?

Me making a convincing
argument for podiums?

No. It sounds
like distant trouble.

What kind of trouble?

The distant kind,

As in far, far away.

Hey, you know
what else is distant?

My hopes of getting
new podiums.

Uh, I need to run
an errand,

But keep selling
those granola bars, you guys!

Sell, sell, sell!

Huh! Food for sale!


come on, you guys.



Um, hi, nocan.

First of all,
welcome back.


Care to fill me in
on what you're up to?

No! Nocan is too busy,

Digging a river
to the bake sale

So he can fill his ship
with granola bars

And sail back to
his distant homeland!

And I think you just told me
all I need to know.


You want granola bars

From the bake sale?

Indeed! Of the chocolate
and coconut variety!

And you want
all of them?

Each and every
delicious-smelling one!

Well, that's great news.

I'd be happy to transport
the granola bars over to you,

So you can stop
tearing up the street.

Word girl would transport
the granola bars to nocan?

And save him
the trouble of digging?

Nocan's arms
are getting sleepy.

I'll bring them here,

And then you can
pay me for them.

No way!

Nocan won't pay!

You won't pay?

When nocan arrives
at bake sale,

Nocan will take!


Ugh! Whoa!

Bake sale!

Word girl: uh!

Yeah. Ugh.

I just washed this cape.

Oh. Hey, word girl.

Scoops, what are you
doing here?

You should be
back at the bake sale.

I took a little break
to come report
on the city's new river.

Is the rest of the club
still selling
the granola bars?

Yeah, but I'm not sure
their hearts are in it anymore.

My heart's just
not in it anymore.

Oh, no!

If we don't sell all
those granola bars

nocan gets there,

We won't have money
to buy anything!

Let's go!


Scoops: aah!

You guys, we have to
sell these granola bars
right now!

Nocan the contrarian
is transporting
his ship here

To take them
all away...

Without paying!

Um, nocan is doing
what with his ship?


See, if you transport

It means you move it
from one place to another,

And we need to sell
these granola bars

Before nocan transports them
all back to contraria!

Come on!

Becky, I hate
to tell you this.

Some of us are thinking
of leaving the debate club

And starting our own
formal discussion club.

What's a formal
discussion club?

Pretty much
the same thing
as debate club,

But without you
as president.

What did I do wrong?

You've been completely
unfair when it came

To how to use
the bake sale money.

We all wanted
to do one thing,

And you insisted
on doing the opposite.

You wouldn't listen
to anybody.

Wow. I guess I've been
behaving just like...


Yes, nocan.

Wow. That's
an interesting comparison.


Nocan must have
granola bars!

Okay, nocan!
Let's finish this!

But first,
let me explain

Why you can't have
these granola bars.

These granola bars
are essential

To the debate club
getting new podiums,

Which is a position
that debate club
president becky botsford

Just told me
she fully supports.

Nocan is yawning!

He will take
the granola bars

To the distant land
of contraria now!

Quick, huggy!
Emergency plan number !


[Organ playing]

Ah ha ha!

Funny monkey!

funny monkey trap!



It didn't work!

Finally, granola bars
are nocan's!

What are those?

Hey, nocan, what
are those boxes for?

They are fancy boxes
used to hold gold coins
and treasure,

But now they are empty.

Huh. So I bet you
really want them, right?

Because if I were you,

I would totally want
those fancy boxes,

And I would
never give them away.

You think nocan
wants those boxes?

Nocan does not
want those boxes!

Nocan cannot stand
the sight of those boxes!

They are
taking up valuable
granola bar space!



Nocan has granola bars!

Now nocan sails away!




Oh, hey, guys,
did nocan leave already?


Look at those amazing
new debate podiums!

Where'd you get them?


These are just fancy
rectangular boxes.

I disagree.
I think they would make

Amazing, one-of-a-kind
debate podiums.

They are pretty cool!

Way better than the ones
we were going to buy.

And they came
from nocan's boat.

How's that
for free shipping?

Now how should
we raise money
for the tickets?

I propose
dog sitting.

Narrator: and so
the debate continues,

And so does the debate club,

But with way better
podiums than they had before.

Or car sitting.

Be sure to transport
yourself back here

In the not-too-distant future
for the next exciting episode

[Imitating echo]
of "word-word-word


♪ Word girl ♪

I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance

To play for even
greater prizes
on the bonus round.

Emily, you correctly defined
the word "consume."

You ready to play
the bonus round? Great!

Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition
for "consume."

[Game show music playing]


It's number one.

In that picture, huggy
is consuming sausages.

That is correct!

Which means you're
our bonus round winner.

Show her
what she's won, huggy.


A lifetime supply
of milk

For you and everyone
in this room!

[Mouth full] okay!

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Want more "word girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes
and test your word power

Want word girl's
word power?

Fly over to your local library.
Cape not required.

Word up!