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09x07 - Time-Out with Two-Brains / Dr. WordGirl-Brains

Posted: 07/28/23 10:29
by bunniefuu
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[Theme music playing]

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face
is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ Then throw some mighty
words your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
"expire" and "pause."

Inside the secret lair

Of the diabolical
dr. Two-brains...

[Evil laughter]

Soon i,
dr. Two-brains,

Will know just
how much cheese I have

To the very last
morsel. Ha ha ha!

So tell me, how much
are we talking about?

One ton? Two tons?


That much.

Agh! Never mind.
I'll count it myself.

It's not that hard, guys.




Say, boss, why does
all the cheese

Have little
numbers on it?

Hmm? Oh, that's just
the expiration date.

Four, five...

The expiration date?

It just tells you

When the cheese
is too old to eat.

You mean after
the expiration date,

The cheese won't be
good anymore?

That's right.

And stop
interrupting me.

Now I've got to
start over.

One, two...

Wait. Isn't that date
right there tomorrow?


This cheese
expires tomorrow?


[Chewing loudly]

No! Tomorrow!

Tomorrow again!

This can't be happening.

So, what are you
gonna do?

There's only
one thing I can do.


Your totally untested

time-stopping ray?

My totally untested
time-stopping ray!

You just said that.

I can use it
to pause time

So tomorrow
never comes.

And if tomorrow
never comes,

My cheese will never
expire. Ha ha ha!

But if you stop time,

Won't we stop, too?

Protective sphere.

Thanks to this,
we'll be the only ones

In the entire world who
won't be frozen in time.

[Loud whirring]

Narrator: will dr. Two-brains
really be able to stop ti--

Stop time? Ha ha ha!

Looks like
the answer is yes!

And not even word girl
can stop me now.

Hyah! Yah! Yah!


Hey, where's
my introduction?

Hello? Mr. Narrator?

Hmm. Oh, well.

Meanwhile, the brave
superhero word girl

And her sidekick
captain huggy face

Are protecting the city from
a storm of giant space rocks.

Hyah! Hyah!

And word girl
saves the day again.

Now it's time for our hero
to head home,

Eat breakfast with the family,
do her chores,

Finish her homework, and maybe
if there's a moment to pause,

Start reading that new book she
checked out from the library.


Oh, the word "pause"?

Oh, pause means to stop
something for a while.

For example, you can
pause a video game

If you want to take
a short break

And then start
where you left off

When you're ready
to play again.

Or a weekend is a pause
because it's a break

After going to school
for five days.

Sorry I'm late.
Bob and I were out--

Mom? Dad?

Ha ha. That's really funny,
but you can start moving now.

Really. Any time.


There's definitely
something wrong here.

Come on, bob.
Word up!

Look at this.

It's as if the whole world
has been put on pause.

But why aren't we?


I think
you're right, huggy.

Being in outer space
somehow kept us

From being
stopped in time.



Has word girl found
a meaty clue?


Someone has to do it.

Stop right there,

Et tu, butcher?

Ha ha ha!

You guys picked the wrong time
to commit a crime.

Now to catch
the only villain

Who could be responsible
for stopping time.

It's got to be...
Dr. Two-brains!

I know you're responsible
for pausing time,

And I'm here to stop
your evil plan.

Hey, why aren't
you and that
monkey critter

Paused like
everybody else?

Because time never pauses
for justice, dr. Two-brains.


Ah. Look, word girl,
I know you're
a superhero

And it's your job
to try and defeat me
and all of that,

But why not take
a load off first?

We have nothing
but time.

I don't think so.

Oh, come on.

I know for a fact
that there are

No lines
at the water slide.

Captain huggy face
and I will not pause

when we are
fighting cr--



Yes, I know I promised
to take you last summer.

But my two-for-one
coupon expired.


Oh, the word "expire"
means to come to an end

Or to finish
or run out.

For example, since
my coupon expired,

The water slide won't
accept it anymore.

And there's
nothing sadder

Than when a giant bowl
full of cheese expires,

Because then you
have to pause time

In order to eat it all.

Is that what this
is about?


What you fail to
understand, dr. Two-brains,

Is that a superhero
has a duty

To uphold justice
and save the world

And stuff like that.

Even when she's
behind on her chores

And has a big science
project due the next day,

She might like to pause
and have a carefree day

Of fun and relaxation,

But a superhero
is never off duty,

And I like it
that way!


Mmm. Well, I guess
this means

It's time
for our big showdown.

But I'm warning you, word girl,
it won't be pretty.

Dr. Two-brains,
I'll take you on
pretty or ugly,

Anywhere, anyhow.

Oh, really?

Hmm. This seems less
like a big showdown

And more
like an excuse

To goof off and
build sand castles.

That's where
you're wrong, word girl.

This couldn't be
more serious.


Now if I can
just get this...

Careful, careful,
careful, careful.


Next time you might want
to firm up the base

To give it
more support.

Oh. Thanks.

Ok. Maybe pausing time
wasn't my best idea.

There's no tv,

No more new issues of
"dairy villains monthly."

It's impossible to get
good service. Watch.

Waiter. Waiter!

[Sighs] all in all,
not my best idea,

Especially since
this machine has

The potential
to stop time forever.


Well, you could have
mentioned that earlier.

Oh, didn't i? Well,
I'm mentioning it now.

Come on, huggy.
We don't have
any time to waste.

Well, we do but...

You know
what I mean.

We have to stop--
start time!

Yeah, I know
you're just leaving

Because I won
the sand castle thing.

I can't believe I abandoned
my responsibilities

Just so I could take
a pause for myself.


Thanks, huggy.

You're right.
There's a world to save.

That must be it.

Oh, no!

I can feel time
beginning to freeze.


I know it's time
for some narration,

But I can't.


Is this the end
of word girl?

Will time
be paused forever?

Will dr. Two-brains
ever get tired

Of eating cheese
that's about to expire?


The ray's too powerful.

I don't think...
I can make it.




Narrator: ...ime.

Oh, well, I guess he did.

Hey, what did I miss?

I'll fill you in

[Dogs barking]

[Music playing]

T.j., Let's have
a slumber party.


Word girl: it's time to face
the music, dr. Two-brains.

Your "get out of jail free"
card has expired.

[Bell dings]
hey, where have
you two been?

Boss, since we had
all that time on our hands,

Charlie decided to finally
write his novel,

And I discovered the joy
of mountain biking

And learned how to bake.

You don't say.

Uh-huh. And charlie
taught himself how to play piano

And became an expert
at yoga.

Wow. That's
really, uh...


How about you two?

What are some of the great
things you guys did

While time was paused?

Word girl: um...

Oh, you know...stuff.

A little of this,
a little of that.

Too many things
to list really.

Oh, yeah,
that's for sure.

Oh. Uh, well,
that's pretty cool.

Hey, you know what?

Let's get
you all to jail.


And so once again,
dr. Two-brains stopped time,

But word girl
stopped dr.--

Narrator: hey,
I'll take it from here.

Oops. Sorry.

I guess my time
as narrator has expired.

Glad you're back.

Narrator: for fun
and excitement

That will never expire,
be sure to tune in

For the next thrilling
adventure of...

Dramatic pause...

Word girl!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may.

Today's featured word
is "irritable."

To give you a clue,

Here are some clips
from "word girl"

That show the meaning
of the word.



Irritable means
easily annoyed.

Like, in that last clip,
becky is irritated maybe

Because bob's breakfast
is so much bigger than hers,

Just like phil's buzzer
is so much bigger than mine.

They're the exact
same size.

Sure they are.

Right. Anyway, tommy,
you are today's...

Oddly unhappy winner.

Huggy, show him
what he's won.


An official word girl
super computer!

Audience: ooh!

Don't need it.
My brain is a super computer.

Wow. Tommy, thanks
for demonstrating

What an irritating
response would sound like.

That's it for
today's episode.

See you next
time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
"permanent" and "exchange."

Another beautiful day

Where the mayor
is dedicating

The city's new
elevated subway tracks.

Mayor: now,
as the subway car

Makes its way
through our fair city,

It will be powering up

This brilliantly designed
cheese ray!

Ha ha ha ha!
I mean...[Ahem]

I'm the mayor.

Howdy, mr. Mayor.


Once fully charged,
the ray will begin firing,

Permanently turning this entire
city into cheesetropolis!

Which, as your mayor,
I declare to be perfectly ok!

Dr. Two-brains.

Oh, yes.

I see you've
captured our city's

Smartest and most
handsome villain.

Good job.
Now fly along.

We're onto you,
dr. Two-brains.

We know you used
this mind-exchange ray

To switch bodies
with the mayor.

[Onlookers gasp]

[Mayor's voice]
I can confirm
that happened.

Dr. Two-brains, you really
need to get control

Of that little
mouse brain.

Oh, you think
it's easy having

A mouse brain
permanently attached

To the side
of your head?

A lot easier
than being a superhero.

I have to deal with you,

The energy monster
is on the loose.

So go take care
of that.

You don't have
to stop every
single crime.

Oh, and I'm just gonna let you
turn the city into cheese?

It's one city!
Why do you
care so much?

Uh...any way you two
could speed this up?

Dr. Two-brains
hasn't had lunch,

And I'm dying
for some cheese!


Right. Sorry.

Hold still,
mr. Mayor...brains.

Not a chance,
word girl.

I am out of here.


Oh, he's out
of shape.

[Loud whirring]

Huh? Where am i?


Hmm. This one
wrapped up early.


Good idea, huggy.

I'll destroy
this mind-exchange ray

So nothing like this
could ever happen again.

[Loud whirring]

[Dr. Two-brains' voice]
uh...wha... Wha...

Hey, why is
everybody so tall?

[Word girl's voice]
uh, what happened?

Beats me. I see
a tied-up villain,

They're going
in the wagon.

What? Villain?

No, no, no, no! Wait!
I'm not dr. Two-brains!

I'm word--


Narrator: meanwhile,
at word girl's

Super-secret spaceship


[Dr. Two-brains' voice]
huh? How did I get...

Stay away from me,

Hey, what's wrong?

Why aren't you

And jumping
on my head?

Ooh! Word girl
and I were hit

By the mind-
exchange ray.

we've exchanged

I have all of
word girl's powers!

No one will be able
to stand in my way.


You? Good luck.
Now I'll be able

To permanently turn
the whole city into cheese!


Help! My cat's
out on the pole.

[Voices shouting
in different languages]

[Insect buzzing loudly]

Help! The energy
monster is attacking

The cheddar reserve!

Who will save
the cheese?

A mad scientist
trapped in the body

Of a little flying
alien girl, that's who.

Come on, captain huggy face.
Curds, curds, and away!

Narrator: meanwhile,
at the city prison...

[Word girl's voice]
dr. Two-brains is probably

Out there right now
running amuck,

Causing permanent damage
to my reputation.

Reporter: this is
loretta sanchez johnson

Reporting live
from the cheddar reserve.

Aah! Ow!

Luckily, word girl
has just...

Arrived on the scene.

We're good.

Oh, well, it was
worth a shot, boss.

What's wrong with you?
I really am word girl.

Ha ha ha.
Gotcha, boss.

Stick to the plan.

Look. It's word girl's
monkey face.

Whew. That boy can move.

All right.

Well, if dr. Two-brains
can break out of here,

Then I should have
no problem!


A push-up wouldn't
k*ll you, two-brains.

Hey, could you--whoa!

This is--
whoa! Stop it!

Can we take a little break
because I'm--ow!

Man, how does word girl
keep this up?

Look out!


Oh, how about this?
Monkey talk!


Oh, sorry. Sorry.


[Energy monster screaming]

Ha ha! Day saved.

Hey, I think I'm getting
the hang of this.

Word girl, as a token
of our gratitude,

Please help yourself to
anything in our vault.

I'll be helping myself
to everything in your vault,

And no one can stop me.

[Evil laughter]

Told you. Hyah!

Ha ha ha ha! know,
without the mouse brain,

I'm just not feeling the whole
stealing-cheese thing.

In fact, saving the day
actually felt kind of nice.

I can see
why word girl--

[Loud footsteps]

Uh-oh. Curds and away!

Whoo! Looking good
out there, word girl.

All right, henchmen,
listen up.

I don't plan on being
a permanent guest of this prison

So here's the plan.

Hey, since you're
word girl,

Can you tell us what
permanent means?

Permanent means something that
doesn't change or everlasting.

If we became this prison's
permanent guests,

It would mean
we'd be here forever,

And if I don't get out
and find dr. Two-brains

So we can switch back,

I'll be stuck
like this permanently.

Now, as I was saying...


We've got to get
out of here and...

Get that sandwich.

Sweet, sweet melted cheese!


Cheese. Sorry! Ok. Uh...

Focus. See that key
on the warden's belt?

Get him to come over,
and when he does,

Reach down and grab
his sandwich.

No! I mean key!

Boss, i...i'm lost.

Ok. Ok. Focus up.

I just need to find
a way out of here,

Get my hands
on a mind-exchange ray,

And then get some cheese!
Mmm mmm mmm mmm!

You think you can win this one,
amazing rope guy?

Well, you're not.
K-n-o-t, knot.

I know. That stunk.

Ooh, what a day,
huh, partner?


Word girl, you've
done it again.

Great. Just throw it
on the key pile.

Sure thing.

Hey, do you
have a cold?

You sound like
a middle-aged man.

Uh...i don't know.

Word girl, any advice
for the kids at home?


You sure
you don't want

This cheese you
said you wanted?

Because I'm about
to throw it out.

[Sighs] man,
this superhero gig is a grind.

I've barely had
enough time

To build a new
mind-exchange ray.

I can't stay
like this permanently.

It just wouldn't
be right.

Plus, it's way harder
than it looks.

Ha ha ha ha!

Oh, it never ends.

Not so fast,
dr. Word girl brains!

Two-brains girl!
Ha ha ha!

You're too late!

This is going to become
a permanent cheesy paradise!


This is all wrong,
word girl.

We have to exchange
minds again, please.

Is this what I'm like?

I'm not so sure
I want to change back.

I'm very naggy naggy.

Word girl, why are
you doing this?

Have you forgotten
what it means
to be a hero?

Ah. All that matters
is cheese!

The mouse brain!

Don't listen to it!

It's not so easy.

You have to stop!

I can't be stopped.

The only one
who could stop me is...


No! What have
you done, me?

You did it, word girl!
You overcame the--

Hurry up
and stop the ray!

Don't listen to me!
Stay here!

Don't listen to me!
Just go!



Henchmen, stop
this train right now!

Sheesh! When did she
get so pushy?

When she was hit with
the mind-exchange ray.



To exchange means
to trade one thing

For another,
to swap.

In this case,
word girl and i,
dr. Two-brains,

Exchanged minds
when we were hit
with the ray!

Get out of town.


She's really
on her game today.

I knew you'd find a way
to do right, word girl,

Even while you
were doing wrong.

But now
we're permanently
stuck like this.


I've just build a new
mind-exchange ray,

Thanks to
my super speed.

I know, right?
It's a real timesaver.


Oh...hey, I think
it worked.

I only have
one brain again!

Hey, I did it!
I won!

Great job,
dr. Two-brains.


Now to figure
a way out of here

And get some cheese.

How about a little
cheddar on the house?

Ooh, thanks.

Policeman: hey, a bunch
of tied-up villains.


Narrator: and once again,
everything is back to normal.

But not before word girl
and dr. Two-brains

Got to exchange
a little piece

Of their minds
with one another.

[Henchman's voice]
word girl, we've got a problem.

Narrator: so if you want
to make action and adventure

A permanent part of your life,
join us next time

For another thrilling episode
of "dr. Two-brains"!

I mean "word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance

To play for even
greater prizes
on the bonus round.

Tommy, you correctly
defined the word "irritable."

Ready to play
the bonus round?


All right.

Take a look at
these pictures

And tell me
which one shows

The definition
for "irritable."

Ok. What do you
think, tommy?

I think I'm a genius.

As for the answer,
it's number two.

In that picture,
huggy is grabbing his head

Looking almost as irritated
as you look now.

Correct on all fronts.

Huggy, show the genius
what he's won.

Every single book
ever written!

I've already read
all of those.

Well, that's our show.
See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

With word girl int more "wo?

Watch your favorite episodes
and test your word power

Want word girl's
word power?

Fly over to your local library.
Cape not required.

Word up!