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09x04 - What Would WordGirl Do / Granny's Corner

Posted: 07/28/23 10:27
by bunniefuu
Pbs kids opens
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[Theme music playing]

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face
is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ Then throw some
mighty words your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Announcer: listen for the words
"amuse" and "errand."

Another beautiful day
in the city.

The botsfords
and johnson are going

To the city
log flume water park,

Home of the danger wave,
the soak-a-log,

And the gentle princess
little rapids of fluming.

♪ Park, park, park ♪
sing it!

♪ A flume a nume
bop bop ♪

♪ A flume
a nume a nume ♪

Oh, you don't
like it. Ok.

Johnson, we're gonna be
some of the first people

To ride the brand-new,

Thrilling and amusing
word girl log flume!


Wait, wait, wait.

There's a word girl
log flume ride?

Wow! What
a perfect trip

For the international
word girl fan club!

how did I not know

There was
a word girl log flume?

Becky, you just
don't get word girl

The way
we experts do.

Yeah, not like
president t.j.
And me,

The executive
vice president

Of strategic


[Tires screech]

Are we there?

Becky, quiet.
Are we there?

Nope. Sorry, kids.
I just remembered

That I have to do
a quick errand
at the bank.

You know
that old saying--

You can't go to
the log flume park

If you didn't bring
any money to get in.

I hate that saying.

Oh, this is
a disaster!

We're missing out
on so much fluming time!

T.j., What are
we gonna do?

Come on.
It's not so bad.

We just have
to be patient

While mom finishes
her errand,

Which is taking forever!

But that's ok.

Errands are important
little jobs

That have to get done,

Like returning books
to the library

Or doing your laundry
or going to the bank.

Even if those things
aren't always fun,

It's good to do them...

Even when they
take forever!


What is it, bob?
I'm in the middle

Of collapsing
dramatically. Uh!

Oh, no! It's the butcher!

Awesome! If the butcher
is robbing the bank,

That means word girl
will be here soon,

And that means--

Front-row seats
for word girl

Versus the butcher!

Yeah! International
word girl fan club score!

Whoo! Oh, yeah.

Word girl!

Let's keep it



It looks like
he's just getting

Some of
his own money.

What a letdown.
It would have been so cool

To see word girl
defeat the butcher.

And I know just how
she would have done it, too.

The butcher
would have started

With the classic
pork-chop chop,

Everybody thinking,
"oh, no.

The butcher is
going to get away."

Then word girl would burst in
through the ceiling.

Don't worry about that.

I'm an expert
at roof repair.

Word girl,
there is no way
you can defeat me,

Because up the
sleeve of my apron

I have a whole bunch
of new tricks

From my secret trip

To the ancient library
of meat att*cks.


I am amused by your
ham-o-launch, butcher,

But I will easily
dodge it

With my famous
mid-air cartwheel.

And now captain huggy face
will do a double cartwheel.

Becky: hold on, t.j.

First of all,
it's "ham-o-lanche,"

Not "ham-o-launch,"

And word girl doesn't
even do cartwheels.

Word girl does
whatever she
needs to do

To get
the job done,

Even if that means

And a ham-o-launch
is awesome, too.

Also, word girl's voice
doesn't even sound like that.

Oh, look who thinks
she's some kind of

Word girl expert
all of a sudden

Just because
she looks like her

And sounds like her.


I finished
my banking errand,

And we're
ready to go.


To the store
to get sunscreen!


This is miserable.
Every minute we're in the store

Is a minute we're not
on the word girl log flume.

That's so many

[Evil laughter]

Here we are.
Time to do...

That thing
we were talking about.

Ha ha ha ha!

Two brains!

Ha ha ha ha!
It works!

This shopping-cart ray
allows me to create

Shopping carts out of thin air
whenever I need one!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Huh. I guess he
was just running
an errand, too.

Aw, man!

But I bet I know
how a fight

Between word girl
and dr. Two brains
would have gone!

Dr. Two brains
would have the store

In the grip of terror,
and then he'd be like,

"Ha ha! Run!
Run and hide

"While I take all the cabbages
from the store.

"I mean cheese.

Cheese is the thing I steal,
not cabbages."

Then I'm thinking word girl
would want to come in strong,

So she'd get one of those robots
that are always hanging around

And bust in! Boosh!

Stomp, stomp, stomp!

And word girl would go...

"The super hero
is now here,

And she brought
a robot."

Ah, it's my old
friend word girl.

Well, let's see how much
of a friend you are

When I take
this growth cheese

And grow super tall!



Then word girl would use
her super breath

To push him back.

Super breath, go!

[Exhaling loudly]


She has super breath
sometimes, right?

Johnson, were you
trying to be amusing?



But I also
don't know

What the word
"amuse" means.

Something is amusing
when it's entertaining

Or fun in some way.

For example, riding
in a speeding log

And splashing down
at the bottom

Of an exciting
water ride

Will definitely
be amusing...

If we ever
get there.

Got it.

Another errand

So it's finally time
to go to the water park?


Right after I swing
by the post office

To buy stamps and
register to vote.


Announcer: as mrs. Botsford
finishes yet another errand--

Boy, she's having
a productive day--

The word girl experts
continue to duke it out.

I bet word girl has super powers
we don't even know about!

Like the power
to invent new words

Just by thinking
about them, like...



You're not even
in the fan club!

Word girl
doesn't always
dodge to the right.

I'm pretty sure
she's ambidextrous.

Look it up.

Becky, if there are
two word girls,

One of them
has to be good,

One of them
has to be bad.
It's the law.

Whatever, t.j.


[Chain saw revving]

Announcer: finally,
with the errands completed,

It's time to go
to the log flume park,

And look how excited
everybody is about that.

Or, uh...ha ha.

Sounds like a lot
of quiet back there.

Weren't you all
having fun

Talking about
word girl?


[Electronic voice]
word girl!

I should do
one more errand
at the snack shack.

You never know
when you might
get hungry.

Now, this is a kind
of errand I don't mind.

It's almost time
for lunch.

Aah! The energy
monster is here!

They might have to
close the park!


[Ride stops]


But we just got here!

I know. It's too bad.



Maybe the energy monster
is just running an errand

Like those other

I don't think
the energy monster
runs errands.

Oh, man. We went through
all those errands,

And the park
gets shut down

Before we get
any amusement.

The energy monster
is the worst.

So...i don't want
to start a fight
or anything,

But what do you think
word girl would do here?

Well, I mean,
in the past,

Word girl has defeated
the energy monster

By luring her
to water.

So maybe she could do
something like that.

Great idea, t.j.

But the energy
monster might be
expecting that.

Maybe word girl
could trick her

With her special
tricking powers.

I don't know
if word girl has...


I guess word girl could
use words to trick a villain.

That's not
a bad idea.

I'm going to go, um...


Word up!

Word girl, lead her
toward the water!

Use your word powers!

The tricky ones!

Good idea,

Word girl fan
club members.


Hey, energy monster,
it's me, word girl!

Don't you want
to come get me?


I'm hovering
just above

This nice
refreshing pool

Of pure liquid



All right!


Looks like you're not
such a big problem now,

Thanks to me and my clever
companion, captain huggy face...

And t.j.
And johnson.

It was
a group effort.

Can you believe it?

Word girl used
my idea about getting

The energy monster
to the water.

Yeah! And then
she used my idea

To trick
the monster.

I guess in the end,

Everybody had
some pretty good ideas.

Except for you,

Yeah, you didn't
have any ideas.

Thanks, guys.

I've got goodies...

And good news.

Because I got so many
errands done this morning,

We can all stay at the park
until it closes!


We should do
errands every day.

Careful what you
wish for, t.j.

Aw...ha ha.
I don't get it.

Announcer: what will
word girl's next adventure be?

Well, if you finish up
all your errands,

You can amuse your friends
by coming up with

Cool stories
of your own.

But of course
you should also remember

To tune in to the next
amusing episode

Of "word girl!"
Ha ha ha! Oh...

♪ Word girl ♪

I'm beau handsome,

And this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines
today's featured word

Will win
a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may. Today's
featured word is "wedged."

To give you a clue,

Here are some clips
from "word girl"

That show the meaning
of the word.



"Wedged" means sitting
in a basketball hoop

Like bob was doing
in that last clip.

I'm sorry.
That's incorrect.


Phil, have at it.

If something
is wedged,

It is forced
into a small space.

In the clip tommy
is talking about,

Bob was wedged
in the basketball hoop,

And the hoop was so small
that he was stuck.

That's correct.

You are
today's winner.

Huggy, show him
what he's won.

[Huggy face screeching]

It's an official word girl
rocket-powered trapeze.

[Audience gasps]

Can I give it a try?


I never get to do
anything fun.


Ok. That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

Announcer: listen for the words
"pester" and "suggest."

Ah, yes, another pleasant
evening in the city.

And I suggest
we visit the botsfords

As they prepare for
their weekly family game night.

Let's play this!

"Set them up
and knock them down."

I don't know about that.

"Set them up and knock
them down" is the best.

Set them up...

And knock them down.

I suggest we play
"so that's how you spell it."

It's a game that involves...

That doesn't sound
like a game.

That sounds like homework.

I'm sure there's more
to the game than that.
Right, becky?


"set them up and
knock them down!"

Ok. Since you two

Would rather
pester each other

Than clearly
and honestly explain

The rules
of your games,

I'll pick the game,

And I suggest
we play...

"In other words."

"In other words"
is a game

Where each player
takes a confusing
set of instructions

And tries to find
a better way

To say the same
thing using...

Ha ha. Other words.

It's in the title.

Is it fun?

Not a bit.


Kids, I'm gonna run
up to the attic

And find our three most
unabridged dictionaries.

Be right back.

So while dad
is gone, let's play

A quick game of
"set them up and
knock them down!"

No. I suggest
we just wait.

Well, can you
at least tell me

What the word
"suggest" means
while we wait?

It's been thrown
around a lot the
last few minutes.

Oh, sure.
The word "suggest"

Means to mention
a good idea

Or a way
to solve a problem.

Suggest can also mean
to mention an activity

That you'd like
to see happen.
For example,

You wanted to play
"set them up and
knock them down,"

So you suggested it.

I didn't want to play
that game because
it sounds terrible.

So I suggested
a more enjoyable game.

I wouldn't say that.

I would.

I suggest we see
what's on tv

So we don't
pester each other.

Good idea.

dear friends.

Welcome to
"granny's corner."

It's such a treat
to sit by the fire

And remember
the good old days.

When I was a little girl,
this town was so much fun.

Oh, how I loved

When my mama would
take me to the bank.

One thing
that hasn't changed--

Banks just love
when you visit.

That's why they give away
free cake sometimes.


I hear they like
their customers so much,

There might even be a dolphin
at the bank tomorrow.

Hey, wouldn't you like to see
a dolphin tomorrow?

I sure would.

So I suggest we all meet
at the bank tomorrow at : ,

Enjoy some free cake,

And see the famous national
national bank dolphin show!

Until next time,

Thanks for visiting
"granny's corner."

Ooh! Dad, can we
go to the bank
tomorrow at : ?

They're having free
cake and dolphins.

T.j., If you listened closely,
granny may just made it sound

Like there would be cake
and dolphins at the bank,

But she never actually
said there would be

Cake and dolphins
at the bank.

Aw, man. I love
cake and dolphins.

I wonder why she would want to
trick people like that.

I don't know,

But as far
as I'm concerned,

Being confusing on purpose
in order to trick people

Is just as bad as not
telling the truth at all.

I like the way
you explained that, dad.

Thanks, becky. I suppose
that's why I've won

The "in other words"
city tournament

Years in a row!
Now let's play.

Who wants a dictionary?
Whoop, whoop!


Ah, I've read this one.

Announcer: the next day
at national national bank,

Plenty of confused customers
are pestering the bank teller.

Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.

Granny may said what?

Free cake!

And a dolphin show.

Why would she say that?

This is a bank.


Oh, hey, look. Look.
We do have a dolphin.

That doesn't count.

We want to see
a real dolphin.

And I want to see
real cake that's
real free.

I'm so confused.

Announcer: but granny may
is not confused.

She knows exactly
what she's doing.

She's robbing the bank.

the bank?

I'm calling
word girl.

Word girl?

[Phone ringing
and vibrating]



No dolphins.
What a rip-off.

Hold it right
there, granny.

Announcer: but word girl
was too late.

Granny may
had already escaped.


Word girl, as long
as you're here,

Will you tell
the customers

To stop
pestering me?

I'm not pestering you...
I don't think.

What does
"pestering" mean?

Well, the word
"pester" means

To keep annoying
or bothering someone.

For example, if you kept
asking the bank teller

Questions that confused her
and bugged her,

Then you were probably
pestering her.

Oh. Maybe we were
pestering her.

Sorry for
pestering you.

And I'm sorry
we don't have

Any cake
or dolphins.

Well, granny may's behavior
is pestering me.

Announcer: word girl
would soon get another chance

To stop granny may,

Because her crime spree
was just beginning...

Yep, that's
what I figured.

As we see on her next episode
of "granny's corner."

Did you know, before they
built the city museum,

There was an old-fashioned
ice-cream parlor

On that very spot?
Oh, ho ho!

Say, I suggest we all
go to the museum

And get some of their
delicious homemade ice cream.

It's free if it's
your birthday.

See you at the museum!

[Elephant trumpets]

If I owned
a jewelry store,

I'd give every customer
a free sweater.

Let's all go
to the jewelry store

And ask about
our free sweaters.

[Angry murmuring]


I'm chilly, and I want
a free sweater.

There will be
no free sweaters today.

Word girl!

And no robbing the jewelry
store, granny may.


I suggest you apologize,

Because you don't have
one shred of evidence

That this dear
sweet grandmother

Has done
anything wrong.

Oh, really?



Except for that.

And she went on tv and said
there are free sweaters here

When there aren't,
just to cause confusion

So she could rob
the place.

I never said there
were free sweaters.

Well, maybe not exactly,

But you made it sound like
there were free sweaters.

Well, maybe I did,

And maybe I didn't.
All I know is,

You'll never
catch me, word girl!


Never have and never will!


I've caught you
dozens of times.

Are you forgetting


Care for some
eau de granny?

Quick, under my cape!


Ha ha ha! I got you now,
my little cutie pies.

Ow! A cheek pinch.

That's a new one.

Now, what did you say earlier
about catching me?



Wait a minute! Hey!

Aha! You've
been captured...

Again by word girl!


And captain
huggy face!


I haven't been
caught at all.

I'm actually quite happy

With this fabric
wrapped around me.

Happy. Not captured.

Granny may,
I totally
caught you!

No, you didn't!
Yes, I did!

Yes, I did!
No, you didn't!

No, you didn't!
Yes, i--

You didn't!

Yes, I did!

No, you didn't.



Ok. I see.

You keep saying
I never capture you

Because you think
it pesters me.

Well, it doesn't
bother me one bit.

Oh, well, I guess you
caught me, officer.

Well, a man
with your skill,

Of course you would catch me,
not anybody else.

No one else
has ever caught me.

Word girl
couldn't do that!

What? But i--

Everyone saw me
capture you.

You saw me catch
granny may, right?

Sure did.

Ha! See,
granny may, i--uh!

than word girl!


Tell us, word girl,

Did you come here planning
to defeat granny may,

Or did you come
for the free sweaters?

There were never
any free sweaters.

But didn't granny may say
there were free sweaters?

No. She just made it sound
like there were free sweaters,

But there weren't.

She was just being
confusing on purpose

So she could
trick people,

And that's just as bad
as not telling the truth.

Huh. Did you hear
what word girl
just said?

That's exactly
what you said, dad.

It's like
she was here.

Wait a second.
I think I know

What's going on here.

Super hearing.

Well, that mystery
is solved.

You know what?
I suggest
we play a game.

Sounds good to me.

Ooh! Let's play "set them up
and knock them down!"


Now explain the rules
of the game again.

you set them up...

And you...

Stop! Don't
knock it down yet.

It's too beautiful.

Ok. Let's just play
"set them up" for a while.

Yeah, let's play "set it up
and stare at it."

Announcer: and so
our story ends as it began,

With the botsfords enjoying
another family game night.

I don't want to pester you
about it, dear viewers,

So I'll politely suggest
that you watch

The next thrilling adventure
of "word girl."

So this episode
is over.

♪ Word girl ♪

I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance to play

For even greater prizes
on the bonus round.

Phil, take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one shows
the definition for "wedged."

Give it
a shot, phil.

It's number one?
In that picture,

Word girl and huggy
have wedged themselves

Between chuck's crusher
and the grocery store.

That's correct!

Show him what
he's won, huggy.

An official "word girl"

rocket-powered trapeze!

You have to let me
have a try.


Really? Come on.

Well, that's our show.
See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Beord girl?"

Watch your favorite episodes
and test your word power

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.
Cape not required.

Word up!