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09x02 - Staycation / Dr. No-Voice

Posted: 07/28/23 10:26
by bunniefuu
Pbs kids opens
worlds of possibilities

For all children

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and viewers like you.

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound ♪

♪ Vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe ♪

♪ We need
the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect ♪

♪ Keeps the crime world
in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes ♪

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
"balmy" and "frigid."

Brr! It's a frigid day

Because a blizzard
has rolled into town,

But the botsfords don't care

All: we're going on vacation!

Narrator: meanwhile
in mr. Big's limo...

We're going
on vacation!

We are?

Well, it's
a working vacation.


Narrator: meanwhile
at the botsford house...

First, we'll go

Then we'll attend
a poolside lecture
on ferns,

And I got us tickets
to a powerpoint

On the jet stream.

Narrator: meanwhile
in mr. Big's limo...

Yes. We will be

The perfect
mind-control crime.

Narrator: meanwhile
at the botsford house...

I'm gonna
learn to surf.

I hear there's a big pool
with a waterslide.

That's where
I'll be very busy

Reading my book.

Narrator: meanwhile
in mr. Big's limo...

mind-control crime?

Why go on vacation
to do that?

Because every time I do
my mind control here,

Wordgirl stops me,

But this working
vacation allows us

To get out of here
and do some mind control

In a completely
different city,

Somewhere balmy.

Look. They are
mind-control sandals.

Narrator: meanwhile
at the botsmo--

I mean, in the limbot--

Oh, can we just do
a split screen?

I'm getting tired. Thanks.

Man, on radio:
this just in.

Because of the frigid
weather and snow,

All flights out of town
have been cancelled.



Now what?

I've got boxes
of these sandals.

That's too bad,
but we can still
have fun.

We are going
on vacation.

We are staying
on vacation.

on vacation?

Yes. We're

Like I always say,
you can plan your plans,

But you can't
let your plans plan you.


What does that
even mean?

I don't get it.

Dad, do you
feel all right?

What I mean is,
we're going to have

Our tropical vacation
right here at home,

A staycation because
we're staying home.

After all, the most
important thing

About a family vacation
is spending time together.

Won't it be fun?

I dunno.
I don't know.

You see? This is just
as cramped and uncomfortable

As a real
hotel room.

Oh, I see.

Can I go put on
my bathing suit?

That's a good idea.

I can finally wear
that adorable cover-up

And straw hat that I bought
for the balmy weather.

[Car horn honks]

So now we're all pretending
to be on vacation?

Ah ah.


Uh, I have to go.

Ha! Go where?
We're on our staycation.

I, um, signed up
for shuffleboard,

And I'm late.

Aw, brother.

Aha! That's
the spirit, becky.

Word up!

[Tap tap tap tap]

Wh-wh-what are you
up to, mr. B-b-big?

I'm not up to
anything, wordgirl.

My limo is stuck
in the snow.

So wait.

You actually
need my help?

Yes. Isn't that what
superheroes like you do?

Oh, if this storm hadn't
ruined my vacation plans,

I'd be swimming at
a balmy resort right now.


Huh! Uh!


[Car horn honks]

Pfft! Some vacation.

Hi. I'm dad, and
welcome to the balmy

Casa botsford

Oh, stars.
Hoo hoo!

I don't know, dad.
This doesn't seem fun.

Sure, it does.

May I escort you
to the beach?



[Surf music playing]


Ahh, this is actually
starting to feel
kind of fun.

And relaxing.

Now, how
about we end

This perfectly balmy
staycation day

I don't know--

Watching the
tropical sunset?

Ha ha!
Oh, super dad.

Now then, let me just
set this thing up.

This is loretta

Reporting live from
the deserted and frigid airport.

Yes. I'm--

Anyone want sandals?
Get your sandals.

No mind control
in them, I swear.

Hey, what do
you think?

Come on.
Put them on.

It's too frigid
for sandals,

And besides,
those kind always feel

Like they're digging
into this reporter's toes.

Ah, there we go.
Ahh, relaxing.


Um, guys,
I just remembered,

Bob and I signed up
for a hot rock massage.

So we'll be back
in a bit.

Word up!

Hey, free sandals.


Hey, get your free sandal.

not so fast, mr. Big.

Wordgirl, how nice
to see you.

Free sandals?

What are you up to?

Look. This would all
make a lot more sense

If my airplane
flight hadn't got
cancelled, wordgirl.

I had a plan.

Ok, but that doesn't
explain what you're doing.

Oh, don't worry.

These are not
mind-control sandals.

Uh-huh. Yeah.

Now, before you
try to stop me,

You should know that
there's a truck

About to drive by,
and if you don't move,

It will cover you
in slush.

Yeah, right. You think
I'd fall for th--aah!

Oh, man, now my socks
are all wet.


Gotcha, mr. Big.

Huh? Hmm.


All right.
You asked for it.

Hah! Hoo! Yaah!

Yah yah yah yah!
Get them, huggy.

How are you
so cheerful,

You were in such
a bad mood earlier.

I mean, we both
had plans to go
on balmy vacations,

And they
were ruined.

Well, I just changed
my attitude.

Like dad said,
you can plan your plans,

But you can't let
your plans plan you.


It just means you don't
have to let something

Like a little frigid
weather ruin your plans.

Oh, now I get it...
I think.

Well, actually, I'm
not altogether sure

What the word
"frigid" means.

Oh, "frigid" means
very cold in temperature.

Oh, yeah.

Well, that
makes sense because
this freezing cold,

Frigid temperature
did ruin my evil plan.

Yep, and now
so will i.

Yah! Yah!
Yahyahyahyahyah! Yah!

So much for your
mind-control sandals.

Now you're coming
with me, mr.--

Huh? Ohh!

Narrator: mr. Big has escaped,

But without his suitcase
of mind-control sandals,

There's not much he can do.

Mr. Big:
well, that's what you think,

But I only need
one pair of sandals

To pull off
a mind-control crime.

I regret
to inform you,

No one is going
to wear them in
this frigid weather.

Did you not just hear
what wordgirl said?

Her plans got messed up,
but somehow, this dad fella

Inspired her with his
amazing planning super powers.

We can do it, too.

So what do we
do next, sir?

If you had one
mind-control device

And they were sandals
and it was frigid outside,

Who would you
put them on?


Dr. Two-brains:
ooh, these are nice.

I've been looking
for something
with an open toe.

What do you
want me to do?

Good question.

Sir, what do you
want him to do?

Well, I don't know,

But that's why
I picked two-brains.

He's one of those
creative types.

Let's see what
he comes up with.

I mean, worst-case scenario,
we just get a ray.

Bwah ha ha
ha ha ha ha.

It's a ray.

So what does it do?

Um, I don't know.

I didn't give him
specific instructions.

I know. I know.

This new plan
is kind of hinky.

[Tranquil music plays]


I guess
that's sunset, kids,

But, hey,
on our staycation,
even when the sun goes down,

It's still
balmy out.

Everybody keeps
saying that word.

Balmy? What does
"balmy" mean?

Balmy means
pleasantly warm.

See, our vacation
was supposed to be

At a nice, warm,
or balmy, beach.

Our staycation
is at home,

But dad
turned up the heat

To make it feel like
a warm, balmy beach.

Sanchez-johnson, on tv:
this just in.

There's some kind of creepy ray
being pointed at the city,

And in continuing news,

It's still frigid
out here, jerry.

Uh, bob and I are
off to the sauna.

It's in the garage.


Stop whatever
you're doing

Right now,
mr. Big...


And dr. Two-brains?

Wait. What are
you guys doing?

I don't know.
I'm not great at improvising.

I'm more of a planner,
and my plans went kablooey.

Well, what's
the ray even do?

Turns stuff to goop?
I don't know.

I actually don't care,
but on the off chance

That it does
something amazing,

I'd like to take
the credit.

Dr. Two-brains:
bwah ha ha ha ha.

What am I doing?

Oh, it's frigid
out here.

You were making a
ray, maybe a goop
ray, I think.

If you ask me,
the whole thing

Was really just
thrown together.


[Tires screech]

[Engine revving]

bon voyage, mr. Big.

Send us a postcard
from jail.


Tim: this is captain dad

We've almost reached our
cruising altitude of zero feet.

Please remain
in your seats

Until we've turned off
the "fasten seat belts" sign

And other things
captains say.

Well, that may have been
the best vacation ever.

On our left side
is my daughter becky

Walking on the wings
of the aircraft.

On the right side
of the plane,

We're so high up,
those people down there
look like ants.


As a matter of fact,
those might
actually be ants.

Honey, we have ants.

Narrator: fasten your seat belts
and put your chairs

In the upright position
and tune in next time,

Especially if it's too frigid
to go anywhere--

Or even if it's balmy,
stay home instead--

And watch the next episode
of "wordgirl."

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome
and this is...

All: "may I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

All: "may I have a word?"

Yes. You may.

Today's featured word
is "consume."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "wordgirl" that show
the meaning of the word.

[Music playing]


Emily, go ahead.

"Consume" means
to eat or drink up.

In all those clips,
people were

Consuming or
preparing to consume

Different kinds
of food.

That's correct.

You are today's winner.

Huggy, show her
what's she's--

Phil, you ok

Yeah. I'm just
really hungry,

And seeing all that food
is making my stomach grumble.

Sorry to hear that.

Anyway, huggy, show
emily what she's won--

A lifetime supply
of animal crackers

For you and everyone
in this room.

Ooh, can I have one?

Sure, after
the bonus round.

Ok. That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

All: "may I have a word?"

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
"hoarse" and "modify."

Another crime-filled day
in the city

As dr. Two-brains attempts
to rob the grocery store.

Why, hello there. How
can I help you today?

you can help by watching
as I turn everything in here

Into cheese.

Ha ha ha!


I'm going to turn

What's that?

I'm going to--
speak up, son.

Let the whole
world hear.

Sorry. The boss
lost his voice.

He was singing
last night

At villain karaoke,
and he kind of overdid it.

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes ♪

[Cheering and applause]


now I can't talk.

My voice is hoarse.

If your voice
is a horse, you'll
have to leave.

Horses aren't allowed
in the grocery store,

City health code.

My voice isn't a horse.
I'm here to--


Ohh, I need
a new plan.

Narrator: meanwhile
at the botsford house,

Tj is practicing
his ping pong serve.

Becky, I'm glad
you're here.

Johnson cancelled
on me.

So I need a new partner
for the ping pong tournament

This afternoon.


Yeah. Sorry, tj.

Doesn't sound like
something I'd do.

Aw, come on, becky.

First prize is a golden
ping pong paddle.

Uh-huh. Yeah.
Not interested.

Hey, becky, want
to be my partner

For the big
ping pong tournament
this afternoon?

First prize
is a golden paddle.

Golden paddle?
That sounds awesome.

Sure, scoops.
I'd love to.

Wait. What?
That's great.

Tj, please.

Scoops and I
are talking.

I just asked you
the same question,
and you said no.

Yeah. Well, you
asked me like,

"Uh, want to be
my partner?"

And then scoops was like,
"want to be my partner?"

So, you know--

No. We asked
the same way,

But when you answered scoops,
you were much nicer.

Oh, please.

I don't modify the way I act
around different people.

Come on, scoops!
Let's go play ping pong!

Dr. Two-brains: [hoarsely] ok.

I have a solution
to my hoarse voice problem.

We will be auditioning
professional voice actors

For the role of me,
dr. Two-brains.

Bring in the first
actor, please.

I was told there'd
be valet parking.

nick michols.

Thanks for bringing me
in on this.

I read the script,
and it's fantastic.

Two-brains: to be honest,
there's not exactly
a script.

Excuse me?
I didn't catch that.

What's his deal?

dr. Two-brains.

His voice
is a little hoarse.

Ah! Ha ha!

I can't tell you
how exciting it is
to be working with you.

Hey, I'm gonna
need some tea.

Dr. Two-brains:
all right, nick.

You'll need to modify
your own voice

To sound like me
when I'm not hoarse.

[Clears throat]

I'm dr. Two-brains.

Give me some cheese
and throw some cheese

On it, why don't you,
and serve it

On a big piece
of more cheese

I love cheese.

ho ho! Ha ha!

Boss, he sounds
exactly like you.

Ah, thanks.

I really
try to inhabit
the character.

That's what I sound like?

So I've got
the part?

Well, we are
in a rush--

Ah, that's terrific.

Hey, I got a few
notes on how we can

Modify this crime,
really make it pop.

Wait. What now?

Hey, how's
that tea coming?

Murray, yeah.
Just booked the
two-brains thing.

meanwhile, becky and scoops

Head to the ping pong

And so does tj.

Hey, guys,
either of you want

To be my partner for the
ping pong tournament?

We're a team.

All right. Good luck.
Hey, want to be my--

Becky: hey, tj,
hurry it up.


Scoops: gosh, becky,
have you listened to yourself?

I think tj was right.

You do modify
your behavior with him.

That's just
the way we talk.

It's brother-sister

Sometimes you have
to be different

different people.

Like, when I see a villain
committing a crime,

I usually say,
"stop right here!"

Oh, not you, sir,

But if I saw tj
doing something wrong,

I'd definitely be
much nicer.

Hey, knock it off!


Ok. I'm glad
you brought it up.

Dr. Two-brains:
[hoarsely] all right.

I'm gonna walk in there to give
my big villainous speech.

Now, when I open
my mouth,

That's your cue to start
reading those lines

So it'll seem like
it's me talking

In my regular,
nonhoarse voice.

You get it?

You didn't take
any of my notes.

I know what I'm doing.
Stick to the script.

Nick: "all right.
Nobody move.

"It's me--
dr. Two-brains.

"Get ready to watch
as I turn everything in here

"Into cheese.

Big, evil laugh."

Oh, sorry.

Moo hoo
ha ha ha ha ha!

Glad to see you
found your voice.

Nick: "henchmen,
fire up that ray.

"We're gonna modify
everything in this joint

To the cheesy extreme"

D b style.

"D b style"?
Hold on.

I don't remember
writing that.

"Whoa, check it out--
snappy snaps,

"The perfect cereal
for a villain like me

Who's constantly
on the go."

Nick, did you
modify the script?

Guess what, doc.

I got us
a sponsorship.

"That's right--
snappy snaps,

The official
cereal of--"

Snappy snaps don't even
have cheese in them.

Yeah. I'm having
trouble hearing you.


All set, boss.

Big props to you,
little man.

"This has been another
bodaciously evil crime,

of snappy snaps."

D b out.

[Whirring stops]

I better call
the police...

Right after
I have a bowl
of snappy snaps.

Dr. Two-brains: [hoarsely]
what were you saying in there?

Look. I can see
you're unhappy,

But your lines
were yawnsville.

My fixes made the crime pop.
Know what I'm saying?

Nick's changes
did feel kind of
fresh and fun.

Ooh, and I came up with
an idea for a crime

That's gonna put dr. Two-brains,
as voiced by nick michols,

On the map,
the crime map.

Now wait
just a second.

There's no way
that i--

What'd he say?

Nick: he said,
"floor it, charlie."

No. Don't
listen to him.

You're the boss,
new boss.

Nick: oh, this is gonna
be great for my reel.

Scoops: whoo hoo!

Golden trophy,
here we come.

Sorry, son.

We're no longer allowing
rocks to be teammates.



Scoops: becky,
can you try to focus?

There is a golden
paddle on the line.

Scoops, I think
I need to modify
our game plan here.

Bob is your
new partner.


Ok. That happened.

Hey, tj.

So you were right.

About what?

I do modify the way
I act around you.

Ok, if you say so.

What does
"modify" mean?

Oh, the word
"modify" means
to change something,

Like--let's see--
in my case,

I was being one way
with all my friends

But them modifying,
or changing,

The way I acted
around you,

And I realize now
I was doing it

In a way that
wasn't very nice.

So what do you say?


Now let's--
wait. What?

I already have
a partner.

Good luck with
scoops, becky.


Ok. Here's the plan.

First, we swipe
the golden paddle.

Then when we have
everyone's attention,

I give my powerful,
-minute speech.

[Hoarsely] wait.
I don't see any cheese
in this plan.

The plan
is cheeseless.

What did you say?

This is
ping pong, d b.

It's young.
It's hip.

Plus, we don't need
cheese to set up
my big speech.

Now you're modifying
my style of crime too much.

Fine. We can turn
the golden paddle
into cheese

Back at the lair
or something.

Places, everyone.

How can I help you?

Nick: [deep voice]
"we're here for that
golden paddle."

Who is that
supposed to be?

I modified your voice
to give it a little
more danger.

"Henchman number one,
seize the golden paddle."



Excuse me.


A little hoarse.

I'm going to get
some water.


Huh. Becky thinks
she's a little horse

Like a pony?

Excuse me.

I think what your
caring and genuinely
sorry sister meant

Was her voice
was hoarse,

And this kind of hoarse
isn't an animal.

"Hoarse" is a word
that describes a voice

That sounds rough
and scratchy.

A voice can become
hoarse from too much
shouting or singing

Or even from
a sore throat.

Hey, want to be
my partner?

Got to go. Bye.


[Hoarsely] what could
I possibly want...

[Normal voice]
with this cheeseless
piece of gold?

Hey, your voice
is back.

Hey, it is.

Wordgirl: stop right there,
dr. Two-brains.

Wordsgirl, nick michols.
Big fan. Look.

If your voice
every gets hoarse

And you need
someone to fill in,

I can modify my voice
to do heroes, too.

Word out!


Dr. Two-brains: wordgirl,
this guy has been making me

Modify my behavior
all day.

He's been turning me
into something I'm not,

And I've just got to be me.

the golden paddle.

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Pow! Pow! Pow!


And as for you,
nick michols...

Think, mick nichols.

Let your improv training
be your guide.

[Cockney accent]
boss, look out behind you.



Well, hasn't this
just been terrific.

I got to hit
the road now.

There he is,

That's the man who
helped dr. Mouseman
rob my store.

Wordgirl, any chance
you can help me out here?

Sorry, but the law
doesn't get modified

For people who steal
ping pong trophies.

I get it, buy, hey,

I hope we can work together
on a future project.

Yeah. Murray? Bad news.

Hey, becky, is your
voice still hoarse?

No, no,
much better now.

Here. I got you
and bob some water.

Thought you might
be thirsty.

What about us?

Don't worry.
I got some for everybody.

I'm treating you the same
as everybody else.

You're learning.

Now, how about
being my partner
for the competition?

I think it's time
for jt to hang it up.

Narrator: ah, what
a heartwarming ending.


[Hoarsely] oh, great.
Now I'm a little hoarse.

Not the animal horse.
I mean my voice is.

Ah, I better just get some tea.

Meanwhile, modify your plans
so you won't miss the next

Exciting episode of "wordgirl."


Hey, someone get me
that voice actor's number.

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

All: "may I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance to play

For even greater prizes
on the bonus round.

Emily, you correctly
defined the word "consume."

You ready to play
the bonus round? Great.

Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition
for "consume."

[Music playing]


It's number one.

In that picture, huggy
is consuming sausages.

That is correct,
which means

You're our
bonus round winner.

Show her what
she's won, huggy.


A lifetime supply
of milk for you

And everyone
in this room.

[Muffled] ok.
See you next time on...

All: "may I have a word?"

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Word up!