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09x01 - Pineapple of My Eye / Big Baby

Posted: 07/28/23 10:25
by bunniefuu
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♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

♪ Go, girl ♪

♪ Huggy face is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ Then throw some mighty
words your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes ♪

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Listen for the words

Eradicate and eureka.

It's a beautiful
saturday morning

At the botsford residence,

Where becky and her dad
are talking.

Not our most
exciting start.

All right!
Are you ready?

I'm ready!

You say
you're ready,

But how do I know
you're really ready?

I'm really ready!


Ok, then.


The botsford family
coleslaw recipe!

Becky, this coleslaw
recipe has been
the cornerstone

Of every botsford
family picnic
for generations,

And we're lucky
to still have it.

It was almost
eradicated in

The great botsford
basement flood
of last year.

Dad left
the sink running.

Mom was mad.

But we were able
to save it!

And now,
becky botsford,

I, tim botsford,

Pass this
recipe on to you.


It is now
a.m. Botsford
standard time,

And there is
a botsford family
picnic in hours.

It is up to you,
and you alone,

To make...that...

Have fun! I know
you won't let me

And all of our
ancestors down.


Narrator: across town, in a
bologna-scented basement...

ha ha ha!

Huh? Wha...

Ha ha ha!

Oh, brent, I love
my new birthday hammock

That you got me
because it's my birthday.

Oh, ketchup packets!

It's mom's birthday,

And I didn't get her
a present yet!

And of course,
brent got her a hammock,

Which is a perfect present.

This hammock is
a perfect present!

Think, chuck, think!

What's another perfect
present for mom?

Well, I am chuck
the evil sandwich-making guy,

So maybe I should destroy
something that mom doesn't like.

Yeah! That's a great present.

Narrator: it is?


I think...

But what does mom
really dislike?


Huh! Eureka!

Pineapples. Mom really
doesn't like pineapples.

Narrator: ok.

So you're just going to
eradicate pineapples?

Look out,

Chuck the evil sandwich-making
guy is going to find you

And destroy you!

Happy birthday, ma.

Heh heh ha ha ha ha!

Narrator: meanwhile,
back at the botsfords...


Wow. This recipe
is a doozie.

But this is the first
botsford family recipe

That I get to make
completely on my own,

And I am determined
to do it right.

Bob, we need to make
a shopping list.


We need cabbage,

sour cream--

Narrator: wait.
Did you say pineapple? reason!

Must be just a coincidence.

Ok, then.

Come on, bob.

I guess we
should go to...

Where should we go?

To the grocery store.

To the
grocery store!

And I would hurry
if I were you.

Meanwhile, at the--well...

Hee hee hee!

Say good-bye,

Oh, wow!
A guy who can
talk to fruit?

You're hired.

No, no, no, no.
I can't really.

Tell the mangoes
to say hello.

Why would the
mangoes say hello?

I don't know. Why
would the pineapples
say good-bye?

I don't know.

You're fired!
But i--

Now, how
do you want to
pay for those?

Pay? I'm not paying.

I am chuck the evil
sandwich-making guy,

And I'm stealing
these pineapples

In order to--oh...

Hey, um, voice guy,

What was that word
you used before?

Narrator: which one?
I use a lot of words.

You know the one.
Eradi-something or other?

You must mean

Eradicate is another
word for destroy.


That's right, chuck.

Now, step away from
that bin of pineapples.

Wait. Why are you stealing
a bin of pineapples?

Because I'm going to
eradicate them!

Hey, now you got it.

But, um...why?

Because it's
my mom's birthday.

Is that the whole

Well, yeah, unless you
want to include this.

Help! Aah!



Ahh ha ha...

You know,
it's really annoying

How slowly
you're escaping.

Too bad!


Uh! This is
so frustrating!

Chuck has stolen
every single pineapple

In the entire city.

[Ee ooh ooh]

And I'm running
out of time to
make my coleslaw.

Just one pineapple.
That's all I need.

Wait a second.


It's a pineapple!

Ha ha!

[Eep eep]

Oh, I said "eureka."

It means, "I found it!"

If you're looking for
a solution to a problem

And you find it,
you can shout "eureka"!

Now, come on, huggy.

Let's go make
some coleslaw--huh?

So, have you found
my pineapples?


Is that one mine?

I...don't...think so.


And I kind of have to stop
looking for them right now

Because I have to, um...

Make something
really important.

No, no.

But when I finish making
that really important thing,

I'm totally going to find
all of your pineapples.

I promise.

Sure! Yeah! Ok.

Sounds fine.



The botsford
family coleslaw.


All right.

Here. Hold this.


Crime first,
then coleslaw.

Come on, huggy.

There goes
a true hero.

All right. So, if you
were going to eradicate

A large amount
of pineapples...

[Ooh ah ah]


Mm! That's the last one.

Now, all I have to do is
call ma to come outside,

And then I'll eradicate
every single pineapple

In the entire city.

Ha ha ha ha!

Not going to
happen, chuck.

Time to eradicate your
mom's birthday present.

[Eep eep]

Oh. I know, right?

I'm doing the
right thing here,

But it just
sounds terrible.


Oh, not relish!
Oh, not relish.

Ha ha ha!
Now that that's
taken care of,

Time to give my ma

A birthday she'll
never forget.


Come on outside.
I have a surprise for you.

Ok! Give me
a minute.

Listen, chuck,
I'm not sure

I'm going to be able
to stop you this time,

So is there
any way you could--

I don't know--
grab a pineapple

And just put it
aside for me?

Is this
some kind of trick?

Oh, no, no.

You see, I have to make
this coleslaw recipe,

And one of the main
ingredients is pineapple, so--

Wait, wait. Coleslaw
with pineapple.

That sounds amazing.

Oh, it is.

So if I put one
aside for you,

You'll let me eradicate
all the rest?

Yes! I, no.

I was just thinking

Maybe you could put
one aside for me

If you think
I'm not going to
break out of this

In time to stop you,
which I'm hoping I will.

Because I owe it
to the city to save

All the pineapples

Ma! Can you hurry?

Mom: hurrying is
not my thing.

Eee! Yah!


You can forget putting
a pineapple aside.

I'll just save
all of them!

N-n-no, you won't.


Wait. If I
crush them now,
ma won't see it,

And her
birthday present
will be ruined.

But isn't ruining them
the present?



Mom: chucky boo, I can't
find my slippers,

But I'm looking out
the window.

Is there something
you wanted to
show me? Whoa!

Please, wordgirl,

My mom is watching.

Please let me eradicate
the pineapples now.

No! They are not
your pineapples.

Man: that's right.
They're my pineapples.

How did you find--

Hard to miss
the giant crusher.

What's going on here?

Well, it's my
mom's birthday,

And she really
doesn't like

So you decided
to eradicate

Every pineapple
in the city?

What a great present!


This is for you, ma.



My pineapples!

Yes! I did it,
I did it! I won!

Did you see it, ma?
Did you?

I destroyed those
pineapples for you!

Oh, chucky,
I hate pineapples!

I know.

Except for
brent's hammock,

That's the best
birthday present
I've ever gotten.

Aw! Thanks, ma.

Well, I really
should press charges,

But since you stole
those pineapples

For a birthday present
for your mom,

I'd feel lousy if I did.


Plus, now I've got
a whole bin

Of freshly crushed
pineapple to sell.

Uh! How am I going to
make my coleslaw now?

Oh, hey, wordgirl,

Here's the pineapple
you gave me before.

Looks like you need
it more than I do.


Ah! Thank you,
thank you,

Thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you!

Come on, huggy.
Time to make our coleslaw.

Ok. Are you
guys ready?

Really ready?

really ready?

Really, really ready!

Really, really,
really ready?

Really, really, really!

Ok. I think
you're ready.

I want you to be
honest with me. Ok?


But not too honest!
I mean, i...uh...

Oh, just taste it.

Mmm. Mmm mmm.



It's horrible.
You hate it.

I'll just throw it
out and start over.

Now I have to find
another pineapple.

No! Honey, stop.

It's perfect!

It is?

Absolutely! And you
made it all on your own.

Aw, thanks, dad.

Huh! In fact,
it's going to go great

With this bowl
of crushed pineapple

I just bought at
the grocery store.

Did you know they're
having a sale?

Narrator: and so,
the botsford family coleslaw...

[Doorbell rings]

Chuck's mom's birthday,
and this episode

All come to a happy ending,

While all involving
pineapples, for some reason.

Now, remember,
the next time

You want to
eradicate boredom,

Cry out "eureka"

And find another exciting
episode of "wordgirl"!

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may.

Today's featured word
is irritable.

To give you a clue, here are
some clips from "wordgirl"

That show the meaning
of the word.

[Bell rings]


Irritable means
easily annoyed--

Like in that last clip,
becky is irritated,

Maybe because
bob's breakfast is

So much bigger than hers,

Just like phil's buzzer
is so much bigger than mine.

They're the exact same size.

Sure, they are.


Anyway, tommy, you are today's
oddly unhappy winner.

Huggy, show him
what he's won.


An official wordgirl

Audience: ooohh!

Don't need it.

My brain is
a supercomputer.

Wow! Tommy, thanks
for demonstrating

What an irritating response
would sound like.

That's it for
today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Listen for the words

Hire and dehydrate.

It's a lovely weekend morning
in our fair city,

Not that certain
people would know.

Woman: and now,
with my diamond-edition

Flying flower fairy

With magic sparkle wand,

You, too, can spread
a sparkle wave

Of a million smiles
wherever you go.

Man: smiles not guaranteed.

I want it, I want it,

I want it, I want it,
I want it!

Mom. I'm a pretty
good kid, right?

Pretty darn good,
I'd say!

Good enough for--
I don't know...

Maybe a limited-edition
pretty princess

Flying flower fairy
with magic sparkle wand?



If you want,
you can put it on
your birthday list.

Oh, but I can't wait
till my birthday!

Well, if you
want it sooner,

You'll just
have to find a way

To earn some money
and buy it yourself.

But who's going to hire me?

I'm not even old enough
to baby-sit yet.

[Eep eep]

Oh. "Hire" means to pay
someone to do a job,

Like the city hired mom to
be the district attorney.

Ha ha ha!
Guilty as charged.

Ha ha! I am proud.

And if mom paid me
a dollar an hour

To chat with her while
she did her chores,

She'd be hiring me.

Nice try.

You are old enough

To baby-sit for
plants, though.

Wait. Really?

Yep. Mr. Newman
next door

Is looking for a
responsible person

To water his plants
while he's away.

I'll do it! I mean,
it doesn't exactly take

A magic flower fairy

To baby-sit a bunch
of plants, right?

Narrator: meanwhile,

In a certain skyscraper
lair across town,

Mr. Big is thinking...

You ever
notice how cute
baby things are?

Well, I did,

Because I'm smart
and I notice things.

I was at the baby animal
petting zoo the other day.

Why, the effect
babies have on people

Is almost criminal!


Hence, the big baby-fying
mind-control machine.

Because I always say,

Almost isn't good enough.

Ha ha ha ha!

Ok. You see that ugly
old mutt down there?

Leslie: yes.




Oh. He's a baby.


Now he's not.

Congratulations, sir.

This is just phase one

Of my greatest
evil scheme yet!

And what's
phase two, sir?

Oh! Oh, you're going
to love phase two.

I love phase two.

I love it so much,
I want to marry it.

And you know why I want
to marry it? Well...

I'm just old-fashioned,
I guess. Ha ha ha!

Let's get to work.

Actually, sir,
I just noticed

My grandmother
needs help
loading that sofa

Into her truck
across the street.

I thought I'd
give her a hand.

Oh. Well...

All right, but don't
make a habit of it.

If I'd wanted
a granny-helper,

I would have hired one.

Thank you, sir.

Now I have to do
everything myself...

As usual.

Oh! Ohh...





Whaa! Whaa!

So, this is it?

Just the one plant?

That's not a plant.
That's rex.

Oh. Hi, rex!

Hey, take it easy.

He can hear you just fine
from right there.

Now, rex likes
a good drink

Once a day.

Oh, don't worry. I won't
let him get dehydrated.

De-what, now?

I won't let him
get dehydrated.

De-which one?


De-who'd you say?


De-how's that?




De...which one
was that?


De...what did you say?

Dehydrated. It means
low on water.

Like, if you sweat a lot
when you exercise,

You need to hydrate
by drinking some water.

you'll get dehydrated.


Speaking of exercise,
do you want me to...

Walk him or anything?

Of course not!

Are you sure you've
done this before?

[Door closes]

Easiest job ever!





Hey, cut it out!
Come on!


Ha ha ha!
No, no, not there.

Ha ha ha!
I'm ticklish!

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha!

Hey, I'm warning you,
I'm getting very cranky.



Leslie, help me!

[Engine starts]

Help me!

I'm impossibly cute!


Oh, sir!

Oh. Oh, you adorable
little munchkin.

Oh, I want to eat you up.

Oh, good grief!
You, too?

Oh, sorry, sir. It's just
you were so adorable.

Now get me back
to the office
and fix me!

Go on!

Get up on leslie's

Piggy-back ride.

Up, up, up!

Ha ha! Giddy-up,
giddy-up, giddy-up.


Now, now, sir,

Mommy leslie
needs to see.


Oh, what an
adorable baby!

Here. Have some
free balloons.

Ooh! Shiny.

Oh, and here's
a carriage.

Nope. You don't
have to pay me.

Just don't ask me
where I got it.


Did you see that?

He wouldn't even
let us pay.

He gave us all this stuff
because I'm so cute!

You know, sir,
you're so cute,

You could be phase two
of your evil plan.

Wait a minute.

I could be phase two
of my own evil plan!

I am an
evil baby genius!

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha!



Quick, take me
to the park.

For phase two, sir?

Oh, yeah, uh...what?
Uh, yeah. Phase two.


Narrator: later...





Ooh! Shiny!

Got it!
Let's go.

Sir, perhaps you
could tell me more

About phase two
of your evil plan?

Right! Phase two.

It's a doozie!

I think.
I can't remember!

I just want all
the shiny shinies!



Hey, bob, tell me
what happens.

I'm going to go
check on rex.

Ha ha ha!

Ok, I'm back.

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

I didn't even...
Because he's a...

Ahh. This is like taking
candy from a baby.

Man: candy from a baby?

How about a baby
who steals from you?

Police have warned citizens
to be on the lookout

For this adorable little
pickpocket team.

Just be careful they
don't steal your heart.

Precious details at : .

We could solve
that one in a snap.

[Ooh ooh ah]

Yeah, why not?
We'll be back in no time.

Hey, rex, you mind if we
leaf you here all alone?

Ha ha! "Leaf you."
Ha ha ha ha!

I crack myself up.

Word up!

Gimme! Gimme!

Which one?


Use your words, sir.

Sir, we put away our toys

Before picking up
new ones.


Ok, hold it
right there,


Ohh! Look, huggy!

Mr. Big is a
little teeny baby!

Oh! Is that the cutie
patootie-est thing

You ever saw?

Whoa! That was weird.

Did I actually say

I mean, that's not
even a word!


Oh! Let's go.

Wait. You're big!

That's my name.

Don't wear it out.

No. I mean,
you were a baby.

Oh, everybody
was a baby.

That's where
grownups come from.

Oh. So this isn't
your stroller

And disco ball?

Oh. Uh...



[Eee ooh ooh]



Wait, wait.
No, no. Baby huggy,

Give it to wordgirl.

Give it
to wordgirl.

Come on.


Double aww!

Ha ha ha hee!

[Ooh ooh ooh ooh]


Hang on, huggy.

Aww! I can't take it.


No! Stop it!




Ooh ahh.



[Ee eeep]

[Ooh eep]

Ooh! No wonder babies
nap all the time.

It's exhausting.


And are you
as thirsty as I am?

I'm totally dehydrated.

Narrator: I know
who else is dehydrated.

At mr. Newman's house?

Huh! Rex!

We never
watered him!



Maybe fall just came
early this year?


Great idea!

[Door opens]

And I don't know.
I guess the job
was just so easy,

I never took it
seriously enough,

And now
he's completely

And bald,
and I'm just so, so,

So, so, so, so, so,
so, so, so sorry!

All right. No biggie.

No what?

That's why they
give you extra seeds.

He'll be good as new
in a few days.

You're not mad?

Well, I'm not
going to pay you,
but you're honest.

I like that. I mean,
it's not like you tried

To paint him green
or anything.

Ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

No. Ha ha...

Narrator: and so,
if you're looking

To hydrate your own carpet

With tears of
helpless laughter...

Who would do that?

You don't need to
hire a party clown.

Just be sure to watch

The next gut-busting
episode of "wordgirl."

Ha ha ha ha!



♪ Wordgirl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance

To play for even greater prizes
on the bonus round.

Tommy, you correctly defined
the word "irritable."

Ready to play
the bonus round?


All right!

Take a look at these
pictures and tell me

Which one shows the
definition for irritable.

Ok. What do you
think, tommy?

I think I'm a genius.

As for the answer,
it's number .

In that picture, huggy is
grabbing his head,

Looking almost as irritated
as you look now.

Correct on all fronts!

Huggy, show the genius
what he's won.

Every single book
ever written!

I've already read
all of those.

Well, that's our show.
See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Want more "wordgirl"?

Watch your favorite episodes
and test your word power

Want wordgirl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!