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08x10 - Becky Knows Best / As Something as Something

Posted: 07/28/23 10:24
by bunniefuu
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♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound ♪

♪ Vocabulary that astounds,
from the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

♪ Go, girl ♪

♪ Huggy face is by her side,
vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out villains ♪

♪ Here she comes ♪

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
"certain" and "compatible."

Another fine day
draws to a close.

Oh, hey, t.j.,
I missed you on the bus
after school.

Ah, but I wasn't
on the bus

'Cause I stayed after school
to sign up for this!

The school
writing contest?

That's fantastic!

Oh, hey, you want
to hear a funny story?

I've won so many times
the school--

Made you retire
from the contest.
I know. I know.

So what are you
gonna write about?

I don't know yet.
I have so many ideas.

Well, you're in luck

Because I am an expert
at picking topics.

Oh, no thanks, becky.

Oh, oh,
one of my favorites

Is to pick
and inanimate object

And write it from
the object's point of view.

No thanks, becky.

I'm certain you're
a good writer,

But I wouldn't even
want your help

If you were
word girl herself.

I want to do this
on my own.

One year I wrote a story
as if I were the toaster.

I don't want your help.

Great! Come on,
let's brainstorm.

Vacuum. Done it.
Lamp. I've done that.

Box? Box!

Narrator: meanwhile across town
at the sandwich shop,

Brent the handsome everyone
loves him sandwich guy

And ms. Question
are getting to know each other.

Do you like
salami sandwiches?

I do.

Do you also like

Yeah, but not
the sour ones.
They make me pucker.

Hee hee!
Ha ha!
There I go.

Ah ha ha!

Can you believe
how compatible we are?

Hey, what
a nice surprise!

My brother brent
and ms. Question.

What are you doing here
with my brother brent?

that sounded rude.

I don't care.

Why don't you want me
to be friends with brent?

you're a villain!

And I'm certain
you're up to no good.

Is there any way
I can convince you
to trust me with brent?

No, no,
there's no way.

What about this!
Ha ha ha!

Don't you have better things
to do,

Like committing
a big, important crime?

Yeah, I do.

Bye, brent.
I have some big,
important thing

I need to do
she said, I think.

Ah, so you
got to go, then?

Ok, bye.

[Door closes]

Now, where were we?

Oh, do you like
to cut the crust

Off your sandwiches,

Does a cow go moo?

Ha ha!
Ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Ah, ooh.

Narrator: a little later
at the botsfords'...

Hi, t.j.

Um, I know you said
you didn't want me
to help you,

But I thought you could
at least read

This very short
list of ideas
I came up with.

Don't need it.
I already came up
with the perfect idea.

Oh, really?
Well, let's hear it then.

I call it
"what if dinosaurs
still roamed the earth?"


Ha ha! Come on,
you're kidding, right?

Becky, you know
I never kid about

T.j., Try to be
more original.

Just think about
the toaster

Longing to meet
the perfect slice of toast.

Becky, a t. Rex
couldn't make toast.

His arms are too small.

[Evil laughter]

Ah! Sounds like chuck!

He's up to something.

Uh, t.j., I have to go.

But before you get
too far into the dinosaur story,

I'll leave this list
of ideas in case
you change your mind.

Take it with you!
I don't need it!

Hold it right there,

what are you doing here?

Wait. What am I
doing here?

I'm here to stop you

Because you're
stealing bread.

Wait a minute.

This is
ms. Question's fault.

Well, I don't see
ms. Question anywhere.

I only see you
and a bakery that
needs a new roof.

Wow. Look at the roof.

Ha ha!


Hee hee!



Huggy, don't eat that.


Ah, brent,
why does the day
seem sunnier

When I'm with you?

Is it because

Both: we're so compatible?

Ha ha!
Ha ha!

Oh, chuck, hey.

Isn't it nice to
run into your brother
again, heh heh?

Brent, stay away
from ms. Question.

I'm telling you
for your own good.

And that would be
for my own good why?

Because I know ms. Question.
She's a villain,

Which means she wants
to take something valuable
from you.

Don't you have
bigger, better,

More important things
to do?

Like committing
a big, important crime?

Ha ha!

Yeah, I do.

Bye, brent.

I have some big,
important thing I need to do.

Oh, so
you got to go?

Ok, yeah,
see you, chuck.

How's it going?

Shh! I'm on a roll.

Ok, the last thing
I'll say is that I'm here
if you need me.

All you have to do
is ask.

Argh! I can't
work like this!

What's wrong?
Oh, nothing!

Only my creative
flow is gone!

You made me lose
my creative flow!

Oh, well, when I get
writer's block,

One trick
I like to do--


I'm trying to be
a master wordsmith,

And she comes in
all talky and everything.

Creative flow is going.
She comes in...

Fine! T.j. Doesn't
want my help.

He doesn't have to know
I'm helping.



I love words
and helping people.

I can't help
my own brother
write a story?


Man: chuck is stealing
all the condiments!


Better save your lecture
for later, bob.

Sounds like chuck
is back on the loose.

Word up!

There's no more ketchup
for the hot dogs!

People will find out
how bad they taste.

Chuck, stop stealing
the stadium's condiments
right now!


Oh, what am I doing now?

Come on, huggy!

Hee hee!


Man: I'm gonna lose
my job!

I hope you like the lunch meat
combo I chose this time.

It's bologna
and salami.

I call it bolami.

Well, if you picked it,
how could I not like it?

Chuck: brent!

Oh, hey, chuck.

You seem wound up.

Sit down,
have some bolami.

The only sandwich
I'm gonna share
with you

Is a truth sandwich!

Only guess what.
It's not a sandwich!

Chuck, before
you say anything,

Can I explain something?

Well, wait!
Can we hear what
chuck has to say?

Wordgirl, shouldn't
you be arresting chuck
right now?

I'm not so sure.

The truth is ms. Question
did something very bad.

Oh, yeah.

She used her powers to make me,
a fellow supervillain,

Commit a crime!

But why?

Chuck: to get
rid of me

So I wouldn't be
around to warn you

About her
villainous ways!


Isn't it better
to think about us

And how compatible
we are?


Ahem. Sorry
to interrupt.

But do you know
what compatible

Not exactly.

Compatible actually
means things that
go well together,

Like milk
and cookies

Or huggy and i.

We're a compatible
crime-fighting team

Because we both
like to stop villains.

And we're compatible as friends
because we have a lot of fun

And hardly ever quarrel.


I can't believe!

You made my brother
commit a crime?

Can't you see
I did it for us?

Us? Us?

You're full of bolami,

Chuck, I don't think
you've ever seen me
really angry, have you?

Ha ha ha!




Ms. Question,
this is for what
you did to brent.


Look what you made me do!

Uh, it was your
fight that did this
to brent.

So I'd say you're both
to blame here.


Thank you.

Brent, can we share
another sandwich

When I get out
of jail?

After what you did
to my brother?

I don't know.
When do you get out of jail?

you got any guesses?

Well, for making chuck
go on a crime spree,

They'll probably give
about weeks.


Ok. Maybe we can
try again in weeks,

But only if you stop making
my brother commit crimes.

Oh, how could
I not agree to that?

I still think
she's up to no good.

What can I say?
We're compatible.

Ah, oh, huggy,

If we can get t.j.
To write the story

If chuck, brent,
and ms. Question,

He can't lose!


And the people and the dinosaurs
learned to live in peace.

The end.

Oh, that's good.

T.j., T.j., T.j.!

You have to hear
this story.

I don't want to hear it.
I'm finished.

It has everything!

Drama, brothers, love.

This story can't be beat,
I'm certain.

You're certain?
Oh, yeah.

And just in case
you don't know what
the word certain means,

It's the feeling you get
when you're absolutely sure
of something

And you have
no doubts about it.

if you're so certain,
then you write it.

But I can't!
I won too many times
already. You know that.

Is this your story?

I know I said
I didn't want
your help, but...

Would you mind
reading it for me?

You want me to read it?

Not to change the story,

Just to let me know
if I made any spelling

I'd be happy to.
Thanks, t.j.

"If dinosaurs
still roamed the earth."

Oh, what if you changed
the title to something like--

Becky, I just need you
to look for--

Spelling mistakes.

Got it.

How's the first
couple of words?

Narrator: and so
while fighting crime,

Wordgirl saw the trouble
chuck caused

By giving his brother help
that wasn't needed.

And back at home,
becky discovered

The best way to
help her brother t.j.

Was to just read his paper
and check for spelling mistakes

And not try to make
big story changes.

I know, I know.

This is actually
pretty good.

And the result?

T.j. Won himself a certificate

For most creative
dinosaur story.

Wouldn't you say becky and t.j.

Are pretty compatible
as siblings? I would.

And I'm certain
you'll want to see them again

In the next exciting episode
of "wordgirl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines
today's featured word

Will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may.

Today's featured word
is inflate.

To give you a clue,
here are some clips
from "wordgirl"

That show the meaning
of the word.

[Theme music playing]

[Bell rings]

Yes, emily!

Inflate means to puff up
with air or gas.

In that second clip,
wordgirl was inflating
her cheeks,

And in the last one,
huggy was inflating
some gum

To blow a bubble.

That is correct!

Huggy, show her
what she's won!


An official beau handsome
giant inflatable head!

Audience: ew!

Where is it?


Well, can you--
can you take it
out of the box?

Huh. The giant inflatable head

Isn't quite as impressive
as I'd hoped.

Well, emily,
you're still going to have
a great time with it.

I am?


Ok, that's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
clutter and simile.

It's a clear, crisp
saturday morning

And the botsford family
is up in the attic

For a little spring--


Narrator: cleaning.

You can take this one
away, too, teddy.

You got it, mr. B.

Whoa! Hey!
Who are you?

Who is he?

This is teddy

From take-it-away-teddy's
trash removal service.


Today is the first official

Botsford family
declutter day.

Dad, if I didn't
know better,

I'd say you were
thinking of throwing
this stuff away.

That's exactly right,

But we're botsfords!

We never throw
anything out.

Well, there's a first time
for everything.

I just figured
it was finally time

We all got rid
of the clutter.



This stuff
isn't clutter.

Clutter is
a big messy pile

Of old, forgotten,
and worn-out junk.

All these things
are my most important,

Most treasured

Like this
deflated balloon?

Better keep it.

That's a keeper, too.

Definite keep.

Well, promise me
that you'll at least
take a look

And give it a try.

I'll give it a try.

Thank you, pumpkin.

Now, here are two boxes.

Put all the stuff
you want to keep

In the box with
the thumbs up.

And put all the stuff
you want to get rid of

In this box marked
with a thumbs down.

To make it easier for you,

I've made the boxes
exactly the same
in every other way.

Exactly the same.

Even though both
of these thumbs
can easily spin around,

I'm not worried that
one will accidentally move

And make it look like
the thumbs up box

Is actually
the thumbs down box.

You got it?

Yeah, but why--

Good. And who knows?

Maybe digging around
in all this clutter

You'll even find
something valuable,

Like your mother did.

Hey, honey,
where you going?

I'm just taking all
our most valuable things

Down to that
new game show!

"As something
as something."

Man: that's right.
It's "as something
as something."

Just listen to how
the game works.

You bring your most valuable
something down to our studio,

And we make you
guess something.

If you guess right,
you win something!

But guess wrong,
and your something
turns into my something.

So come on down!

I'm gonna win!

Announcer: join me, your host,
seymour orlando smooth.

Oh, yeah!

Oh, this can't be good.

Come on, bob.

Word up!

later at the tv studio.

Ok, huggy, we know this game
uses similes,

But it's also being hosted
by seymour smooth,

Who's as crooked
as a bendy straw.

We've got to figure out
what's funny about all this.

Welcome back to
"as something as something."

Did you all bring
your something?


Ok, but first, let's show
everyone at home

Tonight's grand prize.

It's an all-expenses paid
luxury ocean cruise

To beautiful nebraska!


Let's get started.

Contestant number one,
tell us your name.


Let's start the game.

Please complete
this famous phrase.

As something as something. light
as a feather?

[Buzzer, audience groans]

Oh, I'm sorry!
That's wrong!

The correct answer was
as slippery as an eel.

But thanks for playing.

How was he supposed
to guess that?

And since you didn't guess
our something,

Now we get to take
your something.

Aw, shucks.


Now let's welcome
our next contestant,

Mrs. Sally botsford!



Thanks, seymour.
I'm sally.

You know it!

That nebraska cruise
is practically yours.

Just complete
this famous saying.

As something
as something.

As something
as something.

Ok, as busy
as a bee!


Oh, not even close!

The correct answer was
as plain as day!

[Audience groans]


Oh, no! Mom!

Hold it right there,

What's this?

Ladies and gents,

We have
a very special guest.

Please give a warm welcome
to wordgirl!


Care to play
as something as something?

No, I would not.

If you ask me,
your little game isn't fair.

I mean, you're not
even using real similes.

Ah! I'm not?

Not by a long shot.

A simile is a saying
that compares one thing
to another

By using the words
"like" or "as."

For example,
you could say my sidekick,
captain huggy face here,

Is as strong as an ox

With muscles
like solid steel.

And when I say that,
you can get a picture
in your mind

Of an ox or a steel bar

So you know huggy
must be really strong.

Both of those compare
two specific things,

So they're similes.

But what you asked for
as something as something,

And no one could ever get
what you mean.

Hey, she's right!

Well, wordgirl,
I'll tell you what.

I, seymour
orlando smooth,

Am going to give all
of today's contestants

Another chance to win
their somethings back

By answering new
and improved questions.

Please complete
the following.

As clean as a something.

Oh! As clean
as a walrus.

That's correct!

Your turn!

Lizzie and katie
were fighting like cats and...

Hot dog!
That's right!


You're both
big, big winners,

So go home
and pack your bags.


Wow. Maybe
this isn't a trick.

Maybe you're just
really bad at similes.

You know what, wordgirl?

That must be it.

Maybe we just need
help from an expert.


Ah, well, I don't know
if I'd say ex--

Yeah. Well, here's a list
of all the similes we need

For the next show.

Won't you help us out,

Check them all over.

The game
depends upon it.

Wordgirl, your
people need you!

Um...ok, why not?
I'll give it a shot.

Yay! Great! Great!

Man: oh, ha!

Narrator: later...

"As blind as a bathtub"?

"Like taking candy
from a bagel"?

Ha! I think he meant
"as blind as a bat"

And "like taking candy
from a baby."



Oh, yeah, right,
the clutter pile.

I forgot.


Oh, but wait!

It's a wristband
from the second time

I went to the water park.


This is really hard.

I have memories of when
I used all these things.

It's not so easy
to say good-bye to them.

Great news.
I won!

I know!
I mean, that's great!

But what's with
the empty box?

Didn't you get
all your valuable
stuff back?

Oh, seymour said
he needed that

To confirm my prize.

He said that since
this was the last show,

We'll all be getting
our things back
in the mail

In - weeks!

That's how game shows
work apparently.

Wait. What do you mean
the last show?

Isn't wordgirl helping him
with his similes for tonight?

Seymour said wordgirl
didn't have to worry

About the similes
or seymour anymore.

He said she'd understand
when she got to the end
of the list.

Ha! Well, happy
decluttering, you two.

I've got to pack
for my cruise
to nebraska!

The end of the list.

Let's see here.

"As easy to fool
as wordgirl."


Narrator: hoo hoo!
That's as cold as ice.

Ok, that does it.

Come on, bob,
word up!


Hiya, mr. B.


Ready to take away
all this clutter?

Freeze, seymour!

Stay as still
as a statue.

Sorry, wordgirl,

But my souped-up
golf cart

Is as fast
as lightning.

But good news.

We can still part
with a smile!



Where'd he go?



Here we come, seymour,
ready or not.



The trash truck is here!

Ah! And teddy thinks
all my favorite stuff

Is just clutter!

How did that happen?

Narrator: I blame substandard
label design.

Oh, this is really
terrible timing.


Yeah, I know, I know.

Villains first.

Seymour orlando smooth,

You are as slick
as grease.

Ya! Oh, no!

Suddenly I'm as slow
as a tortoise.

Time to kick this getaway cart
into high gear!

No, that's too high!
Too high!

Mark my words, wordgirl,
I'm as clever as a fox.

You haven't heard the last
of seymour orlando smoo--

Ok, yeah, sure,
gotta go! Bye!


Hey, can one of you
get me a ladder?

Hey, somebody get me a ladder!


I just hope we're not too late
to save our stuff.

If we are, I'll just be...



Now that's what I call
a clutter-free attic.


What's the matter,

I guess I'm just sad

That all my favorite
stuff is gone.

I had
so many memories
in that box.

Well, having fun stuff
to remind you of good times
is nice,

But sometimes memories
can be even better

Because they live on
forever in your heart.

Yeah, I guess so.

But I still kind of wish
I'd saved that wrist band

From the second time
we went to the
water park.

Oh, that's too bad.

I only saved
this wrist band

From the second time
we went to the water park.


Ha ha!
Dad, you saved it?

For me?

Well, of course
I saved it.

I saved mine, too.

How could we ever
throw those away?

Don't you remember?

The water was as warm
as a bathtub that day.

And the water slides
were as scary as
monster movies!

Ah! And do you remember
those milkshakes we had?

They were as cold
as the north pole.

And the towels
were as...

Narrator: aw. Aren't they
just as cute

As a couple of buttons?

And so once again
wordgirl proves

That she's as slick
as seymour orland smooth.

And the botsfords end up
with a decluttered attic

That's as clean as a whistle.

So remember, if you like
action, adventure,

And a good simile,

You'll be as happy as a clam

When you tune into the next
exciting episode of "wordgirl."

And the sun was
as hot as the sun!

Heh heh.

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance

To play for even greater
prizes on the bonus round.

Emily, you correctly
defined the word "inflate."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

Yes, sir.

Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one shows
the definition for "inflate."

[Theme music]


Number .
In that picture,

Becky is standing
with a balloon
she's inflated

That looks
just like her.

That's correct!

Huggy, show emily
what she's won!

A pump for your official
beau handsome

Giant inflatable head.

Hello, gorgeous.

Anyway, that's our show.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Narrator: why should
you watch "wordgirl"?


Watch your favorite episodes
and test your word power

Want wordgirl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.
Cape not required.

Word up!