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08x09 - Royally Framed / WordGirl vs. Tobey vs. the Dentist

Posted: 07/28/23 10:23
by bunniefuu
Pbs kids opens
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♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

♪ Go, girl ♪

♪ Huggy face is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ Then throw some mighty
words your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes ♪

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Listen for the words

Vain and knickknack.

Another beautiful day
in the city,

But in the city art museum,

It looks like
beatrice bixby,

Aka lady redundant woman,
is up to no good.

Ah! Nice doggy.

Quite a canine.
A prefect pooch.

[Woof woof]


[Peep peep peep]

Oh, no!
Not the royal dandy!

I won't repeat, reprise,
or redo that mistake again.


Sit! Stay.

[Woof woof]

Ha ha ha!

Narrator: the next day...

♪ Ba buh da da ♪


Oh, no!
Dad's new birdhouse!


[Ooh ahh]

Oh, no! Dad's tiny
ornamental birdhouse

That he put on
the big birdhouse!

♪ Doo doo-doo
doo doo ♪

Huh! Busted
broken birdhouse,

What's going on?

Oh, uh, dad, uh--

Oh, bob. It's ok.

Accidents happen.

Don't touch anything.
Back in a jiff.


Thanks for being
so understanding, dad.

We have to go.
Late for school! Bye!

Narrator: later, on the
school playground...


I did not lie!

I didn't tell dad
you did it.

I just never
corrected him.

But hey, no one
got in trouble, so...



Is that the royal dandy?

Huh. He must have escaped
from the museum again.

Come close, mates.

This is a th-century
croquet mallet.

Go ahead--try it out.

Ooh, my hair!

Don't muss it.

And I wonder
where he got

All those

Becky, did you hear?
Someone stole

A bunch of knickknacks
from the art museum.

Becky! Scoops!

That charming new boy

Gave me
a golden unicorn.

It's so heavy!

Like it's made from
the center of a rainbow.

Becky, my sources told me

That one of the knickknacks
missing from the museum

Was a golden unicorn!

Well, I'd love to
stay and play

With that unicorn
that probably
wasn't stolen,

But, um...ahem...
I have to go.

A little
to the left.

No. My left!

Well, well, well!

If it isn't
the royal dandy.

Wordgirl! Be with you
in a second.

Oh! I'm just...
So handsome!

Ugh. More like
you're just so vain.

Well, yes, I'm vain.

I'm the royal dandy!

Wait. What does vain
mean, again?

To be vain is to
spend too much time

Thinking about
how you look

Or things you've

Like you looking
in the mirror

The entire time I'm
trying to talk to you.

Ooh hoo!
Guilty as charged.

Yeah. I was thinking
the same thing.

So what does
lady redundant woman

Have planned
this time, huh?

Why, I have no idea.

Mum didn't tell me anything.

I, however, plan to make

These friendly youngsters
my mates.

It's lonely up there
on the wall.

Is that why you
stole a bunch

Of knickknacks
from the museum?


Stolen? By me?


By the way,

Would you like a knight
of castle curmudgeon?

Give me that!
I'm returning this
to the museum,

Along with all the
other knickknacks.

Then we're
going to find lady
redundant woman

And put you back
on that wall.

Ohh, all right.


Oh, thank you.

Everyone, look!

Wordgirl stole all
those knickknacks

From the museum!

[People gasp]

What? Me?

I stole these

Ho ho ho!
She admits it!


no, I didn't.

Oh, yes, you did. Here.

Wordgirl's voice: me?
I stole these knickknacks?

Me? I stole...

What? No!

That's not--

He's blaming me
for a crime
he committed!

Record: I stole
these knickknacks?

Oh, cut that out!

All right. I'm going to
prove I'm innocent

By returning all
these knickknacks

To the museum,
where they belong.

Word up!

Ha ha ha!

Hee hee hee hee!

Ok. I'm here, with all
the knickknacks.

I'm standing here
with wordgirl

And a bag full of...

Uh...what did you
call those, again?


Knickknacks are
small little trinkets

That are used
for decorations,

Like statues,
snow globes,

A figurine of a chicken
riding a whale.

Thank you. Ahem.

I'm standing here
with wordgirl

And the bag of knickknacks
she stole from the local--

Wordgirl: what?
No, no, no, no, no!

So these aren't knickknacks.
You told me they were.

No, they are

But I didn't
steal them.

In fact, I'm giving
them back.



than it was before.

Breaking news.

Wordgirl has just
handed me an empty bag

That used to have a bunch of
stolen knickknacks in it.

No! Wait!

So, tell me, wordgirl,
where did you hide them?

No, i...i...

Yes, wordgirl.

Where did you hide
those knickknacks?

B-but I didn't!

You're the one
who stole them!

Oh, really?

Then why is the
missing knickknack

Knight of
castle curmudgeon

Tucked into the top
of your boot?

Agh! I am being blamed
for something I didn't do!

is a criminal!


Ohh, the shame,
the shame!

That wordgirl is a
menace, I tell you.

In other news,
I am adorable!

Oh, he's not adorable!
He's vain!

Meanwhile, I'm being accused
of a crime I didn't commit!

[Ooh eee]

Hey, bob, guess what!

I fixed the birdhouse
you broke.

[Ooh ooh]

I'll just casually put it

Right on the edge
of the counter.

[Ah ahh]

Oh, man!

Uh, dad...

Yes, becky?

Ok. So...

Here's the thing.

That whole birdhouse

Uh...bob didn't
break it.

I did.

But, becky--

I know! I should
have told you

The truth
about it sooner.

It was just...
You didn't seem angry,

And bob didn't
get in trouble,

So I thought, what
difference does it make?

But I really am sorry I
broke the tiny birdhouse

On top of
your birdhouse.

Well, becky, thank you
for telling me the truth.

You're grounded.
No tv for a week.

But, dad,
the birdhouse is ok!

You fixed it!

Becky, breaking the
birdhouse was an accident.

Lying about it was not.



And I think
you owe an apology

To a certain monkey
named bob.

♪ Doo doo-doo
doo doo ♪

♪ Parenting achieved ♪

Well, that didn't work
the way I'd hoped,

But strangely enough,
I feel better.

And I'm sorry I made you
take the fall for me.

I won't let it
happen again.


Now, come on!

We've got a vain
little criminal to catch!

Ha ha ha ha!

Who's a cutie?
You are!

Oh, a copy
cutie. Yes!

Hello, beatrice...

Or should I say
lady redundant woman?

Well, well, well,

If it isn't

So, how does
it feel to walk on

The criminal side
of the street, hmm?

I am not a criminal!

Face it, wordgirl,
it's time to surrender.

Give yourself up!
Turn yourself in.

I'm going to do
something better.

I'm going to turn in
the real thief--royal dandy!

And I came here
for your help.

My help? Ha!

Why would I help
aid or assist you?

Reasons. First,
you like royal dandy

Even less than I do.

Well, that's true.

And second,
if you help me,

I'll return
that dog painting

You stole
from the museum

Without bringing
you to jail.

Oh, ha ha! That.
That's not a--


That's just a...
Fine! It's a deal.


Narrator: across town,
royal dandy prepares

To receive the key
to the city

For returning
the stolen knickknacks.

♪ Mi mi mi mi mi ♪

♪ Red leather,
yellow leather ♪

♪ Red leather,
yellow leather ♪

hello, royal dandy.

Hello. Hi there.

Greeting and salutations,
royal dandy.

Oh, hello, mum.

I see all
the criminals

Are sticking

So nice
for them.

The only thing
getting stuck is you--

Back in your painting!

Yah! Ya ha ha!

Go ahead. Stick me
back on that wall!

Just know that
if you do, wordgirl,

No one will ever
know the truth

About the stolen

I can
live with that.

No! Wait!
He's right.

We have to get him
to confess first.

Oh, like that's
going to happen.

And who, pray tell,

Is going to
trick me, hmm?


The only person who
might have a shot

Is someone
with my perfect mix

Of charm, looks,

And brilliance.

And I'm already me!
Ha ha ha!

I have an idea.

Royal dandy: I'm going to
keep this short and sweet.

I deserve everything I get,

For I am wonderful
and perfect.

Man: and vain.

Yes, because I am
wonderful and perfect.

You heard that, right?

Thank you. Thank you
for listening.


Such a handsome fellow!

Oh! Your hair
is wondrous!

Thank you. I found
a delightful pomade

Called the mousse.

Oh, I feel like I could
tell you anything!

I say, I have
a splendid idea!

We could be best mates
and do whatever we want!

No one can stop us--

Especially since I got
wordgirl out of the way.

You see, I stole
the museum's knickknacks

And blamed it on her.

[People gasp]

Eh...wait. Are we
still onstage?

Uh, yes.

Oh! Well,
you're so handsome,

I guess I lost track.

Ah, well.


Hi, mum. I--


Well, that worked
even better

Than I thought it would.

You're free to go,
lady redundant woman.

And thanks.

No sweat!
Don't mention it.

It was nothing.

On, one thing.
For everyone's sake,

Stay out
of the museum.

Yeah, ok. I concur.

Narrator: and so,
both vain little royal dandies

And the stolen knickknacks
are back where they belong,

And wordgirl and bob are
cleared of any wrongdoing.

Becky, on the other hand...

Ha ha ha!
Oh, bob.

This guy...

join us next time for

Another dandy episode
of "wordgirl."

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may!

Today's featured word
is wedged.

To give you a clue, here are
some clips from "wordgirl"

That show the meaning
of the word.

[Bell dings]


Wedged means sitting
in a basketball hoop,

Like bob was doing
in that last clip.

I'm sorry. That's incorrect.

[Bell dings]

have at it.

If something is wedged,

It is forced
into a small space.

In the clip tommy
is talking about,

Bob was wedged in
the basketball hoop,

And the hoop was so small
that he was stuck.

That's correct.

You are today's winner.

Huggy, show him
what he's won.

[Huggy screeches]

It's an official wordgirl
rocket-powered trapeze!

Audience: ooohh!

Can I give it a try?

[Eee eee ooh]

Uh! I never get to do
anything fun.

[Eep eep]

Huh! Ok. That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Listen for the words

Cavity and appointment.

It's another fun and
healthy day in the city,

And in the office of

Hotshot dentist
dr. Flash clocktermockter,

Becky, bob, and tj
wait to be called in

For their appointments.

This is the place
to be seen!

Hey, man.
Sweet headgear.


Dr. Clocktermockter sure has

A lot of
appointments today.

Only because
dr. Clocktermockter is

The hottest
new dentist in town!

He's even got
his own house band.

♪ Keep 'em clean,
la la la ♪

♪ You got to keep, keep... ♪

I know--flozz daily
and the retainers.

They haven't stopped
since we got here.

[Door slams]

This appointment
is over!

hold up, pal.

Huh! It's him!
It's dr. Clocktermockter!

He's real!

Tobes, you just
have one cavity.

My tooth, a cavity?

I grew each and every
one of these teeth,

So I think I'd be
the first to know

If something was
wrong--aah! Oh!

T-bone, I can
totally fix your
tooth situation.

Now hop back
in that chair,

And I'll work my
magic on that cavity

it's what I do.

This examination,
this whole appointment,

Is over!

Come along, teeth.
I'll protect you.

So, who's next?

Oh, me! I am,
dr. Clocktermockter.

World-class flosser
tj botsford.

Hey, you can
call me flash.

Dr. Clocktermockter
was my father's name.

You got it, flash.

Now, then, let's have

A little rap sesh
about gum care.

A cavity. Ha!

Ooh! Oh!

Wha...well, i...

I suppose I could return
to dr. Clocktermockter's

And apologize.

Oh, but it's too late.

My appointment is over.

Not much I can do now.

Except...find the person
responsible for my pain--

Zachary zany.


Yeah. I'm going to
assume that robot

Is taking tobey
straight home.

[Eee ooh]

What? I have an
appointment to keep.

Also, I'm starting to like
flozz and the retainers.

♪ I'm talkin' mouthwash ♪

Huh! They never
play this one live!

Whoo hoo!
Cavity free!

Little lady, your brother
has the flossing skills

Of someone
in his late tweens.


You must be so proud.

Teej, I think
you're really cool.

Why don't you stick around,

Sit in with the band
for a couple songs?

You got it, flash!

Hey, boys.
Big fan.

And the person with the
next appointment is...


Ha ha ha!
Oh, man.

Slim, I have got
have a look-see

At your teeth.

Bob! I'm pretty sure
I'm next on the list.

Just let me take a look
at this guy real quick.

I mean, why do you have
to make an appointment

If he's just going to
pick people willy-nilly?

Narrator: meanwhile, in the
research and development lab

Of zachary zany's
candy factory...

Finally, after years,

We've come up with a candy
that cures cavities!

You wrote down
the recipe, right?




Your delicious treats

Have caused a tooth
of mine great pain,

And for that,
you shall pay!

We had a good
run, number .

Go home and hug
your kids.

No, mr. Zany!
There's still hope.

Worker number ,

Activate the
candy-coated shell.

Come out here, mr. Zany,

And face my giant robots
like a man!


That shell shield
won't hold forever!

Man the
cotton candy posts!

Viva la zany!

[Whistle blows]

Oh, lunch.

as worker number

Rallies to save
the candy factory,

Becky botsford is still
waiting for her appointment

With dr. Clocktermockter.

Yeah! And if I wasn't
a considerate person

Who keeps
her appointments,

I would have left
a long time ago!

Ooh! Yi!

Thank you,
fair city!

That was
"braces can't hide
your smile."

This next song is
a lot of fun.

It's called "floss
till you drop."

, , , .

♪ Flossing
to the left ♪

♪ Flossing
to the right ♪


♪ Those teeth are
out of sight ♪

Narrator: across town,

A mouthwateringly delicious
battle rages on.

Take that!

Oh, no, you don't!

You're messing with
candy people now!

You brought this on
yourself, sugar vendor,

Constantly scheming
against my teeth

With your delicious
new products!

Speaking of
new products,

Have you tried our latest
cocoa cake flavors?

I've tried them all!

Even coconut?

Coconut's awesome.

It's positively

Chocolate cannons, fire!



Oh, my cavity!


That's it!

No more mr. Nice robot!

[Music playing]

Thank you,
thank you.

Dentist: tiptop teeth,
bobby boy,

And such unusual x-rays.

It's like you're from another
planet or something.

I mean, what?

Ha ha! He's not.

Now, since it's
past the time for
my appointment...



The candy factory!

Wait. Isn't this--

Becky: not the
police station.

Oh. Ok.



I can't believe this!

Come on, bob.

Next up,
b-b-becky botsford!

Time for
your appointment.


Now is no good!

Don't worry,

You're from a family
of flossers.

It'll be quick
and cavity free.

[Eep eep]

Bob, go stall.

I'll be there
as soon as--

Ohh, the pain!

The pain,
the searing pain!

Smash on, my robots!


Huh! Fret not,
my fellow workers.

Reinforcements are here!

Yes, my sticky brothers,

You have an appointment
with victory!

Hey! No. No. No!

Monkey, could you please
not eat my troops?

[Eee eee ooh]


Aw, look at
your baby teeth!

You must miss
those little guys.

Uh, flash, can we
get on with this?

Oh, please. Call me
dr. Clocktermockter.

Would you please just
check me for cavities?

Becky, you don't
seem to be enjoying
your appointment.

My appointment should have
ended over an hour ago!

Hmm...not following
you there, b-train.

Do you know what
an appointment is?

Isn't it what we're
doing right now?

No. This is the exam.

An appointment is a meeting
that's supposed to happen

At a specific
time and place--

In my case, : here,

And I was here
at that time.

Enjoying my
waiting room, right?

Ha ha! Up top.

Yes, but that's
not the point.

If you had met
with me at that time,

You'd be keeping the
appointment, but it's : ,

And there are some things
I've got to do--now!

Hmm. They never
mentioned appointments

At dental school,

But it does make sense.

From now on, I'll stick
to my appointments.

Ooh! Let's pencil you in

For your
next appointment now.

Uh, can we just get
through this one first?

Tobey: it's nearly
over, zany!

My tooth shall
have its revenge!

This is our last chance.

Captain huggy face,
I'll fire you at tobey,

And you grab
the remote control.

[Eee eee]

Say, worker
number ,

Have you
ever fired a
monkey before?

Well, there was this
one time--uh-oh.


That's the kind
of thing you just
got to practice.

Ah ha ha ha! Ow!

You lose, zany!

quite a cavity

Your robot put
in my factory.

A cavity isn't
something in a wall.

It's in your tooth. Ow!

That's what
you think, tobey.


Oh, good.
She caught
the monkey.

Sure, a cavity is a hole

Or hollow space
in your tooth,

Something that can be
a bit of a pain.


But the word "cavity"
can be used

To describe lots
of hollow spaces,

Like a cave in a mountain
is a kind of cavity,

And that wall
now has a cavity,

In the shape
of a robot foot.

Thanks, wordgirl.
And to show you

I really understand the
meaning of the word cavity,

I think
I'll make some more!

Yah! Yah! Yah!




No more robot/candy battle?

Aw, man!


Wordgirl, you don't

This pain is all
zany's fault! He--

Takes awful care
of your teeth?

Yes! Well, no.

But he does make

candy treats.


Just bring me
to mother

So I can face
my punishment.

I've got a better idea--

An emergency appointment
with dr. Clocktermockter.

I'd rather face
mother. Off we go!

Tobey, the only person

Who can fix your
cavity is a dentist,

And dr. Clocktermockter
is the best.

All right, fine!

Anything to get rid
of this cavity.

♪ Floss till you drop,
oh, baby ♪

Narrator: and so,
in the end,

Becky managed to keep
her appointment,

Wordgirl stopped a
cavity-fueled robot rampage,

And, thanks to
dr. Clocktermockter,

Tobey's toothache was fixed.

Come to think of it,

I should probably schedule
an appointment for myself.

If you want
an appointment,

I got a sweet-looking
: er for you tomorrow.

Oh. Thank you, doctor.
Ha ha!

Call me flash.

Tune in next time for

Another action-packed
episode of "wordgirl"!


Ohh! You guys
have been great.

See you again
in months!


♪ Wordgirl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance to play

For even greater prizes
on the bonus round.

Phil, take a look
at these pictures

And tell me
which one shows

The definition for wedged.

Give it
a shot, phil.

It's number .
In that picture,

Wordgirl and huggy
have wedged themselves

Between chuck's crusher
and the grocery store.

That's correct.

Show him what
he's won, huggy.


An official wordgirl -person
rocket-powered trapeze!

You have to
let me have a try.

[Eee eee ooh ooh]


Come on!

Well, that's our show.
See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

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