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08x07 - El Queso Mysterioso / Putt with Honor

Posted: 07/28/23 10:22
by bunniefuu
Pbs kids opens
worlds of possibilities

For all children

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and viewers like you.

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words

"Illusion" and "influence."

It's a magical day
in the city!

Why? Because the magical
magicians convention is in town!

And who's enjoying
the convention more than anyone?

Presto! The botsford family!

Wow! There's
a magician doing
card tricks!

And there's one
pulling a rabbit
out of a hat!

Whoa! And that
magician is sitting
in a chair!

[Chair creaks]

I think this whole
convention is

The single most magical
magicians convention
I've ever seen,

And I'm not one to get
easily excited.

Ohh! Ha ha ha!

Whoa? What?!

No one told me
el mysterioso was
gonna be here!

Uh, what's
an el mysterioso?

Not an
el mysterioso,

The el mysterioso,

The single
greatest magician
on the planet.

And it says here he's
going to be performing

A brand-new illusion!

Wow. That's grea--ohh!

No way!

One of the stars
of "pretty princess

And magic pony
power hour" is
signing her book!

Can I go? Can i,
please, please, please?

Can I go, can I go
can I go?

Not today, becky.


The real magic
of the magical
magicians convention

Is that it brings
families together!

That's what
the ad said!


So today, we're going
to experience

This magic together

As a family.

Aw, but, mom, dad,
how often do you get

A chance to meet
the actress who played

Nonspeaking toadstool

In episode
of your favorite show?

Look, becky.
You and bob can
walk around

And explore
the convention a
little on your own,

But then we're all
going to meet up

Before the start of
el mysterioso's

Ech. Ok.

Not a big fan of magic,
but whatever.

Mrs. Botsford: well, you'd
better pull it together,
young lady.

If your attitude has
a negative influence

On how the rest of us
enjoy this show,

I am not going to be
very happy.


That's the spirit,

Kind of, not really.

Voice: help! Two-brains
is taking my tacos!

Ohh! Dr. Two-brains!

Let's go, bob!

Word up!

Yum. Heh heh heh.

This is the best
taco I've
ever tasted.

Yeah, if you say so.

I hope you liked
your meal

Because you'll be eating
your dessert in jail!

Wait. What crime
are you committing?


We're stealing

Then eating them,

And they don't have
cheese on them.

Wait. No cheese?


Ok. What's going on?

So here's the thing,
word girl.

One day a year
to celebrate

Henchman appreciation day,

I let these guys
plan our crimes.


I don't influence
their decisions at all,

Which means the crimes
are a lot less

than mine.

Oh, ok.

Well, huggy and I
are here to stop you

From stealing and eating
more tacos!

Wow! Not exactly
the same threat level

As turning the city
into cheese,

But whatever!

Time to take--


Ha! So long, word girl!

Yep. See you later
when we're robbing
the sticker factory.

You're not supposed to
tell her

About our next crime.


Don't worry.
I still appreciate you.

Mr. Botsford: becky!
Becky, where are you?

You need to see this!

It's dad!

Word up!

Oh! "Pretty princess"!

Maybe we could just
pop in briefly?


Ugh. Fine.


Mrs. Botsford:

There you are!

We're going to be
sawed in half!

This is the single
best day of my life!

Don't worry, becky.

This whole thing is
just an illusion,

And by that I mean--

I know what
an illusion is.

It's something that
seems real but isn't.

In this case,
the illusion is
that you're

Going to be sawed
in half,

But everyone knows
that's not really
going to happen.

It's just a trick!

[Crowd grumbling]

Man: ok, you
party pooper.

What? What'd I say?

Ok. Well, we're going
to go check out

The rest
of the convention.

Don't go too far.
El mysterioso's show

Is starting in only
half an hour.



[Distant laughter]

Dr. Two-brains:
heart stickers!

Ha ha ha! You guys!

Come on, bob!

Narrator: meanwhile
at the sticker stack
sticker stackery...

Ho ho ho!

Look, charlie.
All my favorite

Unicorns, starfish,

Starfish holding
daffodils while
riding unicorns.

Oh, ho ho ho!
You little scamps!

You're going down,
dr. Two--ha ha ha!

Uh, what's that
on your cheeks?
Ha ha ha!

You know what?
I'm having a heck
of a lot of fun today.

Sure I don't love
stickers quite as much
as my henchmen do.

No one does.

But you know what?

I love seeing
them happy,

And their happiness
is having an influence
on my mood.

Well, I have to say

I've never seen
the of you so happy.

And besides,
I've got a ray

That turns stickers
into cheese!


It's a win-win!

Well, except for you.

Aah! Ohh!


Ha ha ha!

Adios, word girl!

Guess you're gonna
stick around.

Hey, guys.
I said, "stick around,"

Because it's
a stick--guys!


Narrator: back at the magical
magicians convention,

The botsfords eagerly await
a performance

By el mysterioso!

Becky, where
were you?

I was at the, uh,
magic thing.

A "pretty princess"

Ohh! You went
across the street

To that book
signing, didn't you?

No, I didn't!
I really didn't.

Well, then where
did you get
that sticker?

Hard to explain,
but I'm telling you

I didn't go
to the book signing.

Well, the show's
about the start,

But you are not
off the hook,
young lady.

We will be discussing
this after the show.

ladies and gentlemen,

Boys and girls,

Monkeys and gorillas,

Get ready for a performance

From the greatest magician

In the history
of the world!

Put your hands together for...

El mysterioso!

Ooh, yeah!

Whoa! Nothing
in my life will
ever top this!

[Dr. Two-brains laughing]

We've got to figure out
a way to get out of here

So we can stop
dr. Two-brains!

El mysterioso:
el mysterioso!


Whoo! All right!

What should we
do, bob?

We'll get
in trouble if we leave.

Yeah, mysterioso!

But we can't just let
dr. Two brains

Commit a crime!


Ugh! It is so loud
in here,

I can't even
think straight!


And for my next
incredible trick,

I need a volunteer.

Let's just go, bob!

We'll deal with
the consequences later!

Come on!

And I choose...


[Indistinct chatter]


Whoa! He made
becky disappear!

That is the single
best illusion
I've ever seen!

Uh, i--that wasn't--

Listen. I have
no idea what happened!

I don't know where

That girl
and her monkey went!

Oh, boy.
Oh, boy.

Viva, el mysterioso!


Oh, for the love
of rabbits,

What have I done?!

meanwhile, at the bank...

Here goes nothing!

Woop, woop, whoo-hoo!

Nice form, boys!

Ha ha ha!

Anyone else
care for a bite?


Stop eating
that door!

Ugh. All right.
I'll eat you later.

Here we go!



Ha! Missed!


Got to be faster
than that, word girl.


And that's why I
appreciate my henchmen.

Gah! Huggy!

plan number !

Uh, point !


No, no, no!
Nice monkey!

No. Ohh! Whoaaaaa!

Whoaaaa! Help!




Henchman: ohh!


I hate to pile on,
but it looks like

You guys are
headed to jail! Ha!



Yeah! I'm telling
you, word girl,

The fun
these guys had

influenced me

To not take things
so seriously!

Say, uh, word girl,
well, me and charlie

Were just wondering
do you know what

The word "influence"

Oh, sure.

"Influence" means
the power to effect or change

The way someone
feels or acts.

For example, you henchman
were having so much fun,

It influenced
dr. Two-brains

To start having
fun too.

Huh. Maybe I should
have tried to enjoy

The magicians
convention more.


Ok. So we've got to go.

Um, the police
are on their way.

You guys ok here
by yourself?

Yeah, I think
we're all right.

Oh. Um, happy henchman
appreciation day,
by the way.

Thanks. This was
the best on ever!


"viva el mysterioso!"]

I'm telling you,
I'm not a real magician.

My name isn't even
el mysterioso!

It's mitch.

Everything I do is
an illusion!


Waaah! Hooray!


No way!

This is awesome!


But i...

I have too much power!

Wow! Talk about

So all that
time you were
sneaking off

To work on
an illusion with
el mysterioso?!

Oh, uh, right. Yes.

Well, we're sorry
we doubted you, becky.

How did you do it?
You've got to tell me!

Haven't you ever
heard that magicians

Never tell their

Come on, becky!
You got to tell me
how you did it!

It was so cool!
I mean, one minute
you were there,

And then it's like
krrrkk krrrrk!

ok, loyal viewers.

The fun we've shared
today is no illusion,

So do everyone a favor

And influence
your friends to watch

The next amazing episode
of "word girl"!

I have the quarter
in my hand--

Oh, dropped it.

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello, I'm beau handsome,

And this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may!

Today's featured
word is "collection."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl" that show
the meaning of the word.


Yes! Phil!

Collection means
a group of objects

Gathered by a person.


Whatever. None
of those collections

Is anywhere near as cool
as my collection

Of hand-drawn
"word girl" comics.

[Laughter and muttering]

Uh, is that you
dressed as huggy?

Sure is.

Ok. I'm not going to
ask any more questions.

Phil, you are today's

Huggy, show him
what he's won!

An official word girl,
super-charged trampoline.


Uh, huggy?

Well, I'm sure he's fine.

That's it
for today's episode.


[Laughter and applause]

Are you ok?

Oh, good to hear.
Ok, then.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen
for the words "tournament"

And "concentrate."

Well, here we are
at the th annual,

miniature golf tournament

At patrick needlemeyer's
mini golf super universe...

Tj: whoo, whoo,

Yeah! I'm winning!
I'm winning!

I'll do
a winner's dance!

Because I'm
the winner!

Tj, you have
the lowest score
on the leader board.

I know!
I'm in first place!

Uh, I'm confused.

Becky, that's
the way golf works.

The lowest score wins.

The fewer sh*ts it
takes to get the ball
in the hole, the better.

And now for part two
of my winner's dance!

Huh! Oh! Ha! Ow!

Ok, but why is being first
on the leader board

Such a big deal?

Do you really
mean to tell me
you have no idea

How superfantastic
this is?

Step inside.
I'll explain
while we drive.

And we're here.

Welcome to
the patrick

Miniature golf
super universe
wall of fame.

of super golf glory,

And I'm gonna be .

I guess it would be
kind of cool to have

Your photo on this wall

It's not just
the photo, becky.

There's more.


ladies and gentlemen,

Last year's champion
putt putt mcgillicuddy.


Hole in one!

[Elephant trumpets]

Oh. So much fame...


Yes, bob,
and ice cream.

Tj, I want to enter
the tournament!

Well, you can enter,
but you won't win.

I'm unstoppable!

Need any, uh,
help there?

No, thanks.
I got this.

Oh. Looks like we
just made it.

Mr. Needlemeyew,
I'm going to win

Because today's
my birfday!

Oh, no.
Eileen's here.

I always win
on my birfday.

Maybe she
won't see us.


Hi, eileen.

You won't
beat me today.

It's not
your birfday.



Becky botsford.


We have another botsford
in this tournament.

Starting a bit
of sibling rivalry

With the freckle-faced
one, are you?

Heh. Maybe.

Plus, I'd like to be
on your wall of fame.

Ha ha! Yes, but do you
have what it takes?

Not just the knowledge,
the agility,

But the pride
and honor of the game?


Whoo-hoo! !

Mr. Needlemeyer,
check it out!

I take the lead
from that tj kid.

Well, if it isn't
my little ol'
lucky day.

Well, mr...

Lynx forrest.

The game of miniature golf
may be full

Of windmills, castles
and teeny, tiny pencils,

But it's not one
to be taken lightly.

No one watches you
while you play

In this tournament,
so it's all about honor!

We must rely
on the inner watcher
in each of us.

If you cheat
and don't write down

The exact number
of times you hit the ball,

You don't cheat
the game of golf.

You only cheat yourself.

Honor, boy!

Well, i--

Wait. I take that back.

You also cheat
the game of golf.

Let your inner watcher
be your guide!

I'm sorry,
mr. Needlemeyer.

I cheated.

I cheated!

Bogey, you know
what to do.

I cheated,
I che-ea-eated!

Wow. This game is intense.

You're the last entry
in this tournament,
becky botsford.

I hope you have the--




And boop.



Eileen, didn't you hear
mr. Needlemeyer?

Did he say
I'm going win

Because it's
my birfday?

He said that
cheating isn't allowed

Because this tournament
is about honor.

A "turn-a-ment?"

A tournament is a contest
where several people play

Against each other
in a game,

And at the end, out
of everyone who played,

There is only one winner.

Tj's the leader of this
tournament right now.

He is?

Not for long!

Putt, putt, putt, putt,
putt, putt, putt, putt,

Putt, putt, putt...putt.


Becky: gah!

Bob, I'm not going to
let that cheater

Win the tournament.

I'm going to win
the tournament by playing

The best game
of miniature golf
I've ever played!

Here you go,
mr. Needlemeyew.

Did you cheat?

Because if you cheat,
you don't just cheat

The game of golf.

You also cheat--

My scowe is .

I'm the winner.


Aw, no way.


I know!
She's lying!

But if I concentrate,

I'll make a
and beat eileen.

So even though tj
will still lose,

At least
a botsford will win
the tournament, right?


This is going to be
a tricky shot.

Narrator: while becky
lines up this shot...

We're all holding our breath,
hoping that she--

Uh, I really need
to concentrate.

Oh, ok, but, uh,
what does concentrate mean?

Heh heh heh.

Oh, you know what?
Never mind.

I've got a dictionary
right here.

Let's see. Concentrate.

You know what?
Just let me
do it, ok?

To concentrate means
to think really hard
about something,

So hard that you don't
even notice other things
going on around you.

Great. You go ahead
and concentrate

On hitting
that shot perfectly.



This means I'm tied
with eileen,

And I'll have to share
a spot on the wall

With that cheater.


A ?

Bogey and I have
never seen a

In all
the tournaments ever.

Well, now you've
seen one.

Well, remember,
becky botsford,

No one watches you
while you play
in this tournament.

If you're not honest,
if you have no honor,

You spit in the eye
of miniature golf

And you spit in the eye
of patrick needlemeyer.


Very good then.

I declare becky botsford
the winner!



Hey, at least
a botsford won, right?

Yeah, I guess.

Eileen: where's becky?!


That trophy is mine!

Mine! Mine!



Hold it right there,
birthday girl!

Out of my way,
word girl.

My trophy.

No, you cheated.

It's becky botsford's

Well, it's
a botsford's trophy.

I mean, it's kind
of complicated

The way it works out.

Stop talking so much,
word girl!

I can't concentwate.

Mr. Needlemeyew!

Tear down that
photo of becky

And put my photo up!


But it's
my birfday!

This tournament
doesn't care

If it's your birthday.

I couldn't look at myself
in the mirror

If I allowed a cheater
to win the ultimate prize!

I'd sooner sell bogey!

He's right.

How can I enjoy
my victory knowing

That I cheated?

This is one problem
only becky can fix.

Get back here,
word girl!

Mr. Needlemeyer!
Eileen is right!

She had
the lowest score!


Mr. Needlemeyer,
I didn't win

Your tournament
fair and square.

On the last hole,
I took sh*ts,

But I only
marked down .

Becky botsford,
you're disqualified!

Eileen, you're
the winner!


I can't believe
my own sister
would cheat

Just to rob me
of a victory.

Tj, I didn't want to take
the victory from you,

But eileen was
already cheating,

And I wanted to keep her
from winning.

But then I still
would've lost
to a cheater.

Huh. Right.

Well, young lady.

I hope you've learned
a lesson today.

I have,

But, mr. Needlemeyer,
I think you should know

Eileen also cheated.

Tah! Bitter grapes
from a loser.

Unless you have

No, I don't.

Then why should I
trust anything
you have to say,

You saddle-shoe
wearing cheater?

I like these shoes.

Eileen: mr. Needlemeyew,
time to put my picture

On the wall.

Eileen, patrick needlemeyer's
miniature golf super universe

Proclaims you the winner

Of the th
annual tournament

And your face shall hang
on our wall of fame forever

And--just a minute.

How did that get there?!





So much for that, then.

You shouldn't
have done that!

That makes me mad,
weally, weally mad!

Uh-oh. Word u--


Even disqualified cheaters
get a participation ribbon.

A pawticipation wibbon?!

On my birfday?

Oooh, I'm the bestest
pawticipant ever!

And now the real winner
of the tournament.

Tj botsford, I proclaim
you the honest

And only true victor!

Only true victor.


Winner's dance!

Thank you, thank you.

Narrator: and so, as we leave
behind the tournament

Of windmills, castles,
and teeny, tiny pencils,

We ask you to tune in
next time and concentrate

Along with your
inner watcher

For another honest episode
of "word girl"!

Tj: ok, putt putt,
that's enough.

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello, I'm beau handsome

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance

To play for even
greater prizes

On the bonus round.

Phil, you correctly defined
the word "collection."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

Uh, ok.

Great! Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition

For "collection."

Give it a shot, phil!

I think it's number two!

That's a pretty impressive
collection of awards.

If there's anyone
out there who'd like

To publish
an awesome comic--

No, thanks! Phil, you're
our bonus round winner.

Show him what
he's won, huggy.

An official word girl
mystery package!

That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Want more "word girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes

And test your word power

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!