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08x06 - Accordion Tradition / Can't Touch This

Posted: 07/28/23 10:21
by bunniefuu
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♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound ♪

♪ Vocabulary that astounds,
from the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

♪ Go, girl ♪

♪ Huggy face is by her side,
vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out villains ♪

♪ Here she comes ♪

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words

"Hesitate" and "select."

Ah, yes,
weekend at the botsford house,

Two leisurely days for becky
to forget all about
her school books

And select a book to read
just for fun.

Then seemingly out of nowhere,

Mrs. Botsford enters with
a mysterious black suitcase

That would change becky's life

Hey, mom, what's
in the mysterious
black suitcase?

Oh, nothing.

Just a fun little present
I selected for becky botsford.

I found it
in grandma's attic

When I visited
last week.

What is it?



Ahem. You're giving
me an accordion?

Not just any accordion.

This was mine
when I was your age.

Wow! Thanks!

You do know
I haven't had much luck

a musical instrument
I can play, right?

Well, that might change

When you see how much fun
your mom's old accordion is.


Yeah, play
a song for us.

Oh, I don't know.
It's been so long.

I'll do it.

I'll try the first song
I ever learned.

[Playing a polka]

Mom, you're so good!

Thanks, becky!

So you ready to have
some musical fun?

Yes, definitely.

[Playing a polka]

Narrator: meanwhile at ye olde
fancy schmansy jewelry store,

Granny may is doing
some browsing.

Behold the gigantic
magnify diamond.

A diamond so amazing

It has the ability
to enlarge the
written word.

Legend has it
that someday

A legend will be
written about it.

Oh! I can read!

I'll take it!

Oh, no.
Please select
a different item.

The priceless
magnify diamond
is not for sale.

Oh, let's see.

I might have a coupon
in my billfold.


Narrator: oh, dear.

Granny may: oh!
Who turned out the lights?

[Running footsteps,
door opens and closes]

That's odd. I don't remember
this diamond

Being made of yarn.

Oh, dear! It's a fake!


back at the botsfords' house,

Becky is eager to play
her accordion.

Well, I would hesitate
to say I'm eager.

Music is not
my best subject.

[Playing sour notes]

Mrs. Botsford:
don't worry.

None of us could play
that accordion at first.

What do you mean,
"none of us"?

Well, before that
accordion was mine,

It belonged to
your grandmother!


She's the writer
of the hit song

"Picnic time polka!"

Hey, that's the song
you always sing on
our family picnics.

That's right!

Pretty soon you'll be
playing "the picnic polka"

Accordion to
my calculations.

Ha ha!

Ah! Good one, mom!

I know!
'Cause "according"
sounds like "accordion."

Ha ha!
Got it!

Just use that instead.


Yeah. I have
to go to work.

But I found a beginner's
accordion book

You might find helpful.

Just have fun!

If this was mom's
and grandma's,

I guess it's meant
for me, too.

Here goes!

[Sour notes]

Ew! Let's try that again.

[Sour notes]

Wah! That sounded even worse!

How are you supposed to hit
the right button

If you can't even see it?

Man: help!

The jewelry store's
been robbed!

Yes, a crime!

I mean, no more time
for accordion practice.

Oh, well!
Duty calls!

Narrator: a short time later
at ye olde fancy schmansy
jewelry store...

Man: and when the
lights came back on,

The real magnify
diamond was gone,

And this was
in its place.

And you're sure it's a fake?

Feel it!

Hmm. Soft.

As a gemstone

I can say without

It's a fake,

Plus it appears
to be made of yarn.

We better talk to granny may.

Now put that down.




There you go,
young man.



Hello, granny may!


a nice surprise!

I see you're out
walking your lemur.


Ok, granny may,
I'll cut to the chase.

I think you stole
the magnify diamond

And replaced it with a duplicate
made out of yarn!


How could you say
such a thing?

Let's see,
tiny squirrel sweater,

Hanky, trash can,

You seem to be able
to make anything

With your special
knitting needles.

Well, thanks
for the compliment.

Not a compliment,
just an observation!

Well, it wasn't
always so easy.

When my mama
great-granny may

First gave me
these knitting needles,

I tried to make

Turned into
one big knot.

Wait. Your mom gave you
those knitting needles?

Sure! And boy,
could she knit!

Granny may,
can I ask you a question,

Super hero
to super villain?

Why, of course,
word girl.

Did you ever feel
like you had to become

A knitting expert
because your mother
was an expert

And gave you
her knitting needles?

Come a little closer,
and I'll tell you.


Ha ha!

Does that answer
your question?

Ha ha!

Well, I'd love to
stay and chit-chat,

But I'm in the middle
of a crime spree,

So I gotta jet!


I hesitate to ask,

But did you find
the diamond?

And I hesitate to answer.

What do you mean
by that?

Oh, the word "hesitate"
means to be slow or not sure

About what to say or do.

Like for instance,
if someone asked me

Why I'm trapped
in this yarn,

I might wait for a moment
before I answered

So I'd have more time
to think up an excuse

That doesn't make it seem
like I was outsmarted
by a villain. Heh heh.

I know what the word
"hesitate" means.

Did you find
the enormous
missing diamond?

I'm afraid I can't comment
on an investigation

While it's in progress.


later at the botsfords' house.

[Playing sour notes]

No laughing.

[Playing sour notes]

[Door opens and closes]

[Playing sour notes]


Ah! There's granny may, bob!
Come on, word up!



Ha ha ha!

Not bad for a girl.



You'll have to try
harder than that.

Get a load of this!

Turbo boost!




Not good.
Oh, boy.


Whew! Ok, granny may,

We can do this the hard way
or the easy way!

I'll let you select.

I'm not sure
what you're asking
me to do.


The word "select"
means to pick which one

Of a group of choices
is best for you.

In this case,
I'm asking you to select

Either the easy way,
you coming out
with your hands up,

Or the hard way,
you trying to escape

And losing
another battle.

I'll select
the easy way.

Glad to hear it.

Now, drop
the knitting needles

And come out
with your hands up.

I don't have
my walker.

Will you come closer
and help me, please?

Promise not to hit me
with a yarn bolt again?

Oh, I wouldn't
think of it.

Hey! Your panda
swiped my knitting

Good work, huggy!

Oh! Time for me
to skedaddle.

Ah, let's see, um...

Woo! Aah!

The diamond!


There, there, old girl,
I've got you.

Daddy's here.

That's a good diamond.

Good shot
with those knitting
needles, wordgirl.

My mama would have
been proud.

I'm glad someone's
mother is proud.

Oh. Why so glum,

Did you ever feel like
you were disappointing
your mother

When you were learning
to be a knitting expert?

my mother? No!

But if you feel like
you're doing something

To disappoint
your mama,

You better stop it
right away!


Say, wordgirl,

Would you come visit
an sad little old lady
in prison?



Hey, mom,

I don't think I should play
your accordion anymore?

Oh, why do you
say that?

Well, you and grandma
were both experts
on this accordion,

And I'm...far from it.

I gave you
that accordion

Because I thought
it would be a fun way

For us to spend time

I'm just happy that
you gave it a try.

Well, I still would
rather be a good player

So you'd be proud of me.

I am proud of you!

And how good or bad
you play the accordion

Wouldn't change that
one bit!

Oh. Hey, mom,
can I ask you something?


[Playing a polka]

Ok, what comes
after that?

Ha ha!
Let me show you!

[Plays polka]

Hey, I think
we just played music!

Wasn't that fun?

Now you play a song.

Narrator: just look at them.

We couldn't have selected
a happier way to end our story.

Now, don't hesitate
to tune in next time

For another exciting episode
of "wordgirl"!

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Hello, I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word will win
a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may.

Today's featured word
is "bewilder."

To give you a clue, here are
some clips from "wordgirl"

That show the meaning
of the word.

[Trumpet music playing]

[Bell rings]
give it a shot, tommy!

"Bewilder" means to transform
from one person into another.

Have at it, phil.

I thought I knew what
"bewilder" meant,

But now I'm
completely confused.

I'm totally puzzled.

Uh, you realize you just
defined "bewilder," right?

I did?

Yes! "Bewilder" means
to puzzle or confuse.

"Bewilder" means
to puzzle or confuse.

You just heard me
say that.

I'm totally bewildered.

Why are you ringing in?

I've already said
the answer.

You have?

This is the most
bewildering experience

I've ever had.

I'm going to declare
that no one is today's winner.

Huggy, show them
what they would have won.

It is a go-kart.
Wow, that would have
been a fun prize.

That's it for
today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
"property" and "tinker."

Ah, the wonder and beauty
of the forest,

Where the botsford family

Tries to enjoy the tranquility
of nature.

Mom! Becky won't share
any of her water!

Ew! T.j.!

Kids! Wow!

What if we have
less arguing sounds
and more nature sounds?

Becky: but, mom,

T.j. Just slobbered
all over my canteen!

Becky, it's called
taking a drink.

Ok, that's enough.

You guys need
to stop bickering

And start looking
around you!

We are in the middle
of the forest.

The power,
the majesty of nature!

[Game beeping]

T.j., Seriously?

Dad, they make
these things portable
for a reason.

Wait. Is that my
"vegetable warrior" game?


Who said you can
go in my room

And take
my personal property?

Becky, I made sure
you weren't in your room
when I took it.

Ah! Stop
touching stuff

That doesn't
belong to you!

Stop hogging stuff
that does belong to you!


Hmm? That's strange.

In my experience,
trees generally grow
this way

And not this way.

Oh! Ha ha! I guess
we'll just have to
hike around it.


What, bob?

That's what.

Uh, hey, guys,
let's go back
this way.

Over here, huh?

Why? This way seems
super spectacular.

I can even see the perfect rock
for my rock collection.


Oh, no! Wait!


Whoa! Look!

It's wordgirl's
super secret spaceship hideout.

Becky: ha! What?
That's impossible!

It's probably someone else's
totally boring normal space ship

That's not even worth
looking at!

Oh, no.

As wordgirl's
number one fan,

I know in my heart
that that is

Wordgirl's super secret
space ship hideout.

Well, on the off chance
that it is wordgirl's
secret hideout,

It's called a secret hideout
for a reason

'Cause she doesn't want
anyone in it, you guys.

Maybe. But I'm sure
she'd make an exception

For her number one fan,
t.j. Botsford.

Yeah, well, I'm sure
that wordgirl

Would want us to respect
her personal property

And just
leave it alone!


Space ships are awesome!


Ah! Hey,
look at that!

No, don't!
Don't look at that!

Oh, what's over there?

No, nothing
is over there!

This is awesome!

Stop touching stuff!

Cool? Check that!
Don't break that!

T.j., You really
shouldn't be touching

personal property.

Aw, but, mom--

Put everything back
the way you found it.

It's just not right
to barge into someone's
secret hideout

And tinker with
all their stuff

their permission.

I totally agree.

So I say we stand
over here in the corner

And wait for wordgirl.

Yes, that's--
wait. What?

Great idea, hon.

This way,
when she comes back,

We can ask her
for permission

To tinker with her stuff!

Uh, no, guys,
I don't think--

[Indistinct shouting]

Oh, no, it's the whammer!

But I can't just leave
my family here

Waiting for wordgirl.


Ok, bob,
here's the plan.

You stay here
and make sure

T.j. Doesn't start tinkering
with my stuff again.

Not your property!

I wasn't
touching it!

Think you can handle it?

That's the spirit.

Hey, guys, I'm gonna step
outside for a little air.

Don't touch anything
'til I get back

Is what I think
wordgirl might say
if she was here,

But she's not. Yet.

I'll be outside!

Word up!


Ahh. I never
want to leave
this space ship.

Narrator: moments later
in another part of the woods,

The peaceful sounds
of nature...


Narrator: are being ruined
yet again by the whammer,

Who is, as far as I can tell,
whamming stuff.


Stop whamming trees!

You're wrecking
the forest!

Whammer's not
whamming trees,

Whammer's whamming squirrels!


Whamming squirrels
is not at all better

Than whamming trees.

But whammer was
totally whamming

A wham and cheese whamwich
in the park,

But a squirrel ran up
and I whammed it.


Hey, stop!

These trees are not
your property.

Proper tree?

No! Property.

It means something
that belongs to you,

Stuff that you own,
your possessions,

Like how this
is my pretty
princess notebook.

It belongs to me,
so it's my property,

And those boots
that you're wearing,

They're your property.

Those trees however,
are not your property,

So you should
leave them alone!

Hey! But the whamwich
was the whammer's property,

And the squirrel took it!

So isn't the squirrel
the one that was in the wrong?


Yeah, well, it's--

Actually you kind of
have a point.

Whammer saw the squirrel
wham that way!

What? No! No, it didn't!

I think it went
over there!

No! Whammer's
pretty sure

The squirrel whammed
out of there!

Is wordgirl
whamming something?

No! I'm not hiding

'Cause it really seems
that wordgirl--

Squirrel with a sandwich
behind you!


Aw, you missed!
But he went that way.

Go get him!

Why doesn't wordgirl
want whammer

To wham over there?

What? No! Stop!

What's the deal?
It's just a space ship.

With the whamzact thing
colors that wordgirl has.

Put it in a star?

Wait a second!

Oh, no!

Wordgirl, that's your
secret spacewham hideout.

No, no!
Now, wait--

♪ Wait 'til I wham
all the ya da dee dee ♪

♪ All about this,
all about this ♪

Oh, no, no, you don't.
You're not going--

Go away!


Argh! Great.


Huggy, we need to find a--

Oh, right.

Ah, hello.
Botsfords is it?

Right. What are you doing
in my secret hideout?

Hi, wordgirl.

We're just waiting
for permission

To play with
all your stuff.

Why do you want to tinker
with my stuff?

We don't want to
tinker with it.

We want to play
with it!

Well, actually,
that's what tinker means.

It means to
play around with

Or fiddle with
or try different
things with something.

Whoa. Did I just see
wordgirl define a word

In her own secret
space ship hideout?

I'm never washing my
eyes and ears again.

Special day.

Special, special day.

ok, so, listen,

I have a problem,

And since I usually
talk through my problems

With my monkey friend
captain huggy face

And he isn't here
right now,

Wouldn't you mind if I talked
to your monkey friend?

go right ahead.

I suppose there
are some problems

That just can't be solved
without a monkey.

Right, bob?

So, uh, follow me--
bob, was it?

Oh, can we tinker
with your stuff
while you're--

All right.

We've got to do something.

The whammer found
our space ship hideout,

Then took off to tell
every villain in the city.


Wordgirl, now can
I tinker with--


Bob, do you think you can get
the space ship up and running?


I know it's broken,

But we've got
to do something!

great idea!

You tinker with
the control panel

And try to get
the engines running

Long enough to move
this space ship.

[Distant yelling]

Oh, no!
That's the whammer!

Hurry, bob!
I'll go distract them.

Can we--

Fair enough.

How much longer
do we have to walk, boss?

I don't know.
Ask helmet guy.

It's his party.

We just have to wham
a little further!


Oh! Wordgirl. Hey!

But that's just wordgirl.

Yeah, we see her
all the time.

Right. Where's
her hideout?

Wordgirl: hideout?

Ha! I don't have
a hideout.

I mean--

Oh! Whammer saw it
with his own two whams.

Sorry, whammer.

I don't know what
you're whamming about.

All right!

[Machinery whirring]

[Engine revs]

It's getting
a little bumpy
back here, mom!

Right now I could
use a definition
for the word "dizzy."

Ha ha!


No! Whammer's

The secret hideout
is close by.

In fact, I think
it's right behind
those bushes.

What? There's no--

Oh, yeah!



Ah! Please!



You mean to tell me
you interrupted my mani/pedi

For a vaguely
hole in the ground?

No! Whammer
saw the hideout!

It was right here!

Yeah, well,
next time you find

Wordgirl's super secret
space ship hideout,

Do us a favor,
keep it a secret, ok?

Hey, honestly!
Whammer saw it!

Whammer saw it!

Whammer wouldn't wham
you guys, honest.



Not the whammer's day.


Hey! Bob!
Hug for bob!

Bob is your name.

Ha ha! Yeah.
You saved the day!

Ok, so, now do
we have permission

To tinker with
some of your stuff?

We did kind of earn it?

Also, do you have
a restroom?

Ok, ok, fine!

You can touch
one piece of
my property.

All right! Woo!

Restroom's outside.

Woo, what does
this button do?

No, don't push
that one!

Huh. Uh, whoops.

Maybe I shouldn't tinker
with any more of your property.

Yeah, maybe
you shouldn't.

Oh, who am I kidding?

I can't help myself!

Woo! Woo! Ha ha!
Woo! Ha!

hey, hey, hey!
Don't do that!

Oh, why not?

Narrator: and so wordgirl
managed to protect the
peacefulness of nature,

Keep her super secret
space ship hideout a secret,

And almost managed to keep t.j.

From tinkering
with her property.

Tune in next time for more fun
and adventure with wordgirl!

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Hello, I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance

To play for even greater prizes
on the bonus round.

Bill, you correctly defined
the word "bewilder."

Sort of.

Ready to play
the bonus round?

I guess.

Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition
for "bewilder."

[Trumpet music]

Give it a shot, bill.

I'm going to go
with number--

! Right!
In that picture,

Something has clearly confused
dr. Two brains.

He's bewildered.

Well, I'm not sure--

Well, you are
our bonus round winner!

Show him what he's won,

An official wordgirl
pogo stick!

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Want more "wordgirl?"

Watch your favorite episodes
and test your word power

Want wordgirl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.
Cape not required.

Word up!