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08x02 - Backyard Camping / Castle! Dungeon! Fortress! So?

Posted: 07/28/23 09:09
by bunniefuu
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♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound ♪

♪ Vocabulary that astounds,
from the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

♪ Go, girl ♪

♪ Huggy face is by her side,
vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out villains ♪

♪ Here she comes ♪

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
"portable" and "farfetched."

Ah, another day of
pure unspoiled beauty
in the countryside.

Ah, the air
is so clean.

The sky is
so beautiful.

Camping really makes
you appreciate nature, huh?


Hey, my portable radio's
out of batteries,

But we can run an extension cord
from the kitchen.

No way, tj.

We don't want electricity
from the house.

We want this to be
like real camping.

And you won't need
a portable radio

Because we'll be doing
my favorite part of camping,

Singing singalongs.

♪ Singing singalongs
makes tingling blingalongs ♪

♪ That's why we have
such mingling mingalongs ♪


♪ Making s'mores is so much fun,
hey, gee ♪

♪ Making s'mores
is making me hungry ♪

♪ I'm hungry ♪

♪ Just the boys ♪

♪ Playing catch,
playing catch ♪

♪ If you rip the tent,
we'll need a patch ♪

Good arm!

[Plays harmonica]

And then just when the creep
door creeped creepily open,

They saw...

♪ Telling scary
stories, woo ♪



Dad, do you think
you could stop singing

While I finish
my very scary story?

Oh, sure. Sorry, pal.

Now it was told that
there was a giant squirrel

Who lived near there.

In fact, the giant squirrel
lived right here!


Ha! Gotcha!
Ha ha!

Ha! Oh, violet,
you were scared

By that tiny
little squirrel.

He's not scary
at all.

Well, I guess
he's not,

But now that the sun
is going down,

I'm feeling
kind of afraid.

Afraid? Of what?

Scary sounds.

[Owl hooting]

Creepy things.

[Bats screeching]

There's all kinds of things
that might be out there

In the dark.

[Bats screeching]

Aw, come on.

All of those things
are just in your imagination.

It doesn't feel like
they are just in my

It just feels scary.

There's no reason
to be scared of something
that's not in front of you.

I mean, come on,
a giant squirrel?

That is pretty farfetched.

Yeah. Ha ha!

You know, kids,
a lot of people

Feel the way
violet does.

They're afraid of
what might happen,

Worrying about things
that are only
in their heads.

Luckily I have a great
singalong song

About overcoming fear
of the unknown.

, , .

♪ When you're feeling scared
and unprepared ♪

♪ To confront the fear
you feel ♪

♪ If you sing loud and clear
you can tune out your fear ♪

♪ 'Cause these scary things
aren't real ♪

♪ When you're feeling scared ♪

Actually, dad,
maybe we've had enough
singalongs for tonight.

And I bet we can
overcome violet's fear.

We just have to make it
through the whole night

In the backyard,

And violet will see there's
nothing to be afraid of.

We'll be with you
the whole time.

What do you say, guys?

Ok, thanks
for helping me

Overcome my fear
of the dark.

, , .

♪ When you're feeling scared
and unprepared ♪

♪ To confront
the fear you feel ♪


Narrator: later...

Ok, well, if you get
scared or uncomfortable

Sleeping on a slant,
becky's room is ready for you.

No, dad!
There's actually still
a lot of light.

The portable lantern,

The streetlights

The lightning bugs.

I wish there
were more things.

Ok, then, but I'll be
checking on you every hour

On the hour. Whew.

I'm gonna be groggy

Oh, oh! Have you guys
heard the story

Of the giant firefly's
monster ghost?

as tj told another scary
but farfetched story,

Across town a hungry
energy monster is on the loose.

[Electrical crackling]





[Distant roaring]

Ah! The energy monster!


I think bob and I
need to get out

And get
some more batteries

For this darn
portable lantern.

You're going
out there?

Oh, don't worry.
The energy monster
won't come back here

Because there's
no electricity to feed on.

Be right back.

Word up!


Ok, huggy, we need
something that runs
on electric power

So it will suck the energy
right out of the energy monster.




Hey, huggy,

Do you think
this solar panel
is portable?


Portable? Ah, it's
something that can
be carried or moved,

Something you can
take with you

Wherever you happen
to go.

Like the portable
lantern in our tent

Or a handheld radio.


Right. We can
at least try.

It is portable.

Hey, energy monster!


Huh? No!



Ha ha! Just us with
the portable lantern.

Come on, guys,
you see?

I told you there's
nothing to be afraid of.


Come on, becky,
it's not really
a giant spider.

It's just this
tiny spider.


Wow! You're afraid
of this little spider?

It's adorable.

wait a second.

You guys are scared
of all those things

That aren't even real,

But not afraid of
a spider that is real?

Oh, but oliver
is wonderful.

You named it?

Named him, and yes,
he's our guest.

So we will make him
feel at home.


Narrator: while becky
was shaking in fear...


the energy monster escaped!


[Electrical crackling]

Those batteries
are dying already?

But they're
brand new.

This portable lamp
really sucks a lot
of energy.


A spider and the dark?




How did the energy monster
get out again?


Now what?

There's a spider web
blocking the tent.

Knock it a way, bob,
knock it away!

absolutely not.

Oliver put a lot of work
onto building that web.

Becky: oliver is a scary
creepy crawly spider!

So you're not scared of
a giant electricity monster

That can zap you,
but you are scared
of a little spider?

I can handle the energy monster.

But the spider, ew.
It's arms and legs,

They're so, ew!

And eyes are like those...

It's like they could sh**t
laser beams out.

That's a little
farfetched, becky.

You're right.
It's not a real fear.

It's one of those
farfetched fears.

I just need to
psych myself up.

♪ When you're feeling scared
and unprepared ♪

♪ To confront
the fear you feel ♪

♪ If you sing loud and clear ♪

♪ You can tune out your fear ♪

♪ And the scary things
aren't real ♪

Made it!


Let's go,
energy monster.

He seems particularly
energetic today.

Narrator: she.


Oh, sorry.

She seems particularly
energetic today.

Got him!

Narrator: her!

Right. Got her! Whoa!

Got him--her.

Uh! If only we had
something that could
contain her,

Something that uses
a lot of energy.

Whoa! Wait a second!
I know just the thing!


hey, uh, guys.

Tj: whoa, wordgirl.
What are you doing here?

I was wondering
if huggy and I

Could borrow the
portable lantern right there.

come and get it.

Oh, yeah, I could,

But maybe you could just
pass it on out to me
right here.

Think you could just
pass it out here?

Wait a second,

Are you afraid
of spiders?

Don't feel bad.
So's my sister becky.

Um, i, no.

It's just that
I'm allergic to tents.

That seems farfetched.

Yeah. Well, what does
farfetched mean?

Oh, farfetched means
very imaginative

But unlikely,
like it probably
wouldn't really happen.

Oh, then it definitely
is farfetched.

Allergic to a tent?

Ha. No.

Well, it may sound farfetched,

But can you please
just pass me the lantern?

The portable lantern
really used up these batteries,

So it should suck up
the energy monster's energy

Just as quickly.




You're in a lot of trouble,
young lady.

Narrator: later, as the kids
finally got back to
their sleepover.



Check-in time.
You kids ok in there?



♪ Indoor camping,
indoor camping ♪

♪ Lit up bright
with indoor lamping ♪

♪ Camping on the carpet ♪

Now just the spiders!


Oh, becky got freaked out
by spiders?

♪ Don't be afraid
of a little spider ♪

♪ Let's go have
some apple cider ♪


Tune in next time
whether it's on your tv set

Or your favorite
portable viewing device

For another far from farfetched
episode of "wordgirl."

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...


As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play!


Yes, you may. Today's
featured word is perspire.

To give you a clue, here are
some clips from "wordgirl"

That show the meaning
of the word

[Music playing]

[Bell rings]
yes, tommy!

Perspire means to sweat,

Like everyone in those clips
was doing.

That is correct!
Huggy, show him what he's won!

[Chittering, crash]

Are you ok?

Can't you find
a better time to train

For your unicycle race?

Oh, huggy, did you break
the air conditioner?

Uh, are you gonna tell me
what I've won?

Fine. Here's hoping
it's a replacement
air conditioner.

Huggy, are you ready
to show him the prize?

Uh, ok, ok.

Tommy, you are
today's winner!

Huggy, show him
what he's won!

An official wordgirl
absurdly large launch ramp.

Uh, don't worry, folks.
He's fine.

Ok, that's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...


♪ Wordgirl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
"absorbed" and "include."

One morning at the botsfords',

Becky botsford plays diner
with her best friend violet.

You ready to order,

Or are you still absorbed
in the menu?

I'm not really hungry.

Sure you are, hon,

That's why you came into
this here diner, remember?

Hey, becky?

Grr. The name's helen,

And I'm your server today.

Oh. Helen, will you
ask becky if we can play
a different game?

Violet, you didn't
even give helen's diner
a chance.

I guess I'm not
that hungry.

Just order
something small, then.

Ok. Or we could play
castle! Dungeons!
Fortress! Go!


Who said "castle! Dungeons!
Fortress! Go!?"

Me! I did!

It wasn't me because
I don't know what it is.

Ha ha! Oh, it's only the best
collectible card game ever.

Sorry, tj, don't include
us in your silly card game.

We're playing diner.

All right, toots,
what's your pleasure?

Oh, have you ever
played this one?
The headless gargoyle?

You have
one of those?

Do you know about the
all-powerful mystifier card?

Of course
I know about it.

It's super powerful
and super rare,

And it's only including
in one out of every
million packs of cards.

Violet: imagine opening a pack
and finding the mystifier.

Yeah, imagine if
we played something fun.



Did you just squeak
what I think you squeaked?

Oh, boy.

Um, sorry, guys,
I just have to go...


Huh. Yeah.
They are absorbed
in the cards, aren't they?

In that case...

Gonna go fight some crime!

Word up!

[Alarm ringing]

Pickle power pack away!

Stop right there,

I've caught
you red-handed
stealing that--

What exactly
is that thing?

It's a called
a see-through-noculars.


Yeah, let's you
see through anything.

Those don't really
work, do they?

Well, they don't
let you see through walls,

Just, you know, paper
and cardboard, air.

Chuck, why don't
you just buy the

Let me look at the price?

No, no, no, no.
I don't have that
kind of money.

Get out of here.

Whoa! Yeah!

I mean,
at these prices,

You hope the batteries
are included.

I hope the
are included.

What do you think
of that?

I think you don't know
what the word "included"

Yeah, I'm not %
on that one.

Included means
part of something.

For example,
if I were buying those

I'd want the batteries
to be part of
the package.

You know, included.

Ok, I think I got it.

My plan to escape
with the see-through-noculars

Includes this!

[Chuck laughing]



I know.
But on the plus side,

He did learn a word.


Mayo? I think
it's ranch dressing.

Narrator: minutes later,
back at the botsfords'...

Hey, sorry I was gone
son long, guys.

Ah! Bob.


Oh, you went somewhere?

Are you kidding me?

You didn't even know
I left?

I guess we were so
absorbed in the game
we didn't notice.

Well, I must have been gone,
like, minutes.

Narrator: actually it was .

I think they get
the point.

Well, you're here now,

So why don't
you join us?

I don't know how to play.

Well, we'll teach you.


No, thanks.

Bob and I are going
to play diner.

Ok, helen,
suit yourself.


I just don't get

Why a bright,
creative person
like violet

Would like such
a boring game.


Oh, tj being into it?

Now that makes
perfect sense to me.


So, partner,
how do you take
your coffee?


Uh, seriously?
Mashed potatoes?


Uh. One scoop or two?

Narrator: the next day...

Hey, becky, where you going
with all that stuff?

Our pretty princess
and magic pony dolls

Are attending a
wedding, and we have
to make them outfits.

Doesn't your pretty princess
already have, like,

A trillion outfits?

Well, the invitation
includes clear

To dress fancy casual
formal, so...

Hey, when you see violet,

Tell her I'm playing
that castle card

That lowers
her fortress wall

And raises my shields

Now, she's gonna claim
her troll card protects her,


Becky, are you getting
any of this?

Yeah, yeah, I got it.

Raise her bricks

And hide your trolls
behind the thingy

The thingy thingy.

Yeah, I better go with you
and tell her in person.

Becky! Becky!

Becky, wait up!

Listen, violet
is my friend!

And when you two
play that boring
card game,

I don't feel included.

Well, you might feel
more included

If you'd let us
teach you how to play.

But I don't like
those kind of
card games.

Becky, it's way
more than a card game;

It's a way of life.

You get to collect
cool cards

Like the dubious jester.

In battle,
these juggling balls
turn into--

Pop, pop--
boomerang balls!

Yeah, jester,
boomerang balls.

And this is
the menacing marshmallow.

His eyes sh**t out bolts
of sugar lightning.

Wow. So does
a cloud.

Now you're getting it!

This is destructive
rainbow cloud.

One time, violet
and I were playing,

And she sent a troll army
to attack my fort,

And then I dropped
this card on her stack,

And I thought, "wow..."

Destructive rainbow!

Say hello to
my friendly troll.

Aw, no!
I can't believe it!

Oh, you better
believe it.

The friendly troll
has bad breath,

But he always speaks
the truth!

Did I win?

I did, didn't i?

Not if I had the most
powerful card ever made.

The mystifier.

The mystifier? Oh...

You have the mystifier,
do you?

No. You win.


Man, I wish I had
the mystifier.

Then I'd never lose.

Hey, becky, we're about
to start a new game.

Want to join us?

No, thanks.

Well, carl,

I'm standing inside
the cards and collectibles store

Where the very rare
and very powerful

Castle! Dungeon! Fortress! Go!
Card known as the mystifier

Is thought to have arrived
in today's shipment.

So if you play
your cards right,

You just might get
the mystifier.

Ah! Come on, bob.

We better get down there
and stop chuck.

Hey, guys, i, uh, gotta go.

Word up!

Chuck: that's not it.
That's not it.

That's not--
that's it! Ha ha!

I finally located the very rare
and very powerful card

Known as the mystifier.

Not so fast, chuck.


So you swiped the

To find out
which pack of cards

Included the mystifier!

That's not all.

I'm also stealing
the mystifier card.

But why would you want
to steal a card?

It has nothing to do
with sandwiches.

Can't a guy
have some hobbies?

I'll steal the card now
and make an evil
sandwich later.

Ok, ok, but what
I still don't understand

Is why you and
so many other people

Are so absorbed
in this card game.


A little help
on absorbed, word
girl, please.

Oh, "absorbed" means
really, really interested
in something.

Take that card game,
for example.

Some people get
so interested in the game,

They don't even notice
what's going on around them.

They're absorbed.

And frankly,
I just don't get it.

Are you kidding me?

These cards are fun
and beautiful.

Look, there's
a magical unicorn card.

It could turn your troll
into a princess.

Wait, what now?

Magical unicorn card
turns a troll into a princess?

Well, only if you
play the card

That has you
riding a horse through
the enchanted forest.

Ok, I'm gonna need
to take a closer look
at those.


Unicorn, princess,
enchanted flowers,
pony trainer.

I got to get home
and play castle! Dungeon!
Fortress! Go! Right now!


Right, huggy.


Come on, time to squad car!
Courthouse! Jail cell! Go!

Ha ha ha!

Does this
particular jail
have a game night?

Wordgirl, as a reward
for getting rid of chuck

And making is safe
for all of my customers
to shop here,

I'm giving you the very rare
and very powerful card,

The mystifier!

The mystifier?

Huh! You know,
just a few minutes ago,

My response may have
included things like

or "thanks a lot"

Or "oh, great," or--

Yeah, yeah, I get it.

Yeah. But now that
I know how wonderful
the game is,

I can't wait to
use the mystifier!
Thanks! Word up!

Narrator: later,
back at violet's house.

Uh, I can't believe
you beat me again.

Want to play
another round?

You know what they say?

Th time

Is the charm.

Stop everything.

You're never going to believe
what I have.

Hope it's snacks
'cause I don't think
I've eaten

In quite some time.

Even better,
just a little something
called the mystifier!


The mystifier!

Can I stand
next to it?


Can I touch it?

Can I have it?


I'm so happy you finally
decided to join us.

Yeah, what changed
your mind?

You know, once I took the time
to really understand cdfg,

I realized it includes
a lot of my favorite kinds
of characters.

And now I understand why you
get so absorbed in the game.

[Horse neighs]

Well, what are we waiting for?

It's time to play castle!
Dungeon! Fortress! Go!

Ok, you go first, becky.

For my first ever move,

I play the all-powerful
mystifier card!


Ok, so I guess
it's game over.
That was fun.


Narrator: and so once again,
wordgirl saves the day

From chuck the evil
sandwich-making guy.

Now remember, all our episodes
include action and excitement,

So join us next time

For another absorbing adventure
of "wordgirl."

So, uh, anyone
want to play
go fish?


That sounds good.

Ok, do you have any s?

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...


Our returning champion
will have a chance

To play for even greater prizes
on the bonus round!

Tommy, you correctly defined
the word "perspire."

Are you ready to play
the bonus round?

Let's do it.

Take a look at these pictures

And tell me which one shows
the definition for "perspire."

[Music plays]

Give it a shot, tommy.

I'm going to go with number .

The dj in that picture
was really perspiring.

He was sweating almost
as much as you are now.

Tommy, you are
our bonus round winner.

Show him what he's won, huggy!

Official wordgirl
frozen treats.

See you next time on...


Narrator: extra, extra.
Read all about it.

Watch your favorite episodes

And test your word power

Want wordgirl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!