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08x01 - My Dad, My Teacher, My Dad, My Teacher / The Power of Whamship

Posted: 07/28/23 09:09
by bunniefuu
Pbs kids opens
worlds of possibilities

For all children

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and viewers like you.

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Flying at
the speed of sound ♪

♪ Vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe ♪

♪ We need the living
dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

♪ Go, girl! ♪

♪ Huggy face
is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ Then throw some
mighty words your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes ♪

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Narrator: listen for the
words "faculty" and "expect."

Narrator: it's another
early morning...

excuse me...

And becky and bob are
getting a lift to school.

Hmm. They usually walk.

Becky, you're
probably wondering

Why I'm driving
you to school today.

I hadn't really--

I have a surprise!

And I cannot tell you.
Ok, I'll tell you.

♪ Bum ba da
bum bum bum bum ♪

You're in the car
with the new, official,
substitute teacher

For ms. Davis' class!

My teacher, ms. Davis?!

Yup. She came down with a
particularly pesky case

Of chicken pox.

And after what I understand
to be a very thorough
-minute search,

The principal
gave me a call!

Do you believe it, becky?
I'm a teacher!

So, you're
my new teacher?


I'm part of the faculty
starting... Now!

Becky! Get to class!

Ha ha ha ha! Kidding.

Yes. I see what
you did there.

Ha ha ha! Wait.

Is that the time?
Becky, get to class!

And me too!

[Bell rings]

Good morning, class!

I am your substitute
teacher, mr.bots-ford!


I'll write it on
the board later.

Pop quiz! Becky!
Get it, becky?

I'm your pop, and I'm
giving you a quiz!

Pop quiz!

Yes, I get it.

Ha ha! Good one,

Uhh... Dad?

Oh, I mean--
mr. Dad-ford--

No, uh--
mr. Bots-dad.

I mean...
Mr. Bots-ford.

Woo... Maybe you'll
do better next time.


Ok, and now let the
learning... Begin!

... ...
Ahhh, exercise!

Pop quiz, scoops!

Yes, mr.botsford?

Healthy bodies
equal what?

Healthy minds?

Well done, scoops!

Your reward?
More knee bends.

Your dad's hilarious.

Don't you love having
him as our teacher?

Yeah, well, I think
he's doing ok--

Bup bup bup! Becky!

Let's cut down
on the chatter, ok?

I expect less talking,
and more knee bending!

He yaa!

Hi, hank.
Want a little scratch?

You like a little
scritchy scratch?

Now, becky, let
someone else pet hank.

Don't go hogging
the guinea pig.

Hog the guinea pig!

Ha ha! Funny!

That was a pop
quiz joke, scoops!

A+! Great job.

Thanks, mr.botsford.

Oh. Ha ha.
Hog the pig.

Seriously though, becky,
don't hog the guinea pig.

This hat is a clue.

Quick! Pop hat quiz!
Where's saskatchewan?

Becky! I know
you know this!

Uh, yes,
I know I know it.

It's uhhh...

Too long! Scoops!




Well, becky,
you can expect

To spend the weekend
reviewing these flash cards.

So long story, short,
a mystical elf
in a flannel jumpsuit

Has nothing to do with why
rhombuses have sides
of equal length.

Kyle, I hope that
answers your question.

[Bell rings]

Oh! That's all
the time we've got.

Ok, good-bye,

I'm so happy to be a new
addition to your classroom!

Ha! Another winner,
mr. Botsford.


Uh, mr. Botsford?

You know what,
close enough.


Not right now, becky.
I have a lot of work to do!

Right, but school's over,

So are we leaving soon?

Oh, I expect to
be here a while.

So, you and bob
should just walk home.

Oh, well, ok. Bye.

Narrator: later,
on the walk home...

Wow, so, dad seemed kinda
different today, huh?

It was almost like I was just
another kid in the class.

Except he was nicer to
them than he was to me.

I mean, "not right now,
becky"? He's never
said that to me!

[Bell rings]

Ah! Time to do
what I do best!

'Cause no one ever says,
"not right, now, wordgirl!"

Word up!

Boy, you're a
real pro at that!

You sure you never
done this before?

Actually, I do this
three times a week,
at least.

Come on, come on, we gotta
hurry before wordgirl--

Stop right there,

And kid potato,
how are you, sir?

Nice to see ya.

Oh, man!
I knew it!

Really? The "big, bad
butcher" is scared
of a little girl

And her pet koala?

But pop--
don't "but pop" me!

You don't see any of these
other nice people getting all

Worked up over miss
red pajamas over there.


That's because
they're not the ones
committing a crime!

Always with
the excuses.

Huggy is a monkey and
these aren't pajamas!

Uhh... Ok.

And you should try to be a
little nicer to your son!

But he keeps doing
everything wrong.

Oh, come on. He's not
doing everything wrong.

My bad.
You were saying?

Do you expect your son to
be perfect all the time?

Yeah, do you expellect
me to be perfect
all the time?

Uh, actually,
the word is "expect."

It means to anticipate,
watch for, or look
for something.

If your father, kid potato,
expected there could be
a mistake,

He could prepare for it
instead of blaming you.


How does he expect you
to do a good job if
he's picking on you?


And he should not expect you
to be completely quiet

When you're doing
knee bends!

Yeah! Huh?

I mean,
someone asks you a question,
you answer it, right?

Even if it is
during gym class!

For some reason, I don't
think we're talking
about me anymore.

Oh. Sorry.

My dad is my new
teacher at school.


I know, right?

It's just... Weird.

He's nicer to my friends
than he is to me.

I have to call him mr. Bot--

Uh, mr. "His last name."
It's just--uhh!

Wow, wordgirl, seems
like you got a lot of
stuff on your mind.


Here's some more stuff
to go on your mind!

Pastrami attack!


On your mind!

Get it?
Good one.

Hey, you forgot
the furry thing!


Potato pie pow!

Ah! Should i, uh...

Just get in the car.

Narrator: the next day...

Ya know, I don't like when
the butcher robs banks,

But I can't believe the way
kid potato treats his son.

Always criticizing him,
picking on him in front
of the whole class.

Narrator: um... Class?

And he didn't even give me
a ride to school today!

Oh. No, not kid potato.
My dad!

Can you believe we have
to walk to school?

[Horn honks]

I know we usually walk.

That's not the point!

Oh, man... Not again.

Can't quite get the angle.

We get a great space
in front of the
store we're gonna rob,

And you can't park!

I know I can't let them
rob the store,

But if we stop them
I'll be late for school.

Yes, I know.
I know what to do.

Now I'm all car sick!

Well, if you'd just stop
complaining and let me park!

You can start complaining
when I park you in jail!

Nice one!
Thank you!

Oh, brother.

So, how's the whole "teacher
dad" thing working out?

Oh, no. You're not going
to distract me again.

Yeah, my dad's on the
faculty at school.
So what?

Whoa! I never said
anything about
your dad on a factory.

No, not a factory.
A faculty.

A faculty is another
name for the group of
teachers at school.

Oh. Just think, if a
factory made teachers,

It would be a faculty
factory. Huh?

[Word girl snorts]

Hey kid,
what do you call an
entire group of potatoes?

I don't know.
What do you call a--

A getaway!

Spud-a-rooney spudooo!

You got stopped from doing
a crime before you even
got in the store.


That's gotta be some
kind of a record.

Just leave it
alone, pop.

Well, becky botsford.
Nice of you to join us.

Please take your seat.


[Bell rings]

And remember,
everyone, tomorrow is
"dads and donuts" day.

We'll greet and eat!

All dads are invited to
stop by and enjoy
a cinnamon bun with me!

Uh, becky, please see
me after class.

Yes, mr.botsford?

You seem a little down
today. Is everything ok?

Yeah. I mean no.

I mean, well...

I kinda feel like
you're picking on me.

Wha--? Becky!

Like you expect me to be
perfect, and when I make
a mistake, you--

What? I tell you
that you're wrong?

Well... Yeah.

Now pumpkin, I don't think
I should go easy on you

Just because
you're my daughter.

I don't want you to.
Too much.

Maybe just a little.

But becky, the reason
I'm so hard on you

Is because I know
you're good enough

And smart enough
to handle it.

Maybe I need to remind you
of that more often.

Thanks, dad.

I want you to know that
I'm sometimes your teacher,

But I'm always your dad.

Now, whaddya say we
seal this deal with an
official botsford hug?

Kid potato:
gimme the wheel!
Gimme the wheel!

Robbery at
the jewelry store?

Uhh... Dad?

Bob and I are really enjoying
our walks home, sooo...

We're going to leave now
and let you get back to work.

Ok, oh, and becky,
don't tell anyone but...

You're my number-one
favorite mathematician.

Ha ha ha! Ah, thanks,
mr. Dad-ford.

Ha ha ha ha!

Come on!

Hurry up and park!

There's still time
left on that meter!

Your time's up!

Yeah, not my best.

Floor it, sonny.


You know, butcher, I
learned something today.

I learned that, yes,
sometimes your dad
can be hard on you,

And he may expect a
lot more from you than
he does other people,

But that's only
because he thinks
you're really great.

My son.

Come here, pop.

Come here
for the big one.
Come here.



Oh...ya know,
this is great, pop,

But we really gotta
remember: get away
first, then hug!

You can't fight
your emotions, son.

Narrator: and so,
on "dads and donuts day",

The newest member of the
faculty, mr.botsford,

Was both becky's dad
and her teacher.

And they knew exactly what
to expect from each other,

So they'd never be
confused again.

Next time, grab your dad
or a donut or both

And drive over to join us
for another emotional

And always pop-quizzical
episode of "wordgirl"!

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome, and
this is "may-i-have-a-word"!

As usual, the player who
correctly defines today's

Featured word will win
a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

Yes, you may!

Today's featured
word is "imitate."

To give you a clue, here are
some clips from "wordgirl"

That show the meaning
of the word.

Uh, I think imitate means
to dance and sing, right?!

No! It does not!

Yes! Emily!

Imitate means to
mimic or impersonate.

Like in that last clip
where huggy is imitating
tiny big's moves.

That is correct!

Huggy, what
are you doing?

Ok, well, I'm sure
you have your reasons.

congratulations, emily.

You know, I'd really
appreciate it if you'd
stop imitating me.

Emily, you are
today's winner.

You know, that's really
quite distracting.

Huggy, show her
what she's won.

An official beau
handsome microphone!

Emily, you're really going
to have fun with that!

I am?

Indeed! That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...


♪ Wordgirl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
"solo" and "collaborate."

Narrator: it's a hot
summer day, and everyone's
at the beach--

Swimming, playing, relaxing,
and check this out!

Becky and bob are
collaborating on a sand castle

That's looking very

Hey, I call 'em
like I see 'em.

Just needs one last
finishing touch.

Let's see, can I
get some fanfare?


Thank you, squire bob.

I hereby declare this
castle open for business...

Or something.

And it shall forever
fly the flag of...

Pretty princess
of sparkletopia!

You want our castle to fly
a flag for "captain huggy
of faceburg"?

But that's not even
a real thing.

Well, of course pretty
princess is real!

She's on tv.

Great, so
we'll just stick
with pretty princess.


Noooo, pretty princess.

[Squawking loudly]

Pretty princess!

Pretty princess!

Pretty princess!


[Both breathing hard]

Ok, let's just catch our
breath here for a minute.

Everybody needs
to calm down.

Pretty princess.

Fine! You know what,
maybe we shouldn't even be

Collaborating on a castle.



We'll just start over,
and each work solo to build

Our own sand castles.

Then we can each fly
whatever flag we want.

Huh! I'm better off alone

That drawbridge you made is
clearly not wide enough to fit

Magic pony's
candycorn chariot!


You think my moat is
"not deep enough to
hold alligators?"

Hmmph! I'm officially
working solo.

You stay on your side of the
sand, and I'll stay on mine.


Narrator: meanwhile, nearby,
all the scariest and hungriest

Villains have come to the
beach in order to...

Relax and take a day off
from committing crimes.

The villain school
barbecue is in full swing!

And that was the
third craziest dream
invisi-bill ever had.

Oh, how fascinating
and interesting

And riveting.


Hello! Buh-bye.

Hi again!

Wanna hear the
fourth craziest dream?

Oh, well.

How ya doin'?

So long!

Mmmm yummm!

Whammer's cookin' up
some whammin' wham dogs!

Wham wham wham - done!

Wham dog? Is that
a hot dog?

Do you have
anything for vegans?


Is there a fruit
plate or something?



That's me, yay!

Whammer is impressed by
invisi-bill's go away
and come back trick!

Now whammer wants to
show you his power.




Ha ha ha!

Whammer and invisi-bill
are so similar!

I know!

Maybe we can collaborate
and pull off a great

Crime together!

One way to find out!

Let's wham!

Invisi-bill and whammer!



Oh, man!

I mean, oh, man,
this is fun!

Yep, working solo,
doing everything myself.

That's the way to go.

Who needs a friend to sit
there ruining all your
good work?

Best friends! Yay!




Whammin' friendship
happenin' over here!



Ha ha ha!



Not that I'm suggesting we
collaborate, but if there's

A crime about to happen,
we should probably
go stop it. Right?


Word up.


Narrator: later, at
reginald's jewelry store...


Wham! Wham!



Oh, dear.

Whammer would
appreciate your attention

For just a few moments,
while the items
in this store

Are being whammed by
whammer's pal,
invisi-bill! Yeah!

That's me!
Invisi-bill. Yay!

stop right there!


Grab those jewels,
captain huggyface.


Why don't I grab them?

Well, no,
I never said that--

I know we have to capture
them. I was planning
on doing a monkey throw.


What do you mean
a "person" throw?

, , , Wham!


Take that wordgirl!

Yay whammer!
Yay invisi-bill!

We won! Bye!

Oh, yeah!

When friends collaborate,
nothing can stop 'em.

Ha ha! Yay!

What does that mean again?

I got this.

Collaborate means work
together on something.

Whammer could never
defeat us on his own.

Neither could you
for that matter.

But you collaborated and
somehow got the best of us...

For now!

Yay, collaborate!

loves that word!



Where'd I go?

I'm right here!

Does he ever
give that a rest?

I hope not!

You guys are missing out
working solo, yeah!

Collaborating is easy when
you're working with your--

Best friend in
the world! Yay!

Invisi-bill and whammer
are such good friends,

We're even finishing
each other's sandwiches!

Whams, yeah!

What? I mean, yeah!

Invisi-bill had so much fun
robbing the jewelry store!

Yay, invisi-bill!

So did the whammer!
Wham whammer!

Ooh, let's do
something fun, like,
I don't know--

Rob the jewelry store
again?! Yeah!

Ha ha ha ha!

You know, just
thinking out loud here.

If I was talking to my
friend bob--which I'm not--

I'd say how it was weird to
see whammer and invisi-bill

Becoming such good
friends and collaborating.

I hate to admit it but
they were really working
well together.


Yeah, I also know a couple
of superheroes who
used to be like that.

And for the record, becky
thinks friendship is more

Important than getting
your way, too.

I'm sorry, bob!

I shouldn't have insisted on
a pretty princess castle!

And your drawbridge
was really good!


I could never stay
mad at you.

I really am sorry.


No, I mean, it's ok,
you don't have to say sorry

Just because I said sorry.

But you are
though, right?


Another whammin'
crime, yeah.

Yay, sand!

Wham for me!

Uhh! I've had enough,
bob, how 'bout you?


We're gonna collaborate
and catch those guys!


Finally, everything back
to its rightful--


Who did that?
Because I'm going to...

Get in here and sit
quietly while you take
whatever you want.

Would anyone like
a cup of tea?

Yay! This is gonna
be even better
than last time!



That's what I do!

Wordgirl: more like,
what you don't do!


Rob the jewelry
store, that is.

Like, 'cause you said--
never mind. Just freeze!

Let's defeat
wordgirl again. Yay!

Whammer loves that idea.

This is gonna be
easy... As... Monkey!

A-ha! It wasn't easy
at all, was it,

Now that
we're collaborating?

Nice flip, huggy.

I didn't throw you
too hard, did i?

Ok, just making
sure because--


Whammer and wham-visi-bill
are trying to commit

A whammin' crime
over here.

Yeah! No, I'm not!

Yes I am!

You know, I think I liked
it better when you
were each working solo.

Excuse me, I hate to interrupt
this stunning display

Of heroism, but did
you just say "solo"?

Is that a word--"solo"?
What is that?

I'm glad you asked!
"Solo" means --

Oh, did you wanna
define it?


That's right.

Solo means doing something
alone or by yourself.

Whammer and invisi-bill used
to commit crimes solo, but now

They're working together.





Yay! Collaborating!


Um, yeah. Right.

Anyway, it doesn't matter,
because now that captain

Huggyface and I are
collaborating again, there's

No chance you'll get away.

I'm getting outta here!


You want this one?
Please, I insist.

[Squawking loudly]

Hey! No fair!

That's whammer's
best friend, yeah.

Whammer's gotta help.

Whammer's got to help.

Whammer's got--


There are two of them,
huggy, I don't know if
a monkey

Throw's gonna work.

If only you were
the size of a--
I got it!

A person throw!


No! Not yay!

Opposite of yay!

Oh, whammer.

Great collaboration, huggy!

Go team!


Narrator: and so, wordgirl and
captain huggyface are able to

Collaborate, and more
importantly, they rediscover

The power of whamship--
I mean friendship.

Invisi-bill wants to ride
with his best friend whammer!

Wham too!

I literally could
not care less.

Oh, yeah!
Friendship bracelets!

I got to admit,
they're wham-dora-bill!

Narrator: oh, boy.

Will the whammer and
invisi-bill's friendship last?

Will becky and bob ever
finish their sand castle?

Will anyone remember to
let reginald out of that
display case?

Reginald: hello? Anyone?

I'm still sitting
in here, solo.

Getting very cold.

Narrator: find out on another
exciting, stupendous, whamming

Episode of "wordgirl"!

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome, and
this is the bonus round of...


Our returning champion will
have a chance to play for even

Greater prizes on
the bonus round.

Emily, you correctly
defined the word "imitate."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

You bet.

Take a look at these
pictures and tell me which one

Shows the definition
for "imitate."

Give it a shot, emily!

It's gotta be number .

Wordgirl is imitating
tobey, and I don't think
tobey likes it.

That's correct! Which
means you're our
bonus round winner!

Show her what
she's won, huggy!

An official beau handsome
microphone storage box!

See you next time on...


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Fly over to your
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Cape not required.

Wooooord up!