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07x15 - Sparkling Clean / The Smile Collector

Posted: 07/28/23 09:08
by bunniefuu
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♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Flying at
the speed of sound ♪

♪ Vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe ♪

♪ We need the living
dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

♪ Go, girl! ♪

♪ Huggy face
is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ Then throw some
mighty words your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes ♪

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Narrator: hey, kids,
listen for the words "unruly"

And "shirk."

Becky botsford is

One excited girl. Why?

Well, I think it's because--

Shh! "The pretty princess
magic pony power hour"

Marathon starts
in minutes!

I need absolute silence.

Narrator: sorry.

Here we go, bob.

This is gonna be
the best day ever!

Mom: bup, bup, bup.
Becky, no tv

Until you finish
your chores, remember?

But, mom,

"The pretty princess
power hour" marathon

Only comes around
once in a lifetime...

Or maybe it's once a year.

Ok, times a year.
But still!

Bup, bup, bup, bup.

You can't shirk
your responsibilities.

Chores first,
and that's final.

But I just--
bup, bup.

Bup, bup.
Can't i--

Ohh. What are my chores

You and violet made
a real mess

This morning baking

So you'll have to wash
these dishes

Before they start
attracting flies.

[Fly buzzing]

Ugh. Mom, do I really
have to?

Bup, bup, bup.


Don't put off
until tomorrow

What you can do today.
Ha ha!

Hmm, what a neat little
expression I just made up.

Uh, actually, I think
benjamin franklin

Made it up.

Oh! Ha ha! Well, I guess
great minds think alike.

Your father needs help
pulling weeds

Out of this herb garden

they become unruly

And stop the good plants
from growing.

Ah! One down, , to go.

Hoo-hoo! You're gonna
love helping me

With this, sweetie.

And finally, take care of
this mountain of laundry.

Whew! Ha ha!

Aw. But, mom,
can't I just--


I know.
"Bup, bup, bup."

Mom: exactly!

later in the kitchen....

Look, bob,
we have minutes

Before the marathon

But we will get
these chores done

Even if it means
a little help

my super powers.

And they're...

Still dirty? Ugh!

I don't think we can
get these done in time.


Hmm, scrub each pan

Until they're clean

And miss the first episode
of the marathon.

An interesting idea.
Not a bad plan.

Or I could just do this!

No more dishes.


No, no. You've got
it all wrong.

I'm not
shirking my chores.

I'll take care of
these dishes

Just as soon as
the ppmp marathon

Is done.

Now on to
the next task.

Isn't this great,
the three of us

Working out here
all together?

Yup. Love to work.

They say moroccan
mint grows best

In dappled sun.

That's why I'm over
here dappling.

Tell me more
about dappled sun.

Talk, talk. Talk away.

Well, direct sun
is too much

For this
little guy.

But total shade
is a real no-no.

Making dappled light
is a lost art, beckster.

You have to find
just the right--


Oh, there comes
the wind.

Wow. Look at that.
No more weeds.

Ha! What
do you know?

Ok, on to chore
number . Bye.

Wow! Thanks, beck--

Becky? Becky?

Ok. This is

Hmm, this will
buy us

Some time,
though. Hyah!


See? Nothing to it.

I'm all done with
the chores.


Just in time.

Huh. I've actually
seen this episode.

Well, that just means
I'll catch all the stuff

I missed the first
time around.


I am not shirking
my responsibilities, bob.

I promise we'll do
all the chores

The right way later.


Bup, bup, bup. Huh.
That's fun, actually.

Now, if you'll excuse me...

Marathon happening.

[Becky yawns]

Oh, man.

Pretending to finish
your chores is

Almost as exhausting
as really doing them.

But this is nice. I--

I just want to lie here and
bask in the blissful glow

Of sparkletopia.






[Becky gasps]

Oh, my gosh!

Pretty princess!

What is happening
right now? Waah!

Ah! Can I please
have your autograph?

Make it out to
"my friend wordgirl."

No, actually, better,

Make it to "my good friend,

You know what?
Let's just say

"My best friend,
wordgirl," because--


Thank goodness you're
here to help us.

H-help you? Uh, yeah.
I came as soon as I heard

About the thing. Um,
why am I here again?

Oh, it's
just terribly awful.

It's awfully

She's being a bit
dramatic, but yes.

Things are not great.

Oh, wordgirl!

Wordgirl! Wordgirl!

Ooh, what? What? What?

has lost its sparkle.


It's true. We need
our sparkle.

Tell me exactly
what's going on.

Pretty princess:
you see, last week was

The parade of smiles,
where we--

the anniversary

Of the first caramel
harvest by flooding

The streets with
liquid butterscotch?

Yeah, I've heard
of it.

Wow. A real super fan
over here.

thank you.

The problem is

After all the unruly

Everyone shirked
their responsibility

To help clean up.

And now the city is
dirty and sticky

And dangerous.

Man: oh, no!

please help me.

[Smacks lips]
wow! That's good.

Uh-oh. Hmm, be right back.

Take your time,
but hurry.



There you go.

And while we're at it--

Ohh! Thank you so much,

If everyone would have
cleaned up earlier,

We wouldn't have had
this problem at all.

That's why I always say,

Don't put off
until sparkle-morrow

What can be done

That's so wise.

Wait. Have I heard
that somewhere?

Ah, probably not.

And now you can help us
with our next problem...


I get to keep helping you?

Yes! Dream come true.

The wonder town
forest. Cool!

Not cool, wordgirl,

Because count cloudy
has planted wild weeds

All over these
wonder town woods.

Weeds, huh?

Why does that
sound familiar?


Magic pony:
they block out the sun

And make it hard for
other plants to grow,

Which is bad for
the wonder town elves

Who live here.

[Voice of weed]
hoo-whee! Gimme sun.

Yeah, feed me
that soil, too.

Yum! Yum! Yum!

All: yum! Yum! Yum!
Yum! Yum! Yum!

Yum! Yum! Yum!

Plus, they're
just annoying.

Pretty princess: we let
the wild weeds grow so long

That they've become unruly.

Yeah, they definitely
seem unruly.

Um, I don't know
if you know this,

But vocabulary is
kind of my thing.

So I know
that unruly means

Out of control.

And when things or
people are unruly,

That means it's not
easy to get them

To do what you want,
like these weeds.

Yes, right.

So are you gonna
ignore the weeds?

Oh, won't you, pretty,
pretty please

With butterscotch topping,
help us, wordgirl?

You know you don't
have to ask

Me twice. Ha ha.

Word up!


Weeds: yum! Yum! Yum!
Yum! Yum! Yum! Yum! Yum...

[Angry meow]

All: wordgirl!
Wordgirl! Wordgirl!


Oh, thank you once
again, wordgirl.

No problem.

Ah, there's still
one more problem

You can help us with.

Oh! Sure. Why not?

I mean, isn't it great,

The four of us working
out here all together?

Just around this corner
is your final chore,


I mean, um,
fun adventure.

Right. Can't wait!


A giant pile of
laundry, eh?

We don't
know how it got here

Or even
whose laundry it is.

We just know that
it's starting to stink

And needs
to be taken care of.

Um, yeah, that's crazy.

Who would just shirk
their chores

And leave laundry lying
around like this?

So irresponsible, right?

Excuse me, but what
is that word? Shirk?

I love to say it. Shirk,
shirk, shirk, shirk, shirk.

Ha ha! I could say it
all day, really.

But what does it mean?

Shirk means to avoid
doing something

That you're supposed
to do. Ohh...

Like putting off

Until sparkle-morrow

Instead of just
doing it sparkle-day.

I mean today.


Ohh. I know, huggy.
You're right.

I shirked my chores
at home.

I totally shirked!

But how could my
laundry end up here?

Elves: you're dreaming.

Oh! Am I dreaming?

Magic pony: eh, it's possible.

Oh, well, it was fun
while it lasted.

Guess we better
wake up now.

Pretty princess:
I understand.

And anyway, becky,

I'm all done dappling.

That's--wait. What?

How did you know
my real name is becky?

I'm all done dappling.

Dad: ...all done dappling...
Done dappling...

Done dappling.

I'm all done dappling.

You're not
a pretty princess.

Nope. Just the handsome
king of botsford castle.

Anyway, back
to the herb garden.

Next plant to plant--
thai basil.

Needs direct sunlight.

That's no fun.


I know I told you
in the dream,

But I'll say it
in real life, too.

You were right.


So will you please help
me make things right?

[Chatters excitedly]

Ah. Now it feels like
we really earned

Some quality time
with the pretty princess.


Shh! It's starting.


I feel kind of tired.

I think I'll just
close the old eyelids

And bask in
the blissful glow of--


Pretty princess,
the place looks so clean.

I love what you've done
with the sparkle.

Narrator: and so we see
that even if she did shirk

Some of her chores,
our hero, wordgirl,

Never falls
asleep on the job,

Even if that job happens
while she's asleep.

I mean, that is to say--


Join us next time for
another amazing, expl*sive,

Unruly episode of...

Bob: shh.

Sorry. "Wordgirl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

All: "may I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word

Will win
a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may!

Today's featured word
is "elegant."

To give you a clue,

Here are some clips from
"wordgirl" that show

The meaning of the word.


[Bell rings]

Yes. Emily!
Elegant means...

and dignified,

Like captain
huggy face

In that tuxedo
and top hat.

That's correct!

I'd say huggy looks
almost as elegant

As a certain
game show host.

Uh, who are you
talking about?

Oh, no one.

Hey, what's that
off in the distance?

Perhaps I should take
a look.

microphone feedback]

congratulations, emily.

You are today's winner.

Huggy, show her
what she's won.

An official wordgirl
velvet cape.

How elegant.

Really? A cape?

You think that makes him
more elegant than I am?


No doubt.

Ok, then. That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Narrator: listen
for the words "unique"

And "repulsive."

Ah, yes, another
sunny day in the city,

A perfect day to share
violet's unique drawings

With the shoppers
at the grocery store.

There you go, bob.
How do you like it?

[Bob chatters]

[Becky laughs]

Becky: so funny!

You do love
bananas and music.

Ah, everyone's going
to want one.


Oh, yeah. Watch.
Sir, would you like

To have a great
artist draw you?

Well, I am a handsome man

And an art lover.

So I would like
a great artist

To draw a picture of me.

Becky: violet?

Would you like
a big drawing

Or a small drawing?

What is the price?

It costs one smile
for a small sketch

And smiles for a big one.

Well, I've only got
one smile to spare.

I'll take a small one.

Becky, you're
the best friend I know.

Thank you
for helping me today

Because I couldn't
do this without you.

I'm here for you, violet,
all day. Don't worry.

That's good because
when you helped

Me with
my lemonade stand,

You disappeared. And there
was no one to squeeze

The lemons. And I had
to sell everyone

Ice in a cup, and it didn't
taste like lemonade at all.

Yeah. Sorry
about that. Mr. Big--


I mean
something big came up.

Something sure comes up
a lot with you. Ha ha!

You're almost
as busy as wordgirl.

[Chuckles nervously]

Yeah. Almost, but I'm
sure not wordgirl,

And I never have to dart
away to fight crime.

Nope. So I'll be here by
your side to support you

And help you all day.
Yup. Heh heh.


I promise.
You can count on me.

Man: just
look at that!


It's got

I look for in
a work of art--

A flying

A friendly
banana, and me.

I love it!

That'll be one smile,

Becky, will you ring
this up?

Uh, sure.
One smile, please.

Here you go.

Ok. He smiled.
So now what do I do?

You collect the smile

And put it in the smile
box, of course.

Right. I put the smile
in the smile box. Huh.

Ok. The smile is collected,

And it's in the smile box.

Getting paid
in smiles, eh?

Well, that's a unique idea.

Most people want to be
paid with money.

Yes. But people

Never run out
of smiles,

So I'll always
have customers.

Narrator: later...

Violet: so what's
your favorite animal?

The unicorn.

Are you good at
drawing unicorns?

You girls sure are busy.

Becky: yup. We're really
raking in the smiles.

A table in front
of the grocery store!

That's a great idea.

Hey, you're the boss of
the grocery store, right?

The whole place.

So can I set up
a table and sell

My new cottage cheese,
chocolate, and octopus

Sandwiches in front of
your store?


Why not? You let them
set up a table.

That's because they're
adorable little girls

And you're a notorious
super villain.

Ok. Ok. Before you say no,

At least taste
the sandwich.

I think it'll change
your mind.

The answer is still no.

Why not?

Because your sandwich
looks repulsive.

What did you call
my sandwich?


My sandwich is not, um...
What? What?


Right. It's unique.

It's not like any sandwich
you've ever tasted.

Hey, little girl,

Why don't you take a bite
of this sandwich

And tell him?
Nah, that's ok.

I'm not hungry
right now.

Fine. If you won't
let me set up a table

To sell my sandwiches...

I'm gonna
crush your store.

Ha! Crush my store. How?

With my crusher.

I do not
know how I missed that.

Looks like we
have trouble.

You ready?
[Bob chatters]


Becky, where are you going?

Oh, uh, I just have
to run inside for a minute

And get change for
a smile.

Becky, you said you'd be
here to support me.

I--i know. And I am.
I will.

I'll be right back.
You'll see.

May I see
the sketch yet?

Ok, chuck,
turn off the engine

And step out
of the crusher.

Forget it, wordgirl.

Nothing will stop this
crusher from crushing.

[Indistinct voices in

Violet: sorry. I don't know
how to work the smile box.

Ah. Come on, chuck.

Can't you just forget
the whole thing?

I really have to
be somewhere.

No way.

The grocery store manager
called my sandwich rep--rrr--

Replessive, i--right?

Gah! Repulsive. He said
it was repulsive.

Yeah. That's the word.

Do you even know
what repulsive means?


Then why are you
so upset?

If you're in such a hurry,

How about you skip
the lecture

And just tell me
what repulsive means?


When something's
repulsive, it means

It's really,
really disgusting

And yucky,

So yucky that you want
to get away from it.

That's worse than I thought.

But he's never even
tasted my sandwich.

So how can he say
it's repulsive?

I don't need to taste it.

It's repulsive to look at.

Ok, that's it!

No more mr. Nice
evil sandwich guy.

It's crushing time.

[Electronic ton]


[Tones becoming
deeper and deeper]

Batteries must be dead.
[Wordgirl sighs]

Hey, do you sell


Yup. We have

Every kind
of battery,

Even unique

I don't have time
for this!


Becky, where are you?

Uh, ah--


Good work, huggy.

[Electronic tone
plays at normal pitch]

[Ding ding ding]

Oh, come on!

I just fixed my
remote control. Now this?

Um, do you sell
tools, wire,

And something I could use
to power a crusher engine?

Aisle .


where did you go?

I'm sorry, violet.
I didn't have any choice.

Becky, you promised
to be here for me.

I know.

And I won't leave
your side again.

Will you give me
another chance?

Customer: excuse me.

May I please pay
for my drawing now?

Well, you are the only
one who knows

How to collect the smiles.

I guess I have to give
you another chance.

Yes! Thank you,

Ok, it looks like you
got a large drawing.

Lovely unicorn,
by the way.

So that'll be smiles.

Ok. And one more.

I'm sorry. But I held my
first smile so long,

I'm all smiled out.

Oh. Well, you know what,
one smile is fine

Since we kept
you waiting.

I'll owe the box
a smile.

Thank you so much.

Narrator: a little later,
a very short distance away...

Chuck: there!
That should do it.

What was I doing again?

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Crushing the grocery store.

Whew. Crushing
is hard work.


I know, bob, but I
can't leave violet

After I promised
I wouldn't.

Narrator: will becky be
a loyal friend to violet

And let chuck crush
the grocery store?

I can't do that. It's
against my superhero oath.

Narrator: will she break
her promise to violet

So wordgirl can save
the day?

I can't do that either.
Isn't there a third option?

Narrator: or will becky
find a way to stop chuck

As becky without
leaving violet's side?

That's what I have
to do. But how?

I'm more of an idea guy.

The details are up to you.

Um, bob,
what do you got?


Hey, it looks like
we don't have any choice.

Come on, bob.

I wonder where
wordgirl is.

Um, me, too. This is
a unique situation.

Hey, violet, how would
you stop chuck

If you knew wordgirl
wouldn't show up?

Gosh. Before
I answer that,

I would have to know
what unique means.

Well, if wordgirl was
here, I bet she'd say

That unique can mean unusual
or out of the ordinary

Or something that's
one of a kind, like...

Like my drawings!

Becky: exactly. I've never
seen anything like them.

And chuck's sandwiches
are unique, too.

Chuck's sandwiches are

So unique, people are afraid
to even taste them,

Which is why he's
crushing the store.

that's it!

Hey, chuck,
can I try one of your

Cottage cheese, chocolate,
and octopus sandwiches?

Um, I'm kind of in
the middle

Of crushing
something right now.

Come on! Are you chuck
the evil sandwich making guy

Or chuck the evil grocery
store crushing guy?

Um, I'm gonna have to say
evil sandwich making guy.

That's what
it says on my mail.

Hey, wait a second.
Is this a trick?

A trick? No. I just
want to try your sandwich.

I missed lunch.

Ok. One cottage cheese,
chocolate, and octopus

Sandwich coming up.

Let me just set
this on a*t*matic

So I can crush
the store, though.



What gives? You said
you wanted to try it.

Ehh. I do.
I really do.

It's just--uh,
I just need a...


I'll try it.

Mmm! It may look

But the unique
ingredients make it

Taste really good.

Really? You like it?

Mmm! Yeah!

I want to try one.
[Bob chatters]

Me, too.

Not me.

So you really do
like my sandwich?


Now do you see

That my sandwich
isn't repulsive?

You were right.

And when you get
out of jail, you can sell

All the sandwiches
you want.

That is, if my store
isn't crushed.

Oh, yeah.
Good luck with that.

I hope wordgirl comes
and saves the day.

Me, too.

Well, the smile box
is filled to the top


So that's all
for today. Yay!

Yay. And I stayed
with you the whole time,

Like I said I
would, right?


Becky, thanks for
helping me today. Huh?!


The artist is
alone again.

Ok. If running forward
powers the crusher,

should shut it down.

Narrator: and so
once again, wordgirl showed

Why she's
our favorite superhero

And becky showed why
she's violet's best friend.

Now, remember, don't watch
any repulsive tv shows.


And be sure to tune in
next time

For another out of
the ordinary, one of a kind,

Unique episode
of "wordgirl"!


Hello. I'm beau handsome.

And this is
the bonus round of...

All: "may I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance to play

For even greater prizes
on the bonus round.

Emily, you correctly
defined the word "elegant."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

You bet.

Take a look at these
three pictures

And tell me
which one shows

The definition
for "elegant."


Give it a shot, emily!

I'd have to go
with number two.

That diamond is
really elegant.

That's correct!

I'd also like to
add that I

Really liked
mr. Botsford's

Dance moves

In that last

Emily, you're our
bonus round winner.

Show her what she's
won, huggy!

An official wordgirl
gigantic boom box!

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Want more "wordgirl"?

Watch your favorite episodes
and test your word power

Want wordgirl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.
Cape not required.

Word up!