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07x13 - First One to Win Wins / A Little Bigger WordGirl

Posted: 07/28/23 09:06
by bunniefuu
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♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
fume and victor.

Ah, yes, another exciting
day in the city.

I win!

Oh, come on.

I am the victor.

Where becky has been getting
beaten by tj in competition

All day long.

Yeah, thanks for noticing.

Don't get mad at me.
That's my job.



First one to touch
that lamppost--


Looks like I won this time.

No, becky, you didn't even
let me finish.

I was about to say,

First one to touch
the lamppost

Then jump over this piece
of wood wins. Uhh!


I am the victor!


I'll take hot dogs,

And then one
for each of them, too.

Oh, becky...

[Mouth full] first one to
finish eating the hot dog wins.

[Swallows] done!

Victor! I win!

Wait, that wasn't fair.

Plus it's bad manners
to talk with your mouth full.

First one to get
in trouble for using
bad manners wins.

Well, what do you know?

I was just about to ask you
to mind your manners.

I guess tj wins again.

But, dad--

Sorry, becky,
but you heard the man.

The first person
to win, wins.

I win again!


I am the victor!

Tj...why are you
talking like that?

Oh, it's the catchphrase
of my favorite wrestler,
victor the victor.

Every time after he wins,

He stands on the ropes
and yells,

"I am the victor!"

Do you even know
what "victor" means?

It reminds me
of the word "victory,"

Which is a win.

Does victor mean winner?

No. It means--
oh, well, yeah,

Actually, victor
does mean winner.

Whoa! I am the victor
at defining victor!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Oh, tj. Ha ha ha!

Everybody quit
laughing at him.

It's not funny.

Becky, we're just
having fun.

Don't take tj's games
too seriously.

I'm not!

Now, can we please
just go home?


Tj, you should probably
pick that up

Before someone else
trips on it.

Wow, becky's fuming.

And I can see why.

You do?
Yeah, I mean,

It must be tough
having a little brother

Who always wins
at everything.




Uhh! Of course
I'm fuming, bob.

I didn't beat tj
in one game today.


I don't know why
it bothers me so much.

But it does.
And it will until...

I am the victor!


Bob, put up your hand.

Hey, tj!

First person
to high-five bob wins!

Come on!
I got some meat for you.

Anything you want.
Hot dogs...

All right, stop licking
my fingers.



I am the victor!


That did not just happen!

Ok, becky, focus on the job.

Stopping the butcher.

That's what matters,

Not beating tj
at some made-up game.

There! All better.

Come on, bob, let's go!

Word up!


Aw, come on.

What's wrong
with this thing?

This is gonna
take me all day.

It looks like you've
officially gone to the dogs,

Eh, butcher?

Word girl!

I'm not exactly sure
what you mean

By "gone to the dogs,"
but frankly,

It sounds
a little insulting,

To both me and the dog.

I can tell you just stole
mrs. Von hoosinghaus'

Prize-winning dog
and her prize money.

[Baby talk]

[Arf arf]

I love dogs. Anyway,

You're in big trouble,

Oh, yeah?

Kielbasa kablam!


Ooh, don't mind
if I do.

You're gonna have to
do better than that, butcher.

Ok, uh...then...

Bratwurst blast!


have meat sweater.

It's nice.

You might as well
face it, butcher.

Your meat missed
its mark today,

And now you're going down!

I will be the victor!

What's with all
the shouting today, huh?

It's like you're
perfuming or something.

You mean fuming,
not perfuming. Fuming!

Right. Right.
Uh, fuming.

I think.
Help me out here?

The word "fuming" means
really, really, really
annoyed and bugged

And fed up and irritated
and angry

And all those things
put together!

Oh, yeah, you're fuming,
all right.

But, uh, why?

I'm fuming because, uh,

Well, let's just say
there's a certain family member

Who needs to win
at every little thing.

It's like my whole life
has become a contest.

Oh, yeah,
tell me about it.

I mean, my dad,
kid potato,
he's the same way.


Yeah, he's always saying
he was a better
villain than me

When he was my age.

I mean, how does he think
that makes me feel?

Right. And you don't know why
it makes you feel that way,
it just does.

Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

And the more
you think about it,

The more it makes you
want to scream!

So this is really
bugging you, huh?

Oh, yeah.

Well, great.
Hamburger ever!

Exactly. But now--aah!



Come on, wolfgang.
Don't eat the trash.

So long! Ha ha ha!


I lost again!

Narrator: first tj,
now the butcher? Rough day.


Later, back at the botsfords',

Becky returns home
still fuming.

I'll feel much better

Once I'm the victor,

Which will be
any minute now,

Because I'm not going to
let myself be tricked again.

Becky, it's great to see you!

Wait, really?

Now I can go back
to winning everything.

Uhh! Well, I have some
bad news for you, tj.

For the rest of the day,
I'm going to be the victor
in any game you think up.

I bet you can't
rake up more leaves than me.

Oh, yeah?
We'll see about that.

Hah! I won!


I am

Thanks for doing
my chores for me, sis.

Ha ha. Double win.


You're only the winner here

Because I like a clean yard.

[Wind blowing]


Hey! Seriously?

How could this even be
in the newspaper already? Aah!

First one to sip
this lemonade wins!

[Gasp] that's--

Ahh...i'm a victor!


Because of tj's games,

I went from annoyed
to angry

To really angry

To fuming!

I'm so upset,
I can barely think straight.

Becky, I understand
that you're upset,

But this is your fault,
too, you know.


You know, you don't
have to accept tj's challenges

By getting angry.
If he wants to play the victor

And eat a hot dog first
or touch a lamppost
before you do,

So what?

What does it matter?

I don't know!

But somehow tj
makes it matter.

tj is just doing

What little brothers
sometimes do.

But don't worry.
Some things
are more important

Than being the victor.

Like what?

Like doing the right thing.

Huh. Maybe you're right.

Oh, and, becky,
the first person

To tie their shoe wins.

Ah--ha ha.

Nice try, dad.

I know you're just
testing me.

You got me.

First one to the kitchen wins.

Heh heh. Go ahead,
be the first one.

Huh. See if I care.

Aah! I care!

I am the vi--what?

Hah! Now I am the victor.


♪ You know it,
I won it ♪

♪ You know it,
the victor ♪

♪ I'm the victor,
I won it ♪

Well, gee, becky,
who cares

Who got to the kitchen
first, anyway?

Right, dad?

Becky, why does that
matter so much to you?

It doesn't matter
at all to me.

It's nice to know
someone around here
has the right attitude.

[Whispering] victor.


I won and I still lost.

[Bells jingling]

That has to be the butcher.

And my chance to finally
be the victor.

Word up!

All right, wolfgang,
hit it!


Come on! Mush!



In blindsight, this probably
wasn't the best idea.

I think you mean
"hindsight," butcher.

Ahh! Word girl.

Back for more, huh?

That's right.
And this time

I'll end up the victor!

Oh, we'll see
about that.

First one to blast
word girl

With a barrage
of meatballs wins!


First one to trap word girl
in a hot-link fence wins!



First one to bury word girl
in a pastrami storm wins!



You didn't even
win once, butcher.

Hah! Neither did you.

Well, maybe not yet.

But I will be

The victor!



Heh heh heh heh.

First person to say
we escape

While word girl's
busy saving wolfgang wins!

Uh, mm,
if I save wolfgang,

The butcher will go free.

Remember, becky,

Some things are more important

Than being the victor,

Like doing the right thing.


Look at all of us.


I just got here.
What'd I miss?

[Sighs] the right thing
to do here is save wolfgang.



Hah! I win again, word girl!

I did it,
I'm the winner,

I beat word girl.


Oh, man.

It looks like you

Just took an unplanned trip.

Heh. Get it? Trip?

Yeah, I get it.

Guhh! And who leaves
a piece of wood

Where someone
can trip on it?

Whoo-hoo! First person
to trip the butcher wins.

I am the victor.

I wish becky was here
to see this.

Becky! Becky?

Well, I'm glad everything
turned out right in the end.

so you're not fuming,

Even though it was
more of a win for tj
than it was for you?

No. Heh.

No. Because in that moment,

Choosing to save wolfgang
was more important
than defeating the butcher.

And--ahem--thanks to tj,

We still defeated the butcher.

So the way I look at it,

I'm still the victor!


yeah, yeah, I get it.

You are the victor.

So I guess there's
just one thing left to say.

Uh, what's that?

First person to wrap up
the episode wins!

Both: join us next time
for more exciting adventures
of "word girl"!

[Both chuckle]

First one to fly away wins!

Narrator: hey, I can't fly.

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello! I'm beau handsome,

And this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player

Who correctly defines
today's featured word

Will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may.

Today's featured word is


To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl"
that show the meaning
of the word.

[Theme music plays]

[Bell dings]
give it a shot, tommy.

Bewilder means
to transform

From one person
into another.

Nope. How about it, bill?

I thought I knew
what bewilder meant,

But now I'm
completely confused.

I'm totally puzzled.

Uh, you realize you just
defined "bewilder," right?

I did?

Yes! "Bewilder" means

To puzzle or confuse.

Bewilder means
to puzzle or confuse.

You just heard me say that.

I'm totally bewildered.

why are you ringing in?

I've already said the answer.

You have?

This is the most
bewildering experience

I've ever had.
I'm going to declare

That no one
is today's winner.

Huggy, show them
what they would have won.

It is a go-kart.
Wow, that would
have been a fun prize.

That's it for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

Listen for the words
"adjust" and "elongate."

Oh, no!
It looks like our hero

Has been captured by
dr. Two-brains.

Word girl is in big trouble.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

But word girl's trouble
is about to get even bigger.

Heh heh.

That'll make sense
in a minute.

Ooh hoo hoo hoo!

I can't believe
I finally captured
word girl.

Man, that was
an amazing plan.

No point getting
into the specifics.
We were all there.

It was beautiful, boss.

Now for the final phase
of my plan.

This resizing ray
will shrink word girl

Down to the size
of a mouse.

Uhh! Your evil plan
will never work,
dr. Two-brains.

Really? I mean,
it's basically
working already.


All right, fine,
it might work.

But it's still,
you know,

Totally evil and stuff.

Right, but I can
deal with that.

And you
can deal with this!



What?! Word girl was
supposed to shrink.

Why did she elongate?

Something you two
want to tell me?

Well, see,

Charlie and me

We're eating a cupcake,

And we thought, hey,
wouldn't it be better

If this cupcake
was a little bigger?

Ok, I already see where
you're going with this,
but continue.

Well, you know how
cupcakes are, boss.

They're so small.

So we turned
the dial on the ray
to a little bigger.

Well, not to change
the subject or anything,

But I'm gonna escape now.


But, boss, I thought
those straps

Were unbreakable.

Yeah, unbreakable
for regular-size word girl,

Not for a little bigger
word girl.

I told you your evil plan
wouldn't work.

Hah. Called it as usual.

Good thing I always
have a plan "b".

Getaway catapult!

So long, word girl.

Ah ha ha ha ha ha!

We'll meet...


Now, how did we
miss that catapult?


Oh, right. Uh, sorry.

Ow! Ooh.

Let's try that again.


ok. Maybe I'll just--

Oh, good idea, bob.

Just unbuckle...

and you drop...

All right.

Word out!


You know what?
Let's just walk home, huggy.

I'm feeling kind of weird.

Narrator: the next morning...



Hey, becky.

You look a little...

Did you change your hair?

Yes. That and only that
is why I look different.

It's my new hairstyle.

Huh. Your sleeves
are shorter.

That can't be
because of your hair.

All part of
my new look, scoops.

Shorter sleeves are
gonna be super in
this season.

I don't know,

You're acting kind of strange.

Listen, scoops.
Are you sure that--

I was battling
dr. Two-brains

And he zapped me
with a ray

That made me
slightly bigger.

My sleeves aren't smaller,

My arms have been elongated.

And the worst part is
that now I can't control
my powers.


Whoa! Did anyone feel
that crazy gust of wind?

Huh. So weird.

I sure did. Heh heh.

Just helping out.

Later, becky stops by
the grocery store

On the way home
from school,

Even though she just
had lunch a short while ago.

Come on,
give me a break here.

This elongated body
of mine takes more energy
than I'm used to.

Narrator: oh, I'm not judging.

Uh, sir, can you
recommend some items

For a person who's,
I don't know,

Slightly bigger
than they were yesterday?

Sorry, young lady,
I'm not hiring
right now.

Uh, I wasn't asking
for a job.

Anyway, I'm busy
adjusting these apples

To make them look
just right.

Run along, now.


Everybody freeze!

And nobody move.

Yeah. Thanks a lot.

Come on, bob.

Look, I don't know
what game
you kids are playing,

But you'll have to
take it outside.

This is a place
of business.

Oh, we'll be leaving soon,

With all the cheese
in this joint.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Stop right there, two-brains.

Word girl?!

That's right.

Prepare to be defeated.

Word--ow! Ohh...

Wow, that was really
on the money, eh, boys?


Yeah, she really
stopped on a dime,

Don't you think?

Stopped on a dime.

Are these supposed to be
jokes, boss?

Oh, let's just get
the cheese.


I think I'm still
a little off, huggy.

But I can still do
a good old-fashioned
monkey throw!


Sorry, sorry.

So sorry.

I just finished
adjusting those.

Thanks for the help,
word girl.

Ah ha ha ha ha ha!

Young lady,
you're fired.


I can't believe
he got away again, bob.

Oh, and sorry I threw you
into a pile of apples.


I just don't know what
I'm gonna do

About being slightly big--

Big, big test at school

Gotta study hard tonight.

Every test counts.

Hmm. Becky,
my responsible girl.

Kids grow up so fast.

You know, it seems like
just yesterday

You were slightly smaller.

Yeah, it does seem
like that, doesn't it?

Being bigger is tough, dad.

I know, sweetheart.

This sounds like
a put-down-the-cans

When I was your age,
I grew inches
in one school year.

They called me
stretch botsford.

I was the lankiest,
clumsiest guy
in my grade.

And that was
before I grew.

But I still made
the basketball team.
You know why?

Hard work and determination?

Well, no.
It was a small school

And they barely had
enough players.

The point is,
I practiced every day.

And eventually I adjusted
to being inches taller.

In fact, by the end
of the year,
my new nickname

Was jump shot botsford.

Well, thanks, dad.

I'm not sure
I have enough time
to adjust to this,

But it's still good advice.

No problem, sweetie.
Jump shot botsford
does it again.

Does it again.

Does it again.
Heh heh.

Can you move the can
a little closer?

Does it again.
Don't worry, sweetie,

I'll get it eventually.

I'll fix that.

[Alarm wails]

Car alarm. My fault.

We'll be outside.


But they're not outside at all.

They're in word girl's
secret spaceship hideout,

And becky, aka word girl,

Has a plan to get things
back on track.

I have a plan
to get things
back on track.

Yeah. I just said that.

Oh. Right.

Thanks for coming, scoops.

I need you guys
to help me train

So I can adjust to
this new elongated body.

Hmm. "Elongate."



That's right, huggy.

"Elongate" means
to make something longer.

In this case, dr. Two-brains'
ray elongated me.

He made me longer.

Ha. That's exactly
what I knew it meant.

Now let's get
down to business.


Whoa! Whoa!



[Exhales] thanks, guys.

I think I'm ready
to defeat dr. Two-brains now.

If only I knew
where to find him.

Hmm. Well, there is
a ray convention
in town,

And it is sponsored
by the city cheese

So, this is a longshot--
maybe dr. Two-brains
will show up there?

Um, you think?

Nobody move!

And freeze
while you're at it.

Yeah, yeah, they get it.


Hand over all your cheese
or else.

Oh, right.
Or else what?

Or I'm gonna use this ray
to shrink your ray

And everyone here.


So--so is this
the resize-anator ?

Oh, why, yes.


What an impressive


Just gorgeous.

Yeah, i--

It handles like a dream.

Yeah, whenever you're ready
to give that back.

Sorry. Of course.


Oh, hey, word girl.

It figures
I would find you here.


It's a ray convention

Sponsored by the city
cheese association.

What am I gonna do,
not show up?

No, I get it.
You gotta be you.

But this time
you're not getting away.

Oh, yeah.
I'm really scared
after last time.

What you gonna do,
fly head-first
into a giant ray?

No. I'm gonna do this!

How did that happen?

Well, I adjusted
to my new size after all.

And now I have all my powers
under control again. Hah!

Excuse me.

Can you please tell me
what "adjust" means?

If I'm gonna be caught,

I want to at least keep
following the story.

Sure thing. "Adjust" means
to change something

To be the way you want it.

I wasn't used to
my slightly bigger size,

So I had to adjust
how I moved my body.

And now I can
defeat you guys again.

Ohh. Nice.

No, it's not nice.

If you hadn't adjusted
the ray in the first place

And made her bigger,

We would be in this mess!

We didn't use a just, boss.

[Sighs] thank you.

Monkey throw!

Ow! Ooh!

Hmm. This dense gouda

Has subtle notes
of cherry blossom

Beneath a...rustic
citrusy aroma

That stimulates
but does not overwhelm
the senses.

Actually, that's
a piece of wax.

Mm. Right.

A plate of your
finest wax, then.


Hmm. "Go to jail ray.
Use only on villains."


Wow. Go to jail ray.

How's it work?

Oh. That's how it works.

And with the villains gone
and the day saved,

Captain huggy face
adjusts the shrink ray.

Tickle, tickle, tickle!


Thanks, huggy.

I was getting used to
my new elongated size,

But I can't say the same
for my clothes.

Which is good news for
both becky and word girl.

Since they're the same person.

Hey, quiet.

Oh, come on,
the viewers know.

We gonna wrap it up?

This ending does feel
a bit elongated.


Be sure to adjust your schedule
and join us next time

For an exciting, stupendous,
rustic, and citrusy episode

Of "word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance

To play for even greater
prizes on the bonus round!

Bill, you correctly defined
the word "bewilder,"

Sort of. Ready to play
the bonus round?

I guess.

Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition

For "bewilder."

[Music plays]

Give it a shot, bill.

I'm going to
go with number--

! Right!
In that picture,

Something has clearly
confused dr. Two-brains.

He's bewildered.

Well, I'm not sure--

Well, you are
our bonus round winner.

Show him what he's won, huggy.

An official "word girl"
pogo stick!

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Extra! Extra!
Read all about it.

Watch your favorite episodes
and test your word power

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!