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07x12 - It's Your Party and I'll Cry if I Want To / Becky's Bad-itude

Posted: 07/28/23 09:06
by bunniefuu
Pbs kids opens
worlds of possibilities

For all children

Thanks to pbs stations
and viewers like you.

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face
is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen
for the words

"Sensitive" and "rampage."

Just another fun-filled day
on the school playground.

Oh-ho, I can't wait!

It's going to be
fun, fun, fun, fun!

That's four funs.
Becky! I can't wait.

I can't wait,


So what time are you
leaving your house?

What time
am I leaving
my house for what?

Becky, for the birthday
party? Hello!


Scoops, is there
a birthday party today?

Uh, a birthday party?
Not that I know of.


But you just said...

Ha ha! I never know
what I'm saying.

[Gasps] hey, look at what
a distraction bob is.

Wait! First tell me
who's having
a birthday party today.

Today? Gosh, there must be
a lot of people having
a birthday today.

Oh, I see.

[Cheers and applause]

[Birds chirping]

It's katie's
isn't it?

[Elephant trumpets]

Oh, I'm sorry
I said anything.

I thought you were
invited, too.

Scoops, don't
worry about it.

I'm totally ok!

What, did you
think I'd get mad

And go on a rampage
through the playground?

No. [Chuckles] no, no, no.


Oh, please.
I'm not upset.

I mean, there could be
a million reasons
why I wasn't invited.

Yes, a million reasons.

I don't really know
katie that well.

And katie was
in a different
class last year.

Come to think of it,
katie and I have never
been in the same class.

Ok. So, um, bye, becky.

Wait, wait. Do you
want to come inside

And play a while
or something?

Ahh, I kind of have
to go somewhere?

Oh. Ok.


are you going
to katie's party?


Why didn't you
tell me?!

Well, I didn't want
to make you sad.

I knew I'd be sad
if you were invited

And I wasn't.

Thanks for being
to my feelings,

But...don't worry!
You're my friend,

And I still want you
to have fun

Even if I'm not
having fun.

I'll try to have fun
for both of us.

That's great.
Do that.

Narrator: later,
inside the botsfords...

I can't believe katie
didn't invite me.

I mean, sure,
it's her birthday,

But that doesn't mean
she can't be more
sensitive to my feelings,



Bob, you're right!

Maybe the invitation's
in the mail!

Dad, dad, dad,
the mail, can I see it?!

Sure, becky. Let's see
those sorting skills.

Yes! This month's edition
of "sensitive dad magazine."

Now that's a nice-looking
sweater vest.

Comfy, but non-threatening.

No, bob, there's
no invitation.

Hmm. Becky, without even
reading one article

In this issue
of "sensitive dad magazine,"

I can tell something's
bothering you.

What's up, kiddo?

Well, my friends are
all going to katie's
birthday party

But I wasn't

Oh, becky. I don't
think I know katie.

Are you two friends?

Not really.

Well, did you invite katie
to your birthday party?

Well, no, but that's--
that's different!

Oh. And how is that different?

Because I really don't
know her that well,

I see your point.

So you feel better?

Nope. I still really
want to go to her party.

It's not fair.

For a problem this tricky,

We might need
the botsford family

The botsford family
what now?

Ok, here goes--
when you're feeling sad

About missing out
on something fun,

As a botsford, you have
the power to change your mind

And say, "forget
about the party!

I'll make my own fun."

That's the botsford
family superpower?

Well, it's not a word
girl-type superpower,

But it's a superpower
that even word girl could use.

Watch how it works.

I hereby invite you
to a regular old evening
with your family!

When? Tonight! Where? Ehh,
at the botsford residence!

There will be dinner,
dessert, conversation,

And while we do the dishes,
ah, wait for it,

A ♪ singalong! ♪


Pretty sure that's
not a superpower, dad.

Ooh, I better
invite your brother.

Hey, tj! [Humming]


[Gasps] come on,
bob, clear it up!

meanwhile, downtown,

One of toby's robots
is on a rampage!

Stop right now, toby!

And return
your robot to its,
uh, robot garage?

I--where do you keep
your robots?

Mind your own business,
word girl.

This is between my robot
and the innocent stuff
he's wrecking.


Ok. You know what happens
when a robot destroys
city property

And throws it
at a superhero?


[Robot grunting]

Do you know what happens
when the superhero

Buzzes around
a robot like a fly?





Are you
laughing at me?

What, is it a crime
to have a sense of humor?

you're doing
here is a crime!

Well, guess what, word girl?


That's it!

After I finish here,
know what I'm going to do?


Mom! Ha!

Not laughing now,
are you?

Wow. Word girl,
you're in a rather sour mood.

Me? Ha!

If anyone's in
a bad mood, it's you.

Well, I have a right to be!

Ah, you wouldn't understand.

You have no idea how I feel.

Why wouldn't I
I'm sensitive.

It doesn't matter
how sensitive you are.

You're word girl.

I bet you've never been
left out of anything.

I might surprise you.

[Sighs] fine.

If you must know,
there's this girl, katie,

And, well, she's having
a birthday party
right now in the park,

And I wasn't invited.

Do you have any idea
what that feels like?

Actually, toby,
I do know what
that feels like.

I wasn't invited to
katie's party, either.

Why would you be invited?

Oh, well, I mean,
I kind of know her.

A little.

Really? How do you know katie?

Well, never mind
that. Listen,

I know you feel lousy,
but that doesn't mean

It's ok to go on
a robot rampage.

Well, I'm not sure
I'd call this
a robot rampage.

Well, your robot
was out of control
and destroying things,

Which just happens
to be the definition
of rampage.


Robot rampage.
Hmm, so it was.

But in this case,
I really had no choice.

I had the kind of pain
that only comes

From not being invited
to a birthday party!

That pain cries out
for a rampage!

No, you had
a choice.

Instead of
wrecking the city,
you could have said,

"Forget about the party,
I'll make my own fun!"

I can't believe
I just said it.

[Sighs] you're right.
I know you're right.

You do?

Yes, of course,
I shouldn't wreck the city.

That's what
I'm telling you!

I should wreck the party!

Exactly. Wait--what?
No, no, no, no, no!


Come on, violet,
hit it harder!
We want candy.

Well, I want
candy, too,

But I don't want
to break katie's
pretty pinata.

It's ok, violet.

That's the only way
to get the candy!

Ok, here
it goes.

I'm so sorry!



[Grunting] am I
getting warmer?

Katie, why'd you invite
a giant robot?

I didn't
invite a robot!

No, you didn't
invite this robot,

But he's crashing the party.

Or should I say--
crushing it!


And since he doesn't
get any birthday cake,

No one gets any birthday cake!

[All gasping]

[Cackling] hmm.




I don't get it.
I couldn't crush the cake.

But when I looked
at katie's face

And saw how sad it
would make her feel,

I--i couldn't do it.

Because you were sensitive
to katie's feelings.

Hi, word girl!

What do you mean
by sensitive?

Oh, hi, katie.
Uh, nice party. [Chuckles]

Ahem. Well, when
someone is sensitive,

It means they can recognize
what another person is feeling.

When toby saw how sad you'd feel
if the robot crushed your cake,

He changed his mind.

Being sensitive to your feelings
made him want to be kind

Instead of selfish.

Oh! Thank you, toby,

For being
so sensitive.

I'm not sensitive!

Why, I couldn't care
in the least!

I--i couldn't care
if I tried.

I mean, I'm still--
I'm--i'm--ahh! Ughh.

Well, thank you
for not crushing
my cake.

[Chuckles] I think toby
was just a little upset

Because he wasn't
invited to your party.

You know how some kids are.

Sorry I couldn't
invite you, toby.

My mom said I could
only invite a few
of my closest friends.

At least I can
give you an
extra goody bag.


Ah, here, you, shake.

[Drill, cat meows,
toby grunts]


Oh, toby.

You don't have to
give me a present.

Just take it. Please?

Well, I think
we've interrupted
your party long enough.

Thank you both
for making my little
birthday party

A lot more exciting.

And thanks for not
crushing my cake.

You're a good


You're not going to go
back on a rampage, are you?

Nah, not really
in the mood now.

Glad to hear it.

And since you were
so sensitive back
at the party,

I'm going to let you off
the hook this time.

Say, since neither
of us recieved
a party invitation,

How would you feel
about doing...

You know, together?

Sure, why not?
No reason we can't
make our own fun.

What do you want to do?
How about ice cream?

Are you buying?

I'm buying my own.

and so, once again,

Word girl heroically
saves a birthday party

From a robot rampage.

Or was it the kindness
of that sensitive boy toby
that saved the party?

What?! Hey!

Whoa, sensitive.

Either way, everyone here
is invited to tune in next time

For another exciting adventure

Of "worrrd...girl."

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello, I'm bo handsome,

And this is...

All: "may I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word

Will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

All: "may I have a word?"

Yes, you may. Today's
featured word is doze.

To give you a clue,
here are some clips
from "word girl"

That show the meaning
of the word.


Yes, phil.

Uh, I think doze means
to dangle from a robot,

Like toby was doing
in that last clip?

Nope. Anyone else?

Ok, give it a shot, emily.

Doze means
to nap or sleep,

Kind of like
you're doing now.

[Snores] ahh, ah!

Sorry. Can you define
doze for me again?

It means
to nap or sleep.

That's correct!

Are you ok?

I've never been better!

I don't know why
I stayed up all night

Knitting these ear muffs.

They're way too big
for my cat.

congratulations, emily,

You are today's winner.

Huggy, show her
what she's won.

An official
"word girl" waterbed!


[Yawns] that's it
for today's episode.

See ya next time on...

All: "may I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen
for the words "juvenile"

And "lack."

Another peaceful saturday
morning as becky and bob

Watch a little tv.

[Music playing]

She's watching that again?

♪ It's vanilli and billy,
oh, vanilli and billy ♪

♪ Oh, no, vanilli and billy! ♪

You're missing the best part.


What do you mean,
there's no best part?

This show is, uh, great!

You see, vanilli
and billy are cousins

Who are secretly
a prince and princess

Who work undercover
in outer space

As rock & roll...ninjas.


Yeah, I kind of didn't
get it at first,

But everyone
in my class likes it,

And if you force yourself
to watch it, it grows on you.


[Music playing]

Ugh. I mean...awesome!

Ok, so maybe their music
does lack a little melody.

Ew, and is sometimes
painful to listen to.

But everyone at school
says they're better live.

And, you know, they're having
a concert this weekend.

Maybe we can get tickets!

Sweet front row center.

Did somebody say, "tickets?"

Hey, dad. Uh, what's with
all the camping gear?

Well, becky, I have
a little surprise for you.

I just spend the day
camped out in front
of the city theater

To get us tickets,
for something!

You did?! [Gasps]

Please say
vanilli and billy,

Vanilli and billy,
vanilli and billy!

Well, it was
kind of hard to choose.

I mean, there are three events
happening at the same time.

There's an antique
collectible cheese auction...

Hard to say, fun to go to.

And then there's something
called vanilli and bully?

And then there's
a little something

Called..."The squishy
fun bots roll-o-rama!"


I got squishy
fun bots tickets!
In my hand!


Squishy fun bots tickets?

Way to go, dad!

Becky: aww.

♪ Happy happy
nappy time ♪

♪ Munchy munchy
lunchy time ♪

♪ Makes me happy ♪

♪ Makes me happy ♪

Ooh, work it, all right.

You kids have loved
these squishies
since you were in diapers.

And you're still
in a diaper, bob,
so of course you love 'em.

But dad, we're too old
for this show.

It's too juvenile.

We've outgrown it.

You outgrow your pants,
becky, you don't outgrow fun.

♪ happy happy nappy time ♪

♪ Sleepy sleepy nappy time ♪

the next day...

♪ Beepy bop bop boop
boop boop boop ♪

♪ Tweet tweet
la la too too too ♪

Narrator: hey, isn't that
a squishy fun bot song?

I thought that show
was too...

Juvenile? It is.
But, what can I say?

When I was little,
their songs always
cheered me up.

So you're singing
a squishy fun bot song

Because you're upset
that you have tickets

To see the squishy fun bots?

[Scoffs] it's a little
more complicated than...



♪ Makes me happy,
makes me happy ♪


Hey, becky,

Wait till you hear
my latest super
collasal scoop.

I, todd scoops ming,
reporter extraordinaire,

Just landed an exclusive
backstage interview

With none other
than vanilli.

From vanilli and billy?

The ninja rock
princess herself!

[Gasps] that's so cool!

Wait, what about billy?

Billy speaks
to no one.

Anyway, they're sold
out, so I hope
you got a ticket.

Oh, yes, I have a ticket.

I definitely
don't lack a ticket.

Uh, lack?

Oh, yeah, uh,
when you lack something,

It means you don't have it.

Like, just say
I didn't technically

Have a ticket
to vanilli and billy.

Then I'd lack a ticket.
But I'm not.

I mean, I have a ticket,
so, you know, yeah.

♪ Happy happy
nappy time ♪

[Chuckles] hey,

Remember when
we used to like
that juvenile music?

Barely. It was
so long ago. What?!

Narrator: later that night,
in line at the squishy
fun bots concert...


You do know people
can see you, right?

Ahh! Why is this
line so slow?!

Hey, becky, aren't those
your friends standing in line

To see vanilli and billy?


Hey, everyone! Puffy
the fun bot's here!

[All talking at once]


Dad, this is
the best gift ever!

I'm just happy we can
enjoy the fun bots as a family.

[Gasps] hey, I know!
Let's take a photo

And send it to everyone we know!

And all of their friends
and their friends.


Tell me I'm wrong, becky,

But I'm sensing
you don't want to be here.

What?! No.
I used to love
the squishy fun bots.

Don't you mean still
love the squishy fun bots?

Oh, sure. "Fun"
is in their name.

They're squishalicious!

Let me see those.

I want to make sure
I don't know anybody here.

Ok, don't know them.
Nope. Strangers.

Oh, she's pretty.
Don't know her.

Wait! That hat
looks a lot like
the one scoops wears.

What's doctor two brains
doing backstage

At the squishy fun bots concert?

Ok, boys,
you know the plan.

We get in, grab
all the ticket money,

Get out, go to the cheese
auction across the street,

And use all the stolen
money to bid on
the cheese at the auction.

Yes, what is it?

Boss, why don't we just
steal the cheese
from the auction?

Hey, it's never
a straight path with me.

You should
know that by now.

Ugh! Let's hustle.

This place
is too squishy.

Well, they're squishy fun bots.

They can't be squishy
fun bots if they're not
squishy--or can they?

Will you stop
saying "squishy?"

Let's go! We have
to find that--



They just leave
bags of money
lying around?

What, do they lack
a safe or something?

Hmm, not bad.

Way lighter than
a bag of cheese,

Huh, charlie?

Ok, now grab those
money bags and--

Hey! Light as a feather,
you're right.

Now, let's get
this cash over
to that cheese auction

Before edith von

Gets her crackers
on my camembert.

Hey! What are
you guys doing
back here?

You're supposed
to be on stage for
the opening number!

What? Hey, no!

We're putting on a show,

[Orchestra warming up]

♪ Say hello ♪

♪ Just the way we start a day ♪

♪ The day ♪
♪ say hi ♪


♪ Chase your cares away ♪
cares away.

♪ Won't have any woes ♪

♪ Greet the day ♪

♪ Be kind to folks
and they'll like you ♪

I like me.

♪ Have a squishy fun bot day ♪

♪ Fun bot day ♪

Gusshh. They even
feel squishy.

[Cheers and applause]

Dr. Two brains? Here?


Well, he must be up
to something evil.

I guess.

Uh, bob?

Hey, nice finish, boss.

Well, thanks.

You know, I did
put on a few shows
in college.

Yeah, well, maybe you can
put on a few more shows

In jail!

Word girl!

They do shows
in jail?

Oh, um, do they do
shows in jail?


Um, i...don't know!

But you'll be able
to check for yourself
when you get there.

Ha! Totally saved that one.

Hey, wait a second,
word girl.

How'd you even know
I was going to be here?

Well, 'cause--look,
I wasn't in the audience,

If that's what
you were thinking.

Well, I wasn't
thinking that,

But hey, now I am!

You actually like
these squishy things,
don't ya?

Aren't they
a little, uh...

What, juvenile?

Well, I was going
to say gross, but now
that you mention it...

So they're a little
juvenile, so what?

That doesn't mean
I can't like them!

Ouch! I think we hit
a nerve, boys.

Imagine, word girl
watching a juvenile
show like this.

Ahh ha ha ha!

Eh, hey, why aren't
you guys laughing?

We don't know what
juvenile means.

Oh, well, juvenile means
it's more for kids
than for grown ups.

Like, the "squishy fun
bots" is a show made
for very young kids,

So it's kind of juvenile.

Oh. Well, me and charlie
kind of like it, too.

Does that make us


[Sighs] I knew I should
have robbed that show
across the street.

That, what was it called,
"stinky and blinky?"

[Sighs] it's called
"vanilli and billy."

Vanilli and billy. Ugh,
their music is terrible.

How can you say that?!

Their music is...terrible.

No, yeah, it's--
it's just awful.


Get 'em, huggy!

Oh, boss, help!

Give me that cash.

I have to get over
to that cheese auction.



Bye, word girl.

Huggy, stop him!



Oh, huh?

Who turned off the lights?

Ohh! Tell me it's not
one of those squishy
things, please!

All right, well, let's get
the fun bots out there
and start the show.

[All beeping]



Ha ha! I'm free!


Oh, no.

Ah, no!

They're squishy!


Ohh! Ohh!

[Imitating fun bot]


♪ Happy happy nappy time ♪

♪ Makes me happy,
makes me happy ♪

No, please,
no more singing,

And no more
Make it stop.

Sure thing.


[Cheers and applause]

You guys missed it!

Dr. Two brains made
a special guest appearance!

Which, now that
I think of it,

Didn't make
a whole lot of sense.

But it was awesome!

I heard word girl was here
and helped capture him.

Word girl?! She likes
the squishy fun bots, too?

Well, I heard she kind of
sort of likes vanilli and billy.

Not a lot. Or at all.

She's trying.
But that doesn't mean

She has to stop liking
the squishy fun bots,

Even if they are
a little juvenile.

Can I report that?
Ahem, I mean,
can I report that,

Young juvenile
who I do not know
and have never met?

Scoops. What a surprise.

They nearly
canceled my interview,

And, well,
their music sort of
hurts my stomach.

And I love
the squishy fun bots!

I don't care
who knows it.
Me, too!

Come on, humans,
sing it with me!

♪ Ba dum bum bum ♪

♪ Sleepy sleepy nappy time ♪

♪ Hungry hungry tummy time ♪

Narrator: and so, once again,
word girl saved the day--

And the show. And maybe
it's a little juvenile

Of me to say,
but I agree with tj--

You might outgrow your pants,
but you never outgrow fun.

Tune in next time
for another fun-filled,
never lacks excitement

Episode of "word girl!"

♪ Makes me happy,
makes me happy ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello, I'm bo handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

All: "may I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance

To play
for even greater prizes,

On the bonus round!

Emily, you've correctly
defined the word "doze."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

I sure am!

Take a look
at these three pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition
for "doze."

[Music playing]

Give it a shot, emily.

I'm going to go
with number three.

Violet's mom is
dozing at the beach.

That's correct!

Emily, you're our
bonus round winner.

Huggy, show her
what she's won.

An official "word girl"
gigantic hair dryer!

[Dryer whirring]

Well, that's our show.
See you next time on...

All: "may I have a word?"

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Cape not required.

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