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07x11 - Invasion of the Bunny Lovers, Part 1 / Invasion of the Bunny Lovers, Part 2

Posted: 07/28/23 09:05
by bunniefuu
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♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
delightful and innovate.

It's another delightful
day in our city.

"It's another
delightful day
in our city."

Yes. I just said that.

"Yes, I just
said that."

Ok. What's wrong?

Ha! What's right?

First, leslie takes
the whole week off

To go to some

For unappreciated

Which I really do
not appreciate.

Then the squeaker
on my squishie
bunny breaks.


Ooh, yeah. I totally
see what you mean.

And my latest
mind-control device

Is a complete waste
of money.

I'm supposed to be
a supervillain,

And frankly this is
not a particularly
super week I'm having.

Tell me about it!

It not easy
being super us.


People think it's all
blowing up things up

And bwah ha ha,

But it's hard work.

It's super hard!

understands that.

So you actually feel
like this sometimes, too?

Are you kidding
me, brother?

Some days I feel like
a mouse in a maze,

Doing the same thing
over and over
and over again.

I come up
with some new ray...

And I always come
up with some new
mind-control device...

Both: and word girl
always finds them
and destroys them.

I need to try something
new and different.

Me, too!

Hey. We could
work together!

Yeah! And then...

Uh, that's all
I got.

Yeah. Me, too!


Wait. Bunnies!


I just had
a doozie of an idea!

It's one part you,
one part me,

And one part--ta-da--

Because, you know,
I like bunnies.

That's just it.
Everybody likes bunnies!

Ha ha ha!
It's genius!

Evil genius!

Bwah ha ha ha!
Bwah ha ha ha ha!

Tell me about
the bunnies, two brains.

Narrator: uh-oh.

Meanwhile across town,
becky botsford,

Aka word girl, is engaged
in a heated, epic battle with...




Boy on tv: go away!

What's wrong?


I was trying to do
something innovative

With the ingredients.

If innovative means
gross, you succeeded.

No. Innovative means new,
original, and creative."

Hmm. I'm always
in the mood

For an innovative
new dish.

Yum--not very yum.


Oh, what is it, bob?

Mr. Big: bunnies!

They represent the best
in all of us, don't you think?


Because nobody
doesn't love bunnies.

Why, he'd have to be
a monster not to just melt

At the sight of one of those
delightful little--

What are they, anyway?

Anyway, they say when
you're proud of something

You wear it
on your sleeve.

Well, I'm a proud
bunny lover,

And I've got
a feeling you are, too,

Because you're not
a monster, are you?

Heh heh heh.

Of course not!
So show it!

Up with bunnies!

Join the new
I love bunnies movement

Because if all the bunny
lovers come together,

The bunny haters
haven't got a chance.

High-pitched voices:
bunnies, bunnies,
bunnies, bunnies...

Think about it,
and thank you
from the bottom

Of my bunny-loving heart.

Wow. What was that
all about?

I think it was
about bunnies.

And also about being
a good person.

Yeah, but, come
on--it's mr. Big.

What does he know
about being a good person?

Well, he can't
be bad, becky.

He loves bunnies.
He called them...


It means highly
pleasing, or charming,
or adorable.

Like bunnies!
Yeah, but--

Now don't tell me
you're one of those bunny
haters, sweetie.

That would just
break your father's
bunny-loving heart.

No, it's just--
what i--because--

Bunnies are great.


High-pitched voices:
bunnies, bunnies,
bunnies, bunnies.




High-pitched voices:
bunnies, bunnies,
bunnies, bunnies.

bunnies, bunnies, bunnies.

Bunnies, bunnies,
bunnies, bunnies.


Well, it is
pretty silly,

But at least
the whole thing
makes sense now.

Mr. Big's obviously
just whipping up
this ridiculous fad

So he can sell
a bunch

Of "I love bunnies"

It appears to be
the latest fad

That's sweeping
the city!

I have to work fast
if I want to
get a story

About this
new craze

Into the next
of the newspaper.

Excuse me, sir.

Scoops ming,
"daily rag."

I see you're
a bunny lover.


I'm a bunny lover!


Oh, I mean, yeah!
Sure am!

That's me!

Actually, no.

Not really,
but, you know,

Everyone else is
doing it, so why not?

No--you got one, too?

Now why would you want
to to waste

Perfectly good money
on one of those buttons?

wearing them,

And I didn't waste
any money--
they're free.

Free? Now that's
not like mr. Big.

I better go
check this out.


Mr. Big:
be a bunny lover!

Here you go!

Buttons, buttons,
who's got the buttons?

Be a bunny lover!

One for you
and one for you.

Let's go!

Over here!
I love bunnies!

Me, too!
Give me one!

Two brains:
here's a button!

I'm not a monster!

Have a few! Share them
with your friends...


Complete strangers!

Share them
with that person.

Up with bunnies!

Up with bunnies!

Up with bunnies!

Up with bunnies!


Ha ha ha!

Whoo! Yeah!

Uh-oh. Mr. Big and two brains
working together?

I mean it's innovative,
but it's also a little scary.

Whatever this is
all about,

It definitely
can't be good.

But what is it all about?


Ok. Here's what
it's all about.

Uh, what was
that again?

Weren't you
paying attention?

I just heard the part
about how I get

I ever wanted,

And frankly that
was good enough for me.

Not just you.
Both of us.

We get everything
we ever wanted.

Did you just
say something?

Yeah. Watch me.

Hey, you!

That's a delightful
button you have there.

Can I see it?


[Click, squeak]

Ooh. Delightful button.

Can I see it?

Actually, it's
exactly the same as
the one you're--

Ooh. Delightful button.
Can I see it?

So it sounds like it's
mostly about not wanting
to be different.

Would you say there's
an element of peer pressure
in this new fad?

No button.

No button.


No button.

No button.

Uh, yeah,
well, I think I got
everything I need here.

Heh heh. Thanks a lot.
Great stuff. Bye!

Buuuutton, buuuutton...

Ooh hoo hoo hoo!

Now I get it!

I mean I really,
really, uh--

You still don't
get it, do you?

Not really, no.

Look. When you turn on
somebody's button,

They're immediately
under our mind-control.

Got it! Got it!


I'm not done yet.

Darn, be cause
I really got
that part.

Well, hang on, because
here's the beauty part--

Once somebody's
mind-control button

Is turned on,
the first order
they'll receive

Is to turn on
everyone's else's
mind-control buttons.

Ha ha! Our mind-control
will spread from person

To person
to person to person,

And because we're not using
one big mind-control device,

Word girl can't just smash it
and ruin our whole plan.

She'd have to turn off
every single button
one at a time!

It'd take her
a hundred years to do that!

And I don't care what
planet she's from--

A hundred years
is a long, long time!

[Buttons clicking and squeaking]

Buuuttton, buuutton.

What's happening?
All these people, they're
all under mind-control!

Whoa. I'm seriously
outnumbered here.

I'd better go get bob!

Narrator: but by the time
our hero gets home...


Have a button!

Don't you
love bunnies?

Don't be a monster!


The whole city's
under mind-control!

I can't believe
this is happening!

I can't believe
this is happening.

I've finally got the scoop
of the century,

But there's
no one to tell!

I don't get the impression
these people read very much.


Button! Button!
Button! Button!

Button! Button!
Button! Button!

Did we mention
have a button?!

Button! Button!

Don't be a monster.

Did we mention
have a button?

No, no, thank you,
really, no!



Button! Button...


Becky botsford,
did you just--ohh!

Are you--

Now, come on!

Narrator: what just happened?

Did becky just reveal
her secret identity to scoops?

Is mr. Big and two brains'
innovative plan

Actually going to work?

Oh! I hope this has
a delightful ending.

Find out on the next
action-packed episode
of "word girl"!

Button! Button!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello, I'm beau handsome

And this is...

"May I have a word"?

As usual, the player who
correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word"?

Yes, you may!

Today's featured word
is perspire.

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl" that show
the meaning of the word.

Yes, tommy!

Perspire means to sweat,
like everyone

In those clips
was doing.

That is correct!

Huggy, show him
what he's--aah!

Are you ok?

Can't you find
a better time to train

For your unicycle race?

Aw, huggy, did you break
the air conditioner?

Uh, are you going to
tell me what I've won?

Fine. Here's hoping
it's a replacement
air conditioner.

Huggy, are you ready
to show him the prize?

Uh, ok, ok.

Tommy, you are
today's winner.

Huggy, show him
what he's won.

An official "word girl"
absurdly large launch ramp!


Uh, don't worry folks.

He's fine.

Ok, that's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word"?

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
confidential and global.

I've never said this before,

But it is definitely not
another lovely day in our city.

The evil "I love bunnies"
campaign concocted

By dr. Two brains and mr. Big

Has put nearly
the entire population
under mind-control!

And when we last saw
word girl--

I mean becky, we--she--

Well, just see for yourself.

Becky! Becky botsford?

Now you see why this is
a two-part episode.

So, uh, how about
that brick wall, huh?

Must've been totally
weakened by something!

I mean, I just
leaned on it,

And it fell right over!

Me! Just an ordinary...
Little girl!

Yeah. And then
you picked me up,

And we flew
through the sky.

Oh, no, no, no.
That was a wind current

That just came in
and swooped us
off the ground!

It was like
we were flying!

That was weird, huh?


And--eh, forget it.
I'm word girl.

I knew it!
I always knew it!

No, you didn't.

All right.
I always suspected it.

Ok. I sometimes
suspected it.

So, uh...

How do you fly?
How long have you
had your powers?

Does anyone else know
you're word girl?

What's your
favorite color?

Your favorite
state bird?

Whoa, whoa.
Hold on, slow down.

I can't! This is
the scoop I've
been waiting for

My whole life!

Yeah. Listen
about that...

Although, it does kind
of hurt my feelings

That we've been friends
for this long,

And you never told me.

Uh-huh, but
don't you think

There might be
a reason for that?

Like what?

Well, is there any chance
that you'll keep

My secret identity


You mean, like keeping
it a secret

And not
telling anyone?


Are you kidding?!

This is the scoop
of the century!

The world
needs to know!

And that's why
I couldn't tell you.

I need to keep
my identity a secret!

Do you know what would
happen if everyone knew
I was word girl?

Uh, they'd throw
you a big parade?

No! Well, maybe.
That'd be nice,

But after that,
my life would be ruined!

Villains would
know who I am!

My family would
treat me differently!

And don't even
get me started

About the paparazzi.

Huh. I never thought
of it that way,

But people deserve
to know the truth!

And what kind
of reporter would I be

If kept a story
this big confidential?

Uh, you know what?

Let's figure
this out later.

Right now, we've
got bigger problems.

My whole family is
under mind-control!

Yeah. Mine, too.


See those buttons?

Mr. Big and dr. Two brains
teamed up to create them,

And everybody wearing one is
under mind-control.

So how do we stop
them, word girl?

I mean,
becky botsford.

I mean, you're
the same person!

Aah! Ok. I'm back.

Well, how about we
start with this?

Worrrrd up!

Whoa! This is
really happening.

This is awesome.

Come on!

Narrator: meanwhile,
at mr. Big's headquarters...

Oh, this is the life!

You like the suit?

My cheesemaker
and my tailor are the same guy.

Yes, well, we're
not done yet.

What would you say
if I told you

That it's time to take
this plan global?

Global? Wait.
You're talking

The whole global world
of earth?

Ha ha ha! Yes!

The entire world
under our control!

Just think--swiss cheese
delivered to you

By actual swiss people!

Mr. Big,
you understand me.

All we have
to do is get
bunny-loving people

To come
to the city...

By promising them
a paradise of friendly,

citizen servants

To happily cater
to their every need!

And once they
get here,

We give them
the official

"I love bunnies"
button, and zap!

♪ mind-controlled ♪

Ok. Step one--come up
with an amazing
ad campaign.

Ad campaign?

We're going to have
to confront mr. Big
and dr. Two brains!

Yeah! Wait. What?

Don't sweat it.
What usually happens

Is that they have a ray
or a mind-control device
or something.

I figure out a way
to destroy that,

And everyone goes back
to normal.


Trust me.
Happens all the time.

Narrator: hoo boy.


Nothing. Can't say.


Have a button...

Hey, mr. Big.
You know what's kind of weird?

We have not heard a peep
out of word girl yet.

You think maybe she's
under mind--

Hold it right there,
you two!

Ok. Maybe not.

All right. Where is it?

Where's what?

You know, the main
mind-control device

Or the giant ray
or whatever big thing

You've got
that's controlling
all the people in the city.

Ooh! That?
Hoo hoo hoo!

Here it is.

Ha ha!

Well, that wasn't
much of a challenge
at all.

♪ Oh, word girl,
I have one, too ♪

Not any more! Ha!

One more!

One more here, too!

Ooh! Hoo hoo hoo!

♪ And look ♪


Ha ha ha!

Should we tell her?

[Both laughing]

What's going on?

Well, word girl,
here's the thing.

There is no ray.

There is no
big mind-control device.

Scoops: word girl!

Button! Button!
Button! Button...

You know the buttons,
the ones that are

On every single person
in the city?

The buttons are
the mind-control
device gizmo!

So in order to stop
the mind-control,

We have to turn off
every single button?!

On every single person!
Ha ha ha!

You're crazy.

But that's--

You're right!

Ha ha ha!

Especially when
we take it global!


That means they're going
to do this

To every person
on earth!

Ha ha ha!

Now then, minions!

Put a button
on these two!



Eh. Let them go!

Not like we
have a choice.

She's the only one
around here who can fly.

You're right!
Doesn't matter!

Nothing can stop
our plans now!


Not even
word girl!

Bwah ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha! Ho ho!

Haaa ha ha!



Huh? What's going on?

Well, that wasn't
so hard.


Have a button!

Oh, boy. Maybe
a little harder
than I thought.

All right.
What is going o--



There's too many
of them!

As soon as we turn
the buttons off,

The others
turn them back on!

Whoa. Uh-oh!

Scoops! Hyah!

Have a button!

Scoops: well,
that didn't work.

If they take
this global,

Then we'll be
the only two people
in the world

Not under

What are we
going to do?

I don't know!

But you're
a superhero!

You're not allowed
to not know what to do!

Yes, I am!
No, you're not!

Yes--all right. Stop.
Let's calm down.

Yelling at each other
is not going to help us.

You're right.

But it makes me
feel better!

I know!

All right.
Let's talk this through.

Hmm. So they're using
wireless microphones

To mind-control
the whole city.

Wait. Did you notice
anything special
about those microphones?

No. They just seemed
like regular, old--

Regular, old
wireless microphones,

And the buttons act
as speakers

Kind of like a radio!

Scoops, you're a genius!

Well, what do you
expect from the guy

Who figured out
word girl's
secret identity?

I'm kind of
a big deeeeal!

Narrator: back in mr. Big's

Ok. Lay it on me.

Persuade me
to visit this city.

"our city's so great,
you won't be able

To control yourself


You hate it.

No, no, no!

It's just...



Buttons! Buttons!

To what do we owe
the pleasure
of this revisit,

Hmm, word girl
and her ordinary...
Boy sidekick?

Yeah! Come back
for a another
heaping helping

Of defeat?

Ahem. Hello, everyone
in the city.

Is this on? Ok.

Reach over
to the button on your--

Wait. What?

Give me that!


Oh. Wha--what?

Now he's got one!

Get him!

Press the button--oof!

Aw, no, you don't!

Yes, I do!


Ha ha!

Everybody, press the button
until you hear a click!

[Buttons clicking
and squeaking]

[Indistinct chatter]

Oh, yeah?

Well, we'll just
change that!

Everyone, turn
your buttons back on!

I said, everyone--

Oh! Right.

If the buttons aren't on,
they're not going to listen

To the mind-control!

Oh. Man, that--that's

Two brains:
so. This was nice,

The whole collaboration
with you.

Very positive experience.

I feel like
I learned a lot.

I agree.

You want to do it again
when we get out of prison?

Sure! Say, would
you mind filling out
this comment card

About your experience
conspiring with me?

Oh, not at all! Pencil?


See you...




Uh, bye.


It just kind of happened.

I don't know if he's
going to write a story

In the paper about it.

Last time we talked,
he wasn't sure.

Hey, scoops.

So, uh, ahem--
so, uh, what now?

Well, this is easily
the biggest scoop

I've ever had
in my life,

And, well, it's kind
of hard to keep things

When your name
is scoops.

So you're going to
write the story?

Going to? I already did.


[Paper rips]

The biggest story
of my life,

And no one will
ever read it.


Even I know some
things are more
important than--

Well, the most
important thing
in your life,

And keeping word girl's
identity confidential
is one of them.

Aww. Thanks.

Wow. So my friend
is word girl.

I have, like,
a million questions for you.

Fire away!

No, like,
literally a million.


How strong are you?
How fast?

How long have you
had your powers?

Narrator: and so word girl
and scoops prevent

The "I love bunnies"
mind-control scheme

From going global,

And after much

Scoops agrees to keep
word girl's identity

Join us again next time
for another sweet, sweet
episode of "word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello, I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word"?

Our returning champion
will have a chance to play

For even greater prizes
on the bonus round.

Tommy, you correctly
defined the word perspire.

Are you ready to play
the bonus round?

Let's do it.

Take at look
at these pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition
for perspire.

Give it a shot,

I'm going to go
with number .

The dj in that picture
was really perspiring.

He was sweating almost
as much as you are now.

Tommy, you are
our bonus round winner.

Show him what
he's won, huggy.

Official "word girl"
frozen treats!

See you next time on...

"May I have a word"?

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word?

My favorite word is refresh,

And I like it because
it just gives you

This nice feeling inside.

Here's what my vision
of refreshing is--

Me just sitting
in a plain field of clovers.

Puts me in this happy mood,
this happy hippy-like mood.

My favorite word
is paleontology,

Which is the study of dinosaurs
and dinosaur fossils,

Exciting stuff.

I love dinosaurs.

I want to be a paleontologist
when I grow up.

♪ That's my favorite word ♪

Narrator: captain huggy face,

Show us what
"jubilant" means.

That's right!

Jubilant means
to feel so happy

You want to jump up for joy!

Congratulations, huggy!

[Dance music playing]


Want more "word girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes

And test your word power

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Wooooord up!