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07x09 - Fortune Crookie / Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Crime

Posted: 07/28/23 09:04
by bunniefuu
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♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
predict and enthrall.

Ahh. It's another
glorious morning

At the botsford residence.

The sun is bright,
the birds are singing,

A perfect day
to be outside...

But since everyone is
in the house,

Let's go there.

Hey, mom.

Whoa! What's got you
so enthralled?

It's my new favorite
game show, sweetie!


Welcome to "who wants
to give me money

To save my career?"

The show where
contestants compete

To keep me,
seymour orlando smooth,

On the air!

Wow. Looks like
seymour smooth has
fallen on hard times.

Oh, I'm sure he's
just joshing.

He's such
a scamp, that one.

Ha ho ho!

Contestant number one,

How much money do you
have in your wallet,

And may I have it?

Bucks, and no.

Contestant number two,

Could I borrow
some money from you

That I'll
never pay back?

Um, I don't think so.

Announcer: due to circumstances
beyond our control,

This show has been canceled.

We at the big tv station
remain committed

To bringing you
quality entertainment,

And now
"ice road unicyclists."

Well, too bad
about your show.

Mom? Mom? Mom?!

Narrator: uh-oh. Looks like
mrs. Botsford's enthralled!

Heh. Wait.
Am I using that right?

Yeah. See, to enthrall
means to capture
your attention.

Something that enthralls
is so fascinating,

It's hard
to look away from,


Oh! Look at that
unicycle fly!

Narrator: meanwhile,
seymour smooth has
hit rock bottom

And is selling
everything he owns!

Ah. Perhaps
I could interest you
in a nearly working

"Applause" sign?

No? How about this slightly
used bottle of water

From my dressing room?

Or my head writer?

He works for bones.

Narrator: who could've
predicted this future
for such a big star?

Hey! Hold the phone.

"Predict the future"?

That's a fantabulous idea!

How come you never
have any great ideas?

[Crowd murmuring]

What is it?

Where does it
come from?

[Robotic voice]
I am the all-seeing obelisk,

A strange object
from the future!

From the future!

And because I come
from the future,

I can predict...the future!


I predict in one minute
it will be... A.m.!


That's amazing!

I predict tomorrow...

Will be tuesday!

That's also true!

How does it know?!

In the future,
you will go to school...

Or to work!


Ugh! You've got
to be kidding me.


Then you will
do some stuff

And after that...

Eat lunch!


And they will serve
chocolate milk

In the school cafeteria!


Why are you
all so enthralled?

That thing is just
stating the obvious!

Tomorrow will be tuesday?

Of course it will
because today is monday!

That's not a prediction!

What does
predict mean?

When you predict something,
you say what you think

Is going to happen,

But this thing's
just saying things

Everyone already knows!

Violet: but it said
there'd be chocolate milk
at school today!

Yes. How did I know that,
miss smarty pants?


Well, there's chocolate milk
at school every day!

Narrator: so then, you're
saying it was right!



Tell us our future,
oh, wise one!

You will go home.

Then after the sun
goes down,

You will put
on your pajamas and--

And then what?

Please deposit cents
to continue.

Now, now.
Let me.

That's cents
from each of you.


Little girl,
loan me a quarter!

I have to know
what's going
to happen

After I put on
my pajamas!

You already know
what will happen.

You'll go to bed.

I'll pay you back.



Go away!

Shoo! Shoo!
I fired you!

And after you put
on your pajamas,

You will go to bed.


That's what I said! Ugh.

Please insert
more cash...

For another prediction.

I'm all out of money!

So am i!

Ahem. Don't look at me.

I gave you
my only quarter.

Do any of you have
bank accounts?


I do.

I predict you'll take
all your money

Out of your savings
and give it to me!

To the bank!

Aah! Aah!

[People yelling]

bark, bark, bark.

Tell us the future!

Don't leave us

Seymour: I also accept
jewelry as payment.

Huh. Where do I know
that voice from?

Let's see if we can
find out who's

Behind this phony
fortune machine.


Eeh! Word girl!

Hmm. There's no way
a person could fit

Inside this thing.


An antenna?

I know! Whoever is
behind the obelisk

Must be broadcasting
from somewhere else.

I predict you
won't find out!

Ha ha ha!
Thanks for playing!

Attention, people!

Word girl is interfering
with my signal

From the future!

There will be
no more predictions...


Unless you get rid of her!

[Indistinct chatter]

You heard
the wise one!

Get them!


Seymour: ha ha ha!

Look at her fly away!

I predict
she won't be back!

Keep it comin'!

And keep an eye out
for that pesky word girl!

I know I've heard
that voice before.

And that goo!

It's extra strength
hair gel.

Seymour smooth!
Of course!

Narrator: but seymour is using
the enthralled crowd

To guard the obelisk!

Word girl
and captain huggy face

Will never get near it!

True, but becky
and bob can!


Glad you asked, bob.

We're going to use
seymour's phony
prediction scam

Against him.

[Indistinct chatter]

Raisin bread
from the freezer!

Now tell me
my future!

You want to see?
Then pay the fee.

If you want to know,
give me the dough!

But we've given
you everything!

Uh...not everything.

You've still got clothes.

Hats, coats, ties--
no pants.

That would be weird.

Becky: stop!


There's no need
to pay a fee,

The great chimpini
will predict the future...

For free!


Chimpini is
the all-knowing,

monkey wise man.

Seymour: no way!
Monkeys can't predict anything!


has seen the future!

What does
he predict?


A huge windfall
is coming your way!

A refund, if you will!

Oh, money!

do not listen to him!

He is a fraud!


Money will rain
from the sky!


Keep it up!
They're enthralled!


You want more?

Chimpini is having
another vision!



A vision about...

Game show host
seymour smooth!

The washed
up game show host?

Yes! Chimpini predicts...

Tell us.

What does he predict?

We have to know!

We need information!

Seymour: yes! Yes, tell us!


Chimpini says he
will need a dollar
to continue.

Does anyone have
a dollar?

Oh, dear.

We gave all our money
to that obelisk.

Then I guess no one
will ever know

Seymour smooth's future.

Too bad.
It's really amazing.

Let's go, chimpini.

I have to know!

Tell me seymour smooth's

I have to know!

[Crowd gasping]

Hey! This is
all our stuff!

Chimpini sees
your future...

In jail!

You see people?

There is no obelisk
from the future!

It was just seymour smooth's
latest scheme

To steal everyone's money.

We've been had!

Get him!

No, stay back!

Oh, all right. Fine.

You force me to use
my patented shiny teeth

To keep you at bay!




Ooh. Been low
on funds lately.

No money
for teeth whitener--

And look over there!

Ha ha ha!

So long, fools!

See you on tv!

Ha ha ha!



Oh! Chimpini was right!

It's raining money!

Eww. Who could have
predicted this
cruel fate?

Uh, pretty much anyone.

Well, so long!

Narrator: and as you
may have predicted,

We've reached the end
of the show.

Woman: all hail

Be sure to join us
next time

For another enthralling episode
of "word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may!

Today's featured
word is recline.

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl" that show
the meaning of the word.

Yes! Tommy!

Recline means
to watch tv.

Sorry! That's incorrect!

Phil! Go ahead!

Recline means to
lean or lie back.

Oh. Don't mind if I do!

So I'm assuming I gave
the right definition
for "recline."

Hmm? What's that?

Uh, yes, yes.
I believe you did.

So does that mean
I win a prize?

Oh, probably.

Ok. Uh, huggy, show
me what I've won.

Uh, an official "word girl"
lemonade pitcher?

Ooh! I'll take
a refill.

Oh. Delicious. Mmm.

Well, that's it
for today's episode. Mmm.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
concoction and elusive.

Ah, light bulb shop,
the one-stop shop

For all your lighting needs,

Providing constant illumination
for years.


I see you,
energy monster!

Uh, I still see you.


It's no use trying
to be elusive.

You're enormous.

Kind of hard to miss!

startle face!



Word up!

Hey, dad!
We're home!

Oh, that's nice.
Where were you again?

Oh, just playing
with the energy mon--

I mean...
What's for dinner?

Becky, are you
ready to whip up
a delicious recipe

From the botsford
family cookbook?

This looks old!

It is! Every member
of the botsford family

Has added
their own recipe,

with jebediah botsford
way back in !

Tonight we're making
jebediah's favorite dish,
bold botsford stew!

Bold botsford stew?

Trust me, becky.
Trust jebediah botsford.

He wrote, "bold botsford
stew will be

"A truly
delicious concoction,

If only you can find all
the elusive ingredients."

Well, these ingredients
sound pretty
easy to find--

Cheese, pasta, basil.

Not just any basil.

Bold botsford stew calls
for bold botsford basil,

A rare plant
which only grows

In a secret clearing
in the forest.

Uh-oh! Wait a sec.

Put on your
adventure shoes!

We're going on a hunt
for bold botsford basil!

But how will
we find one tiny,
elusive plant

In the big, big--

Hmm. I don't know,
maybe we'll follow
the map that we have!


Oh, no. If I'm tromping
through the woods

In search
of elusive ingredients,

You're coming with me.

meanwhile across town,

Dr. Two brains
is busy brewing up

His own unusual concoction...

Ok, henchmen.
I'm ready to whip up
the fricassee!

Read me the recipe!

"How to make cheesy
cheddar cheese casserole
with cheese con queso."

Keep reading.

"Step one, take lots
of cheese and melt it down."

Melt down cheese.
Easy peasy! Next?

"Add the following
to your concoction:



"Bread crumbs"...

Bread crumbs. Next?

"And bold botsford basil."

What in the name
of nouvelle cuisine

Is bold botsford basil?!

"Bold botsford basil
is an elusive plant,

Found only
in a special clearing
in the forest."

Ugh! You're
telling me I have
to go trudging

Through the forest
just to find

One elusive

Don't yell at me.

Looks like
we're going on
a little field trip.

Don't you mean
little forest trip?

Ha ha ha...ha.

Now where could this
bold botsford basil be?

Ugh. It certainly is
an elusive plant.


If something is elusive,

It means it's hard
to find or locate.

Ha! Father, daughter,
and monkey trek
into the forest,

for the elusive
bold botsford basil.

Hold up, bob.

Do you see
these footprints?




Cheese crumbs!

That can only mean
one thing--dr. Two brains!

Come on.
We've got to warn dad!

Dad, I've been thinking
what if there's something

Dangerous out here
in the woods,

Like, you know, bears?

Now, becky.
I can assure you

That these woods
are perfectly safe
and bear-free.


What was that?! Aah!

Bears! No!

What are you doing
out here?

Who's the nosy kid?

We're looking
for some bold
botsford basil

For dr. Two brains'
cheesy soup thingy.

Hey, hey!
Come, on guys!

A little secrecy!

And it's more
than cheese soup.

It's a special

I would've said

But I wasn't sure
what it meant.

A concoction is
a bunch of ingredients

All mixed up together.

Oh, so bold botsford
basil is

The key ingredient
in dr. Two brains'

Well, isn't that
a funny coincidence?

We're looking
for bold botsford
basil, too!

We can share!

Yeah, I'm not a big
fan of the sharing,

But since I am the one
with the goop ray,

Maybe I'll take
all the basil...

Once we find it.

Oh, do you have
a map, too?

You have a map?

Dad! A little secrecy!

I'm just trying
to be friendly.

He's a villain.


A villain
with a map!

Thanks, mister.
You are friendly!

Well, I try.

"Turn in the direction
of jebediah botsford's cabin."


Jebediah's cabin
was east of here

On the sunny shore
of lake gitche goomie.

Jebediah botsford was
my great-great-great

Uh-huh. Good.
Then we'll all
go together.

Keep an eye on the kid
and the monkey, boys.

Now let's go find
that botsford basil
and get out of here.

I left the stove on.

[Animals chattering]

Hmm. Let me see.

"If jebediah botsford's
beard was red,

"Turn left.

"If jebediah botsford's
beard was green,

Turn right." What?!

Don't tell him, dad.

It'll only help
him find--

Green! Jebediah had
a green beard!

Sorry, honey.
When it comes to
botsford family trivia,

I just can't
contain myself.

Bob, we have to figure
out a way to stop
dr. Two brains,

But the henchmen
won't let us out
of their sight.

We'll have to find
a way to distract them.

"If your name
is jebediah,

"Try looking
for the elusive plant

Right beneath your nose."

Yeah, but none
of us are named

Only jebediah was
named jebediah!

And there he is!


That's the face
of jebediah botsford,

And the bold botsford
basil must be

Just beneath his nose!

Bold botsford basil.

The elusive plant
at last.

Thanks, buddy.

Stand back, everyone.

I'm a doctor.

Once I have that basil,
my delicious concoction
will be complete.

Yummy, yummy.

Ok, bob. Time to carry out
the secret plan.


♪ La dee da ♪


Uh-oh. Could
that be...

A bear?

Oh, I don't
like bears.

Besides charlie's
teddy bear.


Ooh! Well, that
doesn't sound like
a teddy bear to me.

[Huggy screeching]

Wow! It sounds like
a whole lot of bears!

Ok. Now I'm
getting spooked.

Maybe we should run
back to the van.

You want to run
back to the van?

Word up!

Word girl?
Way out here?

Where did you
come from?

Stop right there,
two brains!

This elusive plant is
the key ingredient

For the botsford
family's dinner.

the van is this way!

[Howling and growling]


Ooh! Hey.
This ain't no bear.


hey, boss.

The bear
wasn't a bear.

It was a monkey.

I told you there weren't
any bears out here,

And there aren't supposed
to be monkeys either.

Looks like it's time
for a little trade,
word girl.

You give me that basil,
and I'll give you
your monkey.

the monkey gets gooped.


Grr. Arrg. Unh!
Lump of hardened cheese!




Isn't your sidekick
worth more than some
silly weed?


Oh, ok.
Here you go.

Aah! Tim botsford
to the rescue!

Give me that.

I got it!


Not so fast!




Uh, that's a be--
a be-be-be--a be--

Bear. That is
definitely a bear.

A bear. So there
are bears out here
after all.



Ok. Look, papa bear.

I'm the city's
number one villain,
which makes me,

Well, kind of
a big deal.

And I need this
basil to complete

A mouth-watering
cheesy concoction

From a recipe
that I stole

Fair and square
from a popular
celebrity chef.

So let me have
the basil, please.



Why do I deserve
this basil?

Well, let's see. I...

Wait. You can
speak bear?

I took a few classes
in college.

I am a father,
who just wants to feed

His family a tasty meal.

Maybe you're a parent,
too, mr. Bear.


Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

Yes. Mm-hmm.

Well, I think that
could be arranged.

Oh! Thank you,
your bearishness!

Oh, come on!
What about my

I'll be sure to tell
the police where to find you.

Becky: hey, guys!

I was hiding up
in that tree
the entire time.

Great job getting
the basil, dad!

Thanks, becky.

And thanks
to jebediah botsford

And word girl
for helping out, too!

Now let's get home
and get cooking!


T.j.: Mmm!
This is amazing, dad!

What's in it?

Well, the special
ingredient is...


Eww! I hate love!

Just kidding.
It's basil.

Bold botsford basil,
to be exact.

Pretty hard
to come by.

Isn't that right,

You know it, dad.

Hey. What did the bear
whisper to you

Before he gave you
the basil?

[Doorbell rings]

Oh, I almost forgot!

[Bear growls]

He asked if he could have
some bold botsford stew

For his bear family.

Apparently it's been
a legendary dish

Ever since the days
of jebediah botsford!

Narrator: and so after finding
the final elusive ingredient

And sharing
the delicious concoction

With a helpful bear,
dinner is served.

Join us next time
for another exciting episode...

Of "word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Phil, you correctly
defined the word recline.

Ready to play
the bonus round?


Great! Take a look

At these pictures
and tell me

Which one shows
the definition for recline.

Ok. Give it
a shot, phil!

It's number one.

In that picture,
becky and bob are reclining

In beach chairs.

That's correct!

Which means you're
our bonus round winner.

Huggy, show phil
what he's won!

An official "word girl"
beach umbrella!


Could you bring
that umbrella
over here, pal?

I don't want to
get sunburned.


I owe you one, buddy.

Well, that's our show.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Want more "word girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes

And test your word power

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Wooooord up!