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07x08 - A Questionable Pair / All That Chazz

Posted: 07/28/23 09:03
by bunniefuu
Pbs kids opens
worlds of possibilities

For all children

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[Theme music playing]

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face
is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty
words your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
"flatter" and "tactic."

Becky botsford,
a.k.a. Word girl,

Is taking the day off
from crime-fighting

So she can see a movie

With her good friend
todd "scoops" ming.

I can't believe

"Whoopsie " is
finally in theaters.

I've been
waiting to see it

Since the moment
"whoopsie " ended.

I didn't catch
that one,

But I can tell
you're excited,

And I'm flattered that you
asked me to join you.

You know, your friendship
really means a lot--

"Whoopsie "
was my favorite.

Well, second

After the original

The main character--

Uncle crabbypants,

No, no, no.
His name is
gary zing.


You see, in every
"whoopsie" movie,

Gary zing gets into
some crazy situation,

And he always gets
out of trouble

Using the same tactics.

He disguises himself as
an entire wacky family.

Oh, yeah, right.
I mean, I knew that.

I mean, think about
having to pretend

To be two
different people,

Let alone
a whole family.

Yeah. Crazy.


You know, there's
this one scene
in "whoopsie "

Where zing
has to dress up
as his grandmother

And go
to a bingo game.

Hey, can we go into
reginald's jewelry store
for a minute?

Hate to break it
to you, becky,

But we can't
afford jewelry.
We're years old.

I'm / !

How many years
have you been in business?


Any employees
besides you?


How many pieces
of jewelry do you have?


And which one
is your favorite?

No one's ever
asked me that,

Which is a shame,
because I have
impeccable taste.

No one asked you
what you like?
Aren't you the person

Who knows the most
about jewels in the city?

I'm flattered that you
would acknowledge that
out loud.

[Doorbell jingles]

How did you get to be
so knowledgeable about jewelry?

What an excellent

It all started
when I was
in grade school.

I was much different
than the other

I dressed better.
I smelled better.

I think ms. Question
is getting ready

To steal something, bob.

Let's try and figure out
what her tactics are.

And then I just
said, "reginald,

"People are
never going to be

"As perfect
as diamonds,

"So maybe you should
just be friends

With diamonds and
not with people."

You said that
out loud to yourself?

Well, I prefer
with myself

To conversation
with the average

But I find
talking to you
very tolerable.

Is that a compliment?


No way.

Hey, becky, it's : .
We'd better go.

I don't want to
miss the previews
for "whoopsie ."

Is it : already?
Where does the time go?

Wait a second.


Well...i normally
consume my lunch

In the comfort
of solitude,

But perhaps today
you could...

Sit beside me
and share my
duck l'orange.

You want to have
lunch with me?

Yes. was
a silly idea.

I only thought

What time
should I come back?

Exactly one hour
from now.

See you then.

Becky, I really
think we should--


What happened?

What? Nothing.

I thought I had
some items here,

But I must have
misplaced them.

That would be
a first, but...

Well, this day
is certainly full

Of interesting


How did we do?
Was that enough time?

Did you get the jewels? Did you
get everything you needed?

Who is she talking to?

You know, becky,
I'm starting to think

You don't want
to see "whoopsie ."


If you want to go home,
I can see it by myself.

No! I mean...

I wouldn't want to
miss "whoopsie..."

, Was it?

Whew. Me neither.
Man, I love it

When gary zing looks
into the camera and goes--


Ha ha ha!

Did we get
a lot of jewels?

Did I ask enough questions?
Do you think anyone saw you?

No one saw invisi-bill.

You did great,
almost as great as me,

Invisi-bill! Yay!

That was a great idea
you had to team up.

We're a perfect match!

Hello! Bye-bye!

Could I be
more flattered?

Here I am.
Now I'm gone.

Did you hear reginald
ask me to have lunch with him?

Why does he like
answering questions so much?

Should we
rob him again?

You bet we should.

Yay! You can be, like,
"should we get lunch?

"Why do I ask
so many questions?

What's my deal?"

And then invisi-bill--
that's me--

Can go in and steal
all the jewels.

Yay! Invisi-bill!
And his partner...


Why can't you
remember my name?

Oh, yeah.
Questions lady.

Yay! Us!

Scoops: all right.

Here we go, about to see
"whoopsie ."

Whoo-hoo! Yay!

Hey, you want to
hear something weird

That I saw at
the jewelry store?


Ok. Well, I thought
I saw some necklaces

Floating away
in midair. Ha!

I guess I must
be so excited
about this movie

That I'm seeing
things. Weird, huh?

Yeah, uh, really weird.

Anyway, let me
catch you up
on "whoopsie ."

These aliens come
down from space,

And they think
gary zing is
our leader.

Ha ha! Whoopsie!

Ha ha!

Narrator: one hour later,
ms. Question and reginald

Meet for lunch,
and true to form,

She does not stop
with the whole question thing.

What's your
favorite color?

Softly burnt indigo.

How many bowties
do you own?


What person do you
most want to meet?

Me in the future.

Yes, definitely me.



Narrator: meanwhile,
becky and scoops

Are enjoying
the movie "whoopsie ."

You'd like to speak
to my mother?


hey, what's that?

[High voice]
just the person
I wanted to see.

I'm flattered
you'd say that,

But I wanted to talk
to you and gary together.

Can you call him over?

Double whoopsie!

Ha ha ha! Classic
whoopsie moment!

Hey, whoopsie. Want to know
what "flatter" means?

"Flatter" means
to say something
nice about someone

Or make a person
feel special.

The lady in the movie
was flattered

Because gary's mom
said she was happy
to see him.

And I'm flattered
you wanted to tell me
the definition.

But let's just
watch the movie.

Ha ha ha ha!


I know, bob.
It's been over an hour,

And we have to check
on ms. Question.

I just really wanted
to spend time with scoop.

I mean, you know, I wanted to
see this awesome movie.


Hey, scoops, I'm just
gonna get some fresh air.

You know what,

If you don't like
"whoopsie ,"

You can just say so.

No, I do like it.

Well, not really,

But that's not
why I'm leaving.

Oh, I feel so bad
about this. It's just--

Ok. You know what?
I'm gonna say
what I think.

I thought
you'd have fun

Coming to
the movies with me,

But all day
it's like I've been
completely invisible.

I just don't--

Wait. Did you just
say invisible?

Yeah. So?

He must be involved.

That would explain everything
ms. Question is doing.



I said, um...
I said, um...

Oops! We're out of popcorn.
I'll go get some.

That was...well,
dare I say, fun.

Should we have
lunch together again?

Should I call you?

I think that's--aah!

What is going on?

Why are all my precious
jewels flying away?

Oh, who cares about
that stuff anyway, right?

So, what are
your favorite foods?

What about
that lunch?

No questions
right now, please.

Someone help!
My merchandise is
trying to escape!

If you could
be any animal,
what would you be?

Police! Word girl!
Anyone! Help!

Why are you
making me do this?

What am I doing here?
Who is this?

Who ate
my duck l'orange?


Help, please!

Aha! Stop
right there!


Word girl?

Invisi-bill: hello.

Too late, invisi-bill.
I saw you.

Plus, you know,
you're covered
completely in jewels.

I mean, kind of spoils
your stealing tactics.

Our stealing what?

Oh, tactics are
plans you make

For getting
something you want.

In this case,
your tactics for
stealing the jewels

Included invisi-bill
not being seen.

But he's obviously
right there.

Yeah. Invisi-bill disappeared
and stole all the jewels!

Yay! Ha ha ha!

No, no, not yay!
You're caught.

You think
you caught us, huh?

Want to catch
this? Uh!

Do you really think
you can defeat me?


Huggy, no!

Doy! Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha! Whoopsie!

Whoopsie. That's it!

You're gonna regret that,
ms. Question.

How will you stop me
without the help of
your trusty sidekick?

Well, what I'm
going to do is--

Hey, what's that
over there?

What? What? Where?

Over there?
Why can't I see it?

What does it
look like?


Would an apology
mean anything?

No. I thought
you were my friend,

And you tricked me.

Can't I be your friend
and someone who tricks you?

Well, maybe that could--

No! You are hereby
banished from my store.

[Door slams]

[Door slams]

Does that include
robbing it?

[Door slams]

[Sirens approaching]

[Tires screech]

Well, huggy,
we did it again,

And all because
of that movie

That scoops made us--
oh, no! Scoops!

He's gonna think
we left him there.

Here I am.

Word girl? What
are you doing here?

What am i--oh!
Good question.

Wow! What happened
over there?

What? Where?

I don't see

Well, hey there.

Whoa! Becky?
But how did you...

It doesn't make
any sense,

Unless you,
becky botsford,

Are actually--

Oh! Ha ha! Wow!
That has got to be

The greatest gag
of all time.

Is that what
you were doing,

Getting that
trick ready
the whole time?

Yep. You
figured it out.

whoopsie moment.

Oh, you bet it was.

You as word girl?
That's hilarious.


Ok. Here's
what happened
after you left.

Gary went
to a restaurant.

Narrator: well, it looks
like word girl

Found the right tactics
to stop invisi-bill

And ms. Question.
Isn't she the best?


Tied for the best.

And me?

I'm just flattered that I get
to be their narrator.

Hey, join us all next time
on another colossal,

Stupendous, thrilling episode
of "word girl."

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word

Will win
a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may. Today's
featured word is "dangle."

To give you a clue,

Here are some clips
from "word girl"

That show the meaning
of the word.


Go ahead, tommy.

Dangle means
to hang loosely

And sway
back and forth.

That's correct.

In that last clip,
word girl zoomed in,

Tied up dr. Two brains,

And left him dangling
from the ceiling.

She sure did.

Ok, tommy, you are
today's winner.

Huggy, show tommy
what he's won.


An official word girl
supersized dictionary!

Audience: ooh!

Like I need that.

I'm a walking

Allow me
to demonstrate.

great energy or effort.

Bewilder--to puzzle
or confuse. Perspire--

Boy, you sure do
know a lot of words.

So I'm sure you also know
what farewell means.

But I didn't

No, you didn't.

That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: today's featured words
are "fascinated" and "obey."

Ah, it's a peaceful morning
in the city.

Just as soon
as the bus gets here.

That's what's so cool
about word girl.

She never has to wait
for the bus.

Yeah, never.

You know what?
I'm gonna write

A letter
to word girl
and ask her

To fly us to school
every morning.

I have a feeling
she's not gonna do that.

Oh, yeah, becky,
like you would
really know.

Imagine that--
word girl flying me
around every day.

I'd be so cool.

Did someone


Are you wearing
pajamas to school?

I didn't know
you could do that.

Yeah, that's
because you can't.

That's what
makes me...chazz.


Wow, chazz.
You're totally cool.


[Excited voices]

Huh. Everybody's really
fascinated with chazz.


Oh, yeah. When you're
fascinated with something,

It means that you find it
so interesting

That you can't stop
paying attention to it.

Right now, it seems
like t.j.

Is pretty fascinated
with chazz.

Hi, chazz. Chazz, may I
sit next to you on the bus?

B-b-b. As long as we
sit in the back,

Because that's where
the cool people sit.

Come on. Let's go.

Ok. Whoa.
What are you doing?

You're one of those people
who walks forwards?

Um...doesn't everybody
walk forwards?

Yeah, they do,

Which is why chazz
walks backwards.

Ooh, I've got
to try that!

Wow. I feel
cooler already.

Whoa! Ow! Uh...

I'm ok!

Narrator: later that day,
at the school cafeteria,

Chazz is making lunch
a whole lot cooler.

Oh, hey, guys.
What you eating?

Peanut butter
and jelly.

Is that cool?

Chazz...eats this.

You eat ice cream
for lunch?

Chazz eats
ice cream for lunch.

Huh? Oh, we still talking
about that stuff?

Yeah, I do.

Why do you do it?

Because I'm...chazz.

Yes. Chazz,
I got to say,

I am fascinated by
everything you do.

Hey, want to have
a play date at my
house after school?

Please say yes.
Please say yes.
Please say yes.

thinking about it.

Is your house cool?

Oh, yeah,

We call it
the cool house.


Chazz will stop by.


♪ La da da la da-- ♪


Aah! What?

Now you're wearing pajamas?

Oh, am i? Becky,
chazz is coming over,

And I don't want him
to see anything uncool.

So can you please
go somewhere else?

Ha! Why do I
have to leave?

Oh! Chazz.

Yeeks! Did you just
climb through
our window?

Yeah, chazz just climbed
through your window.


Chazz stands
right before you.

Chazz doesn't believe
in front doors.

He's cool! He's...



Come on, chazz.
Let's go to my room.

It's a little bit
cooler in there.


I thought you said
this room was cool.

What's wrong
with it?

Well, word girl?
Most uncool.

Word girl most uncool?

Excuse me?

Oh, no big deal.

We're just talking
about word girl.

She's always
telling everyone

To obey the rules
and use words correctly.

That's real annoying.

Um, sorry,
but I don't think

There's anything
annoying about using
words correctly.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You're starting to
sound like word girl.

Major uncoolness.


Well, t.j.,
It looks like you're
in a tough spot.

Obviously, if
you're word girl's
number-one fan,

You can't be
friends with chazz.

Wow. I guess
you're right.

Word up! Word--

Well, that's
the last of that.

Am I cool now,


Yeah! Awesome!

T.j., Are you really
going to just obey

Everything chazz says?

Define "obey."

When you obey

You do whatever
they tell you to do.

Am I going to
do that, chazz?

Chazz thinks that
would be pretty cool
if you did that.

Then I'm definitely
gonna obey chazz,
yeah, totally.


Please, call me teej...



Oh, no.

Let's go.

Check you later,
sister becks.

It's becky. Bob!


No, I will not
call you bob-man.


Hey. Hey!

[Screaming excitedly]

Well, look
who we have here.

If it isn't
my number-one fan,

T.j. Botsford.

Word girl!

Word girl, uh...sorry
to break the news to you,

But teej-a-potamus

Kind of doesn't think
you're cool anymore.

Oh, really? So you're
saying this isn't cool?


Not really.

Not really.

You've got to be
kidding me.

This is a comet
from outer space.

I just flew to outer space
and got a comet.


So...aren't you even
a little fascinated by that?

Come on,

Let's go eat


You said it.



Narrator: ok.

Let's just go to
the pizza place, shall we?

Ha ha ha! This is
my most brilliant plan yet--

A machine that sucks the cheese
right off the pizzas.

You know, I'm the only person
who pulls a robbery

And doesn't take
any dough. Ha ha! Ha...

Oh, come on, guys.
It's a pun. Dough.

It's's a term
for money.

Whatever. Look,
let's get out of here.



How could you not
see me coming?

We're walking

Because we're cool.

Walking backwards?
That doesn't make any sense.

Of course you
wouldn't get it.

You're not cool.


Oh, really? I'm not cool?
That's not true.

And you won't be
cool either

When you're hit
with my cheese ray.

Stop right there,
two brains!

Ah! Word girl.

Don't worry.
I'll take care of this.




Chazz could have
handled that
on his own.



Yeah, it looks
like someone

Is sorry
they stopped me.

Let's get
out of here,

Good idea.

T.j., May I remind you
that just this morning,

You told me word girl
was cooler than anybody.

Yeah, but...
Hey, I didn't tell you.

I told my sister becky.

Right. Yes.
I knew that.

But you see,
she told me

What you said. So there.
Ha! Yes. Makes sense.

Anyway, the point is,

I know you're
fascinated with chazz,

But I think you need
to stop obeying

Everything he says.
Don't you?

What? Why?

Because look
at how much trouble

You almost
just got into.

Two brains: who's
in trouble now, word girl?

How did you--

Thanks for
setting me free, chazz.

I feel so cool.

Now that chazz knows how much
you don't like word girl,

Chazz thinks
you're pretty cool.

You do? Sunglasses.

Oh, come on,
dr. Two brains.

Don't call me
dr. Two brains.

Call me
the toobster.

[Accordion squeaking]

The toobster.

Now this is getting

I know.
Ridiculously cool!

Hey, guys, you want to
come back to the old lair

And hang out
a little bit?


Ah, so this is
what it's like

To hang out
with the cool people.

I love it.
More chazz, cheese?

Ha ha ha! You see
what I did there?

I accidentally
said "chazz"

When I meant
to say "cheese."

Cheese, chazz.
Chazz, cheese.

Oh, we are gonna be
laughing about
that one for years.

Um...can I
go now?

Hey, dudes, you know
what would be cool?

If we sprayed word girl
with smelly, smelly cheese.

That doesn't sound
so cool to me.

Yeah, guys.
It sounds
a little bit...

I don't know.

Ha ha ha.
Don't worry.

We're not gonna spray
word girl with cheese.

Phew. Good.

You are.

Obey the chazz.

Do I have to?

Do you want to be cool?

Oh, come on, teej-a-potamus.
Do what cheese says.

I mean, chazz. You see?
There I go again.

I'm still doing it.

I can't do it!

You know something?

If this is what
it takes to be cool,

Then I don't want
to be cool.



Yeah! Thanks, t.j.

Word girl, I'm not going
to obey chazz anymore.

From now on, I'm
gonna do what's right.

I think that would
be really cool.

Do you know what would
be coolest, word girl?

If you'd let me be
your number-one fan again.

Not cool.

You can forget about
being friends

Chazz, if you really
were my friend,

You wouldn't make me do
something I don't want to do.

Aw. Isn't that


Oh, knock it off,



Narrator: and so,
in the end,

Everything is back
where it belongs.

That's all
for this episode.

But if you're fascinated
by thrilling adventure

And find yourself
hungry for more,

Obey your urge
for excitement

And tune in next time

For another
very cool episode of...

"Word girl."

♪ Word girl ♪

I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Tommy, you correctly
defined the word "dangle."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

Of course.

Great. Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one shows
the definition for "dangle."

Ok. Give it a shot, tommy.

It's definitely
number one.

In that picture, huggy is
dangling from a tree.

That's correct,
which means

You're our
bonus round winner.

Huggy, show him
what he's won.

An official word girl
gargantuan calculator!

Like I need that.

Let me guess.
You're a walking

by is--

Well, that's our show.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Do you like robots,
robots, ro

And test your word power

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over
to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!