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07x05 - Of Two Minds / Yes Monkey

Posted: 07/28/23 09:01
by bunniefuu
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♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: today's featured words
are waver and vast.

Ah, television,
a vast wonderland

Of exciting
entertainment choices.


Hello! Word girl?

It's your old friend
dr. Two-brains!


No, no! Wait, wait.
I don't think this
is a commercial.

Are you as sick as I am
of having to run

To the ball park every time
you want some nachos?

Who doesn't
like going to
the ball park?

I decided to turn
all the water

In the city reservoir
into cheese.

Imagine! Just holding a basket
of chips under the faucet

While the cheese
runs out of the tap.

Oh, and don't bother
trying to stop me.

It's already too late.
Ha ha ha ha!

This is one fondue
you'll never undo!

Ha ha ha hee!

Ohh! This is a disaster!

from a faucet.

Sounds awesome!

Awesome? No.
It would create vast chaos.

Come on, bob.
We'd better get down to,

Uh, the park.

It could be our last chance
to get a drink

From our favorite
water fountain.

Wow. I thought
I was the only
one that had

A favorite
water fountain.

Hold it right there,
word girl!

One step closer,
and these union
reservoir workers

Are goners!

We got to stall him!

Ok. Powering up
the ray.

Let's go!

Uh...uh, no banter?

Nah, I'm kind of
busy today.

Got things to do,
places to cheese.

Moving on...
Wait, wait, wait!



Oh, uh,
sorry, boss.

word girl.

Well, are you


Yeah, I'm surprised!

Surprised you'd panic
the whole city

And completely
waste my time

With a ridiculous,
pointless prank!

Come on, huggy.

Wait, wait!
Don't get all mad.

I had to lure you
down here to give you

Some big, big news.

I want you to be
the first to hear it!

It's a real surprise!

Yeah? Surprise me.

Well, I'm going straight!

From this day forward,
I will never again steal

Another piece of cheese
or turn things

Into cheese
or steal things

That turn things
into cheese.

Guess that covers it.

I'm done with crime!
Finished! Finito!

Word girl?

Can I share with you?

My ship has come in!

Really. And what sort
of a ship might this be?

I have to show you.

Mm-hmm. At your
warehouse, I assume.

Yes, yes, exactly,
and I want to--

Ha ha ha! Oh!
Ha ha!

Golly, word girl.

Way to make
a total mockery

Of my life change.

Please. You think I'd
just innocently waltz

Into your warehouse
and totally let
down my guard

All because you have
"something to show me"?

Give me
a chance, ok?

I'll prove I'm
sincere about this!

Yeah, ok.
Good luck with that!

we're confused.

Is it a ship
or a cheese-asteroid
from outer space?

"My ship has come in"--
that's just an expression.

It means good things
are starting to
happen for me.

Anyway, that's
not the point.

I've got to figure out
some way to convince

Word girl I'm out
of the cheese-stealing

Narrator: later, tobey threatens
to destroy the local tv station

For airing
"robots, robots, robots"...

It's insultingly fake!

I won't have it,
I tell you!

There's a very easy
solution, tobey!

It's called a remote!

Excuse me, sorry.

This'll only
take a minute.


Watch this, word girl!

Hey, tobey.
I've got a deal for you.

If I ever steal cheese,
you can order that robot

To destroy me, ok?

Could be a lot
of money in it for you.

Ha. Money means
nothing to a geniu--

Whoa. That's a lot
of dough.

I'm sorry,
but I don't see how that

Keeps you from capturing me

If I come to
your warehouse.

Well, I mean, I guess,
because you'd--ugh.

Fine. Carry on, kid.

But all that money. Ohh.

Dr. Two-brains, distant:
oh, word girl?

Hello? Hello, word girl?

Word girl:
the dump? Really?

All right.
You know what?

Suddenly I'm not wavering
over whether to feel

Angry or not anymore.

I don't know what
wavering means.

To waver means to go
back and forth

Between different choices,
like when you can't

Make up your mind.

In this case, I could be
flattered that you'd

Lie to me just to get me
to come here and define
wavering for you,

Or I could be angry,

But I've pretty much
settled on angry.

Uh-uh! Angry has
no place here.

See? Every cockamamie gizmo
I've ever built

To make cheese
or steal cheese thrown away,

In the garbage!

I don't need them!

That proves I'm out
of the cheese racket, right?

No, it doesn't!

Maybe you kept
a few,

Like that ray mounted
on the dashboard

Of your truck!

What do you need
that for, huh?

a garage door opener.

Or them! Good guys don't
need henchmen.

Ha! So what about them?

Well, i...

No, boss.
She's got a point.

Look. I don't have
time for this.

You're obviously all
in on this together.

Come on, huggy.

but mere nanomoments later...


You think two-brains
is going straight, huh?

Well, I'm of two
minds about this, too,

But I've just been
tricked too many times.


I know. Heroes are
supposed to do

The right thing,
and the right thing here

Would be to give
two-brains a chance

To show he's really changed,
but it's two-brains!



Dr. Two-brains: really?!
You mean it?

Oh, you won't regret
this, word girl, I promise!

Oh, you are going
to be amazed.

You'll be
so proud of me.

Yeah, well, I hope so.

Just you wait and see.

Sure. I'm looking
forward to it.

See you in a few!

Uh, your henchmen!



[Honks horn]


I know, I know.
I'll try.

I'm just so used to
treating dr. Two-brains
as a villain.

It's going
to be really hard

To treat him
like a friend.

[Door opening]

Oh, hello!

Uh, you guys looks great!

Thank you.

Well, let's not stand
out here on the step.

Come on in.

Can I take your c--


Oh, sorry!

No, no.
That was my bad.

Of course, if you go
for a superhero's cape,

They're gonna--

Yeah. Huh.
Nice place.

Well, it's a place
to hang my lab coat.

I've been wanting
to redo the kitchen.

No. It's really nice.

I never really, uh...

Ok! That's it!

Sorry. I'm sorry.
It's just
I wanted to see--

I can't take it any
more, word girl!

Who am I kidding?

I'm way too excited
for small talk

And finger sandwiches!

You wanted a surprise?
Well, you got one!
Come on!

♪ Do do do doo ♪

Hee hee. Heh.
You're gonna love this.

Ok. You ready?

Look through
the telescope.

What do you see?

Uh, an asteroid?

A cheeseteroid!


Yes! Yes!
A gigantic asteroid

Made entirely
of cheese,

And I discovered it!

Do you have any idea
what this means?!

It means I'll never need
to steal any more cheese

Ever again!

So I souped-up my old
cheese-seizer here

To draw the cheeseteroid
into the earth's orbit.

Then I built that
rocketship over there

And equipped it
with state-of-the-art
hydraulic cheese-ballers

So I can land right
on the cheeseteroid

And scoop up
all the cheese!

Ha ha ha!

Wow! That certainly would
be a vast amount of cheese.

Ha ha ha! What?

Vast, you know,
like really big,
or a large amount.

Oh, you said it, kid,

And it should be
within range any day now!

In fact--uh--oh.
Wait a minute.


Uh, what do you
mean, "uh-oh"?

How did--
tell me!

No, no.
You're gonna be mad.

I could get
vastly more mad.

Ok, ok.

Did you ever have
one of those days

Where you
accidentally put

A giant cheeseteroid

On a collision
course with earth?

What?! No!

I never had
a day like that!

Are you saying it's
going to crash into us?

And it'll take out

Half the city
when it hits.

Well, well, can't
you stop it?

I mean can't you,
I don't know,

Put the cheese-seizer
in reverse or something?

Oh, I guess I could
if I wanted to.


How could you
possibly waver over
something like this?

It's a simple question--
the cheeseteroid

Or the city?


Um, I'm thinking,
I'm thinking.

See, I'm of two minds
about this.

I thought you
said you changed!

Hey. I never said I changed.

It was my cheese supply
that changed.

Anyway, there
are other cities around

With buildings and stuff.

It's vast!

And it's wavering!

[Word girl and dr. Two-brains


Hey! Get off!

Henchmen, get this
monkey off of me!


The rocketship!

Ha! Ha ha! Ha ha!
Mmm, mmm, mmm!

Pah! Goat cheese?!


Ooh. Tough break.

It's the only kind
of cheese he doesn't like.

May we?
Sure, but, uh...


I don't think he's going
anywhere for a while.

Narrator: and as our heroes
and their hosts sit down

To a well-deserved feast,

There's never a need to waver
over your entertainment choices

When you have
the opportunity to catch

Another vastly entertaining
episode of "word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪
another vastly entertaining
episode of "word girl"!

Narrator: listen for the words
trance and resign.

Early one morning--


Ugh! Darn sore throat.

Heh. Well, just watch.

I think everything
will be pretty clear.


Is everything
all right, sir?

Oh, better than just
all right, leslie.

I'm rich, brilliant.
And downright gorgeous.

Of course, sir.

It's just that you
were just staring

Into that mirror
like you were in
some kind of trance.

This is no mere
mirror, leslie.

I hold in my hand
the inspiration

For my latest ingenious
mind-control plot

To take over the city
and make badillions
of dollars.

And how will you
do that, sir?

Uh, hello?

By using
mind-control mirrors!

I'm going to cover
the entire city
in mirrors,

So that when people look
into them and see me,

I can rivet them
with a hypnotic stare

Like this!

And tell them
exactly what I
want them to do.

People see themselves
when they look
in a mirror, sir,

Not you.

You know, leslie,
I'm not paying you

To stand around
and chit-chat.

Uh, you are not paying
me at all, sir.

Good to hear.

Now, time to put
"operation marvelous
mirror" in motion.

No. You don't pay me,
you don't listen to me,

And apparently
you don't even need me.

A monkey could
do this job.

I'm sorry, sir,
but you leave me
no choice.

I resign.

Ha ha ha!
Mwah ha--oh.

Oh, this is terrible.

Look. There's
a smudge on my mirror.

Narrator: meanwhile,
at the botsford home--


Becky and bob--


Uh, are you
all right?

Oh. Sore throat.

If it gets any worse,
I may have to resign.


good question, bob.

The word resign
means to give up a job.

In this case,
our narrator means he's

Afraid that if his voice
doesn't get better

He might have to give up
being our narrator,

Which is why I'm
going to help him

By doing the narration!

And, so, the smart
and plucky becky
dashes off

To the kitchen
to make a snack,

Knowing precisely
just how many minutes
she has before

Her very favorite--

Hi, mr. Big here.

Looking for a new career
that will fulfill

My every ambition?

Well, look no further.

It just so happens that
I have a "big" new project

That I need help with!

So hurry over
to my office today

For your chance
to become

The next...



Or person.

No things
need apply.


Shh! Trying
to watch tv here!

You ever notice how
magic pony never interrupts

Pretty princess
or argues with her?

I just think
that's wonderful.

Don't you?


You, you, and you.

You're fired.

But we haven't
even finished these
job applications.

Out, out!

Hmm. Quite
a res-u-me.

It's almost criminal

How much criminal
experience we have.

Oh, perfect!

Oh, and by the way,
you'll be wearing these.

You there!

You got the job,

You know, my last
assistant was sort of

A nit-picky

Always criticizing
my plans,

Never agreeing with me,

But I know you
won't be that way.

Ha ha ha!

Now tell me truthfully--
am I the best boss?


Yes. You're right.

And are all
of my mind-control
plans brilliant?


Thank you.



["Pretty princess"
theme playing]

Bob? Bob!

Ugh. Where is he?

We have to be
at city hall in half an hour

To receive the
key to the city...again.

Hmm. He probably went ahead
in case I was late.

What a pal.

As mayor, it is
with great gratitude

And affection that i--


That I present you with--


Where is he?

Um, that I present
you with yogurt,

Double-a batteri--

Oh, wait.

Uh, grocery list!

How did that get
in--i'm sorry.

Um, I mean,
that I present you

This coveted seek--
oh, boy.

Uh, coveted
"ski to the city."

[Crowd murmuring]

She looks like she's
in some sort of trance.

Uh, more like she's
worried about something.

You're right.

you're both right.

The word "trance"
means when someone is

In a sleep-like state,
looking as if they were

Daydreaming, hypnotized,
or lost in thought.

Where in
the world could he be?


Oh. This park
will be the perfect
place to test out

My marvelous mirror.

Ok, mr. Big.
What are you doing here?

Me? Well, I'm simply

And what are
you doing here?

Didn't you just
ask me that?

Oh, you mean
my new assistant.

Wait. Your
new assistant?

Narrator: oh, no!
If only word girl knew

Bob was in a tr--


In a "tr"?

A trailer? A tree house?

A truly ridiculous wig?

A tra--


Ugh. It's no use.
My throat, it--

You know, you'll be
a lot more help
to all of us

If you drink some tea
with lemon and honey.

Good idea. Thanks.

Yeah. Big? Bob?


I can't believe it.

It's just not like bob
to leave me

And join up with mr. Big.

Wow. I wonder why bob
is so upset with me.

Oh, leslie.

You're mr. Big's assistant.


He never listened
to me.

I had to resign.

You look a little sad
about it, leslie.

Yeah. Uhh.

Yeah, but it's good
that you quit working
for mr. Big.

He's got some new
mind-control scheme,
and whatev--

Oh, yeah, I know
all about it.

You do?

W-well, could
you help me?

You mean, like be
your sidekick?

Oh, no, not at all.

Executive assistant?

Well, I don't
really need--


No. I wasn't--

Would I get
a cool costume

That hides
my true identity
from the public?

Uh, sure.


Not exactly what
I was hoping for.

Oh, no! You're right!

All the windows on those
office buildings have

Been replaced
with mirrors!

And look
on that rooftop!

Mr. Big!

Just where I
said he'd be.

Boy, you really do
know him, don't you?

For better
or for worse.

This is one of my
most brilliant

schemes, right?

thank you.

And thanks to operation
marvelous mirror, soon,

I will control
the whole city, right?

Then why isn't
it working?!

Why didn't I
listen to leslie?

She told me this
wouldn't work.

What a fool I am.

Do you always have to
agree with me?


Wait a minute.
Always agreeing?

That's it!

Big's controlling
his mind.

Of course!
I'm going in!

Hold it right
there, mr. Big!

You could have snuck
up on him and taken him
by surprise.

That would have
been much smarter.

I got to tell you,
I really like

Your new
sidekick's style.

She tells you
the truth

Even when you don't
want to hear it.

I used to have
an assistant like that.

Now all I've got is
this useless guy.

Just agrees
with everything I say

Like this stupid
mirror idea.

Well, we could trade.
I'm sort of partial
to monkeys.

You mean, chipmunks.

No. Monkeys.



But you'd have to
unzap his mind.

I mean,
who wants someone
in a trance,

Who just agrees
with you all
the time?


I agree.



He said he resigns.

And here's your
new new assistant.

Ha ha ha!

You were right.

Operation marvelous mirror
is a failure.

What a surprise, sir.

However, I imagine
all these mirrors

Reflecting the sun
are making it

Incredibly hot
down there.

Perhaps you can take
advantage of everyone's

Heat-induced trances
to control their
minds with--

I don't think so,

Did you just
contradict my boss?!

Ha! Hee! Ahh!

Welcome back, leslie!

Ahh. Ahh.



Ahh. Ahh.

[Huggy squeaks]

You're both
under arrest for trying

To mind-control
the whole city

And for putting bo--er,

I mean, that chipmunky
into a trance.

hold my calls

For about
to years.

I mean, that is,
if you think it's
a good idea.

Well, leslie, at least
it looks like he's

Finally going to
listen to you.

What am I saying?

Of course you think
it's a good idea!

It's mine!


Hey, bob.

I'm sorry I didn't listen
to you when you were

Trying to warn
me about mr. Big.

I never want you to
just be my yes-man.

I mean, yes-monkey.

I like you just
the way you are.

and so once again--

Hey. Your voice,
it's all better!

Yes! Thanks to your marvelous
honey and lemon tea remedy.

Glad that worked out!

And so once again
word girl is triumphant,

Saving the city
from mr. Big,

Bob from his trance

And even me
from having to resign.

Look for us
all to be back in--

Hey, assistant
narrator girl,

Want to do
this one together?


The next incredibly
exciting adventure

Of "word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Want more "word girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes

And test your word power

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Wooooord up!