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07x04 - High-Five Sandwich / The Robot Problem

Posted: 07/28/23 09:00
by bunniefuu
Pbs kids opens
worlds of possibilities

For all children

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♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
trend and eager.

Get your napkins ready!

It's time for the city's
extremely popular

Sandwich of the year

Hmm. Maybe not as
popular as I thought.

And because you were
the only sandwich makers

To enter the competition,

That automatically makes
you our finalists.

I'm so gonna win.
Hee hee!

Just you watch.

My sandwich is
a thing of beauty.

Now before
I reveal the winner...

Come on! Tell us
who won already!

I can't wait.
I need to know!

Narrator: wow! Looks like
someone is eager to hear

The results.

And the winner is...

Chuck the evil
sandwich making guy

With his
triple decker supreme.

I did it!

Sandwich of the year!

What did I win?!

Your sandwich will have
a nice little article

In the "big city times."

They're going to be
writing a newspaper article

About my sandwich?!

Ha ha! Yay! That means
tomorrow everyone
in the city

Will be talking about
the triple decker supreme!


meanwhile, in the park...


We did it!

The greatest
basket ever!

Give me , you guys!


Wait, the high-five is
good for two people,

But with people,

I've got it!

Scoops, put
your hand up.

Then becky,
you and I both
give scoops

A high-five
at the same time.

It's like we're
making a sandwich.

But without the bre--

A high-five sandwich!

That is
the perfect name!

The high-five sandwich!

Yeah, that's
amazing, violet!

Man: ahem.

Hey. Look at that!

I think we've
started a trend!

Everybody's doing
the high-five sandwich.

This would make
a great article

For the "big city times"!

I can't believe
I thought of it.

Becky high-five


Narrator: the next day,
chuck is eager to read

The latest edition
of the "big city times."

Ok. Let's see.

Here it is.

"City's newest trend:
the high-five sandwich."

High-five sandwich?! What?

They were supposed
to do an article
about my sandwich!

my sandwich article?

Oh, here it is.

"This is a sandwich
that won an award. The end."

What? That's it?!

My sandwich was voted
best in the city,

And this is all
the attention it gets?!

Narrator: the judge did
say it would be

A nice little article.

"High-five sandwich"
gets on the front page.

Why isn't my sandwich
on the front page?!

What does a high-five sandwich
even taste like?!

It's probably one
of those new
trendy sandwiches.

Narrator: uh, chuck?

The high-five sandwich
isn't really a--

I'm gonna go find out
what the big fuss
is all about.

My triple decker supreme
deserves to be trendy!

Mom! Where'd I put
my sneakers?

High-five sandwich!

High-five sandwich!

High-five sandwich!

Look at them.
They like

The high-five sandwich
so much,

They can't stop
talking about it!

All right.
I'm going to eat

A high-five sandwich
and find out

Why in the world
this high-five sandwich

Could possibly be
more trendy

Than my
triple decker supreme.

Welcome to the deli,
where meat
becomes a meal.

Hey. I just made
that up. Heh.

What can we make
for you today, buddy?

I want
a high-five

I need to see if it
tastes better than
my sandwich.

No, no, no, no.
What are you doing?

I don't want
a high-five.

I want a high-five

The one everybody
is talking about.

Yeah. We just gave you
a high-five sandwich.

No, you didn't.

Ok. That's it,
you two.

I'm going to ask
one last time.

Give me a high...

So let me get
this straight.

Chuck ordered
a high-five

And when you
gave him one, he--

Got all upset and hit us
with a ton of ketchup
and mustard.


Aha. Chuck must think
the high-five sandwich is

An actual sandwich,
and not just

A trendy way to
say, "good job."


A trend is something
that's so popular,

Everybody is doing it.

When something becomes
extremely popular,

We say it's trendy.

Oh, so since everybody
is doing the high-five
sandwich, it's trendy?


The high-five sandwich
is a trend

And definitely not
an actual sandwich.

Boy, if only
chuck knew that.

I don't want him coming
in here messing up
the place again.

You said he mentioned
the "big city times"?

Yup, I did.

Scoops, I need you
to write another
front page article.

"High-five sandwich is
like no other sandwich."

What does this mean?
Are they taunting me?

Why does everybody keep
reminding me that

My triple decker supreme
isn't as good

As the high-five sandwich?!

My sandwich won
a prestigious award!

It deserves to be trendy!

Narrator: uh, chuck,

Sorry to interrupt
your rant.

That's ok. I needed
to take a breath anyway.

What is it?

Maybe you should read
the whole article

And not just
the headline?

Who has time to read
the whole article?

Not me.

I'm too busy
plotting my revenge.

Revenge on who?

On everybody

For liking
the high-five sandwich

More than my
triple decker supreme!

I'm going to make sure
my sandwich

Is the city's
only sandwich.

But if you would
just read the rest

Of the article,
you'd see that--

No! It's revenge time!

Ugh. Why do
I even bother?

Well, bob, I think scoops'
article did the trick.

Looks like chuck
finally understands

That the high-five sandwich
isn't really a--

Help. Chuck's
at the grocery store,

And he's angry.

Angry chuck.
Let's go!

Word up!

Narrator: moments later, outside
the grocery store...

What is going on?!

Or where the grocery
store used to be...

Chuck: if my sandwich isn't
the city's favorite sandwich,

Then nobody gets
any sandwiches!

Oh, boy.
Ok, chuck.

Time to put
the grocery store

Back where you found it.

No, way, word girl.

I've got all the food,
and I'm going to tell

what they can eat.

First rule--
no more of those
high-five sandwiches!

But, chuck,
the high-five sandwich
isn't really a sand--

My triple decker supreme
is way better,

And it deserves
to be trendy.

I can see that you're
eager for everyone to
try your sandwich,

But this isn't a good
way to make that happen.

There's that word
again, eager.

Yeah. If you're eager
to do something,

It means you really,
really want to do it,

And you just can't wait.

Well, yeah, then
I'm eager to prove
to this city

That my
triple decker supreme

Is way more delicious
than that trendy
high-five sandwich.

Ugh. Chuck, you've got
to listen to me.

The high-five sandwich
is not really a sand--

I don't want
to hear any more

About the high-five

But it's not
really a--

Scoops: word girl!

Huggy, I'm going
to toss you inside.

Make sure scoops
and violet hold on tight.



Ok, chuck.

Let's do this thing.

Good thing I added
rocket boosters
to the crusher!


Ha ha ha! Yeah, I'm too fast
for you, word girl!

This is fun!


Hey. Look at that!

The city tar pits!

Now we're talking.

Aw, man! I thought
the tar pits were closed
for renovations.

Nope, they just had
a grand reopening
last week.

The paper did
a big article on it.

Yeah, must have
missed it.

I only read
the headlines.

Well, maybe you should
try reading the whole
article sometime,

Like the one
in today's paper.

I already
saw this--

"High-five sandwich
is like no
other sandwich."

Read it.
Already did.

No, you didn't.

"The high-five sandwich
is not a real sandwich.

It's just a fun new way
of saying good job!"

What?! Wait.
So this was in here
the whole time?


And the high-five

Isn't a sandwich?

Nope. It's just a new way
for people to do
a high-five.

So my triple decker
supreme really is

The best sandwich
in the city?

Well, I guess so.
I mean, you won the award.

Wow! Did I get all
riled up for nothing?

Heh heh heh.
What a funny

Yeah, it's hilarious.

I guess we're all done,
and I can go home.

High-five sandwich!
Hee hee.

Ooh! Sounds like fun!

Nah. I'm taking you
to jail.

But I'm so eager
to not go to jail.

Sorry. I don't
want to start a trend

Of letting criminals
off the hook.

Ooh. Can you at least
ask the guards to

Let me make my own
sandwiches this time?

The pastrami
in jail is so dry.

Thanks for helping us
get down, word girl!

Yeah. This deserves
a high-five sandwich!

Wait, but there are
four of us.

Yeah, what do we do?

Who says a sandwich
only has one layer?

It's a double decker
high-five sandwich!

All right!

Why are you
crying, violet?

Violet I'm
just so happy.

Narrator: and so
with the city safe

From chuck's

And the kids eager to
spread the city's newest trend,

All is well!

Join us next time
for another exciting episode

Of "word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello, I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player who
correctly defines today's

Featured word will win
a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may!

Today's featured
word is clutch.

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From word girl that show
the meaning of the word.

Yes, emily!

Clutch means to grip
or hold tightly

Like word girl
was doing
with the trophy

She won
in that last clip.

You got it!

And speaking
of winning trophies,

If you look
under your buzzers,

You'll find a ballot
where you can vote

For game show host
of the year!

Well, feel free to fill
those out while we show

Emily what she's won.

Huggy, take it away!

An official
"word girl" dune buggy!

[Huggy screeches]

[Car horn honks]

Uh, I don't
think I'm old enough
to drive that.

Well, if you fill out
your ballot correctly,

Maybe huggy will
take you for a spin.


Anyway, that's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: hey, kids.
Today's featured words

Are cackle and fuel.

It's a typical day
at school for becky botsford.

Well, maybe not so typical.

And now, children,
for this next project,

You'll notice I've split
you up into pairs.

Today, you will create
electricity using only--

A potato!


This is much too basic.

Well, the only way
this earthling can
get excited

About this project--
if we use the potato
to power a robot!

Hmm. How about not
fueling a robot?

Think of it.
With my genius
and your--

Your sitting
next to a genius,

We could create
a robot that uses
potatoes for fuel!

You know, tobey, it's
not always about robots!

Tell that
to my robot.

Tobey, I've done
all the work.

All you've done is
scribble in your
notebook and cackle.


I'm cackling because
while you were
wrapping up

Your little tuber,
I have drawn up plans

For a giant robot
fueled by potatoes!

It will have
enough potato power
to allow me,

Theodore mcallister iii,

To take over
the world...

Or at least
ms. Davis's class!

Ms. Davis: tobey, tobey, tobey,
what do you think

You're doing?

I merely desire
to take over the world
with giant robots!

Is that so wrong?

Actually, we do generally
frown upon plans

For dominating humanity,
so I am just going to

Have to give you
a timeout.

Would you reconsider
if i--

Timeout. Right there
in the corner
in the chair.

I shall show them
all that my--ugh.

It's time to stop
limiting yourself

And be the supervillain
you know you can be.

Hmm. And you are
the evil genius

I'm destined
to assist in achieving
his greatness.

Just buy a copy
of my book

"How to unstifle
your evil genius,"
available in stores.

Actually it's only

From the trunk
of my car.

Yes. Uh, is there
anything in this book

That would help me
overcome the resistance

Of an ordinary teacher
to my using

A giant robot fueled
by potatoes to
take over the city?

Hmm. Chapter !

Ba, ba, ba, ba.
Don't look.

So how can you assist
me in harnessing

My inner evil genius to
carry out these plans?

Uh, just let me take
one little peek
at your plans! Heh.

I'll give them
right back.


Absolutely not!

Excellent cackling,
by the way.

Oh! Isn't that
word girl?

Where? Hey!



Ugh! No one steals
from theodore mcallister iii

And gets away with it!


Now that I have
these plans,

I will get even
with the city
for closing down

My supervillain school,

And I will become
the world's greatest


That is a pretty good cackle,
if I do say so myself. Mm-hmm.

Narrator: meanwhile,
becky and bob are walking

Through the park.

Oh. Thank you.

I thought you
forgot about us.

Never. I know the name
of this show.

So, as I was saying, bob,
ms. Davis showed us

That potatoes can actually
give you electricity.


A giant robot is
attacking the city!


Let's go!

Word up!



Robot: reopen
the supervillain school,

Or I will destroy the city!


Huggy, we have to find
out whatever is fueling

That cackling robot
and cut off
its power source.


Oh. Fuel is something
that can be used to
produce power.

Our bodies use
food for fuel,

And gasoline is fuel
for a car.

a potato?

Well, yeah, maybe
a potato could be
fuel a flashlight,

But you could never
connect enough potatoes
to fuel a giant robot.

Well, the only evil genius
who could be controlling

A potato-fueled robot
is tobey.

[The coach cackling]

This time I'm going
to succeed

Because I have the will,
I have the drive!

Ok, coach.
What's going on?



I know just the person
to help me bring

His giant potato-fueled
robot rampage to an end!

What an unexpected
and delightful
surprise, word girl.

Join me in a cup of tea?

I don't have time
for tea, tobey.

♪ It's lapsang souchong ♪

Look. Somehow the coach
has gotten your plans

For a potato-fueled robot

And is attacking
the city!

I know! It's terrible,
awful, completely

Wow. I didn't realize
how much you

Really cared
about protecting the city!

Don't be absurd.

The coach stole
those plans from me!

Now I am trying to
develop a new plan

To get my revenge!

No one treats
theodore mcallister iii
in this way!

Well, then, you'll
help me defeat him?

It will be my pleasure.


Why are you cackling?

Ahem. Oh, was I cackling?


Oh. A cackle is
a laugh that sounds

Harsh or evil.

Hmm. I'll have to
include a cackle simulator

The next time I create
a giant robot

To go
on an evil rampage!

Oh, you're going to
create a giant robot, tobey,

But not to go
on an evil rampage.

A semi-evil rampage?

Nope. No evil rampage.

What's the point?!



why did you stop?

I ordered you
to destroy
several buildings

Entirely at random!


I will decide
what I should destroy.

No, no, no, no.
I am your master!


I will destroy
whatever I choose.

Can I at least make
some decisions?

No! I will destroy
things that begin

With the letter "a".

That's completely

What begins
with the letter "a"?

An apple? An acorn?

"A" building!

Stop! Wait!

That's my
apartment building!

That's the home
of my supervillain
school that

You're supposed
to save!



Don't you
cackle at me!

Good work, tobey.

I'm really impressed
by your dedication.

And my
superior intelligence?

Well, yes, that,
too, I guess.

You know, we make
a pretty good team.


Ahem. If only my lab partner,
becky botsford

Was more like you.

No, no, no, no!
Don't--don't squash
the bowling alley!

I have a ball
and shoes in there!

But I am up
to letter "b".

After this, I will
start destroying things

That begin
with letter "c,"

Like city!

Oh, no! No!

He can't be stopped!

Oh, yes, he can,

Just watch!

And now, my
master creation!

A giant robot
that is fueled
by other robots

That are fueled
by potatoes--

In other words,
a super-giant potato-fueled-
robot-fueled robot!


I will destroy
you, robot.


As soon as I get
to the letter "r".


Ok. Guess...not.

Thank you!
Oh, thank you!

From now on, I'll go
completely straight.

Mmm. I'm gonna be honest!
I promise.

Your promises
do not impress me!

At least I'll only steal
plans that don't involve

Robots and potatoes!
How's that?

For the time being,
you can draw up plans

To lead a law-abiding
life in jail!

Because that's
where you're going.

Oh, curse you,
giant potato-powered robots

And all things fueled
by root vegetables!

You have been
my downfall!

I have thoroughly enjoyed
partnering with someone

Who is almost but not
quite as smart as I am.

Ms. Davis: now, class,
as you can see

From today's experiment,

You can also
create electricity

By rubbing balloons
against your hair.

Well, if you're fortunate
enough to have hair.

You know, becky,
you should feel honored
to sit next to me.

I am a personal
of word girl's

And a hero.

So I've heard.

Yes, saving the day
for thousands of people

Is just another one of
my many accomplishments.

This city is lucky to be
home to a genius like i.

You mean,
"a genius like me!"

You didn't have
anything to do with it!

Word girl is
practically my equal.

You should try to
be more like her.

I'll do my best.

join us next time

For a fun-fueled
and cackle-filled episode...

of "word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello I'm beau handsome,
and this is

The bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Emily, you correctly
defined the word clutch.

Ready to play
the bonus round?

You bet!

Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one shows
the definition for clutch.

So, what do you
think, emily?

I'm going to go
with number two.

Reginald is really
clutching that bag
of jewelry.

That's correct!

Which means you're
our bonus round winner.

Huggy, show her
what she's won.

An official
"word girl" giant sand dune!

A sand dune?!

Wow! Emily, you're really
going to have fun with that!

I am?

Ok. Well, that's
our show.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Want more "word girl"?

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And test your word power

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Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Wooooord up!