03x08 - Slippery Silks

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Three Stooges". Aired: 1934 - 1945.*
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The Three Stooges were an American vaudeville and comedy team active from 1922 until 1970, best remembered for their 200 short-subject films.
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03x08 - Slippery Silks

Post by bunniefuu »



Isn't much to go on,
but the Bureau

of Missing Persons is
at your service.

That's the only photograph
we could find

among their uncle's effects.

He died very suddenly.

Probably took a look
at the picture

and couldn't stand the shock.

Mulvaney, these three boys
have just inherited

the Madame de France,

that swanky modiste shop
on Fifth Avenue.

See if you can find 'em.

It's done.

MOE: Well, that's marvelous.

I always wanted to make
a cabinet like that.

Idea has been in my head
since I've been years old.

Oh, sort of aged in the wood.

Yeah, but--

See that?



What's the matter with you? I--

What's going on here?

We're ready to build
that cabinet.

Well, then get busy.

Okay, Mr. Romani.

Get that thing here, would ya?

LARRY: Your fault.

The cops. Come on, let's hide.


All right, officers.
I'll be all right now.

And thank you very much.

Oh, why, how do you do,
Mr. Morgan?

I've been expecting you.

I'm so glad you arrived safely
with the cabinet.

Yes, I can breathe easier now.

The museum made me post
a $ , bond for its safety.

Is that so?

Look at that.

This is probably
the most valuable piece

of antique Chinese woodwork
in the world.

I want an exact duplicate
made of it.

Well, you've certainly come
to the right place.

Uh, boys, where are you?

Right here.



Sorry, boss.
They were piled too high.

Uh, just a little careless. Yes.

Now, uh, Mr. Morgan wants
an exact duplicate

of this cabinet.

I get ya, a twin.

Don't worry, boss,
when we get through,

its own mother won't be able
to tell 'em apart.

Are you sure this work
will be in competent hands?

we're all incompetent.

Ooh! Now, Mr. Morgan,

we're not as dumb
as we look here.

Just step into the office

and, uh, we'll talk
this thing over.

That's a genuine Ching Hi-Lee.

A Chow Mein Hi-Lo.

Hi-Lee. Hi-Lo.

♪ Hi-Lee, Hi-Lo, Hi-Lee ♪
♪ Boop-boop, boop-boop ♪

♪ Hi-Lo, Hi-Lee, Hi-Lo ♪
♪ Boop-boop ♪

Wait a minute. Hi-Lee-- Huh?

Hi-Lee, Hi-Lo? Hi-Lee, Hi-Lo.

Boop-boop? ♪ Boop-boop ♪


Now, come on.
Get over to that sandalwood.

Make a design of that. Hurry up.


What's the matter with you?
Get out.

One of these days you're gonna
get yourself k*lled.

You know that and I won't be--

Moe, Moe! Moe, talk to me.

Say something, Moe.

What happened? What happened?

Say a few syllables, please.

Pick out two.

One, two. Ooh! Get out.

Ooh, ooh, ooh!


Help. Help me. Help me.

Help me look-- Oh!


Hold still.


Oh, oh, oh.


Oh, oh, oh. Quiet you.



Ow, ow, ow!

Ow! Ooh. Ooh.

Go on up there and get
some sandalwood blocks.

You must have left
some of them in me!

Just a few little ones.
You need some iron.

Ooh! Ow, ow, ow!

What's the matter? Ooh!

Ooh, ooh.

If it wasn't for me,

this cabinet would
have been chow mein.

It's all your fault. No.

Ooh! I'll get you.

[MUTTERING] Ooh, ooh!

Why-- Come here. Come here.

What? Hey, Moe, look.
I'm looking,

but I don't see anything.


See, that's what
I was trying to tell ya.

Why didn't ya?
What are ya, tongue-tied?

A $ , cabinet.

Get the glue
before the boss gets here.

Ooh, ooh! Ooh.

We'll have to work
all our lives for this.

Ooh. Hurry up. Glue it up.

Hey, what are you doing?!

Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.


I didn't mean it.
You got me mad.

Help me up out of here.


Hm, I'm stuck!


MOE: Ooh.

My cabinet!

Why, you-- You--

What's happening here?




MOE: Come on!

Come on!

That's them!


They think we wanna arrest them!


What's happening?

It was an accident.
You tried to hold me.


Oh! Ow! Oh.

So you think you're gonna
get away from me, huh?

Why didn't ya stop
when I called to ya?

Here, officer.

They don't look dangerous to me.

Ooh! Ooh.

Wait a minute.
We can explain everything.

Yeah, we're pedestrians.
You can't put us in jail.

Jail? We just wanted to tell you

that you inherited
your uncle's gown shop.

Uncle Pete's gown shop?


Not the Madame de France? Yeah.


Give me water.


Water, ya had to have, huh? Oh!

I'll take an eye out.
Why don't you let him alone?

Oh, boy, what a layout.

Oh, monsieur.

Oh, monsieur.

Welcome to the Madame de France.

Girls, Monsieur Larry,

Monsieur Moe and Monsieur Curly.

GIRLS: Bonjour, messieurs.

♪ La, la, la ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪


Where's the office?
This way, messieurs.

Oh. Come here. [BOTH GRUNTING]


What can I do for you?

I'd like to see your hose.

What do you think of 'em?

No, no, no.
I mean, ladies' hose.




May I see some stockings?

Ooh! Hm!

take a dozen of those.

Thank you.

Hey, I've been looking for you.

Hey, look at that piece
of merchandise.

Lookit. Oh!

Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk,
nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.


Ooh! Ooh! Come on.


Now, what in creation is wrong
with the creation?

Why, I bought it here last week
and it really doesn't fit.

How strange.

Aha, there it is,
a trifle too much train.

Gee, I think there's two boxcars

and a caboose to many.

The cow-catcher is dragging.

Well, at any rate

we'll have it fixed
before you can say:

Ugh! Thank you.

Did he say, ugh?

I think I'll take off
the caboose.

Come right up
to the fitting room, please,

and bring the tape measure.

Yes, you come with him.
Tape measure.

Thing with the numbers.

Smart girl.

Miss Izzybottle is coming d--

Uh, you're going
to be wild about this.

Now, we're gonna have it sent
to you parcel past,

express or via airplane,
yes, ma'am.

Thank you. Thank you.

Very artistic, isn't it?

Oh, very spiffy, very spiffy.



He looks like a V- .
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.

Yeah, V- . Oh, no! Ooh!


Hold that.

Come on. Oh!

Hey-- Hey, wait.

Oh! Oh. Come on.

Take it off.

Oh! Oh. Come on.

Hello. Hello.


ALL: Hello.

How are you, boys? Hello.

Ooh! Ooh!

Hello. Yes.

This is Madame de France.

Wait a minute.

Pardon me a moment.

Put your right hand
on your right hip.

Turn your head this way.

Throw your head back.

LARRY AND CURLY: Whoo-whoo-wh--


This is Mrs. Morgan. Morgan.

Could you give a fashion display

for me and some of my friends
this afternoon?

Well, you're talking
to the right guy.

I know you've always been
up to the minute

and we'll be there at : .


Oh, wouldn't you like
to come along, dear,

and see all the new fashions?

I would not.

Those three vandals
who wrecked that Chinese cabinet

are somewhere in this town
and I'm gonna find 'em.

Come on, boys, get busy.

We've got to create some
new models for a fashion show.

I never got a chance to learn
about women's dresses.

Designed furniture,
didn't ya? So what?

Well, dresses are
the same thing.

Crazier they look,

the more women
will pay for them.



Come on. Oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh.

I-- I didn't mean it. Ooh!

Plotz, please.


I think I'd look stunning
in that riding habit.

I think there'd be trouble
figuring out

which one was the horse.


Very witty, my partner. Heh.

Pick out two. One, two.


Oh, he broke it.

Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk. He broke it.



Isn't that beautiful?

This is what I've been
waiting for,

the designs by the new owners.

Petite. Ah.

Madam, isn't that scrumptious?

Mmm. Putrid.


Could you create something
individual for me?

Lady, you're
practically created.


Oh, delightful, madame.




What'll I do with it?

Tie it off someplace.
Get rid of it.

"Pin se soi." "Pin se soi"?


"Pin se--" Pin it.

Is my wife here?
Yes, Mr. Morgan.

She's in the fitting room
being created.

"Pin soi." "Pin soi."

Merci, merci.


Did you scream?

Why, darling.

These are the men
who ruined my cabinet!



Help, help, help, help!

Ah! Get me off of here!




Come here!



What's going on here?

You can't do that to my pal.

He can't hurt us. Go ahead.



Now, I warned you.



Why, you-- Ooh!

I'm sorry, Moe.
It was an accident.

Yeah. Put your right hand
on your right hip.

Throw your head back. Smile.

No, wai-- Oh!


Don't worry, lady. I'll have
you cleaned off in a minute.

[YELLS] No, you won't.

You-- You-- [WHIMPERING]





You can't get away with that!

Oh, yeah? Yeah.


Well! Ah, come on.

How dare you strike Mrs. Morgan!

Well! Don't you hit my mother!


A backbiter, eh?


WOMAN : Stop hitting me!
WOMAN : I didn't!

Oh, you didn't, huh?
I'll hit you!



Ah! Mmm!


Boys, come here
and we'll give 'em the works.

Come on.

Hey, you missed me. Ehhh!

Stop! What are we fighting for?

They started it.


CURLY: Hey, go up and
see if the coast is clear.


LARRY: It's clear.


Oh! Mmm!


The very idea. Oh!



Wait. Let me finish.

Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.
You're on a direct range.

Oh! Get out! Oh, a traitor.

Get out of the way!
Get out of the way.

Ooh! What happened?

Nothing happened,
my dear fellow.

Ooh! Get out of here!

Yep. Yeah. Oh!

Boys, boys, boys.

This is no way
for gentlemen to act.

Pardon us, ladies.


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