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06x15 - The Rise of Miss Power, Part 1 / The Rise of Miss Power, Part 2

Posted: 07/27/23 16:27
by bunniefuu
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♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound ♪

♪ Vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe ♪

♪ We need
the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect ♪

♪ Keeps the crime world
in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes ♪

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Narrator: hey, kids.

Today's featured word

Is "encouraging."

mission accomplished
in sector .

Searching for suitable planet
to begin next mission.

Oh, too big.
Too small.

Too hot. Too cold.

Too many rings.
Not enough water.

Too much water.
Too green.

Not enough green.

Hold on a second.
What do we have here?

We have earth,
also known as terra--

Third planet from the sun
in the milky way galaxy;

Home to plants, animals,

And millions
of earthling people

And one
super-powered alien

Originally from
planet lexicon...



She possesses super speed,
super strength,

And super
vocabulary skills.

Battle record?

By teaming up
with wordgirl,

Success of mission
is guaranteed.

Ha ha! Perfect.

Colonel, set a course
for planet earth.

Narrator: just another typical
day in the life of wordgirl.

[Alarm bell ringing]



Ok. So homework
and chores are done,

No major crimes or
catastrophes going on.

Looks like the whole
day is wide open.

Help! Help!

I did not jinx it.

Becky, if I can
complete this puzzle

Within the next
minutes, I can win

A year's supply
of snappy snaps.

You help me
with this,

I'll split
the winnings
with you / .

Becky! Becky!

I was just
at milo's toy emporium,

And all pretty princess
figurines are % off

For the next

Excuse me?

And they had two
sparkle toes left.

Sparkle toes?
Did you say sparkle toes.

Sparkle toes.

Sparkle toes is the hardest
to find ever

And almost completes
my collection.

Oh, hey, becky,
did I just hear

That you're going
to the toy store?

You know,
I was heading
downtown, too.

Maybe we could
walk together

And maybe get some
ice cream or something.

Is this really happening?

Sparkle toes and ice cream
with scoops--

The most perfect day ever?

Let me just say to all of you
a great big y-e-

Man: help!


The police can handle it.

I don't have to--

Just-- fine.

Guys, I just remembered
I have a school thing.

Come on, bob.

School thing?
But we're on vacation.


Narrator: a few moments later,

In a heated battle
with dr. Two brains--

It's been more
than a few moments.

I've already missed my dad's
crossword deadline.

Man: toy sale
is over.

Ugh! And there
goes the toy sale.

Dr. Two brains:
hey, this is about me.

Right, right. Sorry.

It's just, I kind of
lost some of my vigor
for this battle.

I mean, can we just
get it over with already?

Oh, come on, wordgirl.
Get your head in the game.

Dr. Two brains?
Cheese ray? Yoo hoo.



Look out behind you.

Seriously, doc?


Oh. Huh.
Will you look at that?


people of earth.

My name is miss power...

And this is my loyal sidekick
colonel giggle cheeks.

We've come to earth.
Looking for you.


Earth's greatest

You've battled lots
of evil and hideous--

Is that a brain
on the outside
of your head?

Uh huh.
Like it?
Yikes. Hmm.

where was i?
Oh, yes.

greatest champion.

Oh, well, I'm flattered,

But I'm not sure
I'm the "greatest."

Maybe top ten.
And modest.

Oh, this is
going to be fun.

What is?

Why, training you,
of course.

You could definitely
use some help.

Ok. Little
less flattered.
No, no.

I didn't mean
to be discouraging.

I meant to be more...

You were trying
to say it's great
that I'm a crime-fighter

And also inspire me
to work hard to be
an even better one, right?

Um, yeah.

Like when
a teacher encourages you
to try your best

On something you're
having trouble with,

Like--oh, I don't know--
art or something.

Yeah, yeah.
Exactly. Look.

It's just that I've been
to hundreds of planets

In thousands of galaxies
and learned

The most effective
techniques on each,

And now I want
to train you.


I've used my knowledge
to train some

Of the greatest
of the universe.

Maybe you've heard
of a little someone

By the name of greck
the invincible, hmm?


He's amazing.

It's a lot
more impressive
if you know him.


The butcher is robbing
the grocery store.

Wait. Is this
the police station?

No. This is the middle
of the street.

The police station
is across town.

Oh. Thanks. Help!

Why would he think--

It's kind of his thing.
Don't ask.

Well, listen, it has been
really great to meet you,

But I have a little something
I have to take care of.

Mind if I tag along?

Oh. Uh, no?

Excellent. Come on,
giggle cheeks.


She put me on the spot.
What was I supposed to say?

Stop right there,

Yeah. All right,
all right.

I'm stopping.
I'm stopping.

Uh, something wrong?

You know, I don't even
know why I keep--

Uh, who's this?

I'm miss power.

Whoa! Calm it down
a bit there, lady.

Only if you calm
the smell down a bit.


You seriously run around
town covered in meat?

I'm the butcher.

Ugh, more like
the stinker.



I don't think i, uh--

You know, it's kind of
a warm day, so--

Listen. I kind of
like to stay away

From the whole
"calling people
mean names" thing.

Kind of
makes me a little

Oh. All right.


Sorry. I'll just go stand
over here and watch.

You go ahead and
do your thing,


How about I do
my thing, too?

Kielbasa crusher!


Wait. Not yet.

Hamburger hurricane!


Not yet.

Pepperoni prison!

Ok. Now!


Not only
do you smell bad.

You also stink
as a villain.

You're a mean lady.
You know that?

And you're just another
captured criminal.

Miss power! Ka-pow!

Wow, that
was impressive.

Thank you.

Although, you know,

The whole
name-calling thing

Made me
a little, well...


Yeah. Well, you'll
get used to that. Hey!

I've got a great idea.

How about I train you
in crime-fighting techniques,

And you train me in using
my words more wisely?

Now, that's

I mean, words are
kind of my thing.

And I totally
encourage that.

If anyone is going to know
the power of words,

It's going
to be you.

Now, I may not be
as accomplished
in that area as you,

But I am a lover
of words myself.

You are?

Yeah, and I got
a thing for power,

And what has more
power than words?

Try nothing.

Right, and I love that.

Me, too.
So what do you say?

Would you like to learn what
this old girl has to offer

And maybe teach her
a few new tricks?

Yeah. That actually
sounds pretty cool.

Ah, you've made me
very happy.

I just love to think
that I can help someone
make a difference

While making myself
a better person.

Hamburger hurri--

Ah, so first thing
tomorrow morning.

Meet at my ship?

See you then.

Power up and away.

I have a really good
feeling about this.

Computer: now with
wordgirl on your side,

Ploy to conquer earth
can be accomplished.

Oh, it's going
to be so much fun.

Giggle cheeks, we found
ourselves a new home.

Ha ha ha!


Narrator: what kind of ploy
does miss power

Have in store for our plucky,
little heroine?

I encourage you to stay tuned
to find out

On another suspenseful episode
of "wordgirl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may.

Today's featured word
is "cower."

To give you a clue,

Here are some clips
from wordgirl

That show the meaning
of the word.


Take it away, tommy.

"Cower: means to
crouch down in fear,

Something I'd know
nothing about

Because I'm not
afraid of anything.

What about snakes?


Definitely not.

So, you're telling me
you're completely fearless?

You seem rather proud
of that fact.

I am.
Well, good for you,
I guess.

congratulations, tommy.

You are today's winner.
Huggy, show him what he's won.

An official wordgirl
indestructible shield.

It's perfect
for protecting yourself

Against anything
you may be afraid of.

I told you, I'm not
afraid of anything.

Yes, you did.

Well, that's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Narrator: hey, kids,

Today's featured word

Is "harsh."

When we last saw wordgirl
and captain huggy face,

They had come face to face
with a new alien super being--

Miss power,
who said she wants to share

Her amazing power secrets
with wordgirl,

But then later
back in her spaceship,

She said this to her sidekick
colonel giggle cheeks.

Oh, it's going
to be so much fun.

Giggle cheeks, we found
ourselves a new home.

Ha ha ha!


Narrator: and that
doesn't sound good.

Becky: come on, bob.
Hurry up.

We don't don't want to be late
for our first training session.


I didn't think I'd be
this excited, either,
but what do you know?

Dad: well, honey, I have to say,
I'm pretty excited, too.


All you need is
a dad, a daughter,
and something fun to do.

Right. Fun to do.

And we've got
that fun thing.

Of course, our fun
dad-daughter thingy.

All right. So meet me
here at the front door
at exactly : .

You got it, kiddo?

Got it, dad-o.
Heh heh.

I have no idea what
he's talking about.

Not bad, kiddo.


You're a quick study.

Thanks, and thanks
for encouraging me.

Well, there's more
to combat than just
the physical.

For example, how do you
think I was able to beat
the butcher so easily?

Well, by being stronger
and faster than him?

Well, yes, of course,
but I was also able

To find his weakness,

One of his
biggest fears.

He gets upset if people
think he smells bad.


Using mean words to attack
people isn't really my style.

In fact, I thought
I was going to help you

Use your words
more wisely.

Yes, of course,

And we will get to that,
but first,

Let me ask you
a question.

Do you think any of
these criminals feel bad

About constantly
interrupting your life?

Well, no.

No, and do you think
they care that you

Have to drop everything
in your personal life

To go and
chase them around?

Well, no.

I never thought
of it that way.

Well, you should start.

Find their weakness,

Take them down
as quickly as possible,

And then get back
to your life

Because it's hard to be
a superhero and have a life.

Yeah. No one else
gets that.

Like yesterday, it was
going to be the most
perfect day ever--

Scoops, ice cream,
and sparkle toes.


Oh, sparkle toes is this
pretty princess doll

That's really hard to
get, but the toy store
had a couple left,

And I was going to
get one, but then I had
to stop dr. Two brains

From one of his cheese
crimes and, ugh,
I missed everything...


And like today,
I'm supposed to go out

With my dad later,
but I'm afraid some--


City hall is about
to be crushed.

Wait. Is this
the police station?

[Screech screech]

Narrator: moments later...

Hold it right
there, chuck.


Oh. So who's
your new friend?

I'm miss power!

Wow, little loud. Ok.

Well, I'm chuck
the evil sandwich
making guy, and i--

Chuck the evil
sandwich making guy?

So anyway--
ok. First of
all, who is this clown,

And what's up with his head?
Is that a real sandwich?

Ok, that seemed
a little, oh--

It means to be
really, really
cruel and mean.

Yeah. That was harsh.

Yeah, here's the
thing, miss power.

We don't really talk
about chuck's--

He's a really
sensitive guy.

Time out. Don't move.

See? This is what
I was talking about.

This guy is kind
of sensitive, right?

Well, that's his weakness.

Yeah. I know,
but it just seems
so harsh to me.

Yeah? Well, don't you think
it was harsh of him

To try to crush city hall?

Well, yeah.

And don't you think
it was harsh of him

To waste your whole day
with this nonsense?

Actually, yeah,
that is pretty

Hey, you think we
can hurry this up?

I have to get
sparkle toes back home.


I picked it up yesterday
at this amazing toy sale.

I grabbed it right before
the sale ended.

I'm surprised someone didn't
snatch it up before me.

I'm probably just
going to sell it, though.

Sell it?
Go on, wordgirl.

Yeah. I'm not
really a fan.

I don't get why people
are buying this.

I just know how
valuable these are.

Go ahead.
That's it!

That should be
my sparkle toes, mine,

But because of you villains,
I missed it,

And now you have it,
and you're going to sell it?

You heartless criminal.

Yes. Let it out.

That's a little--

Oh, what's the word?
I'm not telling you.

I'm through helping you
with words. You hear me?

You'll have to figure it out
by yourself, you big...

Now finish him.

Big sandwich head.

Whoa. I just--
that was amazing.

Yes. Yes. It was.

My words,
they felt so powerful.

Yes! That's
my point, kiddo.

It's time you stopped
thinking about other
people's feelings

And started worrying
about you own.

I'm just so invigorated.

I can see that.

Whoo hoo!


Tobey's robots are rampaging
through the city.

Wait. Is this--

No. It isn't the
police station.

Look around you
and use your brain.

Ugh, so annoying.


I--oh, hey.
How'd you get in here?

Uh, I should go.

Well, is there
something going on?

I don't know.
Something about
tony and robots.

Tobey. That'd be tobey.
We have to stop him.

Well, then by
all means, let's
keep it going.

Word up!

Power up
and away!

[Beep beep beep beep]

Ha ha ha!
Oh, this is just rich.

Wordgirl has herself
a helper.

Well, guess what.
I have .

Prepare to be--

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Hi, mrs. Maccallister.

No! Mommy! I didn't
do anything.

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Oh, ha ha.



You have a goofy haircut
and bad clothes,

And you're afraid
of your mommy.

You're a ridiculous
villain, tobey.

You always have been.

Miss power:
nice. Ka-pow!

That was
rather harsh.

I seem to have

Lost all my vigor
for this fight.


They get so upset,
they just stop fighting.

Isn't it amazing?

I mean, I've always
loved words, obviously,

I guess I just never realized
how powerful they could be.

How upset they
can make villains.

And then how easy it is
to defeat them.


Well, speaking
of powerful words,

I hope you've got some ready
for your dad's apology

Because it's : .

What? No!
I have to go.

Looks like it's just you
and me, bad hair baby.



Dad, I'm so sorry.

I had this thing
I had to do,

And I completely
lost track of time.

Oh, it's ok.

I'm just a little sad,
that's all, and disappointed.

No, dad--
I'm sorry
I'm moping, becky.

I guess I was just
really excited to see

The world's largest bowl
of apple sauce together.

No. I know--
wait. What?

That's what
I rushed home for?

They say it's as big
as a motor home.

That sounds awful
and boring...

Not to be harsh
or anything.

Oh. Ok.
Sounded harsh to me.


Oh, hi, mom.

Ugh, big bowl of apple sauce.
I mean, come on.


Well, yeah,
I'm a little annoyed.

I said I was sorry,
kind of.

[Alarm bell ringing]


So now I'm just supposed
to let a crime happen

Because I snapped
at my dad a little?

did you hear?

The butcher is
committing a crime,

And wordgirl is
nowhere to be found.

Good thing
miss power is on it.

Oh. Right. Of course.
Well, that's a relief.

Come on. They're
showing it on tv.

Aw, what's wrong
with the smelly,
meaty baby, huh?

Where's wordgirl?
She's not mean like you.

I know.

Announcer: what a story, folks--

Miss power taking down
the butcher,

And taking
the city by storm.

Excuse me, sir.

What do you think
of miss power?

Oh, I think
she's great.

Hey, that's a really
ugly shirt you've got on,
you know that?

Hey, wow, that seems
a bit harsh,

Especially coming
from someone wearing
such ugly shoes.

Well, I see what's
going on, and I don't
like it one bit.

Come on, mom.

This miss power
is just bullying everyone.

But, mom, they
don't have feelings.

They're villains.

But look at
the effect she's
having on the city.

She's encouraging
bullying behavior.

Mom, that's silly.
Yeah, mom.

I hate to agree with becky,
but you are so wrong,

It's ridiculous.

Ha ha!
Ha ha!

Oh, don't give me
that look.

Mom is wrong.


Miss power is not
bullying villains.

Look. I don't care
what you think, ok?

Why would I listen
to you, anyway?

You're just
my sidekick.


I need to take a walk.

Becky, where
are you going?


Narrator: wait. What?
What just--

Wow. Ok.

So is this the end

Of the defining duo wordgirl
and captain huggy face,

Or will they eventually
talk it over and make up?

Maybe? Please?

Ok. So I encourage you to
tune in next time to find out--

I know I will--

On another scintillating episode
of "wordgirl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Tommy, you correctly
defined the word "cower."

Ready to play
the bonus round?


Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one shows
the definition for "cower."

Ok. Give it
a shot, tommy.

It's number .

In that picture,
captain huggy face
is cowering

From one
of tobey's robots.

You got it.

Huggy, show him
what he's won.


An official wordgirl
clown for a day.

I was, uh--

I dropped something
down there.

Of course you did.
Well, that's our show.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

One of my favorite words
is "adventure"

Because it makes me think of a
beginning of a big, long memory

Full of laughter and excitement
and a great journey to remember.

My favorite word is "pugnacious"
because it sounds really funny.

It means when someone
enjoys fighting.

I'm a little pugnacious.
Well, that's what my mom says.

My brother is
a little pugnacious.

So is my other brother
and kind of my sister.

♪ That's my favorite word ♪

Announcer: captain huggy face,
show us what "astounded" means.

That's right.

"Astounded" means to be really
surprised by something.

Congratulations, huggy.

[Phonograph pops and crackles]

[Techno music playing]


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