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06x14 - Dinner or Consequences, Part 1 / Dinner or Consequences, Part 2

Posted: 07/27/23 16:26
by bunniefuu
Pbs kids opens
worlds of possibilities

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♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
consequences and feast.

Just another typical
day at the botsford--


Mmm. I smell
something delicious!

It must be time for...

spicy surprise!

Sounds fancy!

Look at him go!
He's a cooking machine!

What's in it?

A mixture of spicy
cheese, spicy meat,

And spicy spices.

Spicy is nicey!

It is really,
really important

That all of you--

[Bob squeaks]

Of you enjoy
this meal

Right when it's
perfectly cooked!

I mean, if we were
to eat it later,

It wouldn't
taste as good

And I'd be crushed
just like
these tomatoes.

I forgot to add
the tomatoes!

Tonight we feast...

On the feast...

At the botsford
family feast!

Ho ho ho!


What does
feast mean?

Well, when we
have a really,
really big meal

As part of
a special occasion--

Like my dad showing
off a new recipe--

We call that meal
a feast.

Got it?

Becky, I need your help

A very important mystery.

Milk has been

All across the city,
and I want to find out why.

Hmm. Interesting.
Count me in.

To the grocery store!

Be home in time
for dinner, mom.

Don't be late.
Your father needs
all of us to try

The spicy surprise
right when it's ready.

That's right. The secret
to great cooking is the same

As the secret
to great comedy.

What's that, hon?


You coming, bob?

Mr. Botsford: I waited
for a while and then
said, "timing!"

Man: don't worry,

This last batch
of milk is safe.

Nobody's gonna steal
it from right
under our noses

Because they know
there would be

Serious consequences
of a legal nature.

Dr. Two-brains: ha ha ha!

Go, go, go.

Oh, ok. They got away.

Scoops, did you hear
that high-pitched laugh?

Some might
say, "mousey."

Both: dr. Two-brains!

But why would
dr. Two-brains
want milk?

Doesn't he usually
steal cheese?

Yes, but milk is
the main ingredient
in cheese.


I wonder if dr. Two-brains
is planning

Some sort
of criminal feast.

We should go
check out his lair.

How do you know where
dr. Two-brains' lair is?

Um, I read it
in a book.

Ha! Looks like that
book you read was
fictional, becky.

This is just
an empty warehouse.

No sign of
dr. Two-brains

Hmm. What is that?

A milk trail,
leading outside!

Where could
two-brains be hiding?

And what sort of crime
is he trying to pull off?

Narrator: meanwhile...

Ha ha ha! Thanks to
the new hideout,

Word girl can't find us

And will never stop us
from turning

The entire city
into cheese!

Hey, boss, explain
to me why we need

All this milk again.

Milk, it's the main
ingredient in cheese.

You didn't know
that, did you?

Oh, brother.
Let's review.

Now the cheese ray works
fine turning small things

Into cheese,
but if we want to turn

The entire city
into cheese all at once,

We'll need two ingredients--
milk and power!

Now we've already stolen
all the milk in the city,

But where are we going
to get lots and lots
of power, I ask myself?


This special helmet is
for my soon-to-be best friend

And partner in crime...

The energy monster!


Boss, that energy monster
is dangerous!

Dangerous, yes,
but also full
of power!

We pop this
helmet on that
energy monster,

We plug it
into the cheese ray,

And, boys,
we are looking

At the greatest

In the history
of the world!




Angry, angry, ooh!
So ang--wait.

Is that--is that me?

Ohh! It is!

It's really, really,
really, really me!

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

I can talk,
and everybody can
understand me!

Ooh! Thank you,
dr. Two-brains!

Thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you...

Looks like the helmet
has an unexpected
side effect.

You're welcome,
energy monster!

my name is maria.

Oh, hello. Maria?

There was girl once
in a movie named maria.

She was the prettiest
one in the whole movie.

I fell asleep, though,
part way through.

I think maria
likes talking.

What's your
favorite name?

I like "maria".

And here's another
drop of milk.

Wow this detective
work is slow going.

It's almost : .

Dinner's at : !

Aw, sorry, scoops.
Got to go!

[Car starts]

Am I too late?!

Did I miss the feast?!


There, there, tim.
Breathe, breathe.

Mom, dad,
I can explain.

Scoops and I were
a plot by--

Now, becky,
you have greatly

Your father.

I worked so hard
on this.

Oh, dad, I'm sorry
I missed your
spicy surprise.

Hey! How about
I try some now?

It looks so...

Spicy surprise is only
tasty when it's fresh
out of the oven.

Becky, it's all
in the timing!

The timing!

Well, can you make
it again tomorrow?

I really want
to try it.

Well, I guess I could
spend all day whipping up
a whole new batch.

Great! Tomorrow
it is then,

And I absolutely,
positively won't be
late again.


If you break your promise
this time, becky,

There will be serious

You'll be--well,
you'll be mega-grounded

Is what you'll be.


Is that worse than
regular grounded?

You don't
want to know.

Tj: mega-grounded,

You don't know
what that means?

That is correct.

I don't know what
mega-grounded means

Since I don't often get
myself into mega-trouble.

You, on the other hand,
get in trouble all the time,

So I assume you know
the consequences.


Something that
happens because

Of something you did.

If I miss tomorrow's dinner,
the consequences

Will be that
I'm mega-grounded.

So what does
mega-grounded mean?

Let's just say
I'm glad I'm not
you right now.

♪ Con-se-quen-ces ♪

Knock it off, tj,
or you'll have some

of your own.

Ok, ok, I'll stop.

Uh, consequences.


Narrator: that night...

I sure do love being
able to talk
and talk and talk!

Want to hear me count
out loud to a million?

Here we go!
, , , , , ,

, , , ,
, , , --

Oh! I missed one!
I got to start again!

, , , , , ...

Narrator: the next night
at the botsfords'...

Becky, dinner isn't
for minutes!

I know, I know,
but I want to be sure
I don't miss a moment

Of the feast.

Bring on
the spicy surprise!

That's nice
of you, becky.

I'm sure your father
will appreciate

Your being here
this time.

Becky! I've got big news!

That's great,
scoops, but do you

Think it could
wait until after--

The milk trail dried
up last night,

But I borrowed violet's cat,

And priscilla,
being a cat,

Was able to follow
that milk trail

To where two-brains
is hiding out!

Did you see him?

No, but I heard
voices inside.

One voice said,
"I'm going to turn the
entire city into cheese

At dinnertime tonight!"

And then another voice
I didn't recognize

Was just counting
and counting.

Wait! Two-brains
is going to turn

The entire city
into cheese right now?

He's going to try,
but I bet word girl

Will show up and stop him
just in time.

Let's go watch!


Let's hurry, scoops.

Come on, bob.


Uh-oh. Time's up!

Bob and I have to
go back to dinner. Uh, bye!

But, becky, wait!
We're on a mission!

I'll take it from here.

You go get the police.

Oh, ok!
Right away,
word girl!

Wow! Becky's going
to be mad that
she missed you!

Hold it right there,
milk thieves!

Gah! Word girl?!

I see you've captured
the energy monster.

Oh, I'm not captured.
I want to be here!

Isn't this the funnest?!

"Funnest" is a funny
word, isn't it?

You know what
else is funny--

Whoa. The energy
monster can talk?!

And...she's a...girl?

My name is maria,
and I looooove wearing

This voice helmet
that dr. Two-brains made me

Because now I can wonder
about things out loud

Like what's the best
color in the world
and have...

She go on and on
like that a lot?

All night!
No stopping!

But then I remember
it's just a picture
of a kitty

And not a real kitty.

Oh, I get it. You're using
the energy monster to power

Your cheese ray
and the milk to magnify

The effect, right?

Ooh. Nice detective
work, word girl,

But you're too late!

This baby is
fully functional!

Hoo ha ha ha!

Oh, no, you don't!


Nooooo! No!

No fair!
I love my talking helmet.

It's mine! Hey, I know.
Let's talk about this

For a long, long, long,
long, long, long time!

No can do.

I actually have somewhere
I need to be right away.

Scoops: way to go,
word girl!

You got them!

Here they are, officers.
Lock them up, thank you.

Got to go in a hurry, bye!

Did we miss the feast?


Let it out, tim.
Let it out.

Twice in a row!

Two nights in a row.

So now you're in mega,

And there are going
to be...

♪ Con-se-quen-ces ♪

Mom, dad,
I can explain.

Scoops and I were helping
word girl fight
dr. Two-brains, and--

Becky, it's no use
making up more stories.

You broke your promise,

And you knew
the consequences.

We have no choice
but to make you...





Narrator: becky missed
the family feast,

And now she's mega-grounded!

What exactly
are the consequences?!

You'll have to come back
for part two to find out,

And if that weren't
enough of a cliffhanger...

Maria the energy monster
is determined to find
her voice helmet.

Stay tuned for
the captivating conclusion

In the next exciting
episode of "word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may!

Today's featured word
is flicker.

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl" that show
the meaning of the word.

Emily, take it away!

Flicker means
to shine
with a light

That's always

That's right!

Nice work, emily!

You are today's--

One time, I was home,
and the lights started
to flicker.

I was sure it was
because there was
a ghost in the house.

A ghost?
There was?

Well, then the lights
went completely off.

I couldn't
see anything.

It was really scary.

And then I heard
a sound.

What was it?
It was my cat.

He'd been standing
on a cord,

Which is why
the lights flickered,
then went out.

So there wasn't
a ghost?


And what was
the point of the story?

I didn't have one.

Ok. Well,
congratulations, emily!

You are today's winner!

Huggy, show her
what she's won!

An official
"word girl" hoverboard!

Audience: ooh!

Ok, that's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
vanish and rely.

And now we begin part two
of our incredibly exciting

Blockbuster two-part story!

Now, as you may recall,
in part one--

Mrs. Botsford
in a minute,
mister narrator.


Becky, I can't believe
you would miss

Your father's special
family dinner

Not once, but twice.

Mom, I swear,

I missed those dinners
because scoops and I

Had to stop two-brains
and the energy monster

From turning
the whole city into cheese.

Uh, sorry, becky,
but we all know

That word girl
is the only one

Amazing and super powerful
enough to do all that.

Oh, yeah. Word girl.

Isn't she great?

Oh, becky.

First you miss
two family dinners,

And now you're
putting down
word girl?

Becky, you
deserve to be

Will someone just
please tell me what
mega-grounded means?!

Becky, you are

For the next month.

A whole month?!

That's what
is, becky.

No tv,
no computer games,

No play dates,
no staying up
past : .

Does mega-grounding
also mean I have to hear

The punishment from him?

Um, yes, I'm
afraid you do.

No roller skating,
no rollerblading,

No bicycling,
no unicycling--

Um, I don't
own a unicycle.

Well, don't
buy one because you
are mega-grounded!

Ha ha!

Mom, dad?!

I'm sorry, but we said
there'd be

for missing dinner,

And you can rely on
us to keep our word.

By the way, you might
want to take a look
in your room.

[Harmonica playing]

What? Wha--all my things.

My pretty princess toys.

They've vanished!

Yes. I know.

You took all my toys?


But i, i--

I'm sorry, but
the punishment
is final.

Actually, there is one
last thing I can do

To prove my innocence.

I'm going to rely
on an old botsford tradition--

The family trial.

There's no such thing
as a family trial.

Actually, tj,
if you studied
our family history,

You'd know that
a botsford can rely

On the family trial
to settle
any dispute.

So becky can use
the family trial

To wiggle out
of her punishment?

We shall see
about that.

Narrator: meanwhile,
dr. Two-brains is trying to

Get out of his punishment.

Oh, come on!
Do you really have
to handcuff us?

I'm sorry, two-brains.

Oh, dr. Two-brains,
you don't know

Where the energy monster
went, do you?

It seems like
it vanished.

Ooh! Set me free,
and I'll help you
look for it!

Oh, oh!
Nice try.

That was good.

Huh. Where did that
energy monster go?

Has to be
around here somewhere.

I better call
for some backup.

Uh, this is officer--hey!

What's with my

It's acting all weird.

I now call
this court to order.

Becky, I promise,
even though I'm your mother,

You can rely on me to be
a fair and honest judge.

You're already
doing a wonderful
job, honey.

Thank you, sweetie-pie.

You're right.

From now on, please
call me judge botsford.

You got it, honey.

We'll begin
with the prosecution.

That means we'll start
by hearing mr. Botsford's

Side of the story.

I'm going to
let my lawyer
handle that. Tj?

Thank you.

Ladies and gentlemen
of the court,

Judge mom, monkey,

I know I'm just
a -year-old boy

And that there's a lot
I don't know

About this crazy world.

I don't know much
about the law or trials

Or even how to do
long division,

But there is one thing
I know in my heart--

When a father works
all day over a hot, spicy stove

To cook his family
a special feast,

Shouldn't his whole family
be there to enjoy that feast?

Becky: err.


Judge, I present
to you my client's
spicy surprise.

This is the meal
which the defendant,

Miss becky botsford,
in her selfishness,

Didn't even deign to eat.

You see, when
my client dad

Served up
this spicy surprise,

Miss becky botsford served up
a little surprise of her own.

She didn't show up
for dinner.

It was as if she
had disappeared,


Well, you know
what's also vanished?

A father's trust
in his only daughter.

I thought I could
rely on you, becky!

Order! Order!

Sorry, sorry.

Ladies and gentlemen,
my client's tears speak

More elequ--say more
than I ever could.

The prosecution
rests its case.

And its feet. Ahh.



I'm sorry.
That was beautiful.

No! Please, please.

Keep it up, I love it.

Bob, what am I gonna--

Not you, too.

Narrator: and so while
becky tries to get herself
out of trouble,

Two-brains is trying
to figure out how to get
himself out of jail.

You are not going
anywhere, two-brains

Because I'm keeping
my eye on you,

And there's no way
that you can vanish
from my sight.

Oh. Well, that's
fine with me.

Yeah, just keep your
eyes right here

And don't look
anywhere else.

Two-brains, that's
the oldest trick in the book.

Well, I'm not
falling for it.

I am going to concentrate
entirely on you.

Hey. Peanut butter

Ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Thank you,
peanut butter crackers!

I knew I could rely
on you, energy mon--

Sorry. Maria.

Now come on.
Let's vanish!


back at the family trial,

Becky is presenting
her side of the story.

She's already called
her first witness.

Mr. Ming--


There's nothing
to object yet.

Where have you been
these last two nights?

Um, becky, don't
you remember?

You were with me.

It's a trial, scoops.

I ask questions,
you answer them

So everyone can hear.

Oh, I gotcha.

So where have you been
these last two nights,
mr. Ming?

Well, becky
and everybody
so you can hear me,

I spent the last
two nights investigating

A serious crime,
and I was relying on
becky here to help me.

Right. And when you
rely on someone,

It means that you depend
on them to be there for you.

Scoops was relying on me
to help figure out

Who was behind a crime
that was threatening
the whole city.

Isn't that right,

Miss botsford!

Are we really supposed
to believe that ordinary
becky botsford

Is a crime-fighting hero
flies around saving cities?

Oh, please!

Well, I know it may
sound ridiculous,

But I have evidence.

I submit to the court
exhibit "a,"

A helmet that
I confiscated.

It was built by the evil
dr. Two-brains

And worn
by the energy monster.

Objection. How are
we supposed to know

That's not just some toy
you bought at a toy store?

Well, um, um...

Narrator: how about I
go to another scene
and then come back?



I don't know
what she said!

I was relying
on that helmet

To help me
understand her.

Well, I don't
know where
the helmet went.

It just vanished.

It can't vanish because
I put a homing device
inside it.

That way I can find it
wherever it goes.

The only problem is,
it'll only work

When it's attached
a power source.

I just hope whoever
has the helmet

Is foolish enough
to plug it in.

I've got an idea.

Let's plug it in!

What is it doing?

I don't know.

Tj: I know what it's doing.


Judge, I think
we've seen enough.

Becky, if that's all
the evidence you have,

Then I'm afraid
I have no choice
but to find you--

[Doorbell ringing]

Hello, neighbor.

You wouldn't happen
to have a mysterious
blinking helmet

Lying around
your house,
would you?

Um, let's say
that I did.

Why would you
need this helmet?

Um, so I can go

I've got an extra brain
to protect after all.

Sorry, two-brains,
it's not here.

Oh, poppycock
and hogwash.

Hand it over right now,
or you'll have to deal
with maria.


You know, I think we
do have the helmet.

Why don't you come
inside and get it?

Ooh. Don't mind
if I do.

Come on, boys.
Let's try
this again.

Wait, dr. Two-brains.

While you're here,
I thought you might
like to try this.

It's my father's
spicy surprise.

It might be a little cold,
but it's got spicy meat,
spicy spices, and--

Oh, yeah--spicy cheese.

Spicy cheese?!
Let me at it!

I'm starving!

Be my guest,
all of you.

Mmm. I've got to say--
this truly is
a surprise,

A spicy surprise.

Very spicy.

Can I please have
some water?

Oh, sorry.
We just ran out.

Ran out?!
Ran out?!

Out of my way!

Where's the water?!

I'll give you water.

Oh, thank you,
word gir--uh-oh.


Ha ha! Word girl,
you're in big, big,
mega, mega, mega-trouble now.

Know why? In fact,
I'm bigger and better
than every other

in the whole town.

I'm better than
the butcher,

Better than the whammer,
better than--

[Screaming gibberish]

I just couldn't listen
to her talk anymore.


That helmet?
Worst thing I ever invented.

Well, thanks,
but, you know,

I still have to take
you to jail.

I could use
the peace and quiet.

Come on.
Let's go.

I'm sorry I
doubted you, becky.

Obviously you were
telling the truth.

Dad, I'm sorry, too.

I still wish I
hadn't missed

Hey! Where's word girl go?
She was just here!

I guess you could
say she vanished,

And that's because
vanish means to
suddenly disappear.

Well, becky, do you know
what's also vanished?

Your punishment.

Narrator: and so the botsford
family trial comes to a close.

Now before I vanish, remember,

If you miss an episode
of "word girl,"

There will be consequences.

You'll miss all the fun!

That's why I'm sure
we can rely on you

To come back for another
thrilling adventure

Of "word girl."

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello, I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Emily, you correctly
defined the word flicker.

Ready to play
the bonus round?

Yes, I am,
mr. Handsome.


Take a look at these
pictures and tell me

Which one shows
the definition for flicker.

Ok. Give it
a shot, emily!

I'm pretty sure
it's number one.

The torches on
the wall appeared to
be really flickering.

That's what flames do.

They look like
they're getting
brighter and darker,

Brighter and darker,
brighter and darker--

Got it, got it, right.
Ok, emily.

That's right!

Which means you're
our bonus round winner.

Show her what
she's won, huggy.

An official "word girl"
non-hovering skateboard.


Well, that's our show.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

My favorite
word is cuddly.

I like that word because
I like to cuddle

My mom and my dogs.

My favorite word
is plethora because

It rolls of your tongue
and it doesn't sound
what it means.

I thought it meant it was
a type of leather,

But it actually means,
like, of many, like, a lot.

It's fun to say.

Plethora. Plethora.

♪ That's my favorite word ♪

Narrator: captain huggy face,

Show us what "grimace" means.

That's right!

Grimace is the kind
of face you make

When something hurts!

Congratulations, huggy!

[Dance music playing]


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And test your word power

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Wooooord up!