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06x13 - Who's Your Granny? / Win a Day with WordGirl

Posted: 07/27/23 16:25
by bunniefuu
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♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
interact and contraption.

Ah, it's another fair
day in the city--

It's not fair!

See this magazine?

They've been
doing stories

On all the supervillains
in town but me!

Not one mention.

Look at this.

Mr. Big made
a mind control device

That vacuums while he
takes over the city.

Big whoop-dee-doo!

What's so great
about that contraption?

Ehh! Page two.

Dr. Two-brains
invented a ray that
turns donuts

Into giant
cheese danishes.

This is ridiculous!

Where's the trickery,
the human interaction?

It's just not fair!

If people can't
see the value

In my homemade, lovingly
handcrafted crimes,

Then there's only one
thing for me to do!

Be happy just
to be yourself?

Change the way
I do business!

I'm going to pull off
a fancy crime

With all kinds
of contraptions
and gadgets!

Heh heh heh!

That'll show them!







Ha ha ha!

Narrator: meanwhile, across town
at becky's school...

Scoops: thanks for staying
after school

And helping me
with the yearbook, guys.

No problem, scoops!

It's fun remembering
all the great

We've had with our
classmates this year.


Oh, no, bob, you're thinking
of "infections".

Yeah, that
wouldn't be fun.

An interaction is
when you spend time

With another person,
like when you hang out

With your friends
or do something together.


Wow! Lots
of great pictures here.

Yeah. And guess who isn't
even in one picture.

Me? Really?
Not even one?

Yeah, it's weird.

It's like you were
always dashing off
or something

Just when they were
snapping the picture.

Anyway, that's sort of
why I invited you
to help me today.

I figured I could take
a photo of you working
on the yearbook

So I could then put
you in the yearbook.

Thanks, scoops!
That was really nice!

Let me just
grab my camera.

[Alarm ringing]

Oh, no, bob!
Someone's being robbed.


I know we should do
something about it,
bob, and we will!

But you heard scoops--
I'm not even one picture!

Just need to get
one little picture.

Ok, here we go.

Just a real
quick one, bob.


I--uh, I just remembered
I forgot something

In my locker.

I'll be right back.

Oops. Left the lens cap on.

Hold it right ther--er.

We are too late, huggy.

[Camera clicks]

Ha ha ha!

I stole the world's only
rocket propelled toothbrush!

Yeah, baby!

Yup. They got to
notice me now.

Man, it was so...

Uh, fun,

And then I had all
those fancy contraptions

And how about that...

Human interaction?

Narrator: what interaction?


Not a single soul
around to slow
me down...

Or talk to.

Narrator: boy.
Sounds like a lot of fun.

Wait a minute!
I got it!

I got to
go bigger!

Ha! I just need to
commit bigger crimes!

And more!
More and bigger crimes!

Ha ha! Of course!

Narrator: oh, boy.

Heh heh heh.

[No dialogue]


Narrator: meanwhile...

Becky: hey, scoops.

So how'd my
picture come out?

Oh, yeah.
Funny thing. Ha ha!

I forgot to take
the lens cap off.


But don't worry.
Since you're back now,

I can just
take another one!


[Alarm ringing]

Again with the alarm?!

What are the chances?


So we'll go right
after this photo.


Ok, all set.
Say cheese!


Cheese! This is taking
longer than normal.


Really surprised
at how this
is going on.

Cheese! Ok,
something's wrong.

What happened?

Oh this crazy

It's been acting up.

Did it take the photo?


But I'll borrow
another camera,

And if you come
to the gym later,

I'll take
your picture

Right after
I do the lint
collectors club.

Ok, fine. Anything to be
in the year book.

[Alarm ringing]

I can't believe it.
We're late.



Hey. What's that?

Narrator: what's what?

This. It's
a little piece of yarn.

Could that mean...


Granny may!?


You're right.
This doesn't seem like

A granny may crime
at all.

I wonder
what she's up to.

Let's go find her!


Yeah. I just thought
we'd, you know,

Take the route that goes
past the school

And the gym,
get that picture taken.

Oh, forget it.
You're right.

Anybody home?

Granny may?

Oh, please
don't be hiding.

Ok. I've checked
the attic, the guest room,

The sewing room,
the crocheting room,

And the quilting room.

I really think
she's not here.

Can we go now?

I think there's still
time to catch scoops
at the gym.

Ta-da! Bigger and bigger!

Narrator: bravo.

What was this
all about again?

Ah, who am I kidding.

It's not about
the magazine.

It's about having
fun doing it my way,

And my way may not be
big and fancy,

But it sure is fun!

So you're going back
to your old ways?

What can I say?

I'm a people person,
darn it!

In fact, I love
interacting with people

So much I think
I'll go rob

Some sucker right now!


Man: I'm sorry, ma'am,
but this coupon expired

Two days ago.

Oh, really?

Well, you seem like such
a nice, handsome young man.

Couldn't you let me
slide by just this once?

Ok, but only because
you're such a sweet,
little, old lady.

That's my wallet!


My wallet!

Wait. Is this
the police station?


My wallet!

The one with money in it!

Wait. Is this
the police station?


Perfect. Just hold it
like that and--


Granny may
stole my wallet!

She's at the grocery store!

Wait a second.

Is this
the police station?


Oh, man.

Wait, becky.
You're moving.

Believe me, scoops,
I really, really
don't want to, but...

This is your last chance.

My mom's picking me up
in a few minutes,

And then--well,
a deadline is a deadline.

I know,
but I got to go.

Ok. Nothing to do
about that. Sorry.

Hold it right there,
granny may!

Word girl?!

Let's go, granny may.

Me? Why, I'm just
a little old lady

Trying to save
a few pennies

At the grocery store.

I haven't done anything.

Now if you'll excuse me,
I have some groceries

To legally purchase.

Yeah, with his money.

Go get her, huggy!

Rats! Ooh!

Word girl: huggy!
Grab that contraption!


No, huggy,
the contraption.

A contraption is
a gadget or a gizmo,

Like a machine.

In this case,
that label maker

Is the contraption.

Get her, huggy!

So what do you have to
say for yourself now,
granny may?

That was fun!

That's the kind of
interaction I've been
waiting for!

Well, I hope you
like interacting

With other criminals
in prison

Because that's exactly
where you're headed.

Great job, word girl!

Do you mind if I take
some photos of you

For the school
year book?

Me? Oh!

Yeah. It'll almost be
like you're actually
in our class.

Finally! I mean,
yeah--heh heh.

Me in your class!

Wouldn't that
just be weird?

So a big group shot first?


Narrator: and so ends
another thrilling episode.

Be sure to tune in next time,
you know, on your tv,

Your computer, or whatever
contraption you choose

Because we'll have
even more exciting

Crime fighting interaction

Right here on...

"Word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello, I'm beau handsome
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may!

Today's featured
word is console.

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From word girl that show
the meaning of the word.

Yes, emily?

Console means
to watch tv
while crying,

Like becky's
dad was doing
in that last clip.

I'm sorry.
That's incorrect.

Console means to comfort
someone or help them

Feel better
when they're upset.

That's right.
Congratulations, phil!

You are today's winner!

Huggy, show him
what he's--

Oh! My microphone!

Oh, it's filthy!

Aw. That's so cute.

Huggy's consoling
mr. Handsome.

Thanks, pal.

Well, phil, you
are today's winner.

Huggy, show him
what he's won.

Come on. Please be
a microphone cleaning kit!

Oh. It's an official
"word girl" rocket-powered


Well, that's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

today's featured words are

Squabble and encounter.

It's another
perfect saturday morning!

I don't want
to squabble,

But you might want
to rethink that

Whole "perfect
saturday" line.


on a saturday.

This day isn't
perfect at all.

Not if you're spending your
morning ankle deep in mulch,

But if you're one
of the kids just finding out

About the newspaper's
big writing contest...

This is...


All: perfect!

Ahem. Reading aloud.

"The big city times is
pleased to announce

Its first annual
big city writing contest"?!

Oh! What are the details?

"Are you between
the ages of and ?"

Yes, I am.

"Send us an original
story, poem, or essay

"About word girl.

"The winning entry will"--ohh--

"Win a day with word girl"!

This newspaper contest
is the chance I've been
waiting for--

Win a date with word girl!

Narrator: heh. Hey.
Don't you mean win
a day with word girl?

Of course. Day.
That's what I said.


I'm a great writer!

This contest
is in the bag.

Let's see. Ahem.

"It was the best of times,
it was the worst of"--no!

That's not good either!

Now what shall
I write about?

The story
of good versus evil?

The story of word girl
and theodore maccallister ii!

Word up!

Wait. I know what
the problem is.

I'm a reporter.

A reporter needs
to interview people first

And find out
what the story is!

All I have to do
is hit the streets,

And then I'll find
my winning story!

The story
of two sworn enemies

And their secret admiration
for each other.

Wait. This is no good.

All my battles
with word girl are old news.

In order to win,
I need a brand-new crime

To write about!

I must get
to work right away!

It's going to be
a very busy day.


Uh, could you dig
a little more
quietly, becky?

I need total silence
while I think

Of the perfect
word girl story.

Uh, I must win
this contest,

And you're
distracting me.

Why don't you take
your work inside, tj?

I can't.
Mother told me
to stay here

Until I'm done
writing my essay.

Ahh. Ugh!

I just keep getting
so distracted.

Why do I live in
such a distracting
world when I

Need to create?!

Oh, please!

That's what you say.

Every time
you pick one
of those dandelions,

It's like--

I don't want
to squabble.

You don't want
to squabble?

I thought you
didn't want
to mulch.

I don't, but that's
not the point.

I don't want to
squabble with you,

Which means to
bicker noisily

Over something
that isn't too important.

Let's get back to work.

[Animal chittering]

Oh! Nibble,
nibble, nibble!
Chitter, chitter!

I can't work
like this!

Aww! He's a friendly
little guy.

Well, he's not
friendly to my
creative process,

And I can't get
anything done
with all this noise.

I'm gonna walk down
to the library

And see if I can
still get a look

At the giant robot
they were talking
about on the news!

Maybe seeing word girl
in person will give me

The inspiration
I crave.

Giant ro-wha-huh?



Everything is proceeding
according to plan!

While I'm waiting
for word girl to arrive,

I can take notes
for my winning story.

Army of giant robots.

Handsome villain.


Devilishly handsome

Call off your
robots, tobey!

Word girl!
What a surprise!

Hmm. Why are you acting
like my coming here is

An unexpected encounter?

Why, whatever
do you mean?

Well, encounter
means to meet up
with something

Or someone, usually
something or someone

That you didn't expect,

But you knew that
I was going to show up.

I always do.

And would you say
it's kind of "our thing"?

All right. There's
definitely something
weird going on.

Spill it, maccallister!

Well, there is this
newspaper contest...


I--i thought we could
get ice cream sundaes
together, you know,

When I win the contest

Or go for a bike
ride around town,

Or maybe you'd
prefer bowling?

We'll have the whole
day together, won't we?

We could do all !

You thought this was
a good way to win
the contest?!

Tobey, I'm--i'm--

Flattered. Yes.


Ooh! Hoo hoo hoo!

These robots
are long overdue

For the scrap heap!

Overdue! Get it?!
Heh heh!




Word girl,
you saved me!

Phew. That was
too close.

Hey, while I
have you here,

Do you have time to
answer a few questions

For this article
I'm writing,

You know,
for the big contest?


It'll just take
a minute.

Maybe an hour.

Enough about him.
Can we get back
to my story now?

Huggy, those robots
are trying to eat

The entire
cookbook section.

Let's go!


Hey! Hold it!

I can't just stand here.

I'm the president
of the international
word girl fan club.

I've got to help!
I've got to!

I beg your pardon,
but no, you do
not "got to."

You see, I must
defeat word girl,

So I will have
the best story

For the newspaper's
writing contest.

Oh, yeah? Well--

[Crashing and whirring]


So sorry. I can't hear
a word you're saying
with all this racket.

Let me just press pause.

I said, "no way are you
winning that con"--

[Normal voice]
sorry. I said, "no way are
you winning that contest

Because I'm
going to win it."

Um, word girl, do you
have time for that
interview now?

I'd really like to
win the contest.

Tj: you're not
gonna win. I am!

I'm pretty
sure that I am.

Tobey: noooo, I am.

This has got to
be the silliest

I've ever

Narrator: ooh. I love
when she uses both words

In the same sentence.

Hey, thanks
for noticing.

I'll tell you,
this is the last time

I agree to one
of these contests.

I just don't need
the publicity anymore,

You know what
I'm saying?

Now where did
we leave off?

There was some
squabbling going on.

Oh, right.

Guys, the contest
was supposed to be

About writing,
not winning.

I'd be happy to spend
a day with all of you.

I mean, all of you who
are not totally evil.

Hey, evil villains
deserve to win contests
too, you know!

You know what,

Villainous crimes
against the library

You from entering
the contest.

What? What?

"All kids ages to are
permitted to enter

The writing contest."

Rules, rules,
details, dah, dah. Ah. Oh!

"During the course
of the contest,

"If any kid ruins...
Public property,

"They will be disqualified
and will not be eligible

To win a date
with word girl."

Blasted rules!

Well, fine, then!

Date or no date,
word girl,

I'm still going to
defeat you!

Word girl and narrator:
it's not a date!

I'll save you,
word girl!

Word up!

Hold on.
It's gonna happen!


Narrator: but what's this?

Looks like some
of the robots

Are starting to squabble.

Quick, while they're

By the squabble,
plan number !

Good work,
captain huggy face.

It was all
his fault!

I was trying
to save you!

I didn't have
anything to do with...

I'm a journalist.

How'd I do
with the saving?

Ahem. Well, boys,
I think we all learned

A valuable lesson
here today, didn't we?

If you spin
robots around,

They get dizzy
just like people.

A definite flaw
in my design, I agree.

Must fix that.

Uh, I was thinking more like
don't waste time

Squabbling over silly,
unimportant things.

Now why don't you all
try making something up
for the contest?

Writing about an experience
is fine,

But using your imagination
can be equally amazing.

And also,
robot crimes are not ok!

Oh. Ha ha!
Hello, mother.

You see, I was just
entering a contest.

Ow, ow, ow, ow!

Word girl, maybe we
can still get sushi

Ow! Mom! Ow!

So, uh, word girl--
word girl?

Where'd she go?!

I can't believe
violet got first place
with a poem!

After everything
we went through,

She wins with a poem.
A poem!

Are you kidding me?
A poem.

Let's see here.
"A poem about
chocolate chunk

"Chewy-gooey cookies

In the shape
of word girl"

By violet heaslip.

"O, greatest superhero
cookie, chewy-gooeys!

"I want another.

Do you-ey too-ey?"

Hmm. I don't know,
but I think my mom's

Triple chocolate
chunk cookies are
the best cookies ever.

No! My dad's
whoopie pies are the best.


Whoopie pies.

Dad! This guy is putting
down your whoopie pies!

Narrator: come on, boys.
Let's not squabble,

Especially when my mom's lemon
squares are the best!

Heh heh. It's time to invite
the audience back

For another exciting encounter
with word girl!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Phil, you correctly
defined the word console.

Ready to play
the bonus round?


Great! Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition
for console.

Ok. What do
you think, phil?!

Is it number ?

In that picture,
it looks like word girl

Is consoling tj.

You got it!

Which means you're
our bonus round winner.

Huggy, show him
what he's won.

An official "word girl"
microphone-cleaning kit!

Phil, you are
the luckiest kid

On the face
of the earth.

Uh, ok.

Well, I'd be more
than happy to take it

Off your hands.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"


Ow! Ugh! Ouch!

Narrator: need a break
from fighting crime?


Ok. So shall we
begin the tour?

Take some time to unwind

In a super secret
spaceship hideout.

"Thanks, word girl.
You're the greatest
superhero ever!"

All right then.

Watch "word girl"
on pbs kids go!

Word up!

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

My favorite word is crazy
because I like to act

Crazy around the house
to my mom and dad.

My favorite word
is despicable.

I like to use
it all the time,

Especially when
school isn't canceled

And there's snow outside.

I'd say that's
pretty despicable.

I like dancing because
I dance at home with my mom

And in school.

♪ That's my favorite word ♪

Narrator: captain huggy face,

Show us what "squeamish" means.

That's right!

Squeamish means
to be easily disgusted

Or shocked by something.

Congratulations, huggy!

[Dance music playing]


Want more "word girl"?

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And test your word power

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Wooooord up!