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06x12 - Best Fan Club Meeting Ever / Day at the Museum

Posted: 07/27/23 16:24
by bunniefuu
Pbs kids opens
worlds of possibilities

For all children

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and viewers like you.

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
divulge and eavesdrop.

Everyone in the city
loves word girl,

But they don't know that
much about her.

They know that she has
extraordinary superpowers,

That she's
from the planet lexicon,

And that her sidekick is
a crime-fighting monkey,

But everything
else is a secret.

Oh, no, it isn't.

Uh, I beg your pardon?

I know something
about word girl

That nobody
else knows.

Nobody else knows.

Ok. What's the secret?

I can't tell you.

Yeah, he can't
tell you.

But I'm the narrator.

I'm supposed to know
everything about word girl.

Sorry, I'm not
telling anybody,

Not even johnson.

Not even johnson.

Wait a minute.

You're not gonna
tell me?

I thought I was your
super number-one
best fan--buddy!

I'll tell you
at the top-secret

International word girl
fan club meeting.

Oh! At the top-secret
international word girl
fan club meet--

Wait! There's a top-secret
international word girl
fan club meeting?!

Shh! Will you
keep it down?

Someone might eavesdrop
on our conversation.

Right. Keep it down.

Hee hee hee!

Narrator: later that day,
at the botsford home,

Becky botsford is about to
find out a secret of her own.

Announcer: we interrupt
the "pretty princess
and magic pony power hour"

For this very
important message

From pretty princess
and penelope pony...

Very important message?!

But please note,
you'll only be able

To understand this
very important message

If you've got your
"pretty princess
and magic pony power hour"

Decoder ring.

Decoder ring?

There's a decoder ring
inside every box

Of pretty princess puffs
brand breakfast cereal.

Bob, I need that box!

I've got it!
I've got it!

Good! Then stay tuned
because I will divulge
the important message

Right after this
equally important
commercial break.

♪ Pretty princess
puffs cereal, yeah ♪

Ugh! Commercials.
I can't stand

T.j.: Ok, ok, settle down,
word girl fans, please.

I now call this meeting
of the international
word girl fan club to order.

Before we begin,
let's take attendance.



Oh, uh, oh! Present!

Ok, everybody's here.
Now it's time for me to

Reveal the big
word girl secret.

That i, and only i,
know about!


Johnson? Rules?

Oh! Permission
to speak?

The speaker recognizes
the honorable mister johnson.

Thank you,
mister president.

Um, t.j., I think
I just saw something
weird outside.

Something weird outside?

That tree, man.

I saw
the branches move.

Huh? Oh, it's probably
just the wind.


Just the wind!

Yeah, you're right.

Yes, it's just the wind!

It's definitely not
a robot disguised as a tree!

Ha ha ha!
I'm so clever.

Thanks to
my brilliant invention,

I can eavesdrop
on your meeting,

And you'll have no idea
that I'm listening in.

All I have to do is sit tight
and wait for you to divulge

The big secret about word girl!

Oh, I can't wait to
find out what it is!

Could it be her
secret identity?

Or maybe she has a crush
on a certain boy genius?

Hee hee hee!

Narrator: if you want to
know, why don't you just ask

Word girl yourself?

Will you stop
eavesdropping on me?

Oh, so it's ok
for you to listen in on t.j.,

But it's not ok
for me to listen in on you?


T.j.: Ok! Who's ready
to hear the big
word girl secret?

Johnson: big
word girl secret!

Am I ever!

Ok. Two weeks ago, I wrote
a letter to word girl--

Oh! Ooh! Ooh!

Yes, johnson?

Oh! Me!

Did you use your
official word girl
souvenir pen?

Yes, of course.
I wouldn't use
anything else!

Word up!

Anyway, so I
wrote the letter--

Word up!

Yeah, awesome.

Ok, back to my story--

Back to your story.

Once I had my pen,
I got out--

No, johnson!

No more of your
ridiculous questions!

Ooh! Ooh!

Yes, johnson?


ok, "pretty princess" fans.

I'm about to divulge
the secret code.


Bob, not now.

They're going to
divulge the code.

That means they're
going to tell us
secret information

That none of us
knew before,

And since I don't
know what the secret
information is,

I really want to
hear them divulge it,

But I can't if you
keep distracting me.

here's how it works.

I'll read
a series of numbers.

You use your decoder ring
to match the numbers

With the correct letter
of the alphabet.

Then you'll spell out
the important message

From pretty princess
and penelope pony!

Get your rings ready!


Here's the code.
- - - ...

T.j.: And so once I put
the letter in the envelope...

Ooh, ooh!


Stop answering his
foolish questions!

Tobey on p.a.: Just divulge
the secret already!

did you hear that?

Uh, permission
to speak.

Permission granted,

Did I hear what?

I just had to put
the loudspeaker button
there, didn't i?

Someone's eavesdropping
on our meeting.

We're out of here!

Meeting adjourned!

Meeting adjourned!

Tobey: stay right
where you are!


I spent all afternoon
building this robot
tree disguise

So I could just
eavesdrop on your meeting

And find out your secret.

Well, too bad.

This secret is
only for members

Of the international
word girl fan club!


Yeah. And since
you're not a member,

I'm not telling
you what it is.

Me neither!

Johnson, you don't even
know what the secret is.

Oh, right.

How about this?
I'll join your fan club.

Tobey, how can
you be a fan
of word girl

When you don't
even like her?

Yeah. You don't
even like her.

I like her.

Narrator: awwww.

As an opponent.

She's my greatest enemy.

That's why I must
learn everything
I can about her.

Now are you going to
divulge this secret?


Fine then.


Tell me the secret,
or I destroy your
little clubhouse.

T.j., What do we do now?


Ahh! Shh, shh, shh.

- - - - - - - - ...

So, t.j., What's
it gonna be?


Um, t.j. Permission
to speak?

Johnson, I think it's
pretty clear that
the meeting is over.

Well, you have to make
a motion to make

The meeting close
without the secretary.

If you're gonna
follow parliamentary--

Get to the point,

Just tell him
the secret!

But the secret
is supposed to be

For fan club
members only.

But if you don't tell him
the secret, there isn't
gonna be a fan club.

Uh--i guess you
beat me, tobey.

The secret is...



I beg your pardon?

Peas. Word girl's
favorite food
is peas.

I wrote
her a letter,

I asked her what her
favorite food was,

She answered peas.

You have got to
be kidding me.

I know. I thought
she'd say pizza.

No! I mean--i mean,
how is that a secret?

Well, in her letter,
word girl said she's
never told anybody

Her favorite
food before,

So it's a secret.

I can't believe you
wasted my time

With this nonsense!

Just for that,
I'm definitely going to

Destroy your clubhouse.



Announcer: - - - .

That's it.
Now that I've divulged
all the numbers...


I've got it!
The secret message is--

"Be sure to buy more
pretty princess puffs

Brand breakfast cereal."

Ehh! Ehh!


♪ Pretty princess
puffs cereal, yeah ♪

Ugh! You've got to
be kidding me!

The secret message was
a commercial to sell
more cereal?!

♪ Yeahhhhh ♪

I know.
It's ridiculous.

I wasted all this time
when I could've been
doing something

That was
actually important,

Like saving t.j.
From a giant tree robot.

Whoa! Wait. What?

Tobey: say good-bye
to your precious clubhouse!

Ha ha ha!

precious clubhouse.

precious clumhow.

Hold it right there!

Word girl!
Word girl!

Blast! How is it that
you always show up

At exactly
the wrong time?

Um, my super-sensitive

See, I can eavesdrop
on conversations

That take place
miles away.

Isn't that right, huggy?


Oh, well, when
you eavesdrop,

It means you overhear
other people's

Like if you're inside
your house

And you hear people
talking outside

And they don't know that
you're listening to them.

I mean, that's
just an example.

It's not like I live
in that house right over there.

Anyway, enough about me.

Tobey, why are you
trying to destroy

Their clubhouse?

Because they said
they knew a big secret
about you,

And you know what
the "big secret" was?

That your favorite
food is peas.

T.j., That's
a big secret?

Well, it is to me.

Yeah. Was to me.

Ooh! Oh, oh! Oh!

Permission to
speak, johnson.

Word girl, do you
like green peas

Or black-eyed peas?

Tobey: silence!
Someone had better
tell me a real secret

About word girl
right this instant!

Tell you what--

If you promise not to
destroy the clubhouse,

I'll tell you a secret
that nobody knows.

Will it be important?


Does it involve me?


What is it?
What is it?

When I flew in...

I took all the bolts
and screws

Out of your robot.

[Metal creaking]

Aah! Ohh!

Aah, aah, hoo!


Theodore maccallister iii!


Look at the mess
you've made!

I'll clean it up!

Well, guys, I'm
sorry this ruined
your meeting.

Ruined it?
Are you kidding?

This was the best
international word girl
fan club meeting ever!

This was the best


Narrator: boy, if you
like word girl as much
as these guys do,

Then I'm going to divulge
some very exciting information--

There are more new episodes
on the way.

So if you're looking
for excitement,

Don't go around
eavesdropping on people!

Just tune in for the next
thrilling adventure of...

Word girl.

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may!

Today's featured word
is clutch.

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl" that show
the meaning of the word.

Yes? Emily!

Clutch means to grip
or hold tightly

Like word girl
was doing with
the trophy she won

In that last clip.

You got it!

And speaking
of winning trophies,

If you look, uh,
under your buzzers,

You'll find a ballot
where you can vote

For game show host
of the year!

Well, feel free
to fill those out

While we show emily
what she's won.

Huggy, take it away!

An official
"word girl" dune buggy!


[Horn honks]

Uh, I don't think
I'm old enough
to drive that.

Well, if you fill out
your ballot correctly,

Maybe huggy
will take you for a spin.


Anyway, that's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: today's featured words
are rumor and deadline.

It was a dark
and stormy day in the city...

I just love the museum
on a stormy day.

It's so spooky!


I have a dark side.

Yeah. So why did you
call us here, scoops?

the "big city" times

Called me
this morning,

And they finally
agreed to let me

Write a story
for them!

Hey! That's great!


This is my big shot!

I figured I'd find
some stories here
at the museum.

Now all I have
to do is write
the most important

And exciting
article ever

Before my p.m.
Deadline tonight!


Um, I'm not sure you're
going to find a story

That big at the museum.

On the contrary,
young lady.

The museum is
chockfull of big stories!


Man: why don't
you tell him

About the haunted treasure?!

The haunted treasure?!

Yes! Somewhere
in a secret hideaway

Under this very museum,

Lies the most
fantastic treasure ever

To be viewed
by human eyes!

But it's guarded

By the ghost
of the museum!!

Now that haunted
treasure story
is just a rumor!

No, it's not!

Is, too!

Hmm. Abrupt exit.

Uh, scoops,
what are you doing?

Looking for
the secret entrance!

[Bob squeaks]

Ha! Like that!



Oh, come on, bob.

If we can handle tobey
and dr. Two-brains,

We can certainly
handle one little ghost.



Narrator: a moment later,
on the dark, creepy,

Spider-web filled staircase...

Violet: ooh! Spiders!

Scoops: "brave young reporter
ventures into the dark depths

"Of the unknown
to expose hidden treasure...

And meet his deadline."

♪ Bum bum bah ♪

[Huggy squeaks]

Becky: I suppose
there could be
a haunted treasure.

We've seen stranger
things than that.


Narrator: meanwhile, upstairs
in the museum...

There is no
haunted treasure.

It's just a rumor.

No, it isn't!

Yes, it is!

No, it isn't!

Wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait.

Back it up.
Haunted treasure?

Yes, somewhere
in a secret hideaway

Under this
very museum lies...

The most fantastic
treasure ever to be
viewed by human eyes!

All right! Hey.
That sounds pretty good.

Yes, well, too bad
it's only a rumor.

Is not!
Is, too!

"Our brave reporter
surveys the scene.

What secrets do
these walls hold?"

Oh! Here's a secret!

"For you to find
the treasure treat,

Start your quest
and take a seat."

Oh, oh, oh!

This must be a clue!

How do you know?

Because it rhymes,

Haven't you ever
heard the saying,

"If on a wall
you find a rhyme,

It is a clue
every time"?

Hmm. No.

What do we do?

There's no door!

We can't go back!

I need this story!

Ha ha! Yes!


"Our brave reporter,
soldiers forward

In pursuit of treasure
and his deadline!"

Becky, what's
a deadline?

Oh, well, a deadline is
the time that something
has to be turned in.

In this case, scoops has
to finish writing his
article at :

So the newspaper
can print it

He has a : deadline.

Ohh. Aah!

Hmm. Not going
back that way.

"The danger mounts,
but does this

"Turn back
and go home?

No! Why?"

Because we can't?

Right! Tally ho!

Violet: oh, no!

Which way do
we go?

Guys! "If it's treasure
that you seek,

"You'll search all day
and night,

"But if you want
to find the loot,

Take the tunnel
on the left."

Great. Come on, guys!

No! Stop!

That clue
can't be a clue!

What? Why not?

Because, becky,
it doesn't rhyme!

Violet, I'm not sure
that really matters.


Or maybe it does.

[Bob laughs]


Someone painted the wall
to look like a tunnel!

Impressive perspective
and a photorealism.

Now what do we do?

Which tunnel
do we take?

We can't go back!
I need this story!

I need to hit
my deadline!

No, bob, I can't.

If I zoom ahead to check
out the other tunnels,

Scoops and violet
will get suspicious.

We're just going to have
to figure out the clue.


Narrator: ugh. Meanwhile,
all the way back

In the first room...

Hey. I'm going as
fast as I can, here.

Ok, so now what?

heh heh heh.

Oh, yeah. Echo!

Narrator: meanwhile, back
in the, uh, tunnel room?

"We were trapped!

"The tension
was unbearable,

"But did this brave
reporter crack?

Ha! No way!"

We have to get
out of here!

"If it's treasure
that you seek,

"You'll search
all day and night,

"So if you want
to find the loot,

Take the tunnel
on the left."

Hmm. Hmm.

I've got it!

Night rhymes with right,
so even though they wrote,

"The left," we go right!

Come on!

Wow! Just think,
a treasure

Beyond our
wildest dreams.

What do you
think it is?

I hope it's some
gold or something.

Right, well that's
kind of what I was--aah!

Who's there?
Is it a ghost?

No! It's the butcher!

The butcher!

So did you guys hear
the rooter

About the treasure too?

Uh, i--rooter?

You know, a rooter.

It's like when you
say something

And someone else
hears it and then--

Uh, I'm gonna
stop you there.

Yes, please
and thank you.

I think you mean
a rumor.

A rumor is a story that
someone heard

That may or may
not be true.

Like if violet told
everyone at school

That she doesn't think
bob brushes his teeth,

That would be a rumor.

But I would
never do that, bob.


Oh, ok.

So did you guys hear
the rumor about the treasure?


I mean, we didn't
hear anything

About a haunted

Ok, here's the deal.

You kids seem pretty good
at solving these riddles.

So, uh, you can lead
the way to the treasure.

How about that?


You said it.

Violet: hey, guys,
look at this!

Hey, hey!
All right!

"'Tis the final clue!"

Here we go!

"If a large treasure
is what you are a-hopin',

"Pull the garg-an-tu-an
lever to make
the door open."

[Gears clattering]

Uh, kids?

Uh, so, uh,
how'd you guys like
to help me solve

This riddle?

How do we know that
after we help you

You won't
double-cross us?

I would never
do that!

Becky: yes, you would.

Ok, I would.

But we're going to
help you anyway.

You are? Ok!

We are?

"The reporter's
friends make a deal
with the enemy!

Who can he trust?!"

Guys, what
choice do we have?

It's not like we can
get rid of him,

And the only way out
is forward.

So looks like
we're stuck.


The word gargantuan is
the key to this one.

Right, and since
gargantuan means big,

The clue is telling us--

To pull
the biggest lever!

I'm on it!

Oh, but first, one
little thing, guys.

Hamburger hurricane!


I told you you'd
double-cross us!

To me! Ha ha ha!

"Bombarded by hamburger,
our reporter looks done for!

How will he keep
his deadline now?"

Hey! Aah!

Uh, hey, guys, that offer
to split the treasure,

Is that still
on the table?

Ohh. It's...beautiful...

my wildest dreams!"

And it is haunted!


Uh, guys, the ghost
is wearing loafers.

Aah! A loafer ghost!

Yes! "Ghosts like
comfortable shoes!"

Uh, no. That means
the ghost is

The museum curator!


That's right!

You kids were
the first participants

In the museum's
fun new attraction,

The haunted treasure!

Painted tinfoil
and glass beads?

You mean, it is
only representative
of treasure?

Aw. Who cares?!
"Having survived

"Danger and an evil

"Our brave
reporter solves

"The mystery
of the rumored

And gets his story
in by the deadline."

"If he runs as fast
as humanly possible."

See you, guys!



It wasn't that scary.

Guard: oh!

Narrator: and so
our brave group of kids

Put some rumors to est,
hit some deadlines,

And learned that
treasures can be found

In the most unexpected places.

So join us again next time
for another thrilling episode

Of "word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Emily, you correctly
defined the word clutch.

Ready to play
the bonus round?

You bet!

Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one shows
the definition for clutch.

So what do you
think, emily?

I'm going to go
with number two.

Reginald is really
clutching that bag
of jewelry.

That's correct,

Which means you're
our bonus round winner!

Huggy, show her
what she's won.

An official
"word girl" giant sand dune!

A sand dune?!

Wow! Emily, you're really
going to have fun with that!

I am?

Ok. Well, that's our show.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

My favorite word is sequins.

Well, I really like
sequins because they shine,

Especially the silver sequins
because it goes

With a lot of clothes,
and my sequin boots

Are very comfortable
with the fur inside.

My name is anna.

My favorite word
is kumquat.

My teacher thinks it's funny,
and then she got it

Stuck in my head,
and then I started to like it.

Heh heh heh.

♪ That's my favorite word ♪

Narrator: captain huggy face,
show us what

"Perturbed" means.

That's right!

Perturbed means to be
upset and bothered.

Congratulations, huggy!

[Dance music playing]


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And test your word power

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Wooooord up!