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06x09 - Father's Day Dance-A-Thon / Big Is Botsford's Boss

Posted: 07/27/23 16:22
by bunniefuu
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♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
observe and determined.

Ah, father's day,

A day when fathers get
to relax and take it easy.

[Dance music playing]

Um, mr. Botsford,
it's father's day.

Don't you want to lie
in your hammock

While your family serves you
ice-cold beverages?

Nope. Can't.


Heh heh. Why?

Are you getting ready
to run a marathon
or something?

No, it's the day
of the big father-daughter

And here's
my dance partner now!

Becky, are you ready
to dance, dance, dance,

And then dance, dance,
dance, dance, dance, dance,

Dance, dance, dance, dance,
dance, dance some more?

Don't get me
wrong, dad.

I mean, I'm really
looking forward
to spending

Quality time
with you today,

But, you know,
I'm not really
the best dancer.

Oh, that's alright,
becky, because
in the dance-a-thon,

It's not about how well
you can dance

But how long you can
keep dancing,

And this year I am
determined to keep
on dancing

Until we take home
that trophy!

Um, how long is that
going to take exactly?

I have absolutely
no idea.

It's not over
until there's
only one team

Left dancing.

Oh, ho! Doesn't that
sound like fun?!

Heh heh. Heh.

I'll be showing off
a lifetime's worth

Of dance moves
like this one.


♪ Meep bop
meep bop bidoo ♪

♪ Boop bop
beep ba doo ♪

♪ I'm your dad,
ba bo boo dee beep ♪

♪ But I'm a robot,
bo ba doo ba doo ♪

♪ Which one am i?
Bo ba doo ba doo ♪

♪ I'm both ♪

Ha! See?

Uh, dad, don't
you think you
should be saving

Your energy?

♪ Bo boo dee
boop boop ♪

You're right.

Especially since
they're here.

Who are they?

The prancingtons,

The best father-daughter
dance team in the world.

I don't know
if we can beat them.

Yeah, you're
probably right.

I don't think
we can.

Want to...skip it?

Dubba dubba dubba.
No, becky.

We are not giving
up that easily.

I am determined to
win this competition.

You hear that,


And I am determined
to make sure

This here
dance-a-thon is
run by the book,

The "fairness
in dancing" book.

The warden?

Are you running
the dance?

Sure. See the book?

My job today is
to carefully
observe y'all

While you're dancing
and make sure
that everybody here

Follows the rules.

Hey, everybody!
Your attention please.

If any member of any
team stops dancing,

Even for a second,
that team will be eliminated.

You are out
of the marathon.

The last team dancing
will win this here trophy,

And I am determined
to win it.

The dance-a-thon starts...

Right now!

[Dance music playing]

Oh, oh!
Come on, becky.

Boogie like you've
never boogied before!

Hey, dad. How are
my dance moves?

Well, you're
definitely moving,

And that's
what's important.

Keep it up, becky!


Narrator: so while the botsfords
move their feet,

The butcher is
moving some meat.

Butcher: hey, pop!

Happy father's day!

Yeah. Look. I'm calling
to let you know

That I got a big plan
for today, ok?

No, I can't tell
you what it is.

It's a surprise.

No. Look. Just come down
to the park later today,

And you'll see
it for yourself.

No. I'll see
you later today.

Hanging up now.

[Dial tone]

Oh, boy!
This is gonna be

The biggest thing that's
ever happened to this city.

I'm about to leave
a big mark on the city park.

Ha ha ha!



Keep moving
those feet, becky.

Hmm. Hold it right there.

I just observed
a violation of the rules

And that means
your team has been
danced eliminated.

Oh! I've got to
stop the butcher,

But I can't leave
the dance floor.

If I do we'll lose
the dance-a-thon

And I'll let dad down
on father's day!

Hey, I know! Bob!

Bob, I'm sorry,
but this is important.


Bob, I have a feeling...

That the butcher...

Is up to no good...

At the city park.

I need you to
go stop him...

Because I can't leave
the dance...


Great. Observe
what he's doing...

And if he does
anything bad...

Stop him!

Dancing and solving
crime just don't go

Hand in hand, do theeey?

[People screaming]

Everybody scram.

Captain huggy face?

Oh, no. No, no, no.

I got a lot to do,

And you're not
getting in my way!


Ok. If you're
so determinated to
stick around...

Knockwurst knockout!



You're a handy
little monkey.

I could use a hand
with my big, big plan,

And why don't you
help me out,

And I can help
you out?


Ok. Let's see what
happens when I raise
the stakes.

Heh heh heh!


I'll let you eat
but only if help me

With my big plan.

So what do you say?


[Stomach growls]



Oh, yeah!

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

wait, captain huggy face.

I can't believe
what I'm observing.

Are you actually thinking
about joining up

With the butcher?

, , Cha cha cha.

, ,
Cha, cha, cha.

, , Cha.

Dad, you really
look like you could
use some rest.

Yes, but I am determined
to win this dance-a-thon,

And you know what
determined means.

Yes, I do, actually.

When you're determined,
you're so set on doing

Something that
you're not going
to let anything

Stop you from doing it.

That's right.

Even the fact that I
can't feel my legs.

They're still
moving, right?

Yeah, dad.

Narrator: um, becky, I think we
have a bit of a situation--

It seems captain huggy face
is joining forces

With the butcher.

Heh. Really?

Wait. Seriously?

Oh! Oh, boy.

This is gonna be big!

Oh. Oh, no.

I've got to
get over there.

Well, dance fans,
that means we have

Only two teams left--

The botsfords
and last year's

And the year before that
and the year before that

And the year before
that's champions,
the prancingtons!

This is the final round,
and we are gonna make
the music faster.

Hit it, ma!

[Faster music playing]

Narrator: becky...

I can't leave
my dad now.

He's just so
determined to win,

And it's father's day!

Come on, becky!

Let's move our feet to
this funky, funky beat!

Boy, I can't wait
to see the look

On everyone's faces
when they see this.

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Yeah. Laugh with me!

Narrator: becky, we're
running out of time.

I know,
but it looks like

The prancingtons are
running out of steam.

Oh, that is it!

I am calling this here
dance-a-thon in favor
of the botsfords!

Dad, we won!

I know, becky!

I'm so...tired. Ohh.


Ok. I guess I'll be
giving you the trophy,
little lady

Since you're
still vertical and all.

Actually, warden,
I'll be right back.

All right!
Get ready!


You are never gonna
forget what you are
about to absurd.

Hold it right
there, butcher!

Word girl!

Let's get a couple
things straight.

First of all,
the word is observe,
not absurd.

Fine! Observe!

When you observe something,
you see it happen
right before your eyes,

And right now,
I'm observing my sidekick,

Captain huggy face,
working alongside
a villain.

Huggy, how could you?

Word girl, I think you
ought to stay out of this.

You don't know
what you're getting
yourself into.

Oh, really?

Then maybe I better
take a look at what's

Under this sheet!

Ta-da! Huh?

Wow. Is that your
father, kid potato?

And it's made out
of meat and potatoes!

Look at that!

I couldn't get
the face right.

Huggy did the face.


That is so sweet.

And a little bit gross

But mostly sweet.

I'm sorry for all
the confusion.

I was determined--see,
I got the word right--

To keep it a secret
so I could do something

Special for father's day.


Pop, I built this to
show everyone how much
I love you.


Awww, dad!

You're so emotional.
Come here!

Come, let these
arms surround you.

Huggy, it was really
nice of you to help
the butcher,

But you're not
really going to join up

With him, are you?

Ha. I knew that.

Of course you're not!


Narrator: and so the day ends
with hugs all around.

Remember, the next time
you're determined to find

Some quality entertainment,
tune in to observe

More of the thrilling
adventures of...

♪ Word giiii-ir-irl ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may!

Today's featured
word is recline.

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl" that show
the meaning of the word.

Yes! Tommy!

Recline means
to watch tv.

Sorry! That's incorrect!

Phil! Go ahead!

Recline means to
lean or lie back.

Oh. Don't mind if I do!

So I'm assuming I gave
the right definition
for "recline."

Hmm? What's that?

Uh, yes, yes.
I believe you did.

So does that mean
I win a prize?

Oh, probably.

Ok. Uh, huggy, show
me what I've won.

Uh, an official "word girl"
lemonade pitcher?

Ooh! I'll take
a refill.

Oh. Delicious. Mmm.

Well, that's it
for today's episode. Mmm.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: today's featured words
are blissful and expertise.

Just another lovely, quiet
afternoon at the botsfords.

Ahh, so
wonderfully happy.

I'd go so far as to
call it blissful.

Ha ha ha! You're never
going to believe this!

I just got
my dream job!

Oh! That's great!

Wow! What is it?

You know how I love
yo-yoing, right?

Oh, you're very
good at yo-yoing.

It's one of my areas
of expertise!

Well I just got a job
teaching people to yo-yo!

Oh, tim.

I'm so proud of you.

Me too, dad.

So who is paying you
to teach people how
to yo-yo?

Are you ready for this?

Mr. Big!

You're working
for mr. Big?!

Honey, he's
a known criminal!

Mr. Big was a criminal,

But he just got
out of jail,

And he says he's
really, really sorry

For all the times he
cheated people out
of their money.

So to apologize,
he's giving everyone

In the city
a free yo-yo

And free lessons
from me!

Mr. Big sorry?

Oh, I hate to break
it to you, dad,

But this sounds like
some sort of hoax.

How could it be
a hoax, becky?

I'm happy that you
got your dream job!

That's what
I'm looking for!

Loop the loop!

Oh, boy. Dream job!

Mr. Big: let me just say again
that I am profoundly,

Deeply, and incredibly sorry
from the bottom of my heart

For all the bad things
I've done in the past.

You used mind
control on us!


and over again!


Uncool! Man!

Oh, oh,
it's very uncool.

I hear you...peeps.

That's why I want
everyone in the city

To have their very
own mr. Big yo-yo
free of charge.

Did you all get yours?

Lovely! But that's not all.

I'm even throwing in
free lessons

With local yo-yo expert
tim botsford.

When it comes
to yo-yoing,

Nobody has more expertise!

Whoo! Look out!

Oh, hello there,

Don't mind me.
I'm just walking the dog.


Hey. Rock the cradle.


Look at that!

Flying saucer!

Split the atom!

The higginbotham!

Ha ha ha!

Thank you! Thank you!

Now grab your
official mr. Big

"I'm so sorry" yo-yo,
and let's start learning!

Our first trick was
invented by mr. Big himself,

And it's called
the blissful big!

Ah. See that smiley face?

That's the blissful part!

Come on, bob.

Hold it right
there, mr. Big!

I know that voice.

Word girl?

Um, er, no.

It's just me
becky botsford,
normal citizen. Heh.

We're a little curious
about this whole
free yo-yos thing.

It's a well-known fact
that you have lots
of criminal expertise.

Little girl, you've
got me all wrong.

Yes, I used to
commit crimes,

But I'm sorry,
and now I'm
giving back

After taking
and taking
and taking.

I mean, what's wrong
with spreading
a little joy?

Nothing as long as it's
not part of some devious
criminal plan.

Ha ha ha!
Devious criminal plan?

What could possibly
be devious

About a city having fun
and learning tricks?

I mean, look at that
crowd out there.

blissfully happy.

Look at me! I can do
the blissful big!

Great work!
You've got it!

Ha ha ha!

Everyone will be doing
the blissful big

Before the end
of the day! Ha ha ha!

I'm still worried there's
something fishy going on,

But, you know,
dad looks so happy

Teaching the city
how to yo-yo.

I don't want to mess up
his dream job.

Are you even
listening to me?


Blissful big.
Oh, good.

Well, that's good.

Yo-yo fever is
sweeping the city!

Thanks to mr. Big's
generous donation,

It seems that everyone
is learning

The blissful big
yo-yo trick,

And leading the revolution
is local yo-yo expert
tim botsford.

Botsford. Tim.
I mean, mr. Botsford?

Um, this is
my dream job!

And I hope I get
to keep teaching
yo-yoing forever.

So there you
have it.

uh, mr. Botsford

Blissfully spreading
the joy of yo-yoing
across the land.

Hmm. What was that?

Bob, do the trick
again in front
of the tv.

That's strange.

Maybe the antenna
is crooked.

I'll go check!

Let me see that.

There's something
fishy going on
with this yo-yo.

I'm going to have
to break it and see
what's inside.


I knew it!

These yo-yos are
filled with some sort
of electronics.

Mr. Big must be
up to something.

I'm glad solving
mysteries is one of my
areas of expertise.


Oh. Expertise means
a skill or activity

You're really,
really good at,

Like your yo-yoing.

You're really
good at it--
an expert even--

So we say you have lots
of yo-yoing expertise.

Yeah, don't rub it in.

I think it's time
for word girl and huggy

To pay mr. Big a visit.

Word up!

So the yo-yos have
inside them?


Hidden in each yo-yo is
a mind control radio.

So you're not
really sorry

About all those times
you've tricked

And stolen
from the citizens?

Of course not!
Ha ha ha!

I wanted them to
think I was sorry.

I hired that botsford guy
to teach everyone

A specific trick,
the blissful big,

And once I turn on my
mind control computer,

Everyone who does
the blissful big

Will suddenly be
under my control!

Then what?

Well, I can tell them to
do whatever I want, like,

"Deliver all your
money to big enterprises
right away!"

It's that simple!
Ha ha ha!

trickery, sir.

Oh, thank you.

Ah, isn't dreaming up
mind control schemes

Just the most blissful way
to spend an afternoon?

Mwa ha ha ha!
Mwa ha ha ha!

I can think of a more
blissful activity.

Word girl!

Uh, leslie?
A hand, please?


Keep her busy, huggy!

This seems like
a good time to activate

The mind control.


Ha ha ha!
Too late!

Oh, I almost forgot.

Force field!


Since when do you
have a force field?

Oh, it's brand-new!

Pretty expensive, though.

I was thinking
of returning it, but--


Ha ha ha!

I think it just
paid for itself.




what happened?

I know!

Leslie does have
more karate expertise

Than I remembered.

Karate makes me feel
really, really happy.

Sounds like karate makes
you feel blissful,

In a state
of complete happiness.

Oh, right, blissful.

Good work, leslie.

citizens of the city.

Mr. Big here
with a blissful idea.

Why don't you take all
your money and drop it off

At my skyscraper

Bring me all your money,
money, money.

That will make you happy,
happy, happy.


Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Well, I'm going to
go start bringing
the money inside.

Maybe I'll roll
around in it.

Ha ha ha!

Ahh, criminal bliss.

Keep an eye
on them, leslie.

So what happens now?

I keep an eye on you
until mr. Big comes back.

Hmm. That sounds
kind of boring.

All right, folks!
Keep it coming!

Be sure to come back
with any extra change you find

In your couch cushions.

Hoo hoo hoo!

How's it coming
with those knots?



Hey! Why am I bringing
all my money here?

Give me my money back!

Yeah! I'll be taking
my money back, too!

Oh, of course!
Here you go, officer.

So sorry
for the inconvenience.

Thank you.

Well at least he's
not taking me to jail.

And I'll be
taking you to jail.


I'm glad big's plan
is foiled,

But you know who I'm
worried about.


Yup. He's going to
be so disappointed

That his yo-yo
dream job is finished.

Let's go!

Word up!


Hey, dad.

Oh, hey becky.
Did you hear?

After mr. Big
tricked everybody

With his mind
control yo-yos,

Nobody wants yo-yo
lessons anymore.

They don't think it's
a blissful activity.

Oh, I'm sorry, dad.

I guess I won't be able
to put my expertise
to good use.

Well, I know one person
who wants to learn
some yo-yo tricks.



Oh, yeah!


Ok. Well,
the first trick is

The -leaf clover.

You ready?

Start with your
feet planted firmly.

It's all in the wrist.

Narrator: and so
with mr. Botsford finding

An outlet
for his teaching expertise

And becky discovering
that yo-yoing can be
a blissful activity,

All is well in the city!

Join us next time for another
exciting episode of...

"Word giiirrrlll"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Phil, you correctly
defined the word recline.

Ready to play
the bonus round?


Great! Take a look

At these pictures
and tell me

Which one shows
the definition for recline.

Ok. Give it
a shot, phil!

It's number one.

In that picture,
becky and bob are reclining

In beach chairs.

That's correct!

Which means you're
our bonus round winner.

Huggy, show phil
what he's won!

An official "word girl"
beach umbrella!


Could you bring
that umbrella
over here, pal?

I don't want to
get sunburned.


I owe you one, buddy.

Well, that's our show.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

My favorite word
is orange because

It's my favorite color.

I mean, I have
orange sneakers,

I have orange post-its
at school,

I have orange
binders and books,

I have orange shorts
at my house.

Like, there's just
too many things.

I can't even explain them all.

My favorite word
is harmonica

Because I have one,
and I love to play it.

[Playing blues]

♪ That's my favorite word ♪

Narrator: captain huggy face,

Show us what
"jubilant" means.

That's right!

Jubilant means
to feel so happy

You want to jump up for joy!

Congratulations, huggy!

[Dance music playing]


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Cape not required.

Wooooord up!