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06x08 - Plain Old Mischief Makers / House Arrest

Posted: 07/27/23 16:21
by bunniefuu
Pbs kids opens
worlds of possibilities

For all children

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♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
diminish and declare.

Just another lazy day
at the big left loft

With supervillain
big left hand guy.


Hmm. Ahh.



Aw! Come on!

Ever hear of knocking?



Here I am!


Ha ha.

Check it out, big left!
I got a letter

From the villain society
for invisi-bill.

That's me!

Yeah, I know who you are.

We're partners,

And best friends

And I want to open it
with my best friend--
big left hand guy.

That's you! Ha ha!

Right. Hey. How come
you got a letter
and I didn't?




Wait. I haven't gone
through today's mail!




Yay! I love my name!

Hold on! Heh heh.
Here it is!

An official letter
from the villain society!

Yay! Ha ha ha!

Read it, big left!

Uh, yeah, sure.

"It has come to our--our
attention that--that you

Have not committed"--

Let me read it.

You're not good
at reading.

It has come to our
"attention that you have

"Not committed any
successful crimes!

"You have tried
many times and failed.

"Because of this,
the villain society

"Hereby declares that
you are no longer
a supervillain.

"Starting tomorrow,
you will be known

As a plain old
mischief maker!"



This is terrible.

I don't want my villain
status diminished.

I like being known
as a supervillain.

Me too.
It's the best!

Look, we need to pull
off a big heist,

A crime that'll save
our reputations once
and for all.

I got it!

Think--what's the most
valuable thing in life?



Oh, yeah! Jewelry!

We're gonna rob
the jewelry store. Yay!

High-five, big left!


Narrator: meanwhile at her
secret spaceship hideout,

Word girl already has
her hands full

With the toughest battle
she's ever fought.

[High-pitched voice]
oh, no. I'm
completely trapped!

Who can possibly
save me?

I can,
pretty princess!

Penelope pony!

[Invisi-bill, distantly]
ha ha ha!

We're gonna rob
the jewelry store! Yay!

[High-pitched voice]
we must hurry and save
the jewelry store

From the evil--

[Normal voice]
I mean, uh, we should
go stop those guys!

Word up!

Reginald: oh, great.

serious customer.


Hello, sir. I am
a businessman,

Looking for your most
valuable and expensive item

So that I can pay
money to buy it
and not steal it.

Yes, well in case
you didn't notice,

I'm extremely busy
at the moment.

If you'd like
something shiny to
"ooh" and "ahh" at,

Our most
expensive item is
the ten carrot diamond

Behind me to the left.

I certainly don't want
to diminish your hopes
of purchasing the item,

But it costs
a great deal of money.

Do you have
a great deal of money?

Uh, no, no, I guess not.

That's sooo surprising.

Ok. I guess I will be
going now. Ha ha!

Yay! We did it!

What are you doing?!

Hey, how did you--

I'm invisi-bill!

Invisi...bill. Ha ha ha!

We're supervillains.

We're gonna be
caught villains

And plain old
mischief makers

If we don't get out
out here. Let's go!

No! Not the
ten carrot diamond!

Stop, thieves!

Stop right there,
big left hand guy and--

What's his name again?

That's me! Yay!

Ha ha ha!

Uh, right.

Well, hand over
the diamond.

You're both coming
with me.



Hey, wait!

Man, that guy can
really hail a cab.

We almost had it,

I mean, if you
hadn't reappeared...

Invisi-bill doesn't
think now is
the time to play

The blame game.

[Car horn honking]

[Honk honk]


Ohh. We've got to commit
a successful crime!

Don't worry. I have
a real great plan
this time.

Invisi-bill and...blhg
are gonna be

after all. Yay!
Ha ha ha!

Narrator: back at her secret
spaceship hideout,

Word girl is having a little
trouble getting back

In the swing of things.


I know, huggy. Sorry.

I'm just so mad
that big left hand guy
and invisi-bill got away!

It's really diminishing
my concentration skills.

I just wish I had
the chance to catch
those guys again.

[Big left hand guy, distantly]
ok, invisi-bill.

Here we go again.

We rob
the jewelry store.

Ha ha ha! Again.


Reginald: oh, hello,
people I don't really
want to talk to at all.

How can I help you?

Yes. We're here to
pick up a bunch
of expensive items

To take to the, uh--heh--

The jewelry
headquarters place.

Heh heh heh. Heh.

These mustaches are real,
I assure you. Heh heh heh.

Unfortunately there
must be a mistake.

I didn't
call for you,

And I certainly
do not want to

the number of items
in my store.

Right. So we're gonna
need one giant watch

For a guy
with a huge left wrist,

A pair of expensive earrings
for that guy's mother...

And anything that
would look good

With the color invisible.

For invisi-bill.
That's me! Yay! Ha ha ha!

Uh, he means,
for the warehouse.

Oh, no.

It's you,
the invisible person.

You can't put
one past me.

You're those thieves
from earlier!

Yeah. So do you want to
put up a fight

Or just give us
the jewels? Ha!

The second
option, please.

We did it! We're

Hang on.
I want to make sure

The coast is clear
and there's no sign of...

Word girl?


Invisi-bill, run!


Hey. Where'd he go?

Err. Let's get
big left hand guy.


[Tires squeal]



[Tires squeal]

Are those
scoundrels gone?

Well, you've
the jewels,

So your rescue wasn't
a complete disaster,

But your talents do
seem to be diminishing,
word girl.

Hey, they are not.

Well, it was
a good run you had.


Oh, it's just
no good.

We have no jewels,
and we're about to lose
our supervillain status.

And on top of that,
I'm almost out
of cab money.

We need a new plan,
something so brilliant

Even we can't
mess it up!

Hey. I got it!

Invisi-bill has a plan!

A great plan!

Well, tell me the plan!

We go in there, steal
the first thing we see,
and run away!

I love it!




No, thanks, huggy.

I can't enjoy playing
when I'm this irked.

I'm officially
declaring this

The most frustrating
day ever.


Did you say,

What does
declare mean?

Good question,
penelope pony.

Declare means to
officially announce

I'm declaring
that this day has
been really tough.

I mean, it's bad enough
I let those guys get away
once, but twice?

And can you believe how
many taxis there are
in this city?

It's ridiculous.

That's a brilliant idea,
count cloudy!

Now all we have to do
is hope invisi-bill

And big left hand guy are
foolish enough to
try and--

[Invisi-bill, distantly]
ok. Time to rob
the jewelry store again.

Ha ha ha! Hooray!

Ha ha ha! Yay!


[Alarm ringing]

Ha ha ha!
Heh heh heh!

Aw, man.
You guys got away!

We did? Heh heh.
I mean, we did!


[Tires squeal]

Man, I can't believe
word girl didn't give us
more of a chase,

But who cares?

We pulled off
a successful crime!

Her superpowers
have really diminished.

Ha ha! Yeah!

Wait. I don't know
what that means.

What, diminish?

It means get smaller
or lower.

Our villain status was
gonna be diminished,

But now that we pulled
off this crime,

There's no way
it will be!

Yeah. We'll be
super-duper villains.

Hey, driver. Just make
a big left up here.

I said big left,
not big right!

Oh, no.

Quick, invisi-bill,
out of the cab!

Oh, hey guys!

Hold on tight,
next stop, prison,

And don't forget
to tip your driver!

Ha ha! Heh! That's me--me.

[Paper tears]

Narrator: well, I guess
their villain status

Will be diminished after all.

Maybe next time they
should stop declaring

What their crime
is gonna be

Right before
committing it.

Join us next time
for another exciting,
incredible episode

Of "word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may!

Today's featured
word is dangle.

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl" that show
the meaning of the word.

Go ahead, tommy!

Dangle means to hang
loosely and sway
back and forth.

That's correct!

In that last clip,
word girl zoomed in,

Tied up dr. Two-brains,
and left him dangling

From the ceiling.

She sure did.

Ok, tommy. You are
today's winner.

Huggy, show tommy
what he's won!

An official "word girl"
super-sized dictionary!

Audience: ooh!

Like I need that.

I'm a walking

Allow me to demonstrate.

"Strenuous": requiring
great energy or effort.

to puzzle or confuse.

"Perspire": to sw--

Boy, you sure do know
a lot of words!

So I'm sure you also know
what "farewell" means!

But I didn't finish!

No, you didn't!

That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: today's featured words
are release and rowdy.

This morning
at the botsfords',

Mrs. Botsford is showing
becky and bob photos

Of mr. Botsford's
favorite time of the year--

Camping week.

Oh, look, here's
your father with t.j.

And bampy relaxing
at the lake.

I'm glad they're
having fun.

It's really a good way
for them to release
some stress.


Oh, um, release means
to go or set free.

For example,
I would never release
my unicorn collection.


Anyway, while
the boys are away,

We'll have some
quiet quality time
alone just to relax!

[Doorbell rings]

Hello! Ooh!

Is there a problem?

No, d.a. Botsford.

I'm just here to
drop off a prisoner.

Chuck's cell is
being painted today.

My choice of colors--
mustard yellow

And ketchup red.

Mmm. Delicious.

Anyway, he needs
a place to stay

he's released.

But why are you
bringing him here?

Well, you're next
in line to watch him,

As the d.a. That is.

What about
the warden?


The police commissioner?

Extended vacation,
followed by dental work.

And the mayor?

Dental work followed
by an extended vacation

And a very, very
long lunch.

Actually, you know, bob,
it may not be so bad

That chuck will be
staying with us.

I know, I know,
he's a villain and all,

But with him here,
he won't be able to get
into any trouble.

Whoa. Nice abode,
cool carpet, sweet smell.

I could get used
to this.

Chuck, you are our guest,

But you are also
our prisoner.

So please remember
the rules--

Don't try to escape
and please don't
act rowdy.

Rowdy? What does
that mean?

I'll explain.

Rowdy means misbehaving
loudly and disorderly.

For example, bob gets
rowdy when he watches

Celebrity skee-ball,
yelling at the television

And jumping around a lot.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I got you.

You know, around this time,
we usually have

Our prison brunch.

Becky, would you see what
chuck would like to eat?

I guess.

Let me see.

You know, I'll have
an extra large sandwich
on rye--

Salami, ham, pepperoni,
bologna, cheese--

You may want
to write this down.

Pickles, lettuce,
more pickles, onions...

[Cheering and applause]

[Ding ding ding]

[Cheering and applause]

You know, mrs. Botsworth,
these sandwiches--

Oh! It's botsford!

Mrs. Botsford,

Oh, ok.

These sandwiches
aren't half bad.

Thank you, mrs. Botsford.

Oh, what
a sweetheart.

If there's
anything you need,

Just ask becky
or bob.

I'll be in the other
room doing your laundry.

Ok, remember, those
are hand-wash only.

Oh, you got it!

Mom, why are you
being so nice to him?

He's a villain.

Yes, but he's
also our guest.

You know, mom, I really
like how you take

The time to put mustard
on the top slice of bread

And mayo
on the bottom slice.

Oh! Love is
in the details!

Ha ha ha! Mom.

Hey, she's
not your mom.

Becky, chuck is
just giving me
a nice compliment.

Thank you, chuck.


Heh heh heh.


Now I require some
chocolate milk.

When you add
the chocolate,

Can you stir it

What difference
does that make?

How about the remote
to the tv? Hey!

You mean the one that's
only feet away?

Can't reach it.


Placed in my right hand.

Anything else?

You could dim
the lights.




No, no, no, less.

More. That's perfect.

Becky, can you
help me a moment?

You got it, mom!

I can't tell if this
stain is barbeque sauce
or ketchup.

Chuck: it's ketchup.

Thank you, chuck!

Never mind, becky.

Mom's the best mom!


[Music playing on tv]

This is a special
news bulletin.

Professor two-brains has
released his henchmen

On the cheddar reserve

Uh, if you'll excuse me.

I've got to go, uh,
do something else.

Word up!

Becky, hurry.
You got to see this!

See what?

You missed
word girl in action.

Uh, well,
maybe next time.

Ok, well, as long
as you're here...

Can you turn
the a.c. To . ?


News anchor: this is
a special news bulletin.

Big left hand guy has
robbed the jewelry store

And is getting away
in a taxi cab!


Now what?

It's tea time
if that's not
too much trouble.

What trouble?
You are the guest...

Hopefully for not
much longer.

News anchor: this just in.

Mr. Big has mind controlled
me into giving him

My entire life's savings

And making
this announcement.

Well, it looks like it'll be
another busy day for word girl.

Ha ha ha!

Stick around! Sports
and weather are up next.

I don't know
how much more
of this rowdy stuff

I can take.


[Tea kettle whistling]


[Tea kettle whistling]


When you get the chance,
can you dry out my extra
pair of socks?

in the bathroom sink.

You put your socks
in the sink?

Word girl, what
are you doing here?


Uh, just trying to
keep the city safe?

Becky, you won't
believe who's here!

Where's becky?

Probably in the bathroom.

I'll get her.

You rang?

Word girl's here.

Wait, wait.
Where'd she go?

I think she's
in the bathroom.

I'll get her.

You wanted to see me?

Yeah, but now
where's becky?

What's going on?

She's right here.

Yeah, here I am.

Oh, there you are.

Do you two know
each other?

Yeah, you could almost
say we're inseparable.

Right, becky?

Right, word girl.

Well, it was
nice seeing you,
but I got to go.

Bye, becky.

Bye, word girl.


[Becky panting]

Mrs. Botsford: well, your suits
are spic and span.

It's almost time
for your release!

Huh?! Then what
am I gonna do?

Your time in jail
will be up, chuck.

You'll be free to go.

Free to go?

Wait, wait, wait.
What if I want
to stay?

No, I think
I owe the prison
a few more days

Or weeks
before my release.

No. At : , you'll
have served your time.

You've been a great guest
and a wonderful prisoner!

I beg to differ.

Clock: word up,
word up.

Yes! It's : !

Ok! You're free
to go, chuck!

It was nice having
you over.

You weren't
the least bit rowdy.

Great job! Get out!

I really want
to stay.

Isn't there
anything I can do?

Oh, no. It wouldn't
be fair to all
the other villains

Who have
committed crimes.


Hmm. What do I have
to do to stay here
some more?

I know!

I just got to act rowdy,
commit crimes,

And keep getting caught
after I'm released.


Oh. Bob, we got to
do whatever it takes
to stop chuck

From committing any
crime and getting


You took the words
out of my mouth.

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!



"Do not feed the squirrels."

Ha ha ha! Yeah!

That should be
an easy law to break.




I can't believe
how difficult it is
to commit a crime.

[Huggy screeches]

You're under arrest
for littering.


Take me away, officer!

Next stop,
the botsford house.

I wonder what we're
having for dinner.

bad news, chuck!

How long do you
think it takes to paint
a single jail cell?

You're going
back to prison!

What? No!

I'm supposed to be
at the botsford house!

Officer: hey.
Wait till you see how
nice it turned out.

with chuck back in prison

Waiting to be released
so he can return

To his rowdy ways,

We conclude another relaxing
weekend at chez botsford,

Where things look like
they're back to normal.

That is, until our next
exciting episode

Of "word girl"!
Ha ha ha!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Tommy, you correctly
defined the word dangle.

Ready to play
the bonus round?

Of course.

Great! Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one shows
the definition for dangle.

Ok. Give it
a shot, tommy!

It's definitely
number one.

In that picture, huggy
is dangling from a tree.

That's correct!

Which means you're
our bonus round winner.

Huggy, show him
what he's won.

An official "word girl"
gargantuan calculator!

Like I need that.

Let me guess.

You're a walking

Divided by is--

Well, that's our show.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

I like the word banana.

Number one because it
sounds kind of funny,

Number two because
it feels a little weird,

And number ,
when you're in a spelling bee

You could go on forever
and ever going


I just like bananas
because I say them--

Banana-rama rama-ding-dong.

I go all over
school saying, "banana."

And my mother says
I've gone bananas.

♪ That's my favorite word ♪

Narrator: captain huggy face,

Show us what
"attentive" means.

That's right!

Attentive means
to be aware

Of what is happening around you!

Congratulations, huggy!

[Dance music playing]


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Cape not required.

Wooooord up!