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06x07 - Don't Mess with the Best / Peanut Butter Battles

Posted: 07/27/23 16:20
by bunniefuu
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♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: today's featured words
are defeat and unstoppable.

In the city,
a dark storm is brewing.

Oh, I didn't
mean out here.

I meant in here,

Where victoria best is
one unhappy camper.

Why should I
be happy?

I know I'm the best,
but everyone
seems to think

There's someone better.

You're just so perfect,
aren't you?

I bet you think
you're unstoppable.

Well, I know why nobody's
been able to defeat you.

Look at these villains.

A cheese-stealing scientist?

What is so scientific
about cheese?!

A game show host?

A guy who has
a sandwich for a head?

I would eat him
for breakfast!

With villains like these,
it's no wonder

You're still
running this town.

You and your
pathetic little monkey.

You know what bugs me
the most, word girl?

Everyone thinks
you're so amazing.

Even my own parents.

Father's always saying
things like,

"Why can't you be better
than word girl?"

And then mother says,
"oh, you are so right, dear.

"That's why I married you.

"If victoria worked harder,
then she could be

Better than word girl."

You want to know why
word girl's unstoppable?

Because these nincompoops
are the only ones

Trying to defeat her.

I'd like to see what
would happen if word girl

Had to deal
with someone better,

Someone who is the best.


The best!

I will be the one
who defeats word girl

Once and for all!

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Narrator: anyway, while victoria
hatches her evil plan,

Dr. Two-brains is
busy hatching

An evil plan of his own.

Oh, actually,
I've decided to
take the day off,

You know, just do some
villain chillin'. Ha ha!

Narrator: oh!

[Indistinct chatter on tv]

Aw, boss. That was
the remote control!

Now if we want to
change the channel,

Someone's gonna have to
stand up and do it.

Yeah, I know. You!


Oh, come on. Click!

Turn on tcc,
the cheese channel. Ha ha!

Look at them, sitting
around watching tv.

A real villain
would spend every
waking moment

Trying to
defeat word girl.

Well, that's what
I'm going to do

Just as soon as I steal
a few supplies.

[Recorder playing]

Victoria: ha!


[Recorder playing]


[Recorder playing]


[Recorder playing]

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha!


Narrator: hey, word girl.

Just a minute.
Huggy and I are
in the middle

Of our new
favorite game.

Watch this!






Phew! Times!

I beat my record!

And I even stopped to
get you a souvenir.

Looks good.



Surprise, surprise,
word girl.

There's a new
villain in!

And I'm gonna do what
none of those other
villains have ever done--

I'm going to defeat you.

Defeat me?

What's wrong?

Do you need me to
define the word for you?

Thank you, but I know
what defeat means.

It means to win.

To win. Thank you.

To beat somebody.

To prove
once and for all

That you're better
than they are.

Well, you're certainly
better at interrupting.

Oh, I'm better
at a lot of things,

Especially now
that I've got all this.

You really think
you can defeat me?

Of course I can.

Now that I have all this
super-cool villain stuff,

I'm unstoppable.

Do you know what
unstoppable means?

Yes, victoria, I know
what unstoppable means.

It means to be so--

So good at something
that nobody can stop you!

Yes, victoria.
I was going to say that,

But you interrupted
me again.

You can't even stop me
from interrupting you.

That's how
unstoppable I am.

Oh, brother.

All of a sudden,
the mighty word girl
comes crashing down.

Ha! See? That's how good
a villain I am.

I even have
witty one-liners to say

Every time I
do something bad--

I mean, something good.
I mean, the--aw.

Well, let's see if
you've got a snappy
comeback for this!



Ugh! Granny may's

Ooh! The smell!

Smells like
victory to me.


Well, well, well.

You're not so
unstoppable now, are you?

Victoria, you aren't--


I want to relish
my victory.

I defeated word girl!

Now I really am the best!

Right, mom and dad!?

Dr. Two-brains: yeah,
you're the best all right.

The best
at being defeated

By unstoppable us!

Ha ha ha!

What are you
all doing here?

We've come to get
our stuff back!

Hand it over.

Why should i?

I've been a villain
for, like, two minutes,

And now I've
done the one thing
you've never done--

I've defeated word girl!

[All laughing]

Well, you haven't exactly
defeated word girl yet.

What are you
talking about?

Glad you asked.

Point my cheese ray
at word girl

And then press...

The red button.

Not the red button!

Yes, the red button.

Ha ha ha!

W-w-what happens if
I press the red button?

Ha ha ha!

Word girl: I'd like
to know, too.

If I tell you, it'll
ruin the surprise.

Oh, I don't mind.

Yeah. Why don't you
go ahead and just tell us

Before I do anything
too hasty?

Ha ha ha!


You're backing down!

Maybe you're just
not villain material.

Guess your parents
were right.

You're not the best!

Excuse me!

What did you just say?

Oh, nothing.

Only that you're
"not the best."

Nobody says that to me!


Fellow villains,
take her down!




Well, there's still
one thing I can do.

Ohh! Ohh!

Um, word girl...

Buddy old pal...

I've been thinking.

Um, I feel kind of bad

About the whole
trying-to-defeat-you thing,


You're welcome.

Thanks, victoria.

Catch you later!


Oh, I'm sorry.

Was there something
else you wanted?

Um, I was wondering if
you could maybe...

Help me.

Oh, I'm sorry.
I guess I have some
mustard in my ears.

Could you please
say that again

A little louder
this time?



Help me!

Well, sure!

Since you
asked so nicely.


You, whippersnapper,
simply don't have

What it takes to be
a true villain.


Victoria, if you really
want to be the best,

You should try to
do good, not evil.


Of course you
would say that.


Face it, word girl--

You're afraid of me.

No, I'm not.

Well, you should be
because I defeated you,

And if I did it once,
I can do it again.

That's because
I'm unstoppable!

I'm the be--

I know. I mean,
I don't know.

I mean,
no you're not. Dah!

Narrator: has word girl
finally met her match?

Will victoria become
the best villain in town?

The next time you're
looking to defeat boredom,

Tune in for the unstoppable
excitement of...

"The victoria
best show."

Um, sorry, but it's still
called "word girl"!

We'll see
about that.

I've got talks
with pbs.

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello, I'm beau handsome
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may!
Today's featured
word is cower.

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl"
that show the meaning
of the word.

Ok! Take it away,

Cower means to
crouch down in fear,

Something I'd know
nothing about

Because I'm not
afraid of anything.

What about snakes?


Definitely not.

So, you're
telling me you're

Completely fearless?


You seem rather
proud of that fact.

I am!

Well, good
for you, I guess.

Anyway, congratulations,

You are today's winner!

Huggy, show him
what he's won!

An official "word girl"
indestructible shield!

Audience: ooh!

It's perfect
for protecting yourself

Against anything
you may be afraid of.

I told you, I'm not
afraid of anything!

Yes, you did.

Well, that's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
envelop and hinder.

Somewhere in the middle
of a very peaceful city

On a very peaceful day

A very non-peaceful event
is underway.

ketchup attack!

Heh heh. Yeah.

Mustard attack!

Ha ha ha!

Mayo attack!

Ha ha ha! Yeah!

No one will stop me
this time! Uh-uh.

You always say
that, chuck,

And yet you
always lose.

Then I guess the odds
are in my favor, right?

I'm due.

No. It doesn't
quite work that way.

Well, I have to
win this time.

My mom's threatening to
cut my evil allowance.


Allow me to introduce--

the peanut butter blaster!

Hey, hey. I can announce
my own inventions!

Sorry. I over stepped.
Heh heh heh.

Please go on.

I introduce
the peanut butter, uh--

What he said.

It fires my own special
peanut butter recipe.

Now you're going to
sh**t peanut butter
all over me? Ugh.

Yeah! Ha ha ha!

You know, I just
had this outfit

Oh, wait, wait, though.

Word girl,
before I blast you,

Uh, could I ask
you something?

Uh, yeah, sh**t.

I mean, don't sh**t!

Are you allergic
to peanut butter?

No, actually, I
love peanut butter.

Hey, but thanks
for asking.

That was really
considerate of you,

You know, being
that you're a major
villain and all.

You're welcome,
word girl,

And thank you for calling
me a major villain.

That's flattering.

Ok! Where were we?

A little help.

Narrator: chuck prepares
to demonstrate

His latest invention,
the peanut--

The peanut butter

Ha ha ha! Yeah!

Take that!


Ha ha ha! Ooh!
Here we go!

What's going on?
I can't move.

Did I mention it's
my super fast drying
peanut butter?

Yeah! I've finally stopped
you in your tracks, word girl.

You're, um--oh--
what's that word

When you have peanut butter
all around you?

Enveloped, chuck.

in peanut butter!

No, I don't think
that's the word.

It means enclosed,
or surrounded
within something.

Oh! Then yes!

You'll be enveloped
in peanut butter!

Ha ha ha!

Must be out
of peanut butter.

Anyway, you'll
never catch me now!

Yes, we will.

You're either going home
where you always go

Or to the grocery story
to get more peanuts!

Yeah, well, I might
stop off at the bank
to make a deposit

Or maybe gas up
my mom's lawn mower

For my weekend chores,
so you can't really
be sure.

But you're still going
to the grocery store,
aren't you?

Maybe. Maybe not!

But--but maybe.


We've got to stop him!

Ok. A little help.


Narrator: later, to absolutely
no one's surprise...

Hey, maybe to
someone's surprise.

Good day, word girl
and furry creature.

We have a special
on peanuts today.

I think we came to
the right place.


You're too late,
word girl!

You can't do anything to,
uh--what's that word

That means
to get in the way
of my crime spree?


Hinder means to block
or get in the way,

Like I'm going to hinder
your evil plan.

Yeah, that.

Anyway, I'll just leave
my peanut butter

To do the talking.



Clean-up on aisle one.

Clean-up on aisle two.

Clean-up on aisle .

Clean-up on aisle ...


... .

Darn. Out
of peanut butter again.

Huggy, take him down.



Finally! I'm faster
than word girl!

Her days of hindering
me are bygone now!

[Man whistling]

What's going on here?

Well, we've got a monkey
trapped in mustard,

A superhero enveloped
in peanut butter,

And a sandwich guy
stealing all my peanuts!


More peanuts!

I need more peanuts
to crush into

My special
peanut butter!

Uh, we're all out.

But I need them now!

Captain huggy face,
he's getting away!

Ha ha ha!

I'm going to collect
all the peanuts in the city

And put you
away for good!

Oh. Uh, should I have
stopped him?

Well, yeah, kind of.

Ha ha! I don't feel like
I was much help,

Maybe more of a hindrance
than anything else.

We need to figure out
a way to stop chuck

From getting
any more peanuts.

Don't worry,
word girl!

I can help!

I've got
the perfect plan!

Oh. Uh...

Just give me a chance.

Well, ok.

Narrator: later
at a nearby silo,

The mayor introduces his
not-so-thought-out plan.

What a plan!

Now we've got all
the city's peanuts

In one safe location.

There's nothing
that can go wrong.

I don't really think
this is the best idea.

You're here.
You can protect them.

True, but I'm still
a little hindered.

I mean, my entire body
is still enveloped
in peanut butter.

Ah, details.

By the way, how did you
get everyone to bring
their peanuts here?

I went on the news
of course.

You did what?!

How else was I going
to get everyone to
show up here?


Oh. Ow.

Don't worry.
What could
possibly happen?

Hey, guys!

Oh, uh, that could
possibly happen.

Heh. Should I have
seen that coming?

What can I say?
I like to watch
the news.

It keeps me current
on current events.

Word girl, get ready
to have your
entire head

Enveloped with
my peanut butter!

While I encourage
villains to expand
their vocabulary,

You're using
that word way too often.

Oh, yeah?
Well, you're
in trouble now!

As soon as I crush
all these peanuts,

I'll be the last person
you'll ever want to see.


[People screaming]

What is that vat
of strawberries
doing over there?

Well, I figured
I'd only need so
much peanut butter

To defeat you,
and since the crusher
is warmed up,

I'd crush
my own jelly and make
sandwiches for everyone.

The crowd is
pretty large today.

Oh, man. I guess
I didn't need to bring
my own jelly.

Ha ha ha! Yeah!

And now I'm going
to stop you once
and for all!

Ha ha ha!


Back to you!




Whoa! Yah!

This is so embarrassing.


Ooh. Ahh.



Oh. Ohh.



As you can see,
word girl,

I can defeat you
anywhere anyhow.

Ha ha ha!

I'll be totally
enveloping you now,
once and for all.

Take this, word girl.

Extra crunchy!


Ha ha ha!
You're completely, uh...

Hindered. Hindered.

Yeah, hindered!

So, yes, chuck,
you defeated me
fair and square.

I did?

You're sure
taking it well.

Yeah. Well,
you were amazing.

I believe
you've taken evil
to a whole new level.

If I wasn't a good guy
and you a bad guy,

I'd say I'd be proud
to call you my friend.

Oh, I wish mother was
here to hear that.

I mean,
she'd be so proud
of your evilness.

Tell me again
how you defeated me

And don't leave out
any details.

Gosh, I don't know.

I just defeated you
with my brilliant
peanut butter blaster,

Your sidekick had to
roll you all over town.

By the way, where did
that little muskrat go?

Noooo! I knew I should
have installed an alarm

On the crusher!

Wait, what is he doing?

I don't know,


Word up!

I'm not such a pushover
when I'm not covered

In peanut butter,
am i, chuck?

Is this gonna hurt much?


Good work,
captain huggy face.

Good thing I've got
you watching my back.


You're the best sidekick
a superhero could ever

Hope for
and the hungriest.

Narrator: no longer
hindered and enveloped
in peanut butter,

Word girl has
once again saved the day

And left all of us
with a good taste in our mouths

Or perhaps the sweet taste
of peanut butter and jelly.

I think this is a good time
for a snack break

Until our next exciting
episode of "word girl"!

Mmm, mmm, mmm.
Oh, that's good.

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello, I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round round of...

"May I have a word?"

Tommy, you correctly
defined the word cower.

Ready to play
the bonus round?


Great! Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one shows
the definition for cower.

Ok. Give it
a shot, tommy!

It's number .

In that picture,
captain huggy face is cowering

From one
of tobey's robots.

You got it!

Huggy, show him
what he's won.



An official "word girl"
clown for a day!


I was, uh--i dropped
something down there.

Of course you did.

Well, that's our show.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

One of my favorite words
is adventure

Because it makes me think
of a beginning

Of a big, long memory

Full of laughter
and excitement

And a great journey
to remember.

My favorite word
is pugnacious

Because it sounds
really funny.

It means when someone
enjoys fighting.

I'm a little pugnacious.

Well, that's what
my mom says.

My brother's
a little pugnacious.

So's my other brother

And kind of my sister.

♪ That's my favorite word ♪

Narrator: captain huggy face,

Show us what
"exhilarated" means.

That's right!

Exhilarated means
to be so happy

You almost burst with joy!

Congratulations, huggy!

[Dance music playing]


Want more "word girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes

And test your word power

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Wooooord up!