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06x06 - Scary with a Side of Butter / Talent Show Tobey

Posted: 07/27/23 16:19
by bunniefuu
Pbs kids opens
worlds of possibilities

For all children

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♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
legend and artichoke.

It was a dark
and windy night

At the old botsford place.

Ooh. I want my blanky.

Bampy, tell us
a scaaaary story.


Mr. Botsford: aah!

It's just
the popcorn, dad.


How about
an exciting legend?

Actually, bob, a legend
can be a thrilling,
made-up story.

Or a true one!

Mine'll curl
your socks!


Now, grab your popcorn
and gather round.

to the first settlers,

This entire town was built
on wild artichoke fields.


Oh. Artichokes are
an herb-like, leafy plant

That's eaten
as a vegetable.

Ooh, and they're delicious,
except the ones

Beneath this ground
are evil!

Many years ago,
I delivered dairy products

Door to door.

I was a milk man,
and I heard
the artichoke legend

And how the spirits
of the artichokes

Had vowed to rise up,
destroy our little city,

And take back their land.

I thought it was
all hooey

Until the day
it all came true!


This is not
an appropriate story
for bedtime!

Oh, sorry, kids.

I meant my bedtime.

I scare easily.

Then what happened,

Well, the town
declared me a hero,

And we boiled the heart
of that pesky plant,

Dipped it in butter
and ate it. Heh heh.

It's predicted
the angry artichokes

Will rise up again
on the third day

Of the fourth month
of the th year

From my th birthday.

Whew, what a relief.

I mean, that's
like a gillion years
from now.

No, actually,
they'll be here tomorrow!

At noon!

Be under my bed
if you need me!

And don't forget
to brush!

And floss.
Good night!

If more come tomorrow,
I'll fight them off again

With--what did I
fight them off with?

You never said.

Oh, well.
It'll come to me.

What's important is
the victory party.

Then it's
artichokes and butter.

Mmm, mmm.

Mmm, mmm,
mmm, mmm.

Becky, I think
we have to assume
that legend

Bampy told us
last night was just
something he made up

To scare me--us.
Scare us. All of us.


It does seem pretty
fantastical, dad,

And if it were anybody else,
I wouldn't believe it.

I mean, he did once
defeat a giant robot

Using only a screwdriver.

Indeed he did.

I think for the moment,
we should keep this
artichoke thing

To ourselves.

Bampy: beware!
Angry artichokes are coming!

Beware! Angry artichokes
are coming!

Well, so much
for a quiet day.

Today at noon!








Calm down!

Panicking and making
loud noises won't help!



Ooh, sorry.

I meant, uh,
word girl!

Bampy, we have to
organize everyone.

We must fly
over the city,

Get everyone
in the football stadium,

And by banding together
restore peace in our town
now and forever!




Sir, have you seen
the chaos in the streets?

Oh! Chaos! Yes.

That word is like
music to my ears.

Some old guy has been
telling everyone

The legend of an angry
artichoke uprising

And that the town is going
to be under attack.

They're gathering
at the football field

To ward off
the artichokes!

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Oh, that's rich.

So really,
what's going on?

Attention everyone!

Please walk calmly
to the football stadium.

There, we will choose...

Mww waaa
ha ha ha haaa!

Leslie, do you see
the amazing opportunity

In arty the artichoke
stuffed toy?

The even bigger
opportunity is that

Everyone in town
will be in one place,

And we can mind control them
and get them to hand us

All their money.

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

I have an idea.
Everyone in town
will be in one place,

And we can mind control
them and get them

To hand us all
their money.

We're a team.

As the minutes
ticked towards noon,

Everyone was getting into
the spirit of teamwork.

Thanks, everyone,
for coming!

I defeated them once,

And I can do it again.

I just have to
remember, uh, how I did it!

Don't worry!

It'll all
come back to me.

They'll be here
at exactly noon.

Let's synchronize
our watches.

I have : .

correction, sir.

It's : .

No! It's : !

Oops, sorry.

Set it ahead so I could
be the first to panic.







an artichoke.


Get them!

These artichokes are
only popping up

Because they're in season,
just harmless vegetables.

No, they're not!

Those are
the spy artichokes!


Bampy doesn't lie.

If you recall,
he once defeated a robot

With a screwdriver.


Sir, it's just
as we suspected.

There aren't any
crazy evil artichokes,

Just enough for
popping up to make
some tasty dip.

It's time to carry
out my plan.

And, uh, also.



I knew it.
I knew it.

Shame on you
for doubting me.

Uh, bampy, maybe
we should stop
pointing fingers

And start fighting.

Uh, good idea.

Get them!

Leslie, how do you
work this thing?

Pull the lever to
the right, sir.

Your other right,

Oh, no!
Mind control!


Mind control means
mr. Big is

Behind that
giant artichoke,

Taking advantage
of everyone's fear.

Oh, what can we do
to defeat them?


Yes, I know bampy
defeated another
artichoke once,

But it wasn't
mr. Big and leslie.

It was just
an evil artichoke,

And he ran to
his milk truck,
and he found something.

Wait. Of course.

Why didn't I think
of this before?

Huggy, hop on.

We'll defeat this
giant artichoke,

And we'll do it
exactly like bampy!

We just have to
make one stop.

Sir, word girl
on the horizon.

Hey, giant artichoke!

Good thing it's
such a sunny day

Because the best way
to enjoy an artichoke

Is with delicious
melted butter!

I knew it.

We should've gone
with arty the artichoke.

Bampy, years ago,
you drove a milk truck

Full of butter and used
it to single-handedly
save the city.

From what?
We may never know.

But by thinking
like you and battling
with butter,

We definitely
triumphed over
an evil artichoke.

So on behalf of certain
doubting townspeople,

"We're sorry we
ever doubted you."



Thank you, becky.
Uh, I mean, word girl.

That reminds me
of another true legend

About our town.

The year was .

We were forced to do
battle with maniacal
lemon meringue pies.

I was working
at a carnival...

Narrator: and so
let's remember to
eat our vegetables

So we can all live
to be as old as bampy,

Sharing artichokes
and stories with--

What was that?

Ahem. Ok. Tune in
again next time

For another exciting legend
of "word girl"!


♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may!

Today's featured word
is flicker.

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl" that show
the meaning of the word.

Emily, take it away!

Flicker means
to shine
with a light

That's always

That's right!

Nice work, emily!

You are today's--

One time, I was home,
and the lights started
to flicker.

I was sure it was
because there was
a ghost in the house.

A ghost?
There was?

Well, then the lights
went completely off.

I couldn't
see anything.

It was really scary.

And then I heard
a sound.

What was it?
It was my cat.

He'd been standing
on a cord,

Which is why
the lights flickered,
then went out.

So there wasn't
a ghost?


And what was
the point of the story?

I didn't have one.

Ok. Well,
congratulations, emily!

You are today's winner!

Huggy, show her
what she's won!

An official
"word girl" hoverboard!

Audience: ooh!

Ok, that's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen
for the words discombobulated

And essential.

It's saturday morning
at the botsfords',

And there's magic
in the air as scoops and becky

Have their final practice
for today's talent show!

[Dance music playing]

And for my grand finale,
I will make my talented

Assistant becky botsford

Thank you very m--



Thanks for being
my assistant

At today's talent show,

My pleasure, scoops.
I'm always--

[Distant evil laughter]

Oh, no.

Um, scoops,
I just forgot I have
a quick errand to run.

I'll meet you
at the talent show ok?

Oh, don't be late!
You're essential
to the performance.


Why, word girl, what
a pleasant surprise.

Allow me to introduce
you to statue-bot,

A robot that,
when I order it,

Will destroy city hall!

Huh? Well, I've got
somewhere to be.

Nice knowing you,



Ha ha ha!

Ok, tobey.

Why do you want to
destroy city hall?

Destroy is such
a gloomy word.

I simply wanted
to use the threat.

You will recite
these poems aloud
at the talent show.

"How do I love tobey?

Let me count the ways"?

It's all about
the delivery!

Everyone trusts you.

When word girl says
tobey is amazing,

They'll believe it!

The judges will have
no choice but to
crown me victor.

And if we lose?

If we lose,
it's bye-bye, city hall.


Huggy, stay behind
and try to find

The statue's
control panel.

It's essential we
find a way to stop it.


When something
is essential,

It's very,
very important,

Something you
need to do.

You must find a way
to stop the robot!



Mrs. Botsford:
he's tim botsford...

And she's
sally botsford...

And this is the rd annual
all-city talent show!

Memorize the poems yet?

It's essential you know
them all by heart.

Um, tobey, I can't
memorize with all
this commotion,

So I'm going to sneak
off somewhere quiet

To learn my lines.

Good, but don't skedaddle
for too long, or else!

Becky! Where have
you been?

I need you!
We're up next.

You know,
without you as
my assistant,

I wouldn't be able
to do my act.

I would be
completely mixed up,

All bumbling around,

Kind of like
right now.

I think the word
you're looking for is

And it means
getting confused,

or all mixed up.


That's how I was feeling
before you showed up!

I feel better now.

Mrs. Botsford: and now
without further ado...

It's magic time.

Here's some magic
from todd scoops ming

And his assistant
becky botsford!

That's my daughter!

[Dance music playing]

people in the audience!

Prepare to be amazed!

Where did word
girl run off to?

I smell trickery.

And for my last trick,
I'll make my assistant
becky disappear!


[Audience murmuring]

[Audience groaning]

Well, it was going
wonderfully up until then.

Good timing,
word girl.

Just memorizing
my lines.

All set for
the big performance!

Oh, no!

Um, I'll be
right back, tobey.

But we're
about to go on!

Sorry for
the confusion, folks.

I, um, don't know
where becky went!

Looking for me?


I mean,
and there she is!

Ta-da! Intentional!

Huh. Wow. Now that's
a magic trick!

Becky, you were supposed
to be in the box.

How did you get
all the way over there?

I don't know.
I guess you must
actually be magic!


And now
for our next act...

back at city hall...

Oh, this is
going to be good.



Priscilla is asleep!

Oh. Hello!

Oh, yes, very good!

tobey mccallister,

Who has written
a collection
of poems entitled

"Word girl thinks
tobey is amazing."

Reading tobey's
poems will be--wait.

Really? She agreed
to this? Huh.

Word girl!

[Audience murmuring]

Poem number one.

I can't do this.
It's ridiculous.

Oh, fine.

How do I love tobey?

Let me count the ways:

One, for his shimmering
golden hair.


If you love tobey
that much, word girl,

Then we love him, too!

Yeah, we'll take
your word for it!



[Car horns honking]

Tobey: and in conclusion,
poem number .

Roses are red,
violets are blue.

I really love tobey,
and so...

Word girl...


Finish it.

You. Echh!


It's all come
down to this.

Here we go!
And the winner is...

Why do they make
these envelopes
so hard to open?

Am I right? Eh.
Who's it gonna be?!

I'm handing
it to my wife.

It's a tie!

Scoops and tobey have
the exact same score!

And the rules say
when there's a tie,

There'll be
a talent showdown.

Both tobey and scoops
will perform their talents

Onstage at the same time!

Lucky I've got
my ace in the hole
word girl.

Oh, yeah? Well I've got
becky on my side.

So there.

Narrator: you ok there?

I'm discombobulated
because it's essential

That I be in two places
at the same time!

Isn't that impossible?

[Dance music playing]


Poem --
and for my last trick--

Um--ok. Now I really
need my assistant.

She's essential
to this part.

Be right back.

But there are
poems left!

Oh! Becky!
There you are!

Where was i?

Oh, yes,
poem number--

Vanish one more time,
and I'm pushing this button.


Oh, no!
I'm too late!






Holy magical
magic trick!

I'm discombobulated.

How did I do that?

That was incredible!

Scoops wins
the talent show!

[Audience chanting,

Tobey: you're chanting
the wrong name!

You should be
chanting my name!

mccallister iii!

There's my name.

But with a decidedly
negative tone.

Oh, mother.

Ow, ow, ow, mom!

um, word girl?




Narrator: and so, word girl
has saved the day once again!

Easy there, huggy.

Don't get

But remember,
it's essential you tune in

For the next exciting
episode of--ta-da--"word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello, I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Emily, you correctly
defined the word flicker.

Ready to play
the bonus round?

Yes, I am,
mr. Handsome.


Take a look at these
pictures and tell me

Which one shows
the definition for flicker.

Ok. Give it
a shot, emily!

I'm pretty sure
it's number one.

The torches on
the wall appeared to
be really flickering.

That's what flames do.

They look like
they're getting
brighter and darker,

Brighter and darker,
brighter and darker--

Got it, got it, right.
Ok, emily.

That's right!

Which means you're
our bonus round winner.

Show her what
she's won, huggy.

An official "word girl"
non-hovering skateboard.


Well, that's our show.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

My favorite
word is cuddly.

I like that word because
I like to cuddle

My mom and my dogs.

My favorite word
is plethora because

It rolls of your tongue
and it doesn't sound
what it means.

I thought it meant it was
a type of leather,

But it actually means,
like, of many, like, a lot.

It's fun to say.

Plethora. Plethora.

♪ That's my favorite word ♪

Narrator: captain huggy face,

Show us what "grimace" means.

That's right!

Grimace is the kind
of face you make

When something hurts!

Congratulations, huggy!

[Dance music playing]


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And test your word power

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Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Wooooord up!