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06x04 - The Good, the Bad, and the Chucky / Granny's Pet Plan

Posted: 07/27/23 16:18
by bunniefuu
Pbs kids opens
worlds of possibilities

For all children

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and viewers like you.

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
pursue and yearn.

Looks like another
beautiful day in the city,

But what's this?

Could it be a crime
in progress?

Seems like a crime of fashion
if you ask me. Heh heh.

That's right.
Put all the groceries

Right there in the back
of the wagon.

Now that my new
chuck wagon is stocked

And fully loaded,
the plan I've been pursuing

For months is
finally about to pay off!

Ha ha hee hee ohh--

Doing a little
grocery shopping, chuck?

You interrupted
my evil laugh.

It was gonna be
a good one, too.

I've been

Sorry, chuck, but I
won't allow you to rob

This grocery store.

Rob? No, no, no.

I saved up my
allowance for weeks

To pay for these
sandwich supplies.

Oh, really?

Why don't you take
a look at this receipt?


Hmm. Nothing about
this situation seems

Very evil, chuck,

And what happened to
your mom's station wagon?

That's not my mom's
station wagon anymore.

Now it's the amazing
chuck wagon!


Chuck wagon?

I've always wanted to
have my own business

Selling lunch out
of the back of a wagon.

Just like they did
in the wild west.


But I didn't just
want for it to happen.

I felt something more,

Something deeper,

Like i, uh--oh, man,
what do I mean?

You yearned for it?

Yeah, exactly.

I think.

Yearn means to want
something really deeply

Or to have
a strong desire for it.

Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I yearned to have
a lunch wagon.

I'm going to sell
grilled cheese

To the entire city!

Ha ha! Ha ha ha!

I'm so proud
of you for giving
up on crime--

I'm still evil!

Heh heh.

I'm so happy for chuck.

It just goes to
show that when you
want something

Really bad,
it really can come true.

You know what I
yearn for, huggy?

I want to tell violet
I'm word girl.


Why not?
She's my best friend?

I tell her everything,

And it would be such
a relief to totally be
myself around her.

If I get a chance to
tell her today

During our play date,
I'm going to do it.

Narrator: does anyone want to
hear what I'm yearning for?

All right.
We'll pursue that later.

In the meantime,
what's going on over there?

Dr. Two-brains,
I have a question
I want to ask.

Oh, what now?

After the moon comes out
and we use this ray to

Turn it into
a giant cheese ball,

How do we actually get up
there to eat it?

How do we actually
get--ha ha!

That's cute.

Very easy!
We become astronauts!

I've always yearned to
become an astronaut.


Ooh! What was that?

A truck full of
grilled cheese sandwiches.

Ooh. What a coincidence.
I'm also yearning to

Steal a truckload
of cheese sandwiches.

Come on, boys!
The moon can wait.

Let's pursue that
grilled cheese truck!

Narrator: meanwhile
back at the botsfords'...

, ! Ready or not,
here I come.

Ah, you found us,

I guess I'm just not
very good at this game.

It's ok, becky.

You're good at lots
of other things.

What should we
play now?

Well, here's an idea.

Why don't we go inside,
and you can tell me

About your hopes
and dreams.

Then there's something
I've been wanting
to tell you.


Shouldn't we tell tj
we're going inside?

He's still
hiding somewhere.

Eh, he'll be fine.

I'll race you inside!

Narrator: meanwhile downtown,
the chuck wagon

Is spurring a gold rush.

Crowd: mmm, mmm.

There we go.
Who's next?

Oh, oh!
I'm next!

There it is, boys.

Just look at all that
delicious cheese!

Hmm. Isn't that
your friend

Chuck the evil
sandwich making guy?


Oh, my sweet gorgonzola!

That is chuck.

He's turned honest.


Well, I haven't!

Let's go get
that cheese!

Now, now, people.
Be patient.

There's enough
grilled cheese for--

I'm next!

Dr. Two-brains?
What could he want?

He's after my cheese!

Sorry, folks!
My mom's calling,
I got to run!

Please come
back tomorrow!

And bring a friend.

Yeah. Here's a coupon.

Come on, chucky boy!


Pursue this,
dr. Two-brains!

Heh heh heh!

He's making
a break for it!

Don't let that
cheese get away!

You're messing
with the wrong evil
sandwich guy, pal!

Look out, poodles
von hoosinghaus!

We're losing him.
Can't this thing
go any faster?

Sure it can,
but the speed limit's
only miles an hour.


Step on it!

[Tires squeal]

Ha ha ha! Yeah.

Oh! Wha? Oh, no!

Come on, chuck wagon,
don't fail me now!

Narrator: would this be
a good time for me to tell you

What I yearn for?

No. I don't care.

Unless you yearn
to help me get
my car started.

Oh, well then.

Back at the botsford

Becky and violet are about
to tell each other

Their hopes and dreams.

I dream of becoming
a famous artist,

And I hope to one
day have my art shown
at the city museum,

And everyone in the city
would come to see my work,

And when they see
my paintings,

They would get so happy
that they would cry
tears of joy,

And then the mayor would
ride in on a pegasus

And tell us
there was world peace.

Wow, that's really
beautiful, violet.

You know, you're such
a great artist.

Your dream will
definitely come true

If you work hard
and pursue it.

Thanks, becky.
I'll definitely do that.

At least I would
if I knew what it meant.

Oh. Well, pursue means
to chase after something

Or work very hard
to get it.

When we played

You pursued us
after we hid.

If you pursue your dream
of being an artist,

It means you'll do
the work you need to do

To make it happen.


Now it's
your turn, becky.

Ok, but do you promise
you won't ever, ever
tell anyone?

Cross my heart.

Ok. I'm, uh--i'm, uh--

What is it, becky?



Dr. Two-brains
is about to rob

A grilled cheese truck/
slash station wagon!

That's terrible!

But why are
you telling us?

Isn't this
the police station?

No, that's downtown.

Ok, I'll
pursue elsewhere.


What were you
saying, becky?

You know, about what
you yearn for?

Oh, right, I was
about to say--

I was about to say
that, uh, I'm wor-ried
about tj,

I should, uh, probably
go check on him.

But you'll tell me
your hopes and dreams

When you get back, right?

Oh, yes, for sure!

Come on, bob.

Worrrrd up!

♪ Ba da bum ba da bum
ba da bum bum bum ♪

Unicorns eating soup.


Come on, chuck!

Throw out the cheese!

But if I give up
this cheese,

I have to give up
the dream of having
the chuck wagon.

Give me that
cheese, chuck!
I'm warning you!


Give me
the cheese, chuck!


Hey, chuck.

It looks like your
sandwich business

Has gotten you
into a bit of a pickle.

Ha ha!

Surprise, surprise.

Look who the new
good chuck's best friend is--

Word girl, flying in
to save the day.

Oh, leave chuck alone,
dr. Two-brains.

Unlike you, he's
yearning to be good.

You guys think
I'm so good?!

Well, check
this out.

Now I'm back to
pursuing evil!

Ha ha ha! Ooh, yeah!
Take this!

Chucky baby,
you're back!

[Birds screeching]



On the bright side,
we can all be evil
in prison together!

Bring your cheese,

back at the botsfords',

Violet is still waiting
for becky to tell her

What she yearns for.

Help me, word girl.

Worrrd up!

Whoosh! Save!

Becky: hi, guys!

Wow it really took you
a long time to check on tj,

Especially since
he's right here!

Oh, yeah. Right.

We pursued him
everywhere, right, bob?

You must have had
quite the hiding spot, tj.

I'm still waiting to hear
what you yearn for, becky.

Oh, well, I'll be
right with you.

I yearn to tell violet
my secret,

But I'm not sure
it's the right thing to do.


You're right, bob.

If people knew my
secret identity,

I might not be able
to fight crime
the way I do now.

That could be really bad.

So what is it that
you yearn for, becky?

I--i like to dunk my
grilled cheese sandwiches

In tomato soup.

Cold tomato soup?

Oh, that is
a bit unusual.

Isn't it?

Narrator: and so
with no crime to
pursue at the moment

And becky's secret identity
safe and sound,

We come to the end
of another story.

Actually, you haven't
told us what you
yearn for?

I yearn for more fun
and cleverly worded

Crime-fighting adventures
next time

In another exciting episode
of "woooordgirrrl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello, I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player who
correctly defines today's

Featured word will win
a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may!

Today's featured
word is clutch.

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From word girl that show
the meaning of the word.

Yes, emily!

Clutch means to grip
or hold tightly

Like word girl
was doing
with the trophy

She won
in that last clip.

You got it!

And speaking
of winning trophies,

If you look
under your buzzers,

You'll find a ballot
where you can vote

For game show host
of the year!

Well, feel free to fill
those out while we show

Emily what she's won.

Huggy, take it away!

An official
"word girl" dune buggy!

[Huggy screeches]

[Car horn honks]

Uh, I don't
think I'm old enough
to drive that.

Well, if you fill out
your ballot correctly,

Maybe huggy will
take you for a spin.


Anyway, that's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
accessory and misplace.

Becky and violet.
Bob is a monkey...

Ahh, jump-rope!

Let's see how becky
and violet are enjoying

Their play date.

Bob is a monkey,
priscilla is a cat,

I'll put her on my head
and wear her as a hat.

Ooh. Oh. Heh heh.

Hey, becky.
Check it out.

Granny may's
gone "good."


I'm knitting scarves
for all the pets in town

Free of charge.

Becky: free?!
Come on, granny may.

What are you
really up to?

Listen, toots.
I'm as shocked as you,

But after a lifetime
of evil-doing,

I just don't have
the knees for it anymore.





I can't sneak up
on folks anymore.

I'm no spring chicken.

I'm just a little old
lady passing her days

Knitting items
for animals

Like this hairy
little possum.

Here. Have it.

No. Oh, no.

It's a neckerchief.

Oh, look at you,
mr. Handsome.

Now I want you to
wear it always

So you never
misplace it.


Well, bob, when you
misplace something,

You forget where
you put it.

Violet: guess what.

I found a lucky coin.

Oh, quick.
Wish for something,

And the lucky coin
will make it
come true.

I wish that priscilla
could have

A beautiful new outfit.

Wow! Scoops,
you were right.

My wish came true!

And you don't owe me one
thing for this little, uh...


An extra item to
make your outfit

More attractive
or complete.

Belts, scarves
and jewelry are
great accessories.

Ooh! I've got it!

"Granny may's scarves
are the must-have
accessory for your pet!"

That will be
the headline

For my new fashion

You have
a fashion column?


Wondertone elf,
my ruby crown, please.

Oh, how I'd love to
have a ruby pretty
princess crown.

It's the most enchanted
crown I've ever seen.

Yeah, it's
pretty magical.

Ahem. Pardon,
your princessnesses,

But violet's mom is here,
it's time to go.

And she says not to
forget your busy-bag.

Bye, becky, I almost
had too much fun.

I know. Me, too.

Sell, see you soon,

You've had a long day,
you two,

So into your jammies,
and lights out.

And don't forget
to brush your teeth.


Yeah, you can sleep
in your scarf, bob.

You know, it's really
a very nice accessory.

Narrator: later as the midnight
hour approaches,

The lights are still on
at granny may's house.



Time for the loot to
come to the old lady,

Rather than the old lady
going to the loot.


Step lively,
my little critters...

And deposit your trinkets
in granny may's bank.

Don't be shy.
Spill a little extra for me.

I'm not getting
any younger.

I should have tried
this years ago.

Ha ha ha!

[Rooster crowing]


Ooh! I see someone
fell asleep in their
pretty princess outfit.

I didn't want
to take it off.

I love my crown--
hey. Where is it?

When's the last
time you saw it?

I was showing it
to violet, then--

Oh, maybe she
accidentally scooped
it into her busy-bag.

Hey, becky!
Check this out!

It looks like valuables have
vanished all over town.

Also, did you know
wearing vertical stripes
is slimming?

Sounds suspicious
to me, bob.


No! Not about
the vertical stripes!

I just don't think
everyone's things have
been misplaced.

I bet someone's
stealing them.

Time to check
the usual suspects.

Word up!

Narrator: word girl
and captain huggy face learned

That everyone was
missing things,

Even the villains!

I'm not sure how
she could steal
from everyone

At the same time,
but granny may is still

On the top
of my villain list.

Did you hear?
My camera is missing,

And violet lost
her lucky coin.

Becky, are you
missing anything?

Just my ruby
pretty princess crown.

At first, I thought it
accidentally fell
into your busy-bag.

What's that you say?

Violet stole everything?

This girl, right here,
I'm pointing to

Who's name is violet
stole it all?

No! That's not what
I was saying.

Violet would never
steal anything.

I'd never
steal anything.

She's an artist.

I'm an artist.

Where are my skates?!

Why don't you ask

She doesn't have
your skates!

What about my gold
retirement watch?

It wasn't some
cheap accessory!

Stop! Violet did

Oh, yeah?
Where were you
last night, dearie?


Dreaming about
the ruby pretty
princess crown.


And now it's missing.

Stop blaming violet,
granny may!

This is crazy!

Please stop!

I didn't do
anything wrong!


We need to follow
her, bob.

I think she's up
to her old tricks.

Oh, but I don't want
to leave violet,

But if we can catch
granny may

With the valuables,
I can prove violet
didn't take anything.

Word up!


No, I don't see
anything suspicious.

Yes, they're very
nice curtains,

And I'm sure
she made them.


back at the botsfords',

Becky is having trouble
getting to sleep

Because she's worried
about her best friend.

Oh, I don't know how
you can sleep

With the entire town
accusing poor violet
of stealing everything.

This is awful.

Whoa, becky.
You're still up?

I guess I should try
and go back to sleep.

You know what I do
when I can't sleep?



Here. It'll calm you
right down.

Oh. Maybe I'll wash
this one by hand.

Well, it's gotten
a little dirty, bob.

I promise
to be careful.

Dad, where are
you going?

Dad?! Dad!?

Bob, let's
follow him.

Word up!

Stop right there,
granny may!

I knew it all along!

You haven't gone good.

Why, word girl,
how did I get here?

Oh, stop
the innocent act.

Shame on you
for making sweet, loyal pets

Steal for you.




Granny may:
ha ha ha!

You won't get me,
word girl.

You ain't fast enough,

[Bones rattle]



How dare you accuse my
innocent friend violet

When you're the one
who's committing
the crime!

[Huggy squeaks]

Did you find my crown?


I mean, becky botsford's

Narrator: yes, that's it,
the crown!

Um, you ok over there?

I get a little caught up
in the action sometimes.

Ahem. Sorry about that.

You wouldn't bring
a poor, little, old lady

With bad knees to jail,
now would you?

Becky: oh, violet,
I'm so sorry I
caused you to get

Blamed for everything.

It wasn't your
fault, becky.

Artists are often

Here, violet.
I want you to have it.

Oh, becky, that's
the most wonderful
gift ever!

Here! I insist you take
my lucky coin.

And remember,
when flipping
your lucky coin,

Tails never fails!

That's what
my uncle jim says,
"tails never fails!"


Becky, can I get
a photo of you

For my new column,
"fashion: yay or nay?"

Your headband is
an absolute "yay."

It matches your skirt,
which makes it

The perfect accessory.

Come on, bob.

You can be
in the picture, too.

Narrator: and so word girl
proved violet was innocent,

And everyone's valuables
were returned.

Ahh. There's no better
accessory than
a good friend.


And a trusty sidekick!

Narrator: they really are
my favorite crime-fighting
duo on television.

Oh, ahem.

Thank you, trusty
"word girl" viewers,

And remember don't
misplace your remote,

So you can join us next time

For another action-packed
episode of "word girl."

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello I'm beau handsome,
and this is

The bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Emily, you correctly
defined the word clutch.

Ready to play
the bonus round?

You bet!

Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one shows
the definition for clutch.

So, what do you
think, emily?

I'm going to go
with number two.

Reginald is really
clutching that bag
of jewelry.

That's correct!

Which means you're
our bonus round winner.

Huggy, show her
what she's won.

An official
"word girl" giant sand dune!

A sand dune?!

Wow! Emily, you're really
going to have fun with that!

I am?

Ok. Well, that's
our show.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

My favorite word is sequins.

Well, I really like
sequins because they shine,

Especially the silver
sequins because it goes

With a lot of clothes,

And my sequin boots
are very comfortable
with the fur inside.

My name is anna,
my favorite word is kumquat.

My teacher thinks it's funny,
and then she got it

Stuck in my head,
and then I started to like it.

♪ That's my favorite word ♪

Narrator: captain huggy face,
show us what

"Perturbed" means.

That's right!

Perturbed means to be
upset and bothered.

Congratulations, huggy!

[Dance music playing]


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Wooooord up!