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06x03 - The Meaty Dimension / The Case of the Copied Mrs. Botsford

Posted: 07/27/23 16:17
by bunniefuu
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♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
portal and overpower.

At the city jail in a cell
made entirely out of tofu...

Ha ha ha!
Look at you--

The big, bad butcher.

What's the matter?

Is this tofu
canceling out
your meat powers?


Hey. Where does all your
meat come from anyway?

No idea. I just yell
and point my hands,

And meat comes out.

What? How could you
not know?

I guess I never really
thought about it.

I should totally
find out!

Thanks, buddy.

Not in this lifetime,
butchy boy.

You're stuck
in this cell
for a long time.


All because of her--

Word girl!

Yeah, yeah.

And it says they're
painting a mural of her

While you sit
in that tofu cell

For a long, long,


Heh heh.

Hamburger hammer!

Heh heh.

Help! The butcher
overpowered me!

He's escaping!

Narrator: later
in the butcher's layer...

Huh. Where does
my meat come from?

All right.
Where is it, where is it?

I know I put it here.

Ah. There it is!
All right!

Oh, man.
I haven't read this

Since I first got
my powers.

"So you've got meat
flying out of your hands--

Now what?"

By your dad
kid potato.

Ok. Let's see.
There it is.

"So you want to know
where the meat flying out

Of your hands comes from"

By your dad
kid potato.

"The meat comes
from the meaty dimension,

"The source of all
your powers.

"All you have to do
to enter the meaty dimension

Is make a portal
like so."

All right.
That looks easy.


Looks like
a regular old steak.

"You may think that
the portal looks like
a regular old steak,

"But it is not.

It is a portal."

Whoa! "Your power
in the meaty dimension

Is enormous."

Hey. That sounds good!

All right.
Well, here goes.

ok. This is weird.

but, oh, man,
do I feel powerful.

Watch. Ham!

All right!
Look at that ham!

that's a big ham.

Yeah. That is
a big ham,

Maybe too big for one little
monkey to handle.

So all I got to do
is trick word girl's

Meat-loving monkey
into one of my portals

And then trap him
here forever.

With him out of the way,
word girl has no defense
for my meat att*cks!

I'll defeat her,
and then I'll
take over the world!

Narrator: meanwhile,
word girl and captain huggy face

Are posing for a mural
at the library.

So you think
you can stay
still, please?

Of course.
We've been still
this whole time.

Not really.

Ok. So here we go.

Oh, brush, brush.
Brush, brush.

Ha ha ha!


Sorry. Nothing.

Heh heh.


[Word girl
and huggy laughing]


Nothing. It's just
you look so serious

When you paint.

It kind of
makes us giggle.

Ok. Funny,

Ok. All set.

Whew! Got all
the giggles out.

Ok. Thank you.


I don't know.
I'll ask.

Huggy wants to know
when we get a break.

A break?
We've barely
gotten started.

Good point.

So when do we get to
see what you're painting?

After I actually get
to paint something.



Oh! Huggy!

You know what?

I think I could use
a break, too.

Would you excuse
me, please?


Oh, huggy,
how many times

Do I have to tell you
not to eat meat

You find lying around?

Is that...
The butcher?

Boo! Heh heh! Ohh!

You're coming
with me, monkey.


That's right,
word girl!

Your monkey
is mine!

He passed right
through my
steak porchal

Into my meat--

Hold it, hold it.
Your steak what now?

Uh, porchal.

No such word.

Oh. Uh, porkal?

I think the word
you're looking for
is portal.

A portal is a doorway
or an entrance
to someplace.

Oh. Yeah. That
sounds familiar.

I can't believe I just
corrected a piece of meat.

Hey, hey, hey.
Hold on a second.

This piece of meat
happens to be
a portal

That's the entrance
to my meaty dimension.

[Huggy screeches]

Hold on, huggy!
I'm coming for you!

Hyah! Ohh, whoa, whoa.

Ha ha! Closed it!

Ok. So are you guys
ready to--oh, great.

Where's huggy?

He's trapped
in that steak!

Watch. Butcher!



Is huggy there
with you?

Yeah, he's here.

In fact, your monkey's
trapped in here forev--hey!

Get off of me!

Ow! Ow! Ow!

Dah! All right!! Dah!


So you like that
pork chop, huh?

Pork chop prison!

What's the matter,
monkey guy?

Too much for you
to eat through?

Heh heh heh.
Welcome to my world.

What's going on
in there?

I overpowdered
your monkey guy

With some giant
pork chops. Yeah!

Uh, I think you
mean overpowered.

You sure?

Well, overpowder means
to put too much
powder on something.

Overpower means
to defeat totally
and completely.

Oh. So I
overpowered him?

Sounds like it?

Ha ha! All right!

Well, word girl,
looks like

Your sidekick
is trapped here

Ha ha ha!

What? I missed
the last bit.

Yeah. Hold on.
I'm coming out.

It's just easier
to talk to you
face to face

Without a steak
in the way.


So it looks like
your sidekick
is trapped...

In there...
Forever. Ha ha!


"Uh-oh" is right.

Meatball m*ssacre!


With him out
of the way,

I could get you
out of the way,

And then no one
will be in my way,

And then I will rule
the world!

Since when do you want
to rule world?

Usually, you just
want to steal stuff.

Well, maybe I want
to move on

From just
stealing stuff.

I can't be a thief
for the rest
of my life,

And anyway,
how hard can ruling
the world be?

I don't know.
Seems like a lot
of paperwork.

Oh, yeah? Well,
then I'd better
get started.

Chicken pot pow!


Huggy, I need help!

Word girl: huggy!
Oh, huggy! Help!


Butcher: ha ha!
You can't avoid

My att*cks forever!

Meatball mayhem!


Ha ha ha!

And now that I've
overpowered word girl,

No one can stop me
from taking over
the world.

Ha ha ha!

Hold it.
Hold that pose.

I have a portrait
to paint

For this library wall,
and if if can't get

Word girl
and captain huggy face,

Then you are going to
have to do.

Really? No one's ever
asked to paint me before.

Is this pose ok?
Right here?

It's fine.

Because I want to make
sure I look like

A good, strong--

It's fine!

Ok. What?
The portal!

I cannot believe
I keep getting interrupted

By this talking steak!


How did you escape?

You ate
the pork chops?

And the steak?

And the chicken?

All right. Well, there's
no way possible

That you could eat
any more,

So pork chop chop!

Huh. Ok.

Meatball m*ssacre!


Meatball mayhem?

Wait. You ate everything
in my meaty dimension?

but word girl is
still trapped,

And you can't eat
any more,

So all I have to do
is jump through
my steak portal

And spend a little time
in the meaty dimen--ohh!

Wait. No. Put that down.

No. Don't eat
my portal. No!



Gah! Dah! No!

Ok. Well, no big deal.

All I have to do
is wait a minute

For the meaty dimension
to make more meat,
and then i--ohh!

What is it? Tofu. Ugh!

It's a great snack
and a w*apon!


My powers! Tofuuuu!

Yes! All right,

Now help me out
of here,

And I'll finish
him off.

Uh, violet?

Narrator: and so word girl,
captain huggy face,

And violet have kept
the world safe from the butcher

By eating his steak portal
and overpowering him with tofu.

Only on this show can
a sentence like that make sense.

Ohh. Ow.

You know, I feel
like we should
use tofu

Against the butcher
more often.

You know, I wasn't
gonna say anything,

But, yeah, you
probably should.

Guess we just

Well, you got a lot
going on.

Violet: shh!


join us again next time

For another portrait-worthy
installment of...

"Word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines
today's featured word

Will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may.
Today's featured word
is perspire.

To give you a clue,
here are some clips
from "word girl"

That show the meaning
of the word.

Yes, tommy?

Perspire means to
sweat like everyone

In those clips
was doing.

That is correct!

Huggy, show him
what he's wo--aah!


Are you ok?

Can't you find
a better time to train
for your unicycle race?

Oh, huggy. Did you break
the air conditioner?

Uh, are you gonna
tell me what I've won?

Fine. Here's hoping
it's a replacement
air conditioner.

Huggy, are you ready
to show him the prize?

Uh, ok. Ok.

Tommy, you are
today's winner!

Huggy, show him
what he's won!

An official "word girl"
absurdly large launch ramp!


Uh, don't worry, folks.
He's fine.

Ahem. Ok. That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: today's featured words

Are gripe and convince.

It's a.m. On a bright
and sunny morning.

Do you know what's
happening in the news today?

Good morning, everyone.
In breaking new--

In breaking news
this morning,

The police commissioner
robbed the city arcade
and was--

Last seen running
from the arcade
with a bag of coins

And some fuzzy dice.

In other news,
look at this squirrel.

With my new copies,
I can convince everyone

That their favorite
city officials

Are nothing more than
red-handed criminals.

And then when the good guys
are locked up,

Lady redundant woman
can come out to play,

To have some fun,
to fool around!

You there, fake mayor,
rob the jewelry store

And bring me
a matching diamond necklace,

A diamond choker,
and diamond beads.

Fake warden,
go steal me a snack
from the grocery store.

I'd like a salami sandwich
with extra salami

And some salami
on it.

And you, my dear
fake d.a. Botsford,

I'm saving you
for last,

My grand finale,
the big poobah!

Ha ha! Ha ha!
Ha ha!

[Alarm ringing]

Narrator: someone is robbing
the jewelry store!

Word girl, quick!

Quick enough
for you?

Stop right there...



Why would the mayor
rob the jewelry store?


Something's weird here.


I can't think
of a single reason

The mayor would rob
the jewelry store.


Good idea, huggy.

Mom does work
with the mayor.

Maybe she'll have a clue
about what's going on.

meanwhile in the office

Of the city's district attorney,

Word girl and mrs. Botsford
put their heads together.

I work with
the mayor, warden,
and police commissioner,

And they're all
law-abiding citizens

Who work for the city
like me.

News announcer: this just in.
News alert.

The city district attorney
was just seen robbing the bank

Only moments ago.

She was?! Wait.

I'm the city
district attorney.

I couldn't have
robbed the bank. I'm here.


That's right, huggy.
That means someone

Convinced the bank
teller that they

You mean an imposter?

An imposter.

An imposter?

An imposter!

Word girl,
captain huggy face,

I need you to find
that imposter

Before she commits
any more crimes.

If there's anything
I can do to help you
track down this person...

I'm not sure that
would be a good idea.

The police will be
looking for you.

Well, not you
but the other you,
the--the fake you.

Uh, you stay put.

Me and huggy are
on the case.

I mean, huggy and I
are on the case.

Man: mrs. Botsford,
it's the police!

We've got a few
to ask you.




Narrator: what will
mrs. Botsford do?

Will she ever convince
the police she's innocent?

Can she run a mile
in minutes flat?


[Siren stops]


Narrator: wow!
That lady is fast!

Run! Run like the wind!

She's running
from the police,
I'll have you know.

You're never supposed
to run from the police

Or on pool decks,
where it's wet.

You could trip and fall
and bang your head.

Oh, never mind.
You'll find out
soon enough.

Meanwhile, word girl and huggy
look for clues.


Ugh! We've searched
every inch of the city,

And not a single clue.

I'm pooped.

Mrs. Botsford:
psst. Psst. Word girl.

Over here. It's me!
Attorney botsford.


How do I know
you're the real
mrs. Botsford?

Convince us.

Well, my husband's
name is tim,

I have two wonderful,
well-behaved children--
becky and tj.

Of course, I can't
forget about bob,
our wonderful pet monkey.

Come to think of it,
he kind of looks a little
like you, huggy.

Ok. You convinced us.

As soon as you left,
the police came,

And, well, I hopped
out of the window
to escape.

Maybe it's not
such a good idea,

But I need to get
to the bottom
of this crime

And clear my name.


Afternoon, word girl.

Oh. Hello, officer.

Captain huggy face,

I like your glasses.

[Deep voice]
uh, thank you.

Is there something
we can help you
with, officer?

Yeah. I'm looking
for attorney botsford.

She's the one who
robbed the bank.

I did no--oh!


Bad allergies.

Did you ever think,
officer, why

Attorney botsford
would commit
such a crime?

I don't know.
The bank teller
seems convinced

She's the one
who robbed
the bank?

Couldn't it have been
a look-alike?

Maybe, but until
we know for sure,

I have to bring
her to jail.




Narrator: word girl
and captain huggy face

Looked like they've had
better days.

Ugh. We haven't
found any clues,
and we lost mom!

You're not giving up,
are you?

No. Of course not.
I'm just griping.

I love to gripe.


Oh, gripe means
to complain
or whine.

For instance,
if you don't
like something,

You gripe about it.

You always gripe
that you never have
enough snacks.

Hey. There's mom.


You're right.
That isn't mom,
is it?

Sure is a convincing
disguise, though.

Let's go, huggy.

[Alarm ringing]


Stop right there!
Stop right there!

You caught her--
the imposter!

An imposter!

Arrest me--her--
it--right now.

I'm confused.

I'm mrs. Botsford.

No, you're not.

I'm mrs. Botsford!

Uh, ok. Will the real
mrs. Botsford

Please take
one step forward?


All right.
That was no good.

Wait! I know how
to figure out

Which one is
the imposter.

I happen to know
mrs. Botsford's daughter
becky personally.

Becky told me
her mother has

A secret nickname
for her,

So secret that
only two people

In the whole world
know about it.

Well, and me. Heh.
That's -- --
people know.

No kidding.
That's a small number.

Really. I know becky
is really

by this nickname,

Not that she needs
to be, I suppose,

But I'm sure she
wouldn't mind me
sharing it

If it would solve
this case.

Ok. I'm game.
Uh, mrs. Botsford
number one,

What's your daughter's


It's little

Ok. Mrs. Botsford
number two,

What--what's your
daughter's nickname?

That's easy.
I call her my little
becky doodles.

There's your imposter.'re up!


What just happened?

I'm not sure.

These copy pages are
the clue we've been
looking for.

Come on, huggy.
I've got a score
to settle

With a certain
lady redundant woman.

Narrator: meanwhile at
lady redundant woman's lair...

Time to double my efforts
and convince word girl

And the citizens
of this city

That I'm in charge here,
I'm the boss,

I am the decider!

Word girl: uh, sorry
to drop in without calling.

Ehh. Word girl?!

I am so sick and tired
and fatigued

And fed up
of you ruining my fun!

Oh, stop griping.
We're on to you.

I really expected
more out of you,
lady redundant woman.

Well, it's more of me
you wish for, word girl,

All you had to do
was ask!

Perhaps one
of my colleagues

Can convince you
to let us go without a fight.

You do know what
convince means, don't you?

Of course.
Convince is when you
try and talk someone

Into changing their mind
or agreeing to do

For instance, I would
like to convince you
to give up.

I don't think so.
Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Huggy, you know
the drill, right?



Not bad for starters,

But what about
our friends?

Heh heh. I-i thought
that would have

Take a little

Hey. Bye now!

The only copies
you'll be making

Are in the city prison
copy room!

Oh! The prison has
a copy room now?
That's great.

No. No, they don't.
I was just--

I was trying to be...


And, uh, didn't
quite work.

Word girl, we make
a good team,

Just like a mother-daughter,
if I must say so myself.

I feel the same way,
very the same way.

Uh...i think
I'm picking up
an ice cream truck

With my super hearing.

Want a scoop
of vanilla?

I'll take a cone.

with lady redundant woman doing

All of her griping behind bars,

It looks like this copycat case
has been solved

Thanks to word girl
and captain huggy face.

I hope you don't need
too much convincing

To tune in to the next amazing
adventure of "word girl."

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance to play

For even greater prizes
on the bonus round!

Tommy, you correctly
defined the word perspire.

Are you ready to play
the bonus round?

Let's do it?

Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition

For perspire.

Give it a shot,

I'm going to go
with number .

The dj in that picture
was really perspiring.

He was sweating almost
as much as you are now.

Tommy, you are
our bonus round winner.

Show him what he's
won, huggy!

Official "word girl"
frozen treats!

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

My favorite word is football
because I love playing it.

I like playing football
because I like to tackle people

And I like to run the ball.

I play right guard,
defensive end, and running back,

But I only scored touchdowns.

After I scored
my touchdown,

I go to my friends
and hug them.

♪ That's my favorite word ♪

Narrator: captain huggy face,

Show us what blithe means.

That's right.

Blithe means to be
happy or joyous.

Congratulations, huggy!

[Dance music playing]


Want more "word girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes

And test your word power

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Wooooord up!