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05x15 - Road Rage, Anger, and Fury / By Jove, You've Wrecked My Robots!

Posted: 07/27/23 16:14
by bunniefuu
Pbs kids opens
worlds of possibilities

For all children

Thanks to pbs stations
and viewers like you.

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
obstacle and rant.

Ah, just a typical
saturday morning

At the botsfords'...

[Whistle blowing]

Bup, bup, ba.
Hold it right there, tj!

What's happening?

Ok, honey.
You can cross now.

Oh, this is fun!

♪ Do do dee do
do do do ♪

♪ I'm pretending to walk
across the street ♪

♪ Walking, walking ♪

Aah! Sorry, officer!

This is so silly.

Dah! I just want to
go into the kitchen!

Why do I have
to wait?

What is going on?!

[Bowling whistle]

Tj, there's
no need to rant.

As a volunteer crossing guard,
citizens are going

To be depending
on me to help them
cross the street,

And that's why...

I'm practicing at home.

Ok. You can cross now.

Good work, honey!
You're such a strong
whistler and waver!

I'm just doing my job.

My family is
very strange.

Narrator: and speaking
of strange...

Ta-da! Feast your eyes
on the beckatron.


Ok, so you know how,
when I need to transform

Into word girl
to go fight crime

Sometimes I'm stuck
with my family or friends

And I can't get away

And not even a brilliant
excuse can get me free?

Yeah, it is quite
an obstacle.

Well, the beckatron here
can take my place

And allow the real me
to sneak away

And turn
into word girl.

Here. Watch, watch,
watch, watch.

Hey, becky.
How's it going?

I'm happy!
How are you?

Say, becky, aren't
unicorns amazing?


We should go
to the library.

I agree with whatever
you just said!

See, the beckatron
looks like me

And even sounds like me.

So the next time I have
to sneak away

And turn into word girl,

I'll just give you
this remote control,

And you can make
the beckatron respond

In my place.

Got it?


Mrs. Botsford: becky!
It's time to go!

We don't want to
be late for--

"Pretty princess on ice!"
Let's go!

"Pretty princess on ice!
Pretty princess on ice!"

I can't wait!


I'm not really that
into "pretty princess."

Oh. I do love watching
ice skating.

It's not just
ice skating, mom.

It's all our favorite
characters from
"pretty princess"

a magical story.

And they'll
all be on ice!

On ice, you say?

Well, then I think
this show is
going to be cool.

Oh, tim!
Oh, ho ho!

You crack me up!

Now refresh
my memory.
Count cloudy is

A good guy, right?

Dad, count cloudy
is totally evil.

He kidnaps penelope pony
when pretty princess

Isn't looking and hides
her in cloudy corners!

Ok. So maybe I like
"pretty princess"...
A little.

Uh-oh. Looks like there's
some traffic up ahead.

Traffic? We won't be late
for the show, will we?

Don't worry, becky.

As long as this car
is moving,

We'll make it
just fine.

Oh, keep moving,
keep moving.

Narrator: up ahead, someone
else is worried

About the traffic.

All this traffic!

This is the third time
this week I'm late for work!

Why are all these other
people going places

At the same time
I want to go places?!

Well, I'm not going
to take this anymore.

I'm going to stop all this
traffic right here and now!

[Horns honking]

That car ahead of us is
stopped in the middle
of the road!

Nnin, nnin,
nnin, nnin.

I can't get
around it.

It's quite
an obstacle!

But we've got to get
to pretty princess on ice!

[Horns honking]

You've all made me stuck,
frozen, and halted

For the last time!

Copies, walk, across
the street

And block the way!

And you! And you! And you!

Get my car out of here!

Lift! Once my car is free
and all of you are stuck here,

I'll have the road
all for myself,

For yours truly,
for meeeee!

Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!

Mr. Botsford. Yeah. Ugh.
There are obstacles
in every direction!

Dad, those
aren't obstacles.

They're copies
of lady redundant woman.

Actually, tj,
they're both.

See, an obstacle is
something that gets
in your way.

It can be a thing,
like a car,

Or a difficult
situation that makes
you feel stuck,

Or even people,
like those copies

Of lady
redundant woman.

We can't get past them,
and they are definitely

In our way,
so they are obstacles.

And if we don't get
a move on,

We're going to miss
"pretty princess on ice!"

Oh, where's word girl
when you need her?

Time for beckatron.

Ready to inflate
in , , .

Whoa! That's a lot
of obstacles.

so many of them!

Oh, you're
so funny.


Aren't crossword
puzzles fun?

Uh, yeah, sure.

[Horns honking]

You there?
Trying to go
somewhere important,


Well, too bad!

And what about you?
I'm making you late.

Isn't that fantastic,
wonderful, exceptional?

Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha!

Hold it right there,
lady redundant woman.

Word girl!

You need to call off
your copies immediately.

They're getting
in everyone's way!

I know!

They're the ultimate
obstacle, roadblock,

And impediment!

And once my car
is free,

I'll have the road
all to myself.

Why are you
doing this?

Because I've
had enough!

Enough of all this
traffic and cars
and crowded streets,

And all these people
make me late every day.

Now for once I'm
going to make them
late, tardy,

And not on time and see
how they feel about it!

Wow! That's quite
a rant.

Narrator: tell me about it.

And another thing!

She just keeps going
on and on with this
angry speech.

Isn't that what
rant means?

Exactly. This is a perfect
example of a rant.

She's just going
on and on in a loud,
angry voice.

Shouldn't you jump in
and stop her or something?

I don't want to
be rude.

And the potholes!

Well, while we wait,
let's see how

The beckatron is doing.

Ooh! Lady redundant woman
is in trouble

Now that word girl's
on the scene.

I agree with whatever
you just said.

That's good,
because I'm right.

Ha ha!
You're so funny.

Was that funny?

I didn't mean it
to be--

I agree with whatever
you just said.

Becky, are you feeling
all right?

Something about
you seems strange.

Ha ha!
I love unicorns.

That cloud looks
like a porcupine.

Did somebody
order a pizza?

Mom, becky's
scaring me!

And another thing,
idea, or notion--

Can somebody explain
to me why I can never
find a parking spot

In front
of my apartment?!

Ok, lady redundant woman.

I think we've heard
enough of your rant.

If you won't go nicely,
we'll have to do this
the hard way.

Bring it.
Let's roll. It's on.



Capture, subdue,
and don't let
her get away!

Uh-oh. If only my sidekick
captain huggy face would
help free me!

Captain huggy face,
are you out there?

Huggy, can you
hear me?!


Ok, becky!

What's your
favorite color?

Can you repeat
the question?

What's your
favorite color?

Can you repeat
the question?

What's your favorite--
why won't you answer
the question?

Can you repeat
the question?

What is up
with you today?

Looks like word girl
is in trouble!

Once lady redundant woman's
car makes it

Past the intersection,
she'll get away,

And these copies
will be left blocking
everyone's path.

Oh. How can I get them
out of the road?

That's it!

Oh, if only there was
a crossing guard nearby

Who could help clear
the crosswalks of all
these pedestrians!

you hear that?

This intersection
needs me.

But tim, there's
so many of them.

I've got
a job to do.

Make mama proud.

[Whistle blowing]

Attention everybody!

I am the crossing guard
for this street corner,

And I will say
when it's time to walk

And when it's time to wait.

Do you understand?

Good! Now this group over here,
I want you to move

Over to this sidewalk
on the double!

Move it, move it!

My hero--tim botsford!

Timmy, botsy, botsy.

Becky, are you
seeing this?

Dad's saving the day!

Move over, word girl!

It's crossing man!

I could not agree
with you more.

Uh, yeah.


Good work! Now let's
take out the ringleader.

Hey, you
crossing guard!

Citizen! Stop stopping
my copies from
getting in the way!

Looks like I'm
the obstacle now.

Huggy, her nose!




Word girl!

You haven't heard
the last of lady
redundant woman.

I'll be back!
I shall return!

I will reappear!

To be continued!

Oh, save your ranting
for the judge!

Need anything else,
word girl?

No, I think that was
the only obstacle that

Needed moving.

Thanks, da--uh, citizen.


Oh, tim, you sounded
like a superhero

When you said that.

So confident.

Say it again.



Anytime. Anytime.

Yeah. Ok. That's enough.

I can stop anytime.

I'm stopping.

Oh, brother, get
a load of these two.

Whoa! Mom and dad!

Becky's a balloon!

Citizens! What is that
diversion over there?!

A diversion?


I don't see a diversion.

Me neither.

Look! Word girl's gone!

Oh, well. I guess she
had to go fight crime

Somewhere else.

Now who wants to
go see "pretty
princess on ice"?

I do!
I do!

I do!

Wait. I didn't get
to tell you guys.

Becky has replaced
herself with an inflatable--

What are you
talking about, tj?

I saw it with my
own eyes, becky.

Sure you did.

Narrator: nice switcheroo.

Mum's the word.

You got it.

And so, with all
the obstacles out of the way

And lady redundant woman
off to rant behind bars,

All is well!

Beckatron: did somebody
order a pizza?

Because if they did,
um--get us out of here!

Join us next time
for another exciting episode

Of word girl!

Did somebody
order a pizza?

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello, I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may!

Today's featured
word is smudge.

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl" that show
the meaning of the word.

Yes! Emily!

Smudge means
to play tug-of-w*r.

One time, my
dog picked up one
of my old socks,

And I spent two hours
trying to pull it out
of its mouth--

While that's certainly
an interesting story,

I'm sorry, but smudge
does not mean tug-of-w*r.

Go ahead, phil.

A smudge is
a dirty mark or smear.

The birthday girl has
chocolate smudges
all over her face.

That is correct!

Congratulations, phil.
You are today's winner!

Huggy, show him
what he's won.

An official "word girl"
life-size beau handsome cutout!

You want me to
autograph that for you?



Oops! I smudged
my signature.

Well, don't worry.
We'll get you another one.

That's ok. I really
don't want another.

Of course you do!

That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
savvy and realize.

On a dark
and stormy afternoon...


You said it, bob.

It's a perfect day
to snuggle up and relax.

Hi, guys!

Wow! You look


Did you finish
your homework?


So you're just sitting
here, relaxing,

Doing absolutely nothing.


I set up
a play date for you.

With whom?

Hello, common folk.

Mom! May I remind you
that he has tried
to wreck the city

And our house
several times.

Listen. His mom said he
wouldn't be any trouble.

Why, he hasn't been near
a giant robot in months!

She said he's
spent all his
time designing

A new board game.

It's a game
of skill and savvy.

It's called "by jove,
you've wrecked
my robot!"

Ugh. That sounds like a--

A game I should be
showing to word girl.

Funny you should
mention that.

Mrs. Botsford:
they're so cute!

Aren't they, though?

I don't know.

Relax, honey.

You kids, have fun!

So here's how we play.

We each have a map
of the city,

Broken up into a grid.

Colors across the top,
numbers down the side.

You place your robots
throughout your city,

And I'll place mine
throughout mine.

Then we each take turns
guessing where each
other's robots are.

If you guess
the correct square,

Your robot
short circuits.

Wreck all of your
opponent's robots,
and you win.

Get it?



Not now, bob!


All right. Finally.

I will allow you to
make the first move.

Ok. Green .

Uh, nope.
No robot there.

My turn!

Purple .

Why me?


Wow! That
was loud for
such a little robot.

Ok. Now you say
"by jove, you've
wrecked my robot."


It's right there
in the title.

Fine. By jove, you've
wrecked my robot.

Come on, admit it.
This is fun.


Not now, bob.
It's my turn.

Um, blue .

By jove, you've
wrecked my robot.

Whoa! The ground shook!


What, bob?

Whoa! This game is real?!


Guess my secret is out.
Ha ha ha!

Yes, this game is real!

And here's how it works.
If you win,

You can rid the city
of my robots.

But if I win,
I can use mine

To destroy the city.

Pretty savvy move by tobey,
but we can't let

Him get away with it!


That's right, bob.

Savvy means clever
or being good at something,

Like we're pretty
savvy at keeping

Our identities secret.

Hmm. I don't know why
that example popped
into my head.

And if you try to run off
and turn into word girl,

I'll use all the robots
to destroy the city.

Wait. What did
you just say?

I said--ahem--

If you try to
turn into word girl--

Wait. I am not word girl.

I mean, haven't we been
through this before?

Yes. Yes, we have.

Because evidence keeps
popping up, becky,

Evidence that you can
no longer deny!

Recognize these?


That's not--
I didn't--ugh.

Oh, yes, yes, right.

These photos are
from the last battle I had

With word girl
just a few short months ago.

See anything familiar?


The shoes!


Ha! Gah. Bah! Ta! Ha!
Pbb! Pfft.

So what.

Narrator: what happened?

Well, someone forgot
to bring my boots

To school that day,

Even though I specifically
reminded him.

So we have the same
taste in footwear?

So what?

Yes, that may be,
but it's funny what else

You realize when one
thing falls into place.

Like I realized that
you and word girl are
the same height,

The same hair style
and color!

Oh, that's ridiculous!

The same sparkling smile,
the same ruby lips,

The same--i realize
I've said too much.


Well, bob, realize means
to figure something out,

To understand something,
like how tobey realizing

All those things
made him think
that I'm word girl

And how I just realized
that I probably shouldn't
have defined that word.

Aha! Even more proof
you're word girl!

Uh, sorry, tobey,
but you're way, way off.

I don't think so.
You, my dear,
are word girl,

And by the end of today,
you are going to admit it!

Listen, tobey.
I may not be word girl
like you seem to think,

But I'm positive that
I can beat you
at this game

And shut down
your robots!

Uh, red !

Yellow one!



Pink five!

It's not fair.

Green !




Purple !

Blue !

Red !

By jove, you've
wrecked my robot.

Make it...


Mrs. Botsford: hey, kids!

How is the game going?

Ooh! Looks like fun!

Mom, this game
is real!


Quick! Look
out the window!

Oh! Oh! Ha ha!

You had me going there
for a second, becky!

Where are they?

I think you're
taking that game
a little too

Seriously, hon!


Oh, silly me.
Did I not tell you

About the "duck" button?

There they are!

Another savvy
move, tobey.

Yes, well, I'd be modest,
but what's the point?

Now if you'll excuse me,
I have to use
the little boy's room,

Or should I say,
the little genius's room?

Ha ha ha!

Not that funny.

Yes, I guess not.

Either way,
I'll be right back.

No peeking at my side
of the board.

Bob, go borrow tj's
official word girl



Ok. Ready to
resume our game?

Yes, of course!

Oh, what's that
over there?

What? Where?

Oh. Never mind.

I thought I saw
a, uh, polar bear,

Wearing a bolo tie.

Huh? Eh. Well back to
the game then, shall we?

Ok! Yes!
It's my move!

[Bob squeaking
on walkie-talkie]

Did you hear something?

No! Nothing!

Anyway, for my turn,
I choose purple one!

Hmm. Well done.

By jove, you've
wrecked my robot.

Blue !
No. Uh...

[Bob squeaking]

Yellow one?

By jove, you've
wrecked my robot.

Staging a comeback,
are we?


Yes. Well, yellow !

Miss! Uh...

Blue two!

By jove, you've
wrecked my--

Oh, wait,
no you didn't.

Yes, I did--oh, I mean,
I don't know if I did.

That was just a guess.

You're cheating!

No, I'm not!
Oh, no?

Then why are you holding
a walkie-talkie

Behind your back?

Good luck charm?

Ha ha!
You don't get it!

I don't care if you're
cheating or not!

I have all
the information I need!

You really are
word girl!

How do you--you're

Well, let's just
think about this
for a second, shall we?

The city is
full of robots.

Wouldn't you think
word girl would at least

Make an attempt
to battle them? Hmm?

Uh, well, but...

Why, I'd imagine that
the only reason she wouldn't

Is if she couldn't leave
her own living room

Without getting
caught by me!

Ha ha ha ha!

I've done it! Yes!

I've proven once and
for all that I'm too smart

And too savvy for you,
word girl!

Oh, yeah?

Well, how do you
know that word girl

Isn't out there
right now, battling
your robots?

Because, if word girl
were out there,

We would have heard
at least one robot
crash by now,

Don't you think? Hmm?


You mean like
that one?

Uh, well, that
means nothing!

That's probably just
you're annoying sidekick

Fighting my robots!

How do you know?

Well, I realized that
this might be a problem,

So I took steps
to correct it!

All of my robots have
video cameras on them!

Let's see what robot
one sees, shall we?

See? No word girl!

What about
right there?

What? Where?

Time you learned
the definition of justice!

What?! That can't be!


You're word girl!

Tell that
to the girl
on the screen.

Well, there has to be
some explanation for this!

Robot two!

Know what justice means?

Well, you do now!

Robot number !

Here's a new word
for your vocabulary--

Let me guess.


Well, let's see
if she likes--hey!

Oh, you're going
to pay for that!

And since you're
apparently not word girl,

I should have no problem
defeating you

With my kung fu!


And just what do
you think you're
doing, mister?!


That's right, honey!

I realize now that you
were telling the truth

About the robots!

You're in big trouble,

Oh, really?
Well, now just
what are you

Going to do,
mrs. Botsford? Hmm?

You do realize that
you are not my...


Ow, ow, ow, ow!

You'll pay
for this, becky!

I'm buckling up,
I'm buckling up,
I'm buckling up!

Sorry I didn't believe
you before, becky.

Don't worry
about it, mom.

Tobey is
pretty savvy.

Oh, hey, bob!

I see you've been
out playing

With tj's word girl doll!

But boy did you miss some
excitement around here!

Narrator: ahh! So that's
how you did it!

One of my favorite
words is justice!

That doll really likes
the word justice, huh?

All right!

So once again, tobey is
brought to justice

By a pretty savvy move
by becky and bob!


And when you realize
what a great show

We've got here, you'll want
to join us again next time

For another exciting
installment of word girl!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance to play

For even greater prizes
on the bonus round!

Phil, you correctly
defined the word smudge.

Ready to play
the bonus round?

I guess so.

Great! Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition

For smudge.

Ok. Give it
a shot, phil.

I think it's
number one.

The mayor's uncle
has mustard smudged
all over his beard.

That's correct!

You're our
bonus round winner!

Show him
what he's won, huggy.

An official "word girl"

Beau handsome cutout!


See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Want more "word girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes

And test your word power

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Wooooord up!