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05x14 - WordBot / Mt. Rushhere

Posted: 07/27/23 16:13
by bunniefuu
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♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
devoted and backfire.

Another beautiful day
in the city

Filled with peace
and quiet and--

Wait. That's not
peace and quiet! That's--

Tobey's robots!

And they're
on a rampage!

Word girl, look out!


I'm not just a narrator.

I'm also
a devoted friend.


That ought to hold
them for a while...

Or not.

Well, I guess that
plan kind of backfired.


Good eye, huggy!

Hmm. Ok. I got a plan,
and this time,

It won't backfire.

Oh, hey, tobey!

W-w-word girl!

What a pleasant surprise.

You and your devoted
robots really

Outsmarted me this time.

Hmm. They did,
didn't they?

You know, I always
wondered when you would

Finally come
to appreciate
my special genius.

Can I see
the remote control?

Yes, of course.


See with your eyes,
not your hands.

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Oh, eyes, hands.
Heh heh.

Heh. Good one!
I know!

I totally outsmarted you
with my hilarious word play.

Ahh. We've got a lot
in common really.

Hey, why don't we get
a milk shake

Or just perhaps go
to a café or a bookshop

And talk about my stunning
victory over--hey!

Return it
immediately, you!

And now, I'll just
have your robots
defeat themselves.


Please don't!

Ohh! Ohh!

My robots!

Reduced to scrap metal.

Here you go, tobey.

Thanks for letting
me see your
remote control.

Ha ha ha!
Hee hee hee!

I'll find a way
to defeat you, word girl!

No matter how
adorable you are.

Oh, nothing.



Narrator: later,
in tobey's bedroom lair,

Tobey paces back and forth.

Don't make fun
of my pacing.

It's part
of the creative process!

Really? Pacing?

Yes, I come up
with some of my
most brilliant

Evil plans
while pacing.


Oh, I've got it!

How did word girl
defeat my robots?

She got them to
battle each other

Until they were
all destroyed.

So to defeat word girl,
all I have to do is

Get her to battle
another word girl

Until they are
both destroyed!

Ha ha ha ha!

I'm brilliant.

Ahh. I wonder if she's
thinking about me right now.



Yes, indeed,
word girl, my friend,

Get ready to meet
your new nemesis...


Why--why isn't she moving?

Oh, yes.

Ahem. Wordbot!

Oh, dear. What could
have gone wrong?

I was so devoted
to this project!

Narrator: did you check
the batteries?

What? I don't need
your help.

I'm a boy genius.


Oh, looks like
I forgot

The rechargeable
power pack.


There we go.

I am wordbot.

Yes, indeed you are,

And with your
super strength,
your ability to fly,

And your excellent

We shall destroy
word girl!

Tobey is the smartest
boy genius in the world.

Oh, thank you.

Please. I don't--
you see, wordbot,

Not only are you faster
and stronger than word girl,

But you have also been
programmed to show me

The respect and devotion
that I deserve.

Shall we?


Somehow we must attract
the attention of word girl.

Any ideas, wordbot?


Oh, you are
so creative.


Oh, and so destructive.

And so devoted.

Yes. Devoted!

Wordbot will do
anything for tobey.

Narrator: meanwhile...


Man on tv: what do you mean?
I'm on now?

Well, why didn't you
tell me that I was--

This just in! We--

This is a really
important story--

I'm not seeing this
on the monitor right now.

I'm not seeing it
on the teleprompter.

Get on with it!

And so I'll
get on with it.

Word girl is making
a mess of our city!



Word up!

Come on, people!

This is network news here!

It's not a princess
pony magic hour!

Oh, hello, word girl.

Tobey, this has
to stop right now!

If you have a problem,
take it up with wordbot.

Ha ha ha!
Ho ho ho!

Hoo hoo! Hee hee!

Oh, ho ho!

We have to get
that remote control
from tobey!


This is my remote!

Ok, let's put
an end to this

Once and for all,
shall we?


That's better.

Oh, I just knew that
you and wordbot

Would become friends.

You have so much
in common,

Except she is of course
faster and stronger.

Tobey is
a boy genius.

Yeah. Well, there are
a few obvious differences
between us.

I know lots of
big words, tobey.

Please, wordbot,
I'm trying to have

A conversation here
with my dear friend word girl.

Stay over there.

Err. Nnn, nnn, nnn.

So word girl,
I think you'll be

Impressed to learn how
I programmed her

To obey
my every command--

Tobey belongs to me!

Uh-oh. Oh! Oh, dear.

Something must've
gone wrong when I was
programming her.

Ha! It looks like
your plan backfired.

Instead of programming
her to be devoted,

You must have programmed
her to be jealous.



Well, huggy, to be
devoted to someone

Means you are loyal
to them and you care
about them a lot.

For example, we're
devoted to each other,

And that makes us
an awesome crime-fighting team.

I am devoted
to tobey.

Tobey belongs to me.

Stay away!

She's still
not getting it.

Now, now, wordbot,
devoted is not
the same as jealous.

Mmm. Nnn, nnn, nnn!

Don't make me
put you on pause!

Oh, that's a problem.

Tobey keeps talking
to word girl,

Not wordbot!

What were you
saying earlier
about my plan?

I was saying
it backfired.

When a plan backfires,
it means it didn't go

The way you
wanted it to go.

Sometimes the result
can even be the opposite

Of what you wanted.

Like your invention
of wordbot,

It's backfired
because you wanted her
to be devoted to you,

But instead, she's turned
out to be angry with you

And jealous of anyone
who talks to you.

So true, so true.
We have to stop her.

What do you say?
Shall we join forces
just this once?

Ugh. I'm afraid
we'll have to.

Do you have any ideas?

Well, I think
there's only one
thing for me to do,

Use my charm
to calm her down

While you two
shut her down.

Wordbot. Heh heh.

Hello. It's me tobey.

Wordbot is mad
and jealous!

Tobey is paying
attention to word girl
and not me!

Don't be silly.

You're the only
one for me.

Look. I've brought
you some flowers

And some chocolates.

I've even brought you
a can of your favorite oil.


Nnn, nnn, nnn.

Oh, dear. Ahem.

Well, I must say, you've
turned out to be quite

An impressive piece
of machinery, indeed!

Wordbot is no longer
devoted to tobey.

Now wordbot is
devoted to destruction.

Now, now, wordbot.
Let's not get too
carried away.


Wordbot will destroy
the entire ciiittty--


Huggy, we did it!

Well, I must say we make
quite a good team.

I'm smart, handsome,
a brilliant inventor,

And, if I do
say so myself,
quite independent.


Have you been
causing trouble

With your robots again?

Oh, mother, what
a pleasant surprise.

You're coming
with me!

Ow. Ow, ow, ow!
Ow! Owww!

We should work
together again!

Call me!
Ow! Mom!

Sorry, tobey,
no can do.

My devoted sidekick
and I are already
the perfect team.


Narrator: later,
back at word girl's
secret spaceship hideout,

Word girl
and captain huggy face

Proudly add a new piece
to their collection
of villain memorabilia.


This collection
is getting to be
quite impressive.


You're right, huggy.

We won't have to worry
about wordbot anymore.

Narrator: or will we?

No, we won't.

And so once again,
tobey's robot plans backfired,

But word girl
and her devoted sidekick

Captain huggy face
save the city from destruction.

Be sure to tune in for the next
action-packed adventure of...

[Robotic voice]
word girl!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may!

Today's featured
word is shatter.

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl" that show
the meaning of the word.


Uh, huggy!
What are you doing?

I'd like to answer
the question,

But huggy shattered
my buzzer.

I mean, it's totally
broken into pieces.

Hmm. You're right about
the definition.

Shatter does mean to
break into pieces,

But, uh, well,
you didn't buzz in.

How could I have?

With your buzzer.
Oh, right. Sorry.

Judges, emily
did correctly
define the word.

Can we accept
her answer?

We can?! Ok.

Huh? Oh, this tie?

No, it's not new.

Well, I like
your tie, too.

Sure you can borrow it.

Congratulations, emily!

You are today's winner!

Huggy, show her
what she's won!

An official "word girl"
rope swing!

That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: today's
featured words are

Advantage and tribute.

Ahh. Another beautiful morning.

The sun is shining,
the birds are chirping...

[Clears throat]


But something is amiss
in our fair city.


What could it be,
and how are--

Ugh! I'm trying
to sleep here.


And bob needs
his beauty rest.

Sorry, but it is :
in the morning.

: ?! I'm going to be
late for school!

Mom, dad? You didn't
wake me up for school.

No time today,

We have work
to do.

Oh, ok.
Well, have a good day.

No, you have
a good day.

You can make
yourself breakfast.

Be good at school
and stay out of trouble.


Wow. Ok. That was
a little weird.

Um, tj, bob, what should
we have for breakfast?

Drop the cookie, bob.

Well, mom and dad
aren't here to say no.

Guess you can
have one cookie,

And I guess I can watch
tv during breakfast.

One minute won't hurt.

Man on tv: stay tuned
for the thrilling conclusion

Of "the pretty princess
and magic pony power hour!"

Or maybe
a few minutes.

Tj: later, becky.

Whoa, wait.

You can't wear
pajamas to school, tj.

Says who?

Uh, mom and dad.

Well, mom and dad
aren't here,

Which means tj's
rockin' the pjs.

[Imitates electric guitar]

Tj also didn't comb his
hair or brush his teeth.

I look terrible!

This is the best
morning ever!

[Bell ringing]

It's not like
ms. Davis to be late.

So what do we do?

You know, we do have
a great advantage here.

A what?

It means a chance
to be in charge

And get what we want.

Oh. So how do we use
having no teacher

To our advantage?

All: recess!


Hmm. First my parents
left me and tj to make

Our own breakfast.

Now all the teachers
aren't at school.

Something's wrong.

I don't see
anything wrong

With an entire day
of recess.

Well, it is pretty fun.

Heh heh. Heh.

Whoa. Where'd you
get that?

Haven't you heard
the good news, violet?

There's no adults.

At the ice cream shop?

At the everywhere,

This town now belongs
to us kids!

Whoo! The dream
has come true!

Come on!





Oh, come on.
You're kidding me!


I can talk as loud
as I want!

Oh. That was
a little too loud.


All right.
No adults means
we can try coffee.



Adults are
strange people.

Yeah, but the real
question is--

Where are they?

Narrator: good question indeed.

Turns out,
they're all with mr. Big

On the outskirts of town.

It worked, leslie!

Thanks to my newest
mind control device,

Every adult in town
must do my evil bidding!

You! Get me
a slice of pizza!

You! Throw away
that slice of pizza

And get me
a different one.

Yes, mr. Big.
Yes, mr. Big.

Coming right up.
Coming right up.

Heh heh ha ha!

Narrator: word girl has no idea
that every adult in town

Is under mr. Big's spell!

Yes, about that.

This device only works
on adults, correct?

Not all adults.
I'm fine.

I will say whatever
you want, mr. Big.

Good. Now tell me
how great I am.

You are the smartest
and most handsome person

In the whole world.

Heh heh! And?

And I like
your haircut.

Oh. And?

And I don't know
what more to say.

Ha ha! The--then you're
useless to me.

Ahh. Free! I'm free!

And by the way,

I was lying
about your haircut.

Bad news, mr. Big.

We're only
on day one
of your evil plan,

And we're
already two days
behind schedule.

You can't rush
genius, leslie.

Take a good look

Because this
beautiful mountainside

Is about to
get a face lift!

It will be a tribute
to my awesomeness.

People will come
from all around to see

My giant handsome face,

And then we'll
be rich, leslie!

Rich, rich, rich!

How, how, how?

We'll make a lot of money
selling souvenirs
of course!

That's how, how, how.

I wuv you.

And the best part?

No one has ever
done this before.

What about
mount rushmore?

Never heard of it.

I'm calling mine
mount rushhere.

As in people will
rush here to see it?

Oh, I didn't think
of that, but yes!

Becky: ugh.
I'm so tired.

I was up all night watching

"The pretty princess
and magic pony power
hour marathon."


I think we took
too much advantage

Of not having any adults
around yesterday.

Have a fantastic
day, sweetie.

Make good choices.

Eat your vegetables.

I love you.



Something's fishy.

That's me.
I still haven't

I'm going to play
with my stinky friends.

See ya!

Ok, this has gone
on long enough.

We have to figure
out what's gotten
into all the adults.

Word up!

Look at this, huggy.

Every adult
in the city is missing.

Narrator: indeed.
If only word girl
knew the truth.

Wait a second.

If you know
what's going on,

Why don't you
just tell me?

I shouldn't. I can't.

I'm not allowed.

Why not? I mean,
aren't you on my side?

I don't really
pick sides.

I just narrate.

Then just narrate
what's going on.

Huh. I guess
that's acceptable.

just outside of town,

Mr. Big has all the adults
carving his face

Into a giant rock
as a tribute to him.

Did you hear that,

Mr. Big is
behind this!


That's right.

He's building
a tribute to himself.


Oh. Um, a tribute is like
a special gift or award

That honors someone.

Now let's go get
our parents back!

All righty, mr. Big.

Mount rushhere is
almost complete.

Oh, wait a minute.
Not yet.

I was thinking...

That's never good.

What if we put
giant sunglasses

On my giant face?


And a hawaiian shirt!

They're quite slimming,
and they say,

"He likes to have fun!"

You know,
hip it up a bit.

And where exactly
are you going to get

A gigantic
hawaiian shirt?

Duh. In hawaii.

That's not
gonna happen.

You're not
gonna happen!

Know what is
gonna happen?

I'm gonna put an end
to your evil plan.

Word girl!

You can't stop me,
word girl.

I have
the home field advantage.

I know that face like
the back of my hand!

Good luck catching me!

Ha ha!


[Huggy squeaking]


Um, I can fly.

Right. Right.

I should have
considered that.

Could have prevented
these blisters.

Stop the mind
control, mr. Big!

I'll be sending
all the adults
in town back

To their real jobs.

Oh, why do you care?

Think of all
the advantages

Of not having adults
around to ruin
your good time.

You get to watch all
the tv you want

And eat all
the candy you can eat,

And you never have to
take a...

A bath ever again!

Well, who wants to
live like that?

The fact is,
we need parents

To keep us safe
and teach us lessons

And guide us
through life.


Wow. That speech was
a real tribute

To how important
adults are.

All righty, mr. Big.
Thought you should know

Mount rushhere
is complete.

Oh! Finally!

Now the world
shall see my--

That's what I look like?

My chin is huge!

Why didn't you tell me
it was that big?

And look at my nose!
I could ski jump off of it.

Oh, please. Oh, no!

Dest--just destroy it,
word girl.

With pleasure!

All I wanted was
a giant tribute

to how amazing I am.

Is that so selfish?

Uh, yeah. Kind of.

Take them away!

Wait! It wasn't me!

He did it!

He's the mastermind!

I wuv you.

Aw. Ok,
let's move it along!

Mr. Botsford:
♪ do do do do do ♪

Honey, it's : .

Time to get
the kids up for school.

Way ahead of you, dear.

Already got becky
out of bed

And tj to brush
his teeth.

Morning! Ooh!
What smells so good?

Chocolate chip

Bob, since
you've been such
a good monkey,

I made you
a special treat.


Mrs. Botsford:
looking good, tj!

Yeah, I know.

[Wolf whistles]

Now, mom, that's
just hurtful.

Well, you kids
better get a move on.

If you're late
for school,
no tv tonight.

Well, you guys
know best.

Narrator: and so word girl used
her strength to her advantage

And destroyed
the tribute to mr. Big.

Be sure to watch
the next thrilling adventure

Of word girl!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance to play

For even greater prizes
on the bonus round!

Emily, you correctly
defined the word shatter.

You ready to play
the bonus round?

You bet!

Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition
for shatter.

Give it a shot,

I'm gonna go
with number one.

Mr. Big's golf club
has clearly shattered
a hole in the window.

That's correct!
You're our
bonus round winner!

Show what she's won,

An official "word girl"
tub of chocolate pudding.

S-save some pudding
for me!

That's our show!
See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Want more "word girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes

And test your word power

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Wooooord up!