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05x13 - The Learnerer / Mr. Big's Dinner and a Scam

Posted: 07/27/23 16:12
by bunniefuu
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♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Flying at
the speed of sound ♪

♪ Vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe ♪

♪ We need the living
dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

♪ Go, girl! ♪

♪ Huggy face
is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ Then throw some
mighty words your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes ♪

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Narrator: psst. Listen for the
words "suffix" and "misjudge."

Late one night at edith von
hoosinghaus' house,

A stealthy figure moves...

Uh, stealthily.

[Alarm buzzes]

Ms. Von hoosinghaus: aah!

My priceless diamond brain
of santa tortuga!


Still there.

Oh. Huh.

I thought it was
a robbery.

There doesn't seem
to be anybody here.

Ms. Von hoosinghaus:
must have misjudged
the situation.

So sorry.

No problem.

Narrator: a little later,
in an unknown location...

I'll be

Both of you
tomorrow night!

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!


Narrator: huh. Anyway,
the next morning,

Sittinging at
the kitchen table...

Whoa. What's with
the extra suffix?

Narrator: you'll see.


Anything interesting
happen yesterday, dear?

Yeah. All the alarms
went off at ms. Von
hoosinghaus' house,

But when the police
arrived, there wasn't
a thief in sight.

It seems that both
ms. Von hoosinghaus
and the police

Thought it was
a robbery.

Turns out they
misjudged the situation.



Yeah, misjudged.

It means to have
an incorrect opinion
about something,

Like how ms. Von
hoosinghaus had
misjudged the alarm

And thought she'd
been robbed

Or how you misjudged
how hungry you are
this morning, mister.

T.j.: Yes, yes, yes!
Today's the day.

Wordgirl herself is
coming to my wordgirl
fan club meeting.

Oh, yeah.

Wow, that's right.
I almost forgot.

What'd you forget,

That sisters
aren't invited?

Huh. If
he only knew.

I do know.
You're not invited.

I know, and that's
fine with me.

Stop it,
both of you.

Now, t.j., I want
you to apologize
right now.

All right, all right.
I'm sorry, becky.

That's better.

And now I think
you should
invite becky

To your wordgirl
club meeting

What? No! She'll

No, really, mom,
that's ok.

I've got other
things to do.

I really don't
want to go.

Bup bup bup bup.
Here's what's going
to happen.

T.j., You're going
to ask your sister

To go to your
wordgirl meeting.

All right.

Becky, will you
go to my wordgirl
fan club meeting?

Good. Now, becky,
you're going to accept.

Fine. Yes, I'll
go to your meeting.

I don't know how
I'm gonna pull
that one off.

All right. Well,
now that that's

I'll be in
the other room.

Becky, please
tell me you're
not really gonna

Come to my
wordgirl fan
club meeting.

Mrs. Botsford:
she'd better,

Or you'll both
be punished.

We may have
misjudged how
serious she is.

But, becky, please.

Don't do anything
to embarrass me

In front of
wordgirl, like talk.

Narrator: meanwhile, back at
ms. Von hoosinghaus' house...

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha!

Huh. It sounded
like an alarm

At ms. Von

Ha ha ha! Oh.
Now the alarm
is gone,

And someone's
laughing in
a sinister way.

That can't
be good.

Hmm. We
should probably
check it out.


T.j.: And just where
do you think you're going?

Uh, out?

Nuh-uh. There's no
way I'm gonna
get punished

By mom because
of you.

But I'm--
it's just that--

I was going to
get you some
new snacks.

Why? What's wrong
with the stuff
I've got?

It's all wrong.

Wordgirl hates
all of these things.

Oh, man. Ha ha!
Did you ever

The kind of snacks
that wordgirl likes!

Well, how would
you know, anyway?

What are you,
some kind of big
snack expert?

You're right.
I probably have
no idea.

Oh, now you're
just saying that

So that I won't
change the snacks.

Becky, go get
more snacks.

Ok. I'll be
right back.

I'll cover for you,
but hurry back.

Ok. Come on, bob.

Narrator: back at the von
hoosinghaus house--oh.

Man: oh, yeah!

That's what I'm
talking about.

Hold it right there,

Who is this guy?

I am the learnerer!

One more time?

I am the learnerer.

Yeah. That's what
I thought you said.

Well, your name
should be
the learner,

Not the learnerer.

Are you tellinging me
what my name should be?

No. Well, kind of.

It's just that you're
adding an extra suffix.


A suffix is
something added

To the end
of a word to form
another word.

Like adding "er"
to "learn"

To make a learner
or adding "ing"

To "add" to make--

Yeah. That's what
I'm doinging.

Yeah, but you're
adding one too many,

Like just now.
You said "doinging."

The correct word is
just doing.

So "learnerer"
should just be "learner"?

Yeah. Yes.

But learnerer
kind of drives you
nuts, huh?

You have no idea.

Ha ha! Then
learnerer it is!

Ha ha ha!

Wordgirl: hah!


Wordgirl: ah!

Learnerer: hey!


Ha ha ha!

Man, he's tough.

Chim chim.

I'm late for the meeting.
Can't be late!

Can't be late!


Can't be late.
Can't be late!


Well, learner,

Looks like you've
been hosed.

Ha ha ha!

It's learnerer.

Not to me, it isn't.

ok, so that's
the police.

Come on, huggy.

Slippery suit, activate.

Ha ha ha!

[Deep breath]


Where's becky?


Sorry I'm late, sir.

Have you seen my sister?

Have I seen
your sister?
No, sir!


But I did.

She was in line
at the store,

Holding all of my
favorite snacks,
I might add.

She's awesome.

Oh, well, I sent
becky to get those,

Uh, which makes me
also awesome.

Thank you, wordgirl.

Uh, ok.
Well, listen.

Before we start
the meeting,

I have to talk

Learnerer: you!


Now, just hand over
the diamond, kid.


Yeah. It bounced
into your bag there.

Oh. Uh--

Don't worry
about it.

Yeah, don't worry
about it, johnson.
It's cool.

You're not
giving him

Oh, yes, he is,
or I'm gonna
take it.

I don't think so.

What? You seem
faster than before.

Ha! I am fasterer!

not fasterer.

Come on, wordgirl,
just try to take me down.

figured it out yet?

I'm called
the learnerer

Because all I
have to do is see
something once

And I learn it!

And I've made the proper
adjustments to my suit

In order to defeat you.

Oh, yeah?
Well, we'll just
see about that.

[Captain huggy face

Oh, yeah. I forgot
about your monkey

You know why I forgot
about him?

he's not worth
worryinging about.

Wordgirl: extra suffix.

[Captain huggy face

Secret plan
number , huh?

Good idea, huggy.

Listen. You can't
defeat me, wordgirl.

Learnerer: all I want
is the diamond.

Save yourself a lot
of embarrassment

And just let me
take it.

Ah! That may have
worked once,

But nothing works
twice against...

The learnerer!

Aah! Aah!

Oh. You're not upset
about that whole

"Not a threat to me
at all" thing,
are you?

Oh, good, because


Great job, huggy.

Narrator: really? Plan number
is to set up

An enormous
slippery slide?

Well, learner,
looks like you

Huggy's abilities.

Maybe, but I won't
do it again.

And next time, I won't
be defeateded so easilyly.

That's you
"won't be

So easily."

Ha ha! Made you
agree with me.

Best appearance ever.

Well, I'd better
get this diamond

Back to ms. Von
hoosinghaus' house.


I guess so.
That was so funny.

Anyway, thanks for
having the fan club,

And please thank becky
for running out to get
some different snacks.

That was very
thoughtful of her.

Yes. I will do whatever
you say, wordgirl.

Ok. Come on, huggy!
Word up!

Hi, everybody
that is here

What did we miss,

Becky, holy cow.
Wordgirl was here--
I mean right here.

It was so amazing.

It was amazing.

What was all
that ruckus?

villain...right here
in our clubhouse.

Here in
the clubhouse!

Wow. And was becky
here the whole time?

I thought I
saw her walk off.

No, I was here.

I really was here.

Wordgirl was here.
It wasn't a dream.

It was awesome.

Narrator: and so once again,
a villainous criminal misjudges

The potent crime-stopping
power of wordgirl
and captain huggy face.

And the learnerer gets some
time to work on his suffixes

Behind bars.

Join us again next time
on another excitinging episode

Of, you know,

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines
today's featured word

Will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may. Today's
featured word is...


To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "wordgirl" that
show the meaning
of the word.

[Music playing]

Yes, emily.

means stylish
and dignified,

Like captain
huggy face in that
tuxedo and top hat.

That's correct.
I'd say huggy looks
almost as elegant

As a certain
game-show host.

Tommy: uh, who are
you talking about?

Oh, no one.
Hey, what's that
off in the distance?

Perhaps I should
take a look.

congratulations, emily.

You are today's

Huggy, show her
what she's won.

An official wordgirl
velvet cape.

How elegant.

Really? A cape?

You think that makes
him more elegant
than I am?

No doubt.

Ok, then. That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Narrator: listen for the words

"Embellish" and "leery."

Just another lovely evening,

And the botsfords are
getting ready to go out.

Becky, hurry up.

I don't want to miss
a minute of dinnerama.

Dad, what is

Only the most exciting
thing to happen

To our town
since, well, ever.

A dinner theater
starring mr. Big?

Dad, you should be
leery of any idea
from mr. Big.

He's a criminal!

No, no, no.
Mr. Big has sworn
off evil

And is putting on

To prove to everyone
that he's a good guy.

This show is gonna
be so big!

Aw, do I have to
go to this thing?

Kids, it's a delicious
dinner and a fun show

With real, live people.

Oh, I love
dinner theater.

Oh! Come to think
of it,

Dinner theater would
be the perfect place

To perform my
one-man show

About spotswick

Inventor of
the fish stick.

I've been writing it
for years,

Performing it alone
in the bathroom.

That reminds me.
I'm hungry.

See? That's the
beauty of dinner

They could serve
fish sticks while
I'm performing

My play I wrote
about fish sticks.

Ho ho ho! Now
everyone take your
-d glasses

Because you'll
need them

To truly enjoy
tonight's experience.

Dad, if it's live
people putting on
a performance,

It's already

Mr. Big insists that
these will embellish
the show for you,

Make it more special.

Oh. Well, I guess I
can enjoy the food
if nothing else.

There you go.
That's the botsford spirit.

But since this is
a mr. Big show,

I have a feeling

Wordgirl and
captain huggy face
will be there, too.


Mr. Botsford: last one
to the car is a rotten
fish stick!

Narrator: meanwhile, across town
at mr. Big's new dinnerama...

Leslie, these
-d glasses are another
brilliant mr. Big plan.

Sir, they're just
mind-control devices

Powered by this machine.

Ha ha ha!

I'm making thousands
and thousands of dollars

Without spending
a dime.

They'll even think
they're eating

An expensive dinner
of lasagne

Instead of cheap,
overcooked oatmeal.

What's more important
about dinnerama

Is that i, mr. Big,
finally get to realize

My life-long dream
of becoming world-famous

For my brilliant standup
comedy routine.

People will throw money
at me, leslie,

And buy souvenirs of me.

Oh, did I show you the
mr. Big action figure?

Sir, it's a doll.

It's an action figure!

Action figure!

Why do you look
so leery?

How could you have
a brilliant standup
comedy routine?

You have no sense
of humor.

Ha ha ha!
That's rich.

Whoo hoo hoo hoo.
Me. Ha ha ha!

No sense of humor.
It's very funny.

I wasn't joking.

It doesn't matter
if I'm funny or not.

With their glasses on,
everyone will think
I'm hilarious.

Anything I say
will be...


You see, leslie, it's
really not enough

To be super rich.

I need to be adored.

I need to be worshiped.
I need to be loved.
Don't you see?

You have your
fan club, sir.

I know, but you write
all those letters.
It's just not the same.

Leslie, heads up!

What are these for?

My opening act is a
sensational juggler.

Just stand there.
The -d glasses will
do all the work.

I've never seen
such a showplace.

I should have worn
nicer shoes.

You're right.
It is incredible.

It would be
the perfect place

To stage my
one-man play

About a poor
but honest seafarer

And his lightly
breaded fish

What a room!

It's just a dirty,
old convention center.

Becky, put on
your glasses.

You're not getting
the full -d

Oops. How
clumsy of me.
I broke them.

Don't put on
any glasses.

There's something
weird about them.

They must be part
of mr. Big's plan.

Becky, I see
you're having
lasagne, too.

It's so yummy.

Violet, it's
just burnt oatmeal.


Violet, aren't
you the least
bit leery

Of mr. Big?

Yes. No.
I don't know.

Maybe I am leery.
What does "leery" mean?

Leery means that
you're suspicious
and distrustful.

See, usually
I'm leery

About everything
that mr. Big does.

I mean, all of
his schemes are
usually scams.

Well, then this
is the most
delicious scam

I've ever tasted.

Mr. Big: ladies and gentlemen,

Tonight as you enjoy
your meal,

Dinnerama is pleased to present,

Direct from the royal
circus of poland,

That master of manipulation
world-renowned juggler

The great leslowski!

[Drum roll]

[Crowd cheering]

[Music playing]

[Dogs barking]

[Crowd laughing]

I love her more
than wordgirl.

But she isn't
doing anything.

Oh, here, bob.
Since your glasses
are broken,

Look through mine.

That's ok, dad.
I'll go get bob
a new pair.

I don't get it.

Everyone's paid
a lot of money

To sit in an ugly
convention center,

Which they think
is beautiful,

And eat oatmeal,
which they think
is lasagne.

[Crowd laughing
and cheering]

Knock knock.
Who's there?

Me. Ha ha ha!


I agree, bob.

I don't think
mr. Big has sworn
off evil deeds.

And we know mr. Big's
ideas usually involve
mind control

And getting people
to give him all their money.

But how?

Well, I guess I
have to try these on
to figure it out.

[Bob screeches]

Ok, if you insist.

How do you know
a pirate's a pirate?

Because they arr.


[Crowd laughing]

Becky: oh, no.
Bob, take it off, quick.

Oh, no. I apologize,
but this is the
only way

I can break
the mind control.

Word up!

So then, hey.

[Crowd laughs]

Oh, this is funny.
Ha ha! Hey.

Stop right there,
mr. Big!

Wordgirl! Uh,
ladies and gentlemen,

It's our special

And that kangaroo
sidekick she hops
around with.

[Crowd laughs]

It's captain
huggy face,

And I'm not
your special guest,

And your jokes
aren't funny,

But everyone's

Because you're
using mind control

To embellish
your act.

Oh. "Embellish."

Wordgirl, if you're
going to heckle me,

Please do it
with words that
people know.

[Crowd laughs]

Ok. The word
"embellish" means

To add something
extra to make it
seem better,

Like, say, putting
on a comedy show

But then adding
-d glasses

So everyone
in the audience

Gives you
all their money.

Mind control?

Why would anyone
as naturally
funny as me need--

Leslie, crank it up!

The great leslowski
is on it, sir.


Hey, wait a minute.
Not cool.

[Crowd booing]

Hey, yecch. Ugh.

You're going down,


Thanks, huggy.


How dare you say
I'm not funny.


[Crowd laughs]

Hey, I can't
get free.

Ha ha ha!

Uh, excuse me, folks.

Don't leave tonight
without purchasing

An adorable mr. Big
action figure.

Leslie: doll.

Action figure!
For hours of fun.

Jokes sold separately.

Thanks again, folks,
for coming to
the dinnerama tonight.

Say, and as you leave,
be sure to tip
your performer--

Ha ha ha!--Me.

Nice work, huggy.

You should be
ashamed of
yourself, mr. Big.

I just wanted
people to love me--

And also give me
all their cash.

People might
love you

If you'd
actually learn

How to be
a comedian.

Wait. Wait. I can
get them back.

Give me a chance.
Come on. Listen to this.

Ahem. A duck and a goose
walk into a--

[Crowd booing]

Aw, come on.
It's funny.

Oh. I was really
looking forward

To seeing something
new and different.

Huggy, are you
thinking what
I'm thinking?


Ladies and gentlemen,

I give you
spotswick quisling,

The inventor
of the fish stick.

Oh! Thank you,

Oh, oh, I'm on. Ahem.

Here goes nothing.

Well, it was the winter
of aught ,

And me and the missis
'tweren't sure we'd make it.

Narrator: and so,
leery of mr. Big's scheme,

Wordgirl saved the day

And made mr. Botsford's
dream come true.

And by gum,
those young 'uns

Never went hungry again.

[Crowd cheering]

Narrator: be sure
to embellish your day

By watching the next exciting
adventure of "wordgirl."

Ha ha ha!

Hello. I'm
beau handsome,

And this is the bonus
round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance

To play for even
greater prizes on

The bonus round!

Emily, you correctly
defined the word "elegant."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

You bet.

Take a look at
these pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition

For elegant.

Give it a shot, emily.

I'd have to go
with number two.

That diamond is
really elegant.

That's correct!

I'd also like
to add

That I really liked
mr. Botsford's
dance moves

In that last

Emily, you're our
bonus round winner!

Show her what
she's won, huggy.

An official wordgirl
gigantic boom box!

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

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Want wordgirl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.
Cape not required.

Word up!