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05x12 - The Birthday Girl's Monstrous Gift / Hal the Haggler

Posted: 07/27/23 16:06
by bunniefuu
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♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
monstrous and guzzle.

It's a sweltering
summer day in the city,

And what better way
to spend the day

Than outside in the heat

Battling that nasty
energy monster.

Oh! Oh!

How are you
holding up, huggy?

Man: heeellllp!

My air conditioner
is broken!

You should call
a repairman.

Oh, this isn't
a repair shop?

[Huggy squeaks]


Huggy, implement
defense strategy number !


Now, huggy!

[Air conditioner starts]


Not so monstrous now,
are you, energy monster?

You saved the day,
word girl!

How can I ever
repay you?

You could keep an eye
on the energy monster

Until he burns himself out.

But remember--you can
never take off the lid

And never feed him
no matter what.

No problem!

Great! Thanks
for your help!

Let's go, huggy!


My name's eileen.

Would you like
to buy some

City scout
granola bars from me?

It's my birfday!

Sure I'll do it
since it's your


Who is this
cute, wittle guy?

Can I have him...

For my birfday?

Pwetty pwease
give him to me.

There's no way
that anything
could possibly

Go wrong with this
situation, right?

He's yours!

Happy birthday!

Ohh!! You're my
bestest friend

In the whole
wide world!

I am?!

I've never had
a bestest friend

In the whole
wide world.


Well, enjoy
your birthday

And that little monster!

Narrator: back
at the botsford residence...

Oh, boy,
am I thirsty.

I can't wait
to get inside

And guzzle down
an ice cold drink
of water.

Oh, there you are,

You look warm.

Hurry. Throw this on.

Here, bob.

Um, but,
it's sweltering out.

Don't you remember?

Today is the summer
winter carnival.

Oh, yeah! I love
the summer winter carnival!

And we wouldn't be
honoring the spirit
of the day

If we didn't arrive
in full costume!

♪ Dun dun dun dah ♪

♪ Costume ♪

Ok. Let's go, you guys.
In the car.

You don't want
to miss the dance

Of the ice princess,
do you?

Becky and tj: no way!
I love the ice princess.

I mean, I guess
the ice princess
is, eh, ok.

[Car starts]

Narrator: meanwhile,
at eileen's house...

Who's my wittle monster?

You are! Yes!

Oh, no.

Are you hungry,
wittle guy?



Here you go!

Oh. Whoa!

Ha ha ha!

Hey, you're way
more fun like this.

Come on, boy!
Let's go play!

Narrator: nearby
at the summer winter carnival...

As mayor of this great city,
I'd like to welcome

Everyone to the annual
summer winter carnival!

And now to officially
kick off the festivities,

I will switch on
the additional power required

To run the carnival.

That generator sure is
creating a lot of energy.




Let the carnival begin!


All right! So what do you
want to do first?

Stop for snacks?

Ok. Give me two--

No bowls
of the hot ice cream soup

And hot chocolate shakes.

Anybody else
want anything?

I'm just kidding.
Ha ha!

I sometimes have
a monstrous appetite

But not that monstrous!

Come on!

Ah, dad.

I'll just take
a water.

Oh, I can't get over
the monstrous amount

Of energy that gets
used at this carnival.

Here you go, bob.

One hot chocolate
milk shake.

No, bob! Don't guzzle
that milk shake!

You'll burn
your tongue--ohh.


I know it's hot.

That's why I was telling
you not to guzzle it.


See, guzzle means
to drink or use up

Very quickly,
like what you just did

With your
hot chocolate shake

And like this carnival
is doing

With the city's power.


Let's go
to the ice stage

And get good seats
for the show!

Narrator: while
the botsfords sweat it out

At the summer winter carnival,

Things are about to get hotter
between eileen and her new pet

The energy monster.

[Booming and zapping]

Back at the summer
winter carnival,

The event you've
all been waiting for!

Shh! The dance
of the ice princess
is about to start.

Narrator: sorry.



Uh, sorry, folks.

We've just received word
that the energy monster

Is on the loose,
and he's guzzling

More than his fair share
of electricity.

Uh, heh.

We, uh--we don't have--
we don't have

Enough power
to continue the show.

So if you all could
make your own fun.

You know what?

I've had enough
of this energy monster.

Uh, bob and I are
gonna go get

Deep-fried sno-cones.

Word up!

Hold it right there,
energy monster!

Your electricity guzzling
days are over...again.


The energy monster
has gotten too monstrous!

The only way to
defeat him--whoa!

Get him to
wear himself out.


Whew! Fighting
the energy monster

Is always
a monstrous task!


Oh. You don't know what
monstrous means?

Monstrous means unusually
large or overwhelming.

The energy monster was
monstrous because

He was so big
and strong,

And defeating him was
a monstrous task

Because it required
even more work than usual.

Make sense?


Eileen: hey, word girl!


my energy monster.

You let him go
right now!

You don't understand,

If we let him go,
we'll never get to see

The dance
of the ice princess.

He's mine! Mine!



The energy monster
is loose,

And he's melting
all the ice

In the summer winter

ha ha ha ha ha!

Uh, your news is just
a little late.

Hey, that's the nice
girl who sold me

The granola bars.

Remember me,
your bestest friend

In the whole wide world?

I almost didn't
recognize you.

You look...taller?


I know!

I'm having
a bad day, too,

But this will
cheer us up.

Since it's
your birthday

And I'm your
bestest fwiend

In the whole
wide world,

I got you a ticket
to the dance

Of the ice princess

If you set us free,
you can go see the show.

I hear it's really good.

Right, huggy?


Thanks for letting
us go.

That was so thoughtful
of you, eileen!

Anything for my
bestest friend!

Thanks, eileen!

Oh, there you are, becky.
That must have been

Some line at the deep fried
sno-cone stand.

Uh, yeah.
Monstrous line.

What happened
to the carnival?

Well, right after
you and bob left,

The power completely
shut off!

The ice rink melted
into a pool,

The snow makers turned
into fountains,

And everyone realized
it was absurd to have
a winter carnival

In the summertime. Ha!

I can't believe no one
thought of that before.

Isn't it great?!

What about
the dance of the
ice princess show?

No ice.

But she's been replaced
by the water princess!



Now who's up for a frozen
hot chocolate shake

Guzzling contest?

Me, me, me! I am!

Mr. Botsford?
Yes! Ok!


and so once again,

Word girl and captain huggy
face save the day.

Their heroics are
as refreshing

As guzzling a cold drink
on a hot summer day.

Mmm, mmm. Ahh.

If you're thirsty for more
crime-fighting goodness,

to join us next time

For another monstrously
exciting adventure
of "word girl!"

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello, I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may!

Today's featured
word is doze.

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl" that show
the meaning of the word.

Yes, phil?

Uh, I think doze means
to dangle from a robot,

Like tobey was doing
in that last clip.

Nope! Anyone else?

Ok. Give it a shot,

Doze means to
nap or sleep,

Kind of like
you're doing now.

W-w-what? Huh?

Sorry. Can you define
doze for me again?

It means to
nap or sleep.

That's correct!

Are you ok?

I've never been better!

I don't know why I stayed
up all night knitting
these earmuffs.

They're way
too big for my cat.

congratulations, emily!

You are today's winner!

Huggy, show her
what she's won.

An official
"word girl" water bed!


that's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Narrator: today's featured words
are haggle and defend.

Just another ordinary
weekday afternoon

At the botsford residence,

Which means it's time
for becky's favorite show...

"The pretty princess
and magic pony
power hour!"

Come on, bob!
It's a commercial.

Announcer: watch out,
boys and girls.

There's a brand-new
"pretty princess and
magic pony power hour"

Toy in town!

W-what now?

meet sparkle pants!

The newest, most purpleicious,

Most fantastimagical
pony ever!

And she only costs $ .

♪ Sparklepaaaaaants ♪

♪ Soaring through
your dreams and the sky ♪

I've got to
have that pony,

But I don't
have $ .

Announcer: sparkle pants'
sparkly pants sold separately.

Box is not a toy.

Whoa! Look what they're
selling in the latest issue

Of "word girl
fan magazine"!

It's the only
baseball glove that comes

With monkey catching power!


Aw. But I don't have
enough money to buy it.

Seems like we both
need a way to
earn some money.

Ha ha ha!
Don't worry!

Dad's here
with a way to make money.

How much money
will you give us?

Well, I haven't
figured out an
actual amount yet.

I guess it would
depend on how many
chores you did.

We could haggle
to figure it out.


To haggle means that I
say an amount of money

That I think is fair,
and you say an amount

Of money that you
think is fair,

And we go back
and forth until we agree

On an amount in between
that we both think is fair.

that sounds fun.
Let's try it.

I think a fair amount
to pay you and tj is

$ . For every
chore you do.

How's that?

Good, but I think
a fair amount to pay us

Is $ .
For every chore we do.

Good haggling,

Ok, well, um,
haggling here.

I'll pay you $ .
For every chore you do.


Tough haggling!

Ta-da! The list!
Let's see.

The batteries
in the tv remote need
to be rotated,

The buttons
on the dishwasher need...

Narrator: later,
becky and tj are hard
at work on their chores.


Granny may is
at the museum stealing

Cleopatra's famous
adjustable bed!

You know this isn't
a police station, right?

Hey, you're right!


Come on, bob.

Bob and I will go get
started on vacuuming
the driveway.

Aw, I was gonna
do that.

Word up!

later, at the museum...

Hold it right there,
granny may!

Word girl!

That bed doesn't
belong to you.

It belongs
to the museum.

Now give it back!

How about some
petrified purse mints?


Ow! Ow! Oh, dear!

I can defend
against anything
you throw at me!

Get a load of this--
blue hair dye splatter!

Ha ha!

Agh! Ick!

Better luck next
time, sweetheart!


Ha ha ha!


At least we stopped her
from stealing the bed.

Ugh! Ick! This stuff is
never going to come off,

And we can't go home
looking like this.


Hey, hal's
superhero supply shop.

Hmm. Didn't that used
to be hal's villain
supply shop?

Let's go check it out.

Oh. Looks like you
two got the blues!

Ha ha ha!
I'm just kidding.

Very funny.

Hal, what happened to
your villain supply shop?

Eh, that old racquet?

Got rid of it.

I'm on the straight
and narrow now, word girl.

I want to help
the good guys for a change,

Which brings us back
to that blue dye.

I have just
the thing for it.

A bottle of my very
own villain blue
dye remover. Heh heh.

Oh, wow!

Actually, that's
really perfect.

Heh. Thanks!

It's yours
for bucks.

$ ?! I can't
pay that much.

I'm saving up for my very
own sparklepants pony!

Who isn't?!
It's bucks, kid.

Maybe I can
lower the price
with a little haggling.

I'll pay you $ . !

$ . ? Hey rabbit,
is she mad at me?

All right. $ . .

Aw, but I only
have $ . .

What is this,
a charity?

All right. I guess I can
live with $ .

But just barely.

That's all my money!

Oh, ok. Ok. Ok.

Pay me $ . ,
And I'll also throw in

This superhero shield
to, you know, defend

Against future
blue hair dye att*cks.

I guess I don't
have a choice.



Oh, no!

Granny may!

Ooh, young man,
do you remember me?

I came to buy some
blue hair dye splatter,

And I seem to
have used it all.

Not a problem.

Can I interest you
in something even better

And more unbeatable?

I'm listening.
Heh heh.

Heh heh heh!

back at the botsford house...

Ok, here's your
chore money, kids.


Granny may's trying to
steal cleopatra's bed

From the museum again!

The police station is
still down the street.

Oh, right.

Step away from
cleopatra's mattress!

Oh, word girl again!

And don't bother
with the blue hair dye

Because I can defend
myself against it
this time.


Oh. Well, defend means
to protect against

Or stop an attack.

Like if granny may
att*cks us again

With her blue hair dye,
we'll defend ourselves

By blocking the dye
with this shield.

But your blue hair dye
shield won't defend
against this!



What good is a shield
that only defends

Against blue hair dye?

I feel like hal cheated me
out of my money.

Let's pay him
another visit.



Hal! This is

You didn't tell me
this superhero shield

Doesn't defend
against fruitcakes!

Well, I never said it
could defend against
fruitcakes, did i?

But I spent $ .
On this thing!

Tell you what.

I've got a way to defend
yourself that's

Even better
than this piece of junk,

And you won't even want
to haggle because it's

Only gonna cost you--
let's say, $ . .





Hee hee ha ha ha!

Narrator: later,
back at the museum...

Oh! You again?!

Yeah, me again!

Stop trying
to steal that mattress!

Hey, word girl.

It sure is a nice,
sunny day,

Don't you think?

I guess so.

Aha! Boop!

Ha! Nice try, granny may!

Oh, that's not fair!

I just bought this
w*apon from hal.

Wait, wait, wait!

Hal is selling
you those weapons?

Uh, yeah.
What do you think?

I made them myself?

Of course
hal sold me these.

Well, then he's not being
honest because he keeps

Selling me things
that will beat

Your unbeatable weapons.


It's so he can get a lot
of money from both of us.

Every time he sells
you a w*apon,

He sells me something
to defend myself against it.

And now all
of my money is gone!

I know the feeling.

Now I can't buy
my sparklepants doll!

I'm gonna go over
there and teach
hal a lesson!

Wait! Hal cheated me out
of my money too,

And I need to bring
him to justice!

All right, dearie.

Just try to keep up!

$ , $ , $ !
Ha ha ha!

Boy, hal, you made
out like a bandit.

Granny may:
hal hardbargain,
we're on to you!

Uh-oh. You can't both
be here at once!

Uh, word girl, why
don't you come back
in a few minutes?

I don't think so, hal!

You've been taking
money from both of us!

I'm just an honest
businessman trying
to make a buck.

No, you stopped
being honest when you
helped commit a crime.

What? Now that's
a good point.

Take this! Boop!

Whoa! Ohh!

All right, I'm caught.

How much is it gonna cost
to have you let me go?


Justice isn't something
you can haggle about, hal.

Ehhh, you can haggle
about anything.

How about $
plus the autograph

Of any supervillain I've
worked with in the past?

I'm serious--robot clown...

Well, granny may,
it was interesting being
on your side for once.

Yep, and now i, the hero,
am just going to collect

Cleopatra's bed
as my reward.

Yeah. I don't think so,
granny may!

Tj: oh, yeah!

This glove is the best,
and it's great that

I earned it
with the two hs--

Hard work and haggling!

That's great, tj.

What's the matter,

You've done all
your chores.

How come you didn't
buy sparklepants?

Still saving up, I guess.

Dad: hey, you two!

Look what I got you!

Boxes! Just kidding.

More than boxes.
There's something in the boxes!

I'm just so proud
of how hard you two
have been working,

So I got you
both a little something.

Whoa! A ball!

This will fit perfectly
in my ball glove!




And that's not all.

Look in the bottom.

That's right!
A chore list!

Narrator: and so
word girl defended herself

Against granny may,

with hal hardbargain,

And got sparklepants
in the end.

See you next time on
another amazing adventure of...

♪ sparklepaaaaaants ♪

♪ Soaring through your
dreams and the sky ♪

Narrator: "word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance to play

For even greater prizes
on the bonus round!

Emily, you correctly
defined the word doze.

Ready to play
the bonus round?

I sure am!

Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition
for doze.

Give it a shot,

I'm gonna go
with number .

Violet's mom is dozing
at the beach.

That's correct!
Emily, you're our
bonus round winner!

Huggy, show her
what she's won!

An official "word girl"
gigantic hair dryer!


Well, that's our show!
See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Want more "word girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes

And test your word power

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Wooooord up!