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05x11 - Have Snob, Will Travel / Tobey's Playground Calamity

Posted: 07/27/23 16:05
by bunniefuu
Pbs kids opens
worlds of possibilities

For all children

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and viewers like you.

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Flying at
the speed of sound ♪

♪ Vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe ♪

♪ We need the living
dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

♪ Go, girl! ♪

♪ Huggy face
is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ Then throw some
mighty words your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes ♪

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Narrator: psst! Listen for
the words "formal"

And "fret."

At the city museum,
a meat-filled robbery
is going down...eventually.

Would you please
stop fretting
and steal something?

The suspense
is k*lling me.

Hey. Help me
out, buddy.

Out of all this stuff,
what's worth the most money?

You're asking me
to help you figure out
what you should steal?


Great! Take
this one.


Narrator, chuckling:
a few moments later...


Nice vase. Ha ha!



you clumsy oaf!

That was the most
expensive vase in
the whole museum.

And it was mine,
all mine.

Wait. You're fretting
over that vase?

Ha! Ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!

What do you mean
by "ha"?

That vase wasn't
expensive at all.

It came free with
the purchase of four
boxes of snappy snaps.

What? Seriously?

Yes, well,
you probably wouldn't be
such a ridiculous criminal

If you were an expert on
valuable things like me.

Why, I can walk
into any room and
instantly pick out

The most valuable

Oh, yeah?

Hot dog harness!


Oh, dear.

My, you're strong.

Come on. We've
got a couple of
errands to run.

Narrator: meanwhile,
in the botsford backyard...

Ok, so guess
what fun activity
we've got planned

For the first annual
botsford kids
paint the fence day?

the fence.
Paint the fence?

Dad: you're both right!

This year, we're going
to go from tan to khaki.


Ok, so here's the deal.

Tj, you paint one side
of the fence.

Becky, you paint the other.
First one done wins!

Are you ready?


Ok, so I'm going to
go into the house now

And make one of
those ships in a bottle--

But I really
need to...

So feel free to paint
however you want.
I won't be watching.

You could leave here, go do
something else all day,

And then come back
and paint later.
It doesn't matter to me.

Now go!

Oh. Well,
that was easy.

You're toast, becky! I'm
gonna walk all over you!

Or should I say,
paint all over you. Ha ha!


Wordgirl: looks like
we're too late.

You think?

I'm guessing the butcher.

Yes! And he stole
the most valuable item
in the whole museum--

The ancient
porcupine vase!

We'll bring
the butcher to justice.
Don't fret.

How can I not?

That porcupine vase
is priceless,

Not like that
horrible monkey vase

I tricked him
with before.

I actually had
the butcher thinking

That hideous thing
was worth something.
Ha ha ha!

The one that came free
with snappy snaps?

That's the one.
Ha ha ha!

But this time,
the butcher came in

With a gentleman
who knew that the
porcupine vase was

The most valuable
object here!

A gentleman?

Yes. Thin mustache,
rude, wrapped up
in hot dogs.

Sounded a little
like this:

[Imitating man]
I can pick out the most
valuable things.

Wow. That sounds
exactly like reginald,

The guy from
the jewelry store.

[Regular voice]
thank you.

Hmm. Reginald
could be in trouble.
We have to find them.

why are you looking at me?

We know you know
where the butcher went.

Maybe. Look, even if
I do know, I can't tell you.

We have a formal
way of doing things,
and they don't involve me

Just telling you stuff.

[Captain huggy face

Oh, sure. Well,
formal means official--
following the usual rules,

Like how it's formal
for me to define the words

In every episode.

Yes, and it's formal for
you to follow the script

And not look to me
to give you short cuts.

Ok, ok.

all right. Ahem.

Meanwhile, at the store,
you buy gold--

Wait! We're supposed
to switch scenes
before I say--aw, man.

Sorry about that.

No, you're not.

No, I'm not.

Meanwhile, at--
you buy gold...

All right. So what's
the most valuable
thing in here?

Well, it's hard to tell.

There's so much junk
around here.

Well, that's just
your opinion, sir!

Yes, and it'd be
your opinion, too,
if you knew something

Valuable when you saw it.

All right,
all right.

There's nothing
in the store
that you like.

We get it. Now,
can you please find

Something valuable
before wordgirl
gets here?

You know, for
a powerful super villain,
you sure do fret a lot.

I do not!

Do you even know
what "fret" means?

I do not!


Fret means to worry.

Butcher: wordgirl!

Like reginald was
fretting that I was
never going to save him.

And you, butcher,
were fretting that
I was going to come

To put an end
to your robbery.

No, I wasn't,

Mostly because I
don't even know what
I'm stealing yet.

Reginald: that.

Butcher: seriously?

Yes. Hard to believe,
isn't it?

Ugh. Yikes.

All right. Enough.

Just take what
you're going to take and
get out of here, please!

Ok. Ham kablam!

Wordgirl: hey. I
thought "hamalanche"

Was your formal
ham attack.

Butcher: yeah, just
trying something new.

Come on.

Great job,
word girl.

That didn't
sound sincere.

I wasn't.

Narrator: later
in the botsford backyard...

You still
sound upset.

Narrator: I don't want
to talk about it.

So, bob, we really
need to figure out

Where the butcher
is going
to strike next.

Hey! Nice to see
you back.

As you can see,
I'm about halfway done.

You know what that means?

Yes. That you're
going to win.

Ha ha. No. It means that
I'm going to win.

That's what I just said.

Yeah, but the winner
gets to say it.

Whatever. I'm not
going to fret.

I still have
time to--


Go. I'll be back.

[Reginald chuckles]


ok. Quickly this time.

The most valuable
thing on the lot. Go!

This would be a lot
easier if you
brought me to places

With less garbage.


Valuable thing now!

the fretting again.
He's a fretter.

I'm not
talking to you.


Oh, stop yelling.

That hideous platinum
tire iron over there is

Worth more than every car
on this lot put together.

And, trust me,
that's not saying much.

Hey, and it could be yours
if you take a look

At one of the vehicles
here. Everything's on sale.

Everything you see.

No, no. We're
all set, thanks.
All right. Let's go.

Hey, why don't you
stick around for
a little while longer?

Because I don't want
you to catch me.

I know. I was just--
I was trying to be snappy.

Oh, well. You know
what else is snappy?

Sausage cyclone!

Wordgirl: aaah! Yuck.
Walked right into that one.

all right. Let's go.

I'm taking you
to a place

Where you won't
spend all your
time insulting

in the store.

Another bang-up
job, wordgirl!

[Captain huggy face

Right. Stay focused.

So what do you think
the butcher meant when he said

He was going to a store
where reginald
wouldn't spend time

Insulting everything?

Any chance you'd just let
us--tell us a thing--

I'm not saying a thing.

Great. So how are
we going to figure
out where they went?

[Captain huggy face

You did? Awesome.

Narrator: wait!
Where are you going?

It doesn't say in my script.

Oh, well, this
is just great.

Narrator: later at--oh!
Reginald's jewelry store!

I get it.

Butcher: yeah! Pretty
smart of me, right?

Well, a monkey
just figured it out.

Aw, man.

Wordgirl: that's right!

Great work, huggy!

You see, this is the one
place where reginald

Wouldn't insult anything
because it's his store!

Reginald: yes, I think
they got it--

Kind of
obvious now.
So are you finally going
to do something, missy?

Or do I have to stand here
and watch everything
in my store get stolen?

Too late.

Hamburger hurricane!

[Captain huggy face chatters

Hey! No fair!

Why isn't it fair?

What am I going
to yell,

"Hey! This is
a fair punishment"?

Yeah, no. That
doesn't sound right.

[Captain huggy face

Right, huggy!

Ok, so the authorities
can take it from here.

We have a fence to paint.
Word up!

Pick me up again.

Hey, becky, get
ready to taste defeat.

Don't get
all "de-fenc-ive."

Ha ha!

[Bob chatters]

Sorry. I'm just
fretting over

Whether I should
use my super
speed or not.

I know that
would be cheating,

But I don't see any
other way we can--

Done! I win! Yeah!

Oh, great.
Never going to hear
the end of this one.

Well, becky, I have
just one thing to say.

Here we go.

Paint up!

Uh, what?

Come on!

Now let's paint your half!

[Camera shutter clicking]

Tj: done.

Wow. You know, tj,
I have to admit,
I thought you were going

To gloat endlessly
about your victory.

I never thought you'd
help me out like that.

Pfft. I didn't do
it for you.


And there's plenty of
time for me to rub
my awesome victory

In your face, but
for now... , , And .

I know I said
I wasn't going
to watch,

But, well,
I finished

With my ship in
a bottle earlier
than I thought.

Turns out,
it's much harder
than it looks.

Anyway, I saw
what you kids
just did together,

And, well--oh!--

I was going
to declare
a formal winner

And give you
a not very
interesting prize,

But I'm so proud
of you guys

That I'm taking
you both out
for ice cream!

Come on!

See? Tj's got this
all figured out.


and so once again,

I get to make the formal

That wordgirl and captain
huggy face are victorious.

Don't fret, fair viewer,

Because more
adventure and excitement
is coming your way

Next time in another spectacular
episode of "wordgirl"!

Hello. I'm beau handsome
and this is...

All: "may I have a word?"

As usual, the player who
correctly defines
today's featured word

Will win
a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may!

Today's featured word
is "collection."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips from
"wordgirl" that show

The meaning of the word.

[Bell rings]

Yes, phil!

Collection means
a group of objects
gathered by a person?



None of those
collections is
anywhere near as cool

As my collection
of hand-drawn
"wordgirl" comics.

Uh, is that you
dressed as huggy?

It sure is.

Ok, I'm not going
to ask any more questions.

Phil, you are
today's winner!

Huggy, show him
what he's won!

An official wordgirl
super-charged trampoline!

[Scattered laughter]

Uh, huggy?

Well, I'm sure he's fine!

That's it
for today's episode.

[Captain huggy face

[Scattered laughter]

Are you ok?

Ah, good to hear!

Ok, then. See
you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Narrator: listen
for the words "dedicate"

And "calamity."

Just another beautiful
friday at school.

Woman: everybody?
Ok, settle down.

As you all know,
the playground was severely
damaged last weekend

When a battle
between the whammer

And chuck the evil
sandwich making guy

Rolled through the grounds.


Yikes. What a calamity!

Yes, violet.

What is a calamity?

Yeah. A calamity
is another word
for a big disaster.

The battle
between chuck
and the whammer was

A calamity
because it destroyed
the playground.


anyhoozle, have no fear,

Because I know how we
can get the playground
looking as good as new.

Want to hear my plan?

Are we going to put
on an art show?

No. Anyone else?

Ok. Here's how it works.

This weekend everyone
will collect as much
recyclable material

As they can.

Then on monday,
we'll take it
to the recycling center

And use the money they
give us to buy all new
playground equipment.


All right!
Cool! Wow!

here's the best part!

Whoever collects the most
recyclable items will have

The new playground
renamed and dedicated
in their honor.

Wow. Whoever wins will
be remembered forever.

They'll be a hero
to the school--

The becky botsford

I like the sound
of that.

Oh, becky, you
might as well get
used to calling it

The theodore mcallister iii
playground because I

Will win, and that is
what it will be called when
they dedicate it to me.

Now, that would be
a calamity.


Narrator: over the weekend,
everyone gets into
the fund-raising spirit.

not only is this recycling plan

Helping the school earn money,

It's also helping
clean up the city.


And it would be
so great to have
something dedicated

To honor
becky botsford
for once

of wordgirl.

Oh, becky, you
shouldn't compare
yourself to wordgirl.

She's a superhero and
you're just a normal kid.

Oh. Heh heh. Yeah.

I mean, i--what
was I thinking.

How are you
doing, violet?

I can't believe someone was
going to throw this away.

It's so pretty.

a few blocks away,
tobey and his robots

Are determined to win
the contest.

Go, robots!
Recycle like the wind!





It'll all be worth it
when we invite wordgirl

To be my guest at the
theodore mcallister iii

monday, back at school,

All the hardworking students
are ready to see

Who collected the most
recyclable material.

This is exciting, bob.

I sure hope we collected
enough to win.

[Bob chatters]

Oh! Very pretty, violet.
Where's the rest?

I probably could
have collected more,

But this was the right
amount for this piece.

I have no regrets.

Ok, well,
every bit helps.


Hey. Not
too shabby, scoops.

Looks like you're
currently in first place.

Thanks, ms. Davis.

Looks like we have
a new leader.

Current leader--
todd "scoops" ming.

My turn!

Oh, my goodness!

Becky, as of right now,
you, young lady,
are in first place.

Looks like you'll
all soon be playing

On the becky botsford

[Bob chatters]

Correction! I mean becky
and bob botsford playground.

Bob and I don't care
about awards or attention.

We just want to do
our part for the school.

But if they
dedicate an awesome new
playground in my name,

That would be really cool.

Becky, for
the record, how bad
do you want this win,

And how much did
having a playground

Dedicated in your name
keep you motivated?

Tobey: the story is
over here, scoops!

Davis: wow.
Look at all that.

Well, you
know, you--

Hey, that's no fair!
He can't use robots.

I didn't hear
anyone say that I
couldn't use robots.

Did you, ms. Davis?

After all, we
were doing good

By cleaning up
the city.

Oh. Oh! I suppose I didn't
make a no robots rule.

Hooray! It looks
like I win,

Like I knew I would.

Not so fast!

You still have to
weigh your stuff.

Ok, I'll play along.

Let me just
say that everyone
will be welcome at

The theodore mcallister
iii playground--

As long as they bow
to my every whim. Ha ha!

Oh, I really
deserve this honor.

ah! Will you look at that?

We have a tie for
first place between
becky and tobey.

this can't be.

What a calamity.

Hmmm. I guess we can either
dedicate the playground

To both of you

And call it the tobey
and becky playground,

Which would be kind of
cool because your names

Would be next to each
other forever--

No! No!

Ok, I hear you. Or we
can have a tie-breaker.


We definitely need
a tiebreaker.

We definitely need
a tiebreaker. Yeah.

Ok, then. I'll give
you each one hour.

Whoever comes back here
with the most recyclables is

Gonna be the winner.

Ok. Now we're
waiting for them,

I'm going to take a nap
and you guys think about

What we're gonna do
with our lives.

I will not
be beaten

By a child
of lesser

No, no.

Now it's time for
my robots and I to put
the fun in fund-raiser.

Ha ha!

[Woman screams,
car alarm sounds]

Narrator: um, becky?

Yeah? What?

Doesn't that sound like
a job for someone you know?

Ahem. Wordgirl?

but wouldn't it be
a bigger calamity

If tobey wins
the recycling contest

And they dedicate
the playground to him?


Of course it would.

That's why bob and
I have to win this.

Man: help!

The robot
thinks my car
is recyclable.

Narrator: see?
I told you so.

You're right.
Come on, bob!
Duty calls.

Word up!

Oh, no! What a calamity.

[Remote control beeping]

Stop right
there, tobey!

Word girl!

I mean, word girl,
how lovely to see you.

You're collecting
stuff that people
are still using.

It's not ready
to be recycled.

Well, it's just too bad you
didn't get here sooner.

I've already sent
my robots to school.

I'm going to win,
and there's nothing
you can do to stop me.

Oh, yeah?

Narrator: back at school,
everyone is gathered
for the final weigh-in.

But the hour is almost up, so
if neither of them show up soon,

I think we'll be
looking at the becky
and tobey playground

Or should it be
the tobey and becky


[Heavy footsteps]

What was that?



If those robots think I'm
going to count that vehicle,

Well, they are mistaken. And
I'll say that to their face!


Good thing you're here,
word girl,

Because I was just
about to do something.
You can ask anybody.

Whoo! Brrr--ow!

Thanks, wordgirl!

[Music playing]

No! I must win.

Put your items
on the scale now!

[Captain huggy face

Whack! Wham! Yeah!

Well, that's what
I would do!


Boy: all right!

Oh, dear. My robots.

Davis: first up,
I think I need
to thank wordgirl

For saving the day.


And I want tobey
to promise

That he will never
use robots to do
his work again.

Will you do that
for me, tobey?

No, I won't do that.

Yeah, well, I thought
you might say that.

Mrs. Mcallister?!


Oh, hello, mother.

What brings you here?

Did I leave my lunch
at home again?

I'm so forgetful

Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow!

You don't know
the whole story.

Those aren't my robots--ow!

Ok. And now I am
super duper thrilled

To announce that the winner
of the recycling fund-raiser


Becky botsford,
becky botsford,
becky botsford...


What?! Ohh.

I mean, that's great
and everything.

But wasn't the playground
supposed to be dedicated

To the person who collected
the most recyclables?

Yes! Just look
at all the scrap
metal you collected.

Oh, well, that's great.


Scoops: I demand a speech!

Davis: speech?
Terrific idea!

Oh, I don't really
know what to say.

You can start
by telling everyone
what the word

Dedicate means.

Because I now dedicate
this as the official
wordgirl playground!

Oh! Well, ok.

Dedicate means
to name something
after a person

To honor
or remember them.

In this case by naming
the new playground
after someone,

You're dedicating
the playground to them.


And we're dedicating this
playground to you for saving

The city from tobey's robots

And collecting the most
recyclable material.

[Kids cheering]

Boy: all right!

Wordgirl: thank you.
Thank you.

This playground is
really for everyone.

And I know it'll be
a great place for
kids to play

For years to come.

[Kids cheer]

Boy: all right!

Narrator: and so
once again, wordgirl

Saved the city from
the calamity caused
by tobey's robots

And will get
the new playground
dedicated in her name.

I can't wait to swing
on the swings at the new
wordgirl playground.

All right!

Be sure to join us for
the next exciting
adventure of wordgirl!

Hello. I'm beau handsome.

And this is
the bonus round of...

All: "may I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance to play

For even greater prizes
on the bonus round.

Phil, you correctly
defined the word

Ready to play
the bonus round?

Uh, ok.

Great! Take a look
at these three pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition
for "collection."

Give it a shot, phil!

I think
it's number two.

That's a pretty impressive
collection of awards.

If there's anyone
out there

Who would
like to publish
an awesome--

Ah, no. No, thanks!

Phil, you're our
bonus round winner.

Show him what he's
won, huggy!

An official wordgirl
mystery package!

That's it for
today's episode.
See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

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