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05x08 - Whammer Anniversary / Rat Trap

Posted: 07/27/23 16:02
by bunniefuu
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♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: hey, kids.
Today's featured words

Are occasion and glimpse.

Today is the botsfords'
wedding anniversary!

And to celebrate
this special occasion,

Mr. And mrs. Botsford are
going out for some ice cream

Without the kids!

Hey, who's baby-sitting?

I am.

Really? Wow.
This is big.

You know, I have done
one or two things

That could be
considered bigger.

Maybe we should
wait another year

Before leaving
our babies alone.

Mom, we're not babies.

Waa! Waa!

Kidding, mom.
We'll be fine.

Plus, we're only going
to be gone

For minutes.

And the neighbors
said they'd come
right over

If we need anything.

I have the phone number
of the ice cream shop
right here.


Mom, if you keep
worrying you won't

Be able to enjoy
this special

Becky's right!
What's occasion mean?

An occasion is
something that's
a happening

Or an event.

For example,
an event like
a wedding anniversary

Is a special
occasion because

It only happens
once a year.

Becky's right.
You don't have

An eleventh wedding
anniversary every day,

So let's go out,
forget our worries,

And celebrate

For a half an hour!

You're right!

Bye-bye, worries,
hello, ice cream!

Right? Ha ha ha!

We're off!



happy anniversary!

[Ring ring]

Yes, mom, we're
still doing fine.

later at the ice cream shop...

Sally botsford, in honor
of this special occasion,

I have prepared a speech
that compares our love

To various delicious
ice cream treats.

Ahem. Ok. "My dear wife,
our first year together

"Was like
rainbow sherbet,

Tangy and rainbowy"--

Tj loves
rainbow sherbet.

Oh. Do you think
they're ok?

Huh? Oh.

I'm giving
an ice cream-themed
anniversary speech here.

I know.

I just feel so
strange to be
out on a date

Without the kids!

But, honey, if the kids
were with us,

It wouldn't
really be a date.

It would be a botsford family
fun adventure day.

Today is about two things,
ice cream and us.


Narrator: meanwhile,
on the dangerous side

Of the ice cream shop,

The whammer
has caught a glimpse

Of something he likes.

Yeah! What's that?

Oh, that particular menu
item is called the ark!

The wham?
No! The ark!

That's what I said.

If you say so, sir.

Here, the customer
is king.

Ahem. The ark: two scoops
of every flavor of ice cream
in the store,

Covered with a bucket
of hot fudge,

Covered with a bucket
of cold fudge,

And a barrel
of strawberry sauce,

by two giant bananas.

Then it is garnished
with enough nuts

To last a village
of squirrels all winter.

The finishing touch is
a mountain of whipped cream

So high you'll need
a ladder to reach the top.

Is that what you want?

Bring it wham!

Oh, I'm afraid I can't
bring it wham, sir.

It seems that
we just ran out
of certain ingredients.


Those two guests got
the last scoops

Of rainbow sherbet
and licorice ice cream.

You can't have
an ark without those
two ice creams.

Well, give the whammer
their ice cream. Yeah!

I'm afraid I can't
do that, sir.

As I said, here
the customer is king,

And they're
customers, too.

Maybe I can interest you
in a different sundae.

No! The whammer
wants the ark!

"Our second year
of marriage was like

A rocky road,
but let's not go there"--

Whoa! Hey, how did we
get over here?

Yeah! I'll
take these,
thank you very wham.

Here you go!

Now you can make me
an ark-wham. Yeah!


our ice cream.

Yeah! What gives
you the right

To take our ice cream?

I need it so they
can make me that!


You won't get away
with this,

Not on our
wedding anniversary!

♪ Dun duh duh ♪

Did I just say
that out loud?

I was hoping
the music
would do that.

back at the botsford house,

Becky is going over
some rules with tj.

Ok, tj!

Now the most
important thing

Is that we communicate
with each other.

Do you know
what communi--tj?

Yeah! Dah!


Ok. Everything
looks fine here.

Word girrrl!

I guess we'll
just check back in

With tj
in a little while.

Mr. Botsford:
listen, whammer.
You untie us

And give us back
our ice cream
right now!

Whammer: no wham!

Uh-oh, there's trouble
at the ice cream shop.

Come on, bob.

Oh! That's right.

We have to
watch tj.

Tj: uh-oh, looks like
trouble down there!

"Oh, tj, thanks for
helping me save the day."

Oh, you're welcome,
word girl.

Word up!

That gives me
an idea.

Word up!

Since we can't
leave tj alone,

This is one occasion
where we'll just have to
bring him with us!

Oh, hi, word girl.

Word girl?!
Is that really you?

Wow! I'm
your biggest fan!

I'm even president
of your fan club!

Will you sign
my autographed
picture of you?

That way I have proof
that I met you twice!

Ok. I'll autograph
the autographed picture,

But I need you to do
something for me, too.

Will you come
to the ice cream shop

And help me stop
a villain who's ruining

Our parents'--your parents'
is what I meant--

Your parents'
special occasion?

Oh, there's just
one little problem.

I have to ask
my sister/baby-sitter
for permission first.

She's in charge of me

But only for the next

Did you hear that?
Tj can be such a good
brother sometimes.

I mean--that's right.

Hey, becky, you
probably won't believe me.

Word girl needs my help.

Can I go with her
to battle a villain
real quick?

Yeah, sure.

She doesn't
believe me--

You believe me?

Yes, I caught a glimpse
of her coming in,

And since word girl
is a superhero

And a very responsible
one at that,

This is one occasion
where I will allow it.


So what did your
awesome baby-sitter say?

Let me put it this way.
Word up!

Uh, I say that.

Oh, yeah. Right.

Word up!

Remember when we get to
the ice cream shop,

You can't let mom and--
I mean, you can't let

Your mom and dad
see you, ok?

Got it, word girl.


back at the ice cream shop...

I know a certain villain
who is going to get
a tummy ache.

Well, no reason we
should let a sundae
stealer ruin

Our wedding

You ready
to hear my speech?

This is as good
an occasion as any.

"My dear wife"--

Wait! It's your
wedding wham-iversary?


Ohh. Could you look
at our faces?

Is it written
on my face?

happy guy,

Great marriage"?

Oh, yeah! Do you
have any kids? Wham!

Oh, I miss
the kids so much!

I just need
a glimpse of them.

Then I'll be fine.

Oh, they grow up
so fast.

Honey, I know you
miss the kids,

But if I can just
get my speech out

And give you
my gift--

Hey! Word girl?!

What are you
doing here?

I'm here to make sure
everyone gets

Their fair share
of ice cream,

And I'm also here to
make sure that no one's

Special occasion is
ruined by your whamming.

You mean like this?




The whammer better
hurry and eat his ark.

Waiter! Bring me
my ice cream!

This is so cool!

Stay down!

Tj?! I just caught
a glimpse of tj!

Honey! Really.
Tj is home
with becky.

What do you mean
you caught
a glimpse of him?

Yeah! What's a glimpse

A glimpse is a quick look
or peek at something.

Ha ha. Ha ha.

But of course,
we know tj is home

With his sister,
and how could you
catch a glimpse

Of someone who is
not even here?

No glimpse,
not possible!

Ah, good...glimpsing.

Word girl
is right, honey.

You probably just
miss those two kids

So much that you
thought you had
a glimpse of tj.

Wait a second,
word girl.

How did you know
tj was at home?


I overheard you
with my super-hearing.

Ha ha. Yeah.

Now, honey, just
let me just finish
my speech

And give you your
anniversary gift,

So we'll be ready
to get back home.

Oh, goodie!
Can I watch?

I guess so,
but shouldn't you

Be defeating
the whammer?

Oh, yeah. Ahem.
Excuse me.

Ok, whammer.

Time for you to hit
the rocky road. Heh.

I don't get it.

Never mind.
Such a waste.



Oh, yeah!

I am your waiter.

Who ordered
the ark?

Right over here, wham!

I got the coldest
ice cream

In the whole
ice cream shop.

Wait until you see what
happens when he eats it.

Wham, wham, wham.

Yeah! This ice cream
is so cold.

I love it! Yeah!

Honey, I miss the kids
so much that now

I'm imagining
the waiter looks like tj.

Me, too!

I wish we were

Me, too!

Ooooooohh, man!

The whammer's
head hurts! Wham.

When well
this terrible
headache go away?

You just have
a brain freeze.

It's what happens
if you eat something
cold too fast.

It will go away
in a few seconds.

It will never
go away.

Ow! My brain!

Make it stop!

Hey. It's gone.

Whamo, whamo,

Oh. You got me,
word girl.

Thanks for helping
me save the day, tj.

I couldn't have done
it without you!

Don't mind us.
We're just waiting
for the police

To take this guy
to jail.

Just pretend
we're not here.

Poof! Invisible.

Carry on.

Whew! Finally!
Here we go.

Once and for all.

"My dear wife,
in honor of this
very special occasion,

"I want to say to you"--

Whammer: can I get that
leftover ice cream
to go, please?


Oh, for the love
of jellybeans, here!

I love it!

I love it!

I knew you would

Because I know
your heart,
and it's good.

Ohh! Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

Forget the ice cream
and race home to see
those kids!



Uh-oh! We got to
get you home

Before they get home.

Huh? Whoa!

Mrs. Botsford: tj! Becky!

We're home!

Oh, hey, you're
back so early.

Becky, you
look exhausted.

I'm fine.
Baby-sitting. Phew.

It can be a lot of work.

Where's tj?

Mrs. Botsford:
there you are, tj!

So how was your first
day with becky as your

Ehh. Uneventful.

Oh! Yipe!

Happy anniversary!
Heh heh!

Narrator: and so yet again,
word girl and captain huggy face

Save the day.

If you want to catch
a glimpse of what it's like

To be a superhero,
be sure to tune in

On another occasion
for a delicious episode

Of "word girl"! Mmm, mmm.

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello, I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may!

Today's featured
word is "bewilder."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl" that show
the meaning of the word.

Give it a shot, tommy!

Bewilder means
to transform

From one person
into another.

Have at it, phil!

I thought I knew
what bewilder meant,

But now I'm
completely confused.

I'm totally puzzled!

Uh, you realize,
you just defined
bewilder, right?

I did?

Yes! Bewilder means
to puzzle or confuse!

Bewilder means
to puzzle
or confuse!

You just heard
me say that.

I'm totally bewildered.

Why are you ringing in?

I've already
said the answer!

You have?

This is the most
bewildering experience

I've ever had.

I'm going to declare that
no one is today's winner.

Huggy, show them what
they would've won.

It's a go-kart.

Wow! That would've
been a fun prize.

That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
confiscate and whiz.

When dr. Two brains wants
a giant ray that turns

Objects into cheese,
he usually makes it himself,

And yet, here he is,
shopping at gadget whiz
hal hardbargain's

Villain supply house.

Why, you ask?

Because even
a super villain can't resist

The awesome power
of a coupon.

I have a coupon!

Says here I get
a free piece of cheese

With purchase
of a super ray.

Yes, siree, you do.

I don't know how
I stay in business

Handing out free cheese,
but work isn't always

About money,
am I right?

, , , .

Well, thanks
for the freebie.

Say, what do you plan
to do with that ray

That turns diamonds
into cheese anyway?

We're gonna rob
reginald's jewelry store

And turn all
his diamonds

Into delicious
cheesy goodness!

Ah, the jewelry store.

I remember
when the great villain

Wally walnuts robbed it.

Well, we should
be going now.

It was me, wally,
tommy two-necks...

Well, we should
be going now.

The little kahuna,
and rotten pete.

We really
have to go!

Ohh! Well,
what do I care?

Let me know
if you need another ray.


Narrator: later
outside city hall,

Word girl is receiving
the key to the city

For the--the millionth time.

"Word girl, in honor
of your efforts as a hero,

"Role model,
and crime-fighting whiz,

"We present you
with this key to the city.

Give key to word girl
and pose for picture!"

Thank you,
thank you, everyone.

You know, when I first
started fighting crime

In this city,
I made a promise
to myself

That I would
always remain
calm in the face of--

Hey! Wha--
who did that?

Please do not throw
paper planes on the stage.

If anyone throws
a plane,

I will have
to confiscate it.

"Dear word girl,
dr. Two brains is

"Going to rob
reginald's jewelry store.

"Yours truly--wait--
I forgot I'm not
telling you who I am.

Don't look up." Huh?

Who is that guy?

You're right.

Sorry, mayor, got to run.

Word up!

♪ Oh, jewels are
better than people ♪

♪ And that's why
they're my friends ♪

♪ I really don't
like people ♪

♪ But I need them
to buy my jewels ♪

♪ La la da da da
dee ta da ♪

Mind if I cut in?
Ha ha ha!

Oh, dear.

We both know
why I'm here.

Oh, it wouldn't
be to rob me,
would it?

Of course...not.
Of course not.

Rob you? What?!

That's ridiculous!

"Rob you."
Heh heh! This guy.


In that case...

How may I help
you, sir?

Yes, dr. Two brains,
why are you here

With two henchmen
and a giant ray?

I need a gift
for my anniversary.

You're not married.

I meant my niece's

But, boss, she graduated
two years ago?

Lovely affair.

It's the anniversary
of my niece's
graduation, ok?!

Her graduationaversary.

Now let's escape--
I mean, leave.

Not so fast,
dr. Two brains.

Are you really going to
arrest me for shopping?

Well, I guess you haven't
actually committed

A crime yet.


I know, huggy, but just
because a paper plane

Says something
doesn't mean it's true.

I guess you can go,

But I'm
confiscating this--

Whatever type of ray
this is.

See you later!

Dr. Two brains: so I just
walked away from her,

But she confiscated
the ray before I really had

A chance to use it!

So maybe you'll
consider giving me

A new one for no charge.

I'll tell you what.
If you buy a new ray,

I'll throw in another
free piece of cheese, huh?


Mmm. Thank you, hal!

Now since I know you
don't like waiting,

I'm going to suggest
a ray that I just happen

To have in stock.

What does it do?

It turns money
into cheese!


New plan, boys.

We're gonna steal
all the money out

Of the national
national bank,

Then turn it into cheese,
and then we're gonna eat
the cheese.

Ha ha ha!

That sounds like
a great plan!

Gee, boss, if we're
robbing a bank, why not

Just use the money
to buy cheese?

Because I like to
steal things

That don't
belong to me.

It's part of being
an evil villain, but wait!

Why not just
steal the ray?

I mean,
it's what we do.

Whatever you
say, boss.


Word girl!

Sorry, mr. Mayor.

I had to go confiscate
a w*apon.

Should I give
my speech now?

Well, you flew away,
so I changed this

To a mayor
appreciation party.

Have a free snack
in honor of his honor
the mayor--me!


Yeah, you're right.
A party is a party.

Let's eat.

Thanks a lot.

Hey! Check this out!

It says, "turn around."

Word girl, you don't
have much time.

Time for what?
And who are you?

That doesn't matter.

Dr. Two brains is going
to rob the national
national bank.

If you hurry now,
you can catch him

And confiscate his ray.

Go, go, go!
Go, go, go!

But--who are--

Go, go, go!

Dr. Two brains.
It's really very simple.

You give me all
the money in the bank,

Or I will fire
this ray that--

That I just found
sitting here.

It isn't mine.

Where did this
come from?

You should have
word girl come
pick it up.

Oh! There she is!

Have a nice day!

Word girl,
he pointed that ray
at me and said,

"Give me all
the money
in the bank".

Oh! He must have
misheard me.

I said to give me all
the funny in the bank.

I like that safe humor.
Ha ha! Ha!

If I had known,
I would have
prepared something.

No one tells
me anything.

I don't need to be
a whiz to figure out

You're committing
a crime here,
dr. Two brains,

But I can't
figure out how.


I know, but I really want
to get back to my party.

Yes! Go enjoy yourself.
You deserve it!

Ok, but I'm
confiscating this ray!

You mean, you're
gonna eat it?

No, no, no.

Confiscate means
take away as a punishment.

You guys were going
to use this ray
to commit a crime,

And as a law-enforcing
super hero,

I have the power
to confiscate it.

Oh, yeah.
That makes sense!

Dr. Two grains: ohh.

I need another ray.

Great! I need some money
because you stole
the last one!

Very well. Here.

What can I get you?

I'm going after
the dairy department

Of the grocery store!

So this time
I need a ray
that turns cheese

Into more cheese.

Coming right up!

Say, that reminds me,
did I ever tell you

About the time
slowfeet sam tried to rob

A moving train?

Wait a minute,
wait a minute.

You know, I just
thought of something.

How did word girl
know about my crimes
before they even happened?

She couldn't have,

I smell a rat!
And I should know!

Someone's been
tipping off word girl!

Ha ha ha!


So where did you say
your next crime
is gonna be?

The plans just changed,
and I just found my rat!

You, hal, are
going to help me

Get word girl
once and for all!

And for that, I'm going
to need a special order.


Hmm. It does say my name.

"Word girl, meet me
at the taco stand."

Not again.

Well, where is he?

No time for tacos,
word girl.

Dr. Two brains is about
to commit his biggest,
cheesiest crime ever.

Tell me where
the crime is,

And I'll go
stop him.

Hi, word girl!

I mean, hey!
Those are mine!

I confiscated them
fair and square!

Make me some
cheese, boys!

Oh, no!

plan number !


Hey, over here!
Can't get me!

Oh, yeah?

Ha! What do you say now,
dr. Two brains?

Dr. Two brains?

Over here,
cheddar girl!

Ha ha! This ray turns
superheroes into cheese!


Hey! Hal, what happened?

I couldn't let you turn
word girl into cheese.

Hal hardbargain,
villain supply whiz.

I'm a big fan,
word girl.

You're the reason
villains keep coming back

To my store
for new supplies.

That's why you
told word girl
about all of my plans,

So she would
confiscate my rays

And I'd have to
come back and buy more?

Hey, this guy's
sharp as cheddar!

I never said you
could trust me,

Just that I was
a gadget whiz.

Your real name
is whiz?

No. He's saying he
is a whiz.

A whiz is someone
who's really good
at a certain skill.

Like, I'm a whiz
at defining words.

All right. Well, I'm glad
everything worked out.

I'm gonna head back
now over

To hal hardbargain's
villain supply store!

We accept all
competitors' coupons!

♪ Ya da da da doh doh ♪

Um, I don't
think so, hal.

You may have told me
about two brains'

But you also helped
commit those crimes
by selling the rays.

Ugh! Aah!

Aah! Ooh!

Ugh! Remind me to invent
a monkey-proof jacket.

Narrator: and so
word girl proves once again

What a word whiz
and crime-fighting whiz she is.

Heh heh. Say, I wonder if she
has to confiscate that cheese

Or if I can take it home.

Join us next time on another

Fantastic, stupendous,
cheesy episode of...

[Off key]
♪ "word girl" ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance

To play for even greater
prizes on the bonus round!

Phil, you correctly
defined the word
"bewilder" sort of.

Ready to play
the bonus round?

I guess.

Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition
for "bewilder."

Give it a shot, phil.

I'm going to go
with number...

! Right!

In that picture,
something has clearly
confused dr. Two brains.

He's bewildered.

Well, I'm not sure--

Well, you are
our bonus round winner.

Show him what he's won,

An official word girl
pogo stick!

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Want more "word girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes

And test your word power

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Wooooord up!