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05x06 - Leslie Makes It Big / Mouse Brain Take-Over

Posted: 07/27/23 16:01
by bunniefuu
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♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
abandoned and dilemma.

At the lair of
the sinister dr. Two-brains,

A rousing game
of go fish is going on.

I miss the boss.

When do you think
he'll come home
from prison?


Unh! How's about now?

Miss me?

You escaped!

Well, I didn't want
you guys to think

I'd abandoned you.

Little help, here.

Oh, sure.

So, you guys up for
a little homegrown havoc?

That's not
a card game, is it?

What? No!

Havoc means trouble! Chaos!

Oh! Yeah, sure!
Heh heh.

But before we do,
I've just got one thing

I need to take
care of first.

What is it, boss?

Well, I've been thinking.

I'm tired
of going to prison.

You still with me?

I think I'm going to
let the mouse brain

Completely take over
for a little while.


Well, squeaky--
that's my mouse brain--

Is easily the more devious
of the two brains.

Trust me on this.


Squeaky was an evil mouse,
and I fused

His brain onto my brain
in order to become

Dr. Two-brains.

So I'm going to
put squeaky's

Evil mouse brain
in charge!

Oh, he'll shake
things up a little!

Ha ha ha!

But, boss, don't you
think we should think

This over a little more?

No thinking!
This is going to work.

[Indian music playing]

I should be going into
a trance any--

[Jazzy music playing]

Squeak, squeak, squeak,
squeak, squeak,

Squeak, squeak.


[High-pitched voice]
humans. Work for squeaky now!


Squeaky want cheese!

Humans bring
squeaky to cheese!

Squeaky take cheese.

Squeaky eat cheese.

Ha ha! Now!

Narrator: meanwhile, at word
girl's spaceship hideout.

[Huggy squeaks]

Seriously, if I knew
he was going to win,

I never would
have agreed to do

A "word girl synonym contest"
in the first place.


Yeah, I know it
was good press,

But did the grand prize
winner have to be tj?!

We're here,
aren't we?

We're actually
in word girl's
secret hideout!

Yes, you're...

Word girl!

I'm your absolute
biggest fan!

That's why it was
so easy for me to
win the contest.

All I had to do
was come up with
the most synonyms

For awesome!

Like how sensational
it would be

For you to give me
a private tour

Of your amazing
secret hideout!


Yup. Great.

That's another
synonym for awesome!

Ahh. It smells
exactly as I
imagined it would.

A little bit
of justice

With just
a hint of monkey.

Ok. So shall we
begin the tour?

What's that?

the crime computer!

It looks like
dr. Two-brains is

On a cheese rampage!

Come on, huggy!
Word uuu--

Wait! What about me?
I'm the grand prize

Oh. Right.
Here's a dilemma.

Well listen, tj.
I hate to abandon you,

But I really need to
take care of this,

So can you just sit tight
until I get back?

Sure, just let me
take this blindfold--

No! Stop!

You have to leave
the blindfold on!


Ohh. Because if
the villains know

That I know
the whereabouts
of your secret hideout,

That'd make me
a target for those
villains who want

To know where your
hideout is so they
can attack you.

Uh, yeah.

Then this blindfold
shall stay over my eyes
until forever!

Or at least
till you get back.

Actually, I just didn't
want him playing

With all my stuff.


I shall be here
when you return!

In your secret hideout!

Ohh! I'm ok! I'm ok.

Narrator: meanwhile
at the grocery store...

Yes, humans, yes!

Squeaky wants all cheese!

You take all cheese! Take!

Yeah, ok, boss.


Take cheese!

We are!

Hey, dr. Two-brains,

So how about you make
this easier on all of us

And just surrender?

Ha ha ha!

Human brain
would surrender,

But human brain
not the bossy
boss now!

Squeaky brain
in charge!

Uh, what's going on?

Well, dr. Two-brains
was tired of going
to jail,

So he's letting
the mouse brain take over

For a little while.

Oh, because
the mouse brain
was always

The more evil
of the two--

Squeak! Squeak!
Hey! Stop!

Squeaky, squeaky.

Squeak, squeak,

Hey! Stop! Hey!

He's moving too
fast, huggy!

Ha ha ha!

Nowhere to run, now,
dr. Squeaky-brains!

Oh, no! Human girl
too smart for squeaky!

Human girl win!

I'm not a human girl.

More of an alien really.

I mean, I come
from a planet,
and it's not here--

Anyway, squeaky give up.

That's right!
I told you you
should have--


Or maybe human/alien
girl not win.

Ha ha ha!

Huggy, help!

No, wait! Capture
two-brains first.

No, wait.
Help me first!

you're right.

This is
a real dilemma!

Oh, well a dilemma
is a situation

In which none
of the choices
seem good.

In this case,
you have a dilemma
because your choices

Are to save me
from this foam

And let two-brains
get away

Or capture two-brains
and abandon me
to the foam.

Anyway, we should go.

Good luck, monkey!


Thanks, huggy.
I hate to say it,

But squeaky's brain
may be right.

He is more evil
and more devious
than before,

And he may be
too much for us
to handle.


My cheese! My cheese!
Not your cheese!

My cheese! Get your own
cheese, humans!

Hmm. Not enough cheese.

Ooh. Squeaky getting
little idea.

If squeaky get rid
of human girl forever,

Then nobody stop squeaky
from taking all cheese in world!

Ha ha ha!

Uh, squeaky-brain boss?

Getting rid
of word girl forever?

Cheese, cheese,


Boy, this is a dilemma.

Do we follow squeaky
and get rid of word girl,

Which seems
kind of wrong,

Or do we go
against the boss?

You said it, charlie.
You said it.

Narrator: back at word girl's
spaceship hideout.

Hey, word girl!

Anyway, you're back,
so I can finally
take this--

Hello, human/alien girl!

It is I dr. Squeaky!

Meet me
at abandoned warehouse!

Uh, I don't mean
to be nitpicky,

But your warehouse
isn't abandoned
if you're in it.

The very definition
of abandoned is

To leave something
empty or alone.

So if the warehouse
was really abandoned,

You wouldn't be in it.

Ugh! Human/alien girl think
she sooooo smart.

Dr. Squeaky is smarter than
silly red pajamas girl!


Come on, huggy!

Uh, this
blindfold is chafing.

I better take it off--


So be on the look--

Ha ha ha!

Nothing on planet
can break this cage!


This big goop ray turn
one of you into goop.

You wouldn't!

I would!

You choose, pajama girl.

Should squeaky turn
monkey into goop

Or you into goop?

Pajama girl have
big dilemma!

Ha ha ha!

Narrator: oh, no! What will
word girl choose?!

Will she sacrifice herself
to save captain huggy face,

Or will she abandon huggy,
just to save her own neck?

Zap huggy.

Wait, what?

I choose to
save myself.

Turn huggy
into goop.

Well, I thought you'd have
to think about it

A little longer.


Ha ha ha!

Machines ready, humans?

Uh, uh, ok.







How did you--

You said nothing
on this planet

Can break
that cage.

Well, guess what?

I'm not from
this planet! Ha!


That's right, huggy.

I had a hunch that
squeaky was so evil

That whatever
I chose, he would
do the opposite.

So I knew that if I
chose to save myself,

He would turn me
into goop instead!

Squeak, squeak.


Aah! Unh!

Humans, what you doing?!

We don't really
like you, squeaky.

You're creepy
and really mean
to us,

And we want
our old boss back.

We feel abandoned.

All right. Squeaky go back
to being second brain,

But you will miss squeaky
when squeaky gone!

Not likely.

[Indian music playing]

[Jazzy music playing]

Hey! What happened?
What's going on?

Did our team win?

Oh. Guess not.

It's great to have
you back, boss.

Oh, that's very nice.

Where have I been?

Oh, oh! Ok!
Heh heh. Huggies!

You know,
for hardened criminals,

They can be so cute.

Tj? Tj?

You rang?
May I offer you

A refreshing
chocolate milk?

What? How are you
doing that?

I memorized
the layout
of the place.

My other senses
are picking up
the slack.

That's not possible.
You must have taken off
the blindfold.

Wow. Sorry
I doubted you, tj.

Well, are you ready to
take that thing off now?

Hup, hup, ho!

The blindfold? Nah.

It's funny,
but I want
to remember

Your hideout
just like this.

In here and here

And here
and in here

ok, ok.

We get it.
We get it.

Don't be sad,
word girl.

I'll be back.

There's another
contest next week.

I have to write
an essay about
why word girl

Is the best hero
the world has
ever known!

First prize is
another tour
of your hideout!



Narrator: and so once again,
word girl solves

A villainous dilemma.

Without making
captain huggy face or tj

Feel abandoned.

Whoa! I got that.
Got it!

How is he doing that?

I have no idea.

Little creepy
though, huh?

I'll say.

Anyway, join us
again next time

For another super pow bang blam
episode of "word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello, I'm beau handsome,

And this is...

"May I have a word"?

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word"?

Yes, you may!
Today's featured
word is binoculars.

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl" that show
the meaning of the word.

Give it a shot!

Binoculars are a device
used to make things

That are far away
look bigger

Like tobey was doing
in that last clip.

That's correct!

Tobey's binoculars
are very similar

To the pair I use
when I go bird watching.

I'm organizing
a trip this weekend.

Would any of you
like to come?

Imagine sitting motionless
in the middle of a field

Completely silent,
waiting to get
a quick glimpse

Of a bird that may
or may not show up.

I have ballet class.

Me, too!
Me, too!

Don't worry.
I'll be sure to arrange

Another bird watching
trip that's

Convenient for everyone!


Well, anyway,
congratulations, tommy!

You are today's winner!

Huggy, show him
what he's won!

A gift certificate
for a bird watching trip

With beau handsome!

That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

today's featured words are

Ridiculous and assume.

Ahh. Just another
relaxing afternoon

At the botsford residence.

Becky and tj work together
on a jigsaw puzzle.


You know, when
I was your age

I thought puzzles
were really hard, too.

Huh? Oh, uh-huh.

You're probably

"This will never
get done!"

Well, don't worry,
little brother.

I'm here to help you.

That's ok.
I'm good at puzzles.

[Distant alarm ringing]

Man: stop right there,
mr. Big!

Um, did I leave
mom's car door open
this afternoon?

Are you going to be
ok without my help?

Uh, becky, I just said
I'm really good at puzzles!

Of course you are,
you little, you!

Word up!

Stop right there,
mr. Big!

Oh. Heh.

Looks like you've got
it all under control.

I guess I just assumed
I was needed here

Because there
was trouble

And, you know,
I'm a superhero.

No thank you, ma'am.
We've got it this time.

Uh, leslie, better
put a hold on all
my evil plans.

I'll be gone for a while,
and there's no way you

Could possibly carry
them out without me.

Well, I actually
end up doing a lot
of the work anyway,

So I'm pretty sure
I could pull it off.

You? Mwa ha ha ha!

That's ridiculous.

But thanks
for the laugh!

Mwa ha ha ha!


Oh! Sorry, that's me.

Ridiculous is when
something makes no sense

And is also
kind of silly.

Like right now, mr. Big
thinks leslie is being

Ridiculous because he
thinks she can't do
anything without him.

Oh! Ridiculous.
I like it.

Thank you, word girl!

No problem.
Nice to be needed.

Sorry, but that is
what he meant by it.

I happen to think
he's the one who's
being ridiculous.

I can't pull off
an evil plan?

Well, we'll just
see about that.

Attention, all employees
of mr. Big enterprises!

You are now all
my assistants.

Time for phase one!

Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!


Narrator: later, back
at jigsaw puzzle headquarters.

Ok, tj! I'm back
and ready to help
you with--whoa.

You did all that
on your own?

Yes, I said I was
good at puzzles!

Oh, my goodness!

Look how far
you two have

Becky, it is
so nice of you
to help

Your younger brother
with that puzzle.

Lucky? But I've done
all the work.

Why does she assume
that I need your help?

Because I'm older
and I have more
puzzle experience.

Good job, tj!

See? Puzzles
aren't so hard.

Man: word girl! Help!

Uh, I think I heard
a squirrel on the roof.

Better check.

Narrator: meanwhile in town,
leslie's assistants

Are really keeping
word girl and huggy busy.

Every time she tries
to stop one crime...

Stop right there!


There is already another
crime that needs stopping.


Whoa! Hey!

Uh, wait. You also
stop right there!

Hey! Where are you
guys go--

Stop right there. Now.

Ugh! Why is there such
a ridiculous amount

Of crime happening
all at once?

I'm getting
too old for this.

release me.

Must complete
phase .

Phase ?
Phase of what?

The plan.
The plan.

Hmm. Pink fur?

Mind control.

Sounds like one
of mr. Big's plans,

But he's in jail.

Hmm. Who else would
try to pull off

A mr. Big-like plan?

Master leslie.

Better check it out.
Word up!

Narrator: meanwhile back
at the botsford home,

Tj bravely works
on the puzzle by himself.


Becky left you
all alone

With this
difficult puzzle!

Just pretend
I'm becky.

Hey! I wonder where
this piece goes.

That piece goes there.

Narrator: meanwhile back
at leslie's lair...

Hold it right
there, leslie!

Word girl,
I've been expecting you.

Whoa. What's
with the mask?

Leslie, what's
going on?

Why are people
all over town

Stealing pink
fur and feathers?

What, are you
building a giant
squishy bunny

Or something?

Ha ha!
Squishy bunny!

How did you know that?

I was--i was joking.

Really? Isn't that
kind of ridiculous?

Maybe, but mr. Big assumed
I couldn't do anything

Without him,
but look at me now!

I've almost completed
my evil plan

Of building a giant...


Mwa ha ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Building a giant
squishy bunny

Isn't really
that evil.

I know that!

No one will suspect
my giant bunny.

It will be sooo big
and sooo cute

That people won't be able
to look away.

And once they're
all staring at it, zap!

Mind control!

Mwa ha ha ha
ha ha ha!

Well, you forgot
about one thing.



And captain
huggy face, too.

No, I have a plan
for you two, too.

Assistants, attack!

Aah! We're outnumbered!

Let's get out
of here, huggy.

Mwa ha ha ha!

Narrator: with the city in
danger from leslie's evil plan,

Word girl and captain huggy face
are forced to seek help

From mr. Big.

Oh! Word girl!

Thanks for coming
to see me.

I am sooooo bored.

Sure, no problem.

So you must be pretty
mad at leslie, huh?

Well, yes, I am!

no I'm not.

I assumed you'd heard.
You know, she's building

The most powerful
mind control device ever

Out of
a giant squishy bunny.


Yeah, she keeps saying
she's going to

"Out big mr. Big."

That's ridiculous!

No one can
out big mr. Big!

That's why I'm
called mr. Big.

Well, that's
what I heard.

It's a good plan, too.

She's using
the adorable bunny

To attract people,
and then zap--

under her control.

Oh, ho ho! Oh, wow!

That's good!
That'll work.

I know! I guess soon
the whole town
will be saying...

"leslie is our master.

She is so smart."

Stop that.
She's not that smart.

"Leslie is bigger
than mr. Big."

Hey! That's not true!
Stop it!

"No. Only leslie
controls us now."

I don't want to live
in that world!

I must stop leslie!

Nah. It's too late.

No, it's not!

There is a master control
for all mind control devices.

I'll show you.

Hmm. I don't know.

I can help!

Oh, ok.

Narrator: meanwhile
atop mr. Big's skyscraper,

Leslie's giant squishy bunny
has already attracted

Quite a crowd below.

Oh, man!
That's adorable!

I want to squish that!

Word girl!
It's too late!

In just a moment,
the whole city will be
under my command!

Mwa ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha!

Mr. Big: leslie, that laugh
makes you sound ridiculous.

Did you really think
that you--ooh!

Squishy bunnnny!

Oh, leslie!

I am with you.
You win.

Assistants, attack!


Ow! Grrr! Ouch!

Stop that! Stop!

Ooh, hoo, hoo.


Hee hee hee!

Leslie, how did you get
it so squishy?

Just a combination
of fur and feathers.

Right, right.

Good thinking.

Ok, huggy.
Maybe if we move

In opposite

You can
get free.

Hey, leslie,
let's partner up.

Together we
can become bigger.

Mwa ha!

Ha ha!
Mwa ha ha!

Mwa ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Mwa ha ha haaaa!


Hey! Give me
back my remote!

What's going on?

Leslie was using
mind control on all of you

To help her
with her evil plan.

Oh! Oooh!

No, no!
Wait, wait!

It was her idea!

What are you so
smiley about?

You assumed I couldn't
do a big evil plan

On my own,
but I did!


Oh, ok.

To assume is to believe
something is true

Even when you don't
have any proof.

For example, since
leslie was always
helping mr. Big

With his evil plans,
he assumed she couldn't
do it by herself.


Oh, you're right, huggy.

I did do the same thing
as mr. Big when I assumed

Tj couldn't do
that puzzle without me.

I better get back home.

Oh! Look who decided
to drop by

Right when I'm about
to finish the puzzle.

Tj, I'm sorry
for assuming you
needed my help.

Aw. We're missing
a piece.

Oh, I have it.
I accidentally
took it with me

When I went
to go...check on...
The squirrel.

Sorry about that.

Oh! Would you look
at that?!

You finished!

Becky, it was so
nice of you

To help tj
with this
big project.

Actually, tj really
completed the puzzle
without my help.

This is the only
piece I put in.


Tj deserves
all the credit.

Tj! I am so impressed.

Me too. We assumed
you needed our help,

But we were wrong.

Aw, it's ok, becky.

Good! Because
we wouldn't want you

To do something
ridiculous to prove

You could do it

Mwa ha ha ha!

Oh, right.

I guess you had
to be there.

Narrator: I got it, becky.
Very funny. Heh heh.

And so once again,
word girl saves the day

From leslie and her
ridiculously large
squishy bunny,

And I'm sure I'll see
you all next time

For another--oh.
See what I just did?

I assumed you would
be here next time.

Sorry. Please
join us next time

For another amazing adventure
of "word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance

To play for even greater
prizes on the bonus round!

Tommy, you correctly
defined the word binoculars.

Ready to play
the bonus round?


Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition
for binoculars.

Give it a shot, tommy.

It's number two.

Huggy is using
his binoculars

To spot something
important on the ground.

Correct! Huggy is good
with binoculars,

Which will come in handy
when he and I are

Bird watching
this weekend.

Tommy, you're our
bonus round winner.

Show him what he's won!

An official beau handsome
bird watching hat.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Narrator: she rescues the city
from certain doom.

She crushes
villains' evil plans

With one swift move.

And she still has
time to play

With her unicorn collection!

Watch "word girl" only
on pbs kids go!

Word up!

Narrator: captain huggy face,

Show us what
"mystified" means.

That's right!

Mystified means to be
puzzled by a situation.

Congratulations, huggy!

[Dance music playing]


Want more "word girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes

And test your word power

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Wooooord up!