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05x02 - Meat-Life Crisis / Mobot Knows Best

Posted: 07/27/23 15:58
by bunniefuu
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♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen in
for the words mope and vendor.

Ah, yes, another
beautiful day in the city.

The sun is shining,
the birds are singing,

And a man who sh**t
meat out of his hands
is about to rob a bank.

Let me guess.
You're gonna
rob the bank.

You don't seem
very stuprised.

I think you mean

And, no, I'm not.

I mean, this is
the third time

You've robbed
the bank this week.


Does your job ever
start to feel boring?

No, butcher,
never, no.

This is like jumping
out of planes.

Anyway, you want
the money or not?

Because I'm pretty
sure any second
word girl

Is gonna
just swoop--

Hold it right
there, butcher!

Called it.
Called what?

What's going--
corned beef kapow!

Huh. What's
with you guys?

Butcher, are you
feeling ok?

I don't really know,
word girl.

Hmm. Well, try again.

You know, I don't want
to take you down
without a fight.

the sport in that?

Ah, thanks.

All right.
Here goes.

Chicken pot pow--
ah, not feeling it.

No, it's
not working.

I don't
believe this.

I've lost my ability
to summon meat.

All right. Go ahead.

You gonna arrest
me now, word girl?

Well, you haven't really
done anything wrong

for moping a bit.

Is something
bothering you?

I don't know.
Stealing stuff,

sh**ting meat,
going to jail.

Maybe it's just
getting a little

Well, then it sounds
like a perfect time

For you to quit
your life of crime

And become
a law-abiding citizen!

You're kidding,

That kind of sounds
boring, too.

[Stomach growling]


Uh, do you have
a vending machine here?

I told my sidekick
that this would be

An all-you-can-eat battle.

Go right
into the hall.

Thank you.

Narrator: later over
at the botsford house...

Ohh! I'm bored!

Gosh. What's going
on around here?

You sound just
like the butcher.

He's bored
and moping around

Just like you.

How do you know that?

How do I know what?

That the butcher
is moping.

What butcher?

Oh, never mind!

Just let me get back
to being bored.

Hey there, tj,
what's wrong?

I'm bored!

A botsford bored?!

is going on!

Tj! That word is not even
in the botsford vocabulary!

So let's pick
a super fun activity
and say bye-bye

To this botsford
boredom bug!

Whoo! Ha ha ha!

Where we going?

I was thinking we could
visit the bundt cake
exhibit at the museum!

Mmm. No.


There must be
a way to pick
a family activity

That everyone
will agree on,

that will stop
all this moping!

Bundt cake!

Ha ha ha! No.

Narrator: meanwhile
on the other side of town...

If I can't
summon the meats,
I can't rob banks,

But robbing banks
has become boring.

This is a problem.

Ugh. I guess there's only
one thing I can do.

[Doorbell rings]


My son! Yaah!

hi, pop.

What are you
doing here?

Well, I think I've
lost my ability to
summon the meat.

It's ok, son.

This can happen
even to the best

Hey, pop. You think
I can stay with you
for a while?

Come on in
and tell your
old man all about it,

But I won't have
you moping around
the house all day.

No, I know, I know.

Hey, you want to go out
and steal some dinner
or something?

I'm afraid you're
on your own, son.

I have to go
to work.

Work? You work?

What happened to
super-villain kid potato?

I had to retire
kid potato

After I hurt my back
firing a whole
lot of au gratin.

I overdid it
with the cheese.

I'm a vendor
at the ballpark now.

A vendor?
What's a vendor?

A vendor is a person
who sells things.

A vendor at
a ball game

Usually sells
hot dogs or peanuts.

Hey, come work
with me.

With your background
in the meats,

You'd be a natural.

Huh. A vendor.

And it's not boring?

No. It's fun,
and the best part is

You get to see
all the games free!

Oh. Ok, pop.
I'll do it.

Yes! Meat
and potatoes
together again,

This time
as vendors.

Sit up straight.
You're slouching.

All right.

Narrator: the next day
at the baseball stadium...

Mr. Botsford:
ah, yes. Baseball!

What a beautiful day
for a family activity!

Thanks, honey!
Don't thank me.

Thank the family
activity wheel!

Ah, you probably could
have left the wheel
at home, dad.

I know, but I just
love it so much.

I did have to buy
another ticket
for it, though.

Well, I'll be
a monkey's uncle!
Look at this.

Father and son vendors!
I love it!

All right.
Get to work boys!

Don't worry, kiddo,
you're gonna do great!

Just do what I do.

Get your hot dogs here!

Hot dogs!

Ok. Doesn't
seem too hard.

hot dogs, peanuts,
sticky stuff.

You're moping!

A good vendor
never mopes.

Give it some energy.

All right.

Hhhot dogs!
Uh, get your hot dogs!

Heh heh heh!
Now you've got it.

All right.

Hot dogs!

The butcher?
Working as a vendor?

What's with you
and the butcher?

Huh? What butcher?

Becky, you just
said that--

Mom, dad? Bob and I are gonna
go get some snacks, ok?

Hurry backy, becky!

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

I love it!
I love it!

Listen to my stomach.

If I don't get a hot dog
with onions soon,

I'll eat my hat!

Hot dog, please!

Uh, let's see.

Hot dog, onions.

Excuse me, but are
you the butcher?

Huh? Oh, yeah,
well, I was.

Of course I've
never met you,

But I have read
about you in the paper.

You were a very good
criminal in your day

And quite
a challenge for me--

I mean, for word girl.

Yeah, trying to--
trying to work here.

Hot dog
over here, please!

Do you want me
to eat my hat?

Because I'll do
it if I don't get
a ballpark snack pronto.

Yeah, yeah,
I'm coming,
all right, yeah.

Yeah, kid, I'm
a vendor now, see?

Well, then I'll take
two hot dogs, please.


I'm not playin'.
Where's my food?

Uh, how am I supposed
to send so much food

In so many directions
at once?

Wait. Wait a minute.

Who had the dogs
with onions?

Ooh! Over here!

Hey, hey! It worked!
Right at you!
All right!

Hamburger hammer!

Got it!

Pastrami attack!


Bratwurst blast

To the newlyweds
in the back!

Woman: good work.

That's my boy.

Narrator: later,
the butcher reports back
to the vending boss.

Wait. Hold on.
This is all I get?

Yeah, well,
technically today's
a training day for you.

You aren't supposed
to be paid at all,

But you did such a good job,
you shouldn't leave
empty handed.

That's not fair!

Sorry. I'm
the vending boss,
and you're the vendor,

And those are
the rules.

No, I'm the butcher,
and you're gonna give me

All the money now!
Ha ha ha!

Hey, someone help!

That vendor stole
all the money!

Liverwurst whammo!

The butcher's back, baby!

Now give me
all your money!

Pork chop chop!

The butcher is back
to his evil ways!

Uh, dad, we're going
to get more napkins!

Okey dokey,
hurry backy!

Good one.

Word up!

Sausage cyclone!

Well, I see you've
stopped moping!

Yes! I have
stopped moping.

I think.

I don't exactly know
what moping means, so...

Well, to mope means
to feel sad or glum.

You were moping
when you were bored

And you lost
your superpowers.

Oh! Well, then
you're right!

I have stopped moping.


Good catch, huggy!

No fair,
two against one.

The name is
kid potato!

I thought you
retired kid potato.

You got to do
what you got to do,

And in your family,
it's throw food.

I knew you'd get
your powers back.

How'd you know?

It's who we are.

Now let's send
this little girl

And her pet lemur back
to the library!

Who you calling
little girl?!

Potato pie pow!

Hamburger hammer!

Boy, that guy
can chew!

You ain't kidding.

hello again, everyone,

And welcome to the ballpark

Where we are
in the middle of a dandy.

Word girl is battling
the butcher

And his dad kid potato.

Let's watch
the action on the field.

Whole lot of au gratin

With extra cheese!


Oh, boy.
There goes the back.

Aw, pop.

Sportscaster: uh-oh!
It looks like kid potato is hurt

And huggy is stuffed!

It's just word girl
and the butcher now.

Ha ha! I gotcha now,
word girl.

You ready, sister?

Meatball mayhem!

[Cheering and applause]

Easy on the back,
easy now.

Overdid it
with the cheese again!

Hey, pop, I'm sorry
you came out
of retirement

Just to get
arrested and sent
back to jail.

That's ok,
that's ok.

As long as I'm sharing
a jail with you,
I'll be happy.

Sweet buttered popcorn,
you two were gone
for a long time!

Becky, where
were you?!

You missed
the most awesome
baseball game ever!

We did? Who won?

I don't know!
But we saw word girl
battle it out

With the butcher
and kid potato!

We got to come here
every saturday!

I think we need to
leave that decision

Up to the family
activity wheel.

Ok, baby.
Give me bundt cake!

Give me bundt cake!

Come on, lady luck!
Give me bundt cake!

Narrator: and there you have it!
Word girl gets the victory
over the villainous vendors

And finally brings an end
to all of that moping!

Thanks for watching
and be sure to join us again

Next time for another
exciting episode of "word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello, I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may!

Today's featured
word is doze.

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl" that show
the meaning of the word.

Yes, phil?

Uh, I think doze means
to dangle from a robot,

Like tobey was doing
in that last clip.

Nope! Anyone else?

Ok. Give it a shot,

Doze means to
nap or sleep,

Kind of like
you're doing now.

W-w-what? Huh?

Sorry. Can you define
doze for me again?

It means to
nap or sleep.

That's correct!

Are you ok?

I've never been better!

I don't know why I stayed
up all night knitting
these earmuffs.

They're way
too big for my cat.

congratulations, emily!

You are today's winner!

Huggy, show her
what she's won.

An official
"word girl" water bed!


that's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
communicate and peeved.

Just another
ordinary school day.

Ha ha! Just kidding.

It's not
an ordinary day at all.

It's parent-teacher
conference day

At becky's school! Yikes!

We have a very special
and exciting guest

That will be performing
for you while the teachers

Meet with your parents
for the teacher-parent

♪ Dun dun duuun ♪

[Imitates squealing tires]

I'm just kidding!
Kind of.

Parent-teacher conferences are
just a way for teachers

To communicate
with your parents

So we can help you become
better students.

Are some of you not familiar
with the word communicate?

Well, it simply means--

Oh! To communicate is to

Share thoughts
or ideas
with another person

Like ms. Davis
will be talking,
or communicating,

With our parents
so they can learn
from each other.

Oh! I interrupted
you, didn't i?

Sorry! Heh heh!
Uh, sitting.

Anyhoozle, while
the teachers have conferences

With your parents,
you'll be in here

Being entertained
by an amazing performer!

[Cheering and applause]


All right, students.
Let's give a polite

Woodview elementary
welcome toooooo...

The amazing rope guy!

Hey, kids!

Are you ready for some
amazing rope tricks?!

I can't hear you!

That's more like it!

You know, a couple guys
in the front weren't

Even clapping!

You and you!

Now let's get
this rope party started.


Hey. That's weird.

I'm twirling this rope
with my left hand,

But I'm right-handed.

I better fix that, huh, kids?!

Hey! Rope!

Ohh! Keep the music going!

Oh. This doesn't
usually happen.

Uh, it's a new rope.

My mom's talking
to ms. Davis.

That makes me
a little scared.

Do you mind?

I forgot to turn in
my math homework
last week.

Look, this is
my personal space, hmm,

And that is yours.

I'm the one
who should
be scared.

I'm always
ms. Davis

While she's talking.

Yeah, that's way worse
than anything I did.

Thanks for making me
feel better, becky.

Oh, enough leaning!

Blasted assigned seating!

Tobey, aren't you
a little scared

Ms. Davis will say
something to your mom

That would get you
in trouble?

She's always warning you
about your robots.

Ha! I would be if I
weren't a boy genius.

You see, I thought ahead
and built a special robot

That looks
exactly like mother

To attend in her place.

Robots! Is there anything
they can't do?


But why would
you do that?

It's so dishonest!

Look! I got a b+.

That's very good.

For you maybe.

Tobey, if
you're not doing
the best you can,

You should
with your mother,

Not send a robot
to the parent-teacher

In her place.

Sounds like someone's
jealous that they don't

Have a robot
parent to send in.

Now please, I need
to monitor my mobot.

Get it? I combined
mom and robot.

It's mobot!
Heh heh heh!

We better go stop
tobey's robot
before it ruins

All the parent-teacher

Ok. Let's not panic.

We'll just have to
sneak out as soon as

Amazing rope guy
distracts everyone
with an amazing rope trick.

Ha ha! Just continue
to watch.

This is--
this part gets good.

Just give me another--ohh!

Keep the music going!

Ohh. This
could be a while.

Narrator: meanwhile, outside
ms. Davis's classroom,

The parents and mobot wait
for their turn to communicate

With ms. Davis.

Mobot is blending right in.

Mr. And
mrs. Botsford?

that's us!
Ha ha ha!

Stay on the runner.

Come right in.

So let's take a look
at becky's work, shall we?

back in the auditorium...

Hey! Who out there likes

[Kids muttering]

Great, great! Ok!

Bet you've never seen
a rope merry-go-round!

Come on, amazing rope guy,
you've done this

A million times
in front of the mirror!

Hey! Huh? Aha! Ohh!

I hope during
the conference

My mother gets to see
all the art projects
I made this year.

She's an art lover
like me.

I hope my parents
will get to see

Other than
my art projects.

They're art lovers,

I don't have
a care in the world. Why?

Because robots
don't get peeved

At a parent-teacher

Peeved. Heh heh heh!

What does that mean?

Peeved is when
someone gets
annoyed or upset.

Like, tobey's real
mom is going to be
so peeved

When she finds out
that a robot
took her place

At the parent-teacher

No, she won't.

I took care
of "real" mother days ago.

[Doorbell rings]

"Mrs. Mcallister, there
is no need to attend

"The upcoming
parent-teacher conference

"Because tobey is a boy genius
and a perfect student,

"But you will still
need to pick tobey up

"At the end
of the school day.

Thank you.
Robots forever."

Good job, tobey!

Why did you write,
"robots forever"?

You wouldn't understand.

Amazing rope guy: hey, now!
These mistakes,

They're all part
of the show, you know.

All part of the show!

For my next trick,
I need a volunteer
from the audience.


Hands are going down.
That's great.

Here's one! Great!

Thank you so much
for your help,
little buddy!

And what's your name?


And how old are
you, squeak?

that's great.

You don't look a day
older than squeak-squeak.


Huh? Ha ha! Yeah!
I'm back, baby!

Hmm. What is she
trying to communicate
in this piece?

Oh. Ohh. I can't
tell what it is.

Is it an elephant?

I'm thinking it
might be a tunnel.

I'm afraid in this case
there are no right answers,

But no need to worry.

Not everyone is
a natural born artist,

And as I said, becky is
a wonderful student

And is a pleasure
to have in class,

As you can see by all her
gold-star assignments.

Eureka! There's gold
in them there papers!

Gold stars
that is!

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Oh, honey.

Oh, it's been
so nice chatting
with you two.

Oh. Hi,
mrs. Mcallister.

Please come in.
I guess you're next.

Hello, ms. Davis.

I am tobey's mother,
not a robot.

Oh. Um, what smooth...
Metallic skin you have.

Tobey is
a good student?

True or false?

Oh! True!
Absolutely true!

He is! Let me
show you some
of his work.

These are very good!
Lots of robots.

Yes, yes!
They are good,
aren't they?

Tobey is a boy genius.

He is a gifted boy.

You know, my only
real concern is--

Well, I would just
love to see him
show more interest

In his schoolwork
and less interest
in robots.

Does not compute.

Robots are good!

Danger. Robots are good.

Oh, no! Mobot!
What is happening?

Ms. Davis has
upset the mobot.

I'm losing
control of it!

I have to find
a way out of here

So I can stop
that robot!

Hey! Psst! Err! Bob!

Great! Looks like we have
another volunteer.

Come on. Let's go.

I am tobey's mother.
Robots are good.

Oh, well, yes.
Robots are good.

I certainly see where
his love of robots.

Robots are good!
Robots are good!
Robots are good!

Robots are good!
Robots are...

Stop it, mobot!
Pull it together!

Amazing rope guy:
ohh! Come on!

Then fine. I don't
need to be up here.

[Cheering and applause]


Word up!

robots are good!
Robots are good!

They are very,
very good.

Mother, what
are you doing?

I am tobey's mother!
Robots are good!

Tobey, this is not
your real mother,
is it?

That's absurd.

Stop right there!

Word girl!

Put down those files,

All of the students'
gold-star projects

And a+ reports are
in there.

Robots are good!

Not all robots are good.



I hate this trick! Whoa!

Now I'm really peeved!

Amazing rope guy:
hi, ms. Davis!

Boy, the kids really
loved the show today.

I was just on, you know?

So who pays me anyway? Huh?

All right.
You can do this.

You can do this!

This is what
you're made for!

Yesssss! Bam!

That's a lasso!
That's amazing rope guy for you!

Ha ha! Look at this
everybody, huh?!

Robots are gooood...

Bam! Ha ha!

Thank you, word girl.

Your welcome,
ms. Davis.

We wouldn't want
any hardworking

To lose their
gold-star work before
their parents see

Them, right?

We'll be having you
back next parent-teacher


Pick up your check
at the office.

Tobey, have you finally
learned your lesson
about robots?

I certainly
did, ms. Davis.

Next time make
sure robot-mom
get less peeved

When insulted.

I heard that!

You're coming
with me, young man!

Narrator: and so
once again, word girl,

With a little help
from amazing rope guy

And tobey's mother,
saved the day

From tobey's peeved robot.

Well, if that's it,
I just want to communicate

This final message--
be sure to join us next time

For another amazing
adventure of...

♪ "Word girl" ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Want more "word girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes

And test your word power

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Wooooord up!