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05x01 - Bampy Battles Bots / Truth, Revision, and the Lexicon Way

Posted: 07/27/23 15:57
by bunniefuu
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♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
"invincible" and "fiction."

It's a completely exciting
and unusual saturday morning
at the botsfords',

As they're about to have
a visit from becky and t.j.'S
grandfather, bampy botsford!

Is he here yet?
Narrator: nope.

Oh, I can't wait
to see bampy!

Mom, dad, when's
bampy getting here?

Any minute now.
We're just finishing up
bampy's favorite meal.

All: he's here!

Mr. Botsford:
hey, dad.

Bampy! Hi, bampy!

Oh, becky. Boy,
you're getting big.

Hi, bampy!

Got your nose!
Got your nose!

Remember that?

All right, all right.
Now let's see

What bampy brought
for you whippersnappers.


Pretty princess
sparkling art kit?

Thank you, bampy!

And I made
a special treat

For my son and
his lovely wife.

Oh, bampy!
We made a treat
for you, too, dad.

it's your favorite--

Sweet potato
succotash surprise.

Well, I guess
we'll have leftovers.

Ok, this is getting creepy.

And, uh, ahem.

I saved the best
for last.

Here you go, t.j.

Aw, thanks, bampy!
What is this?

That, my boy, is
the screwdriver I used

To defeat
a -foot-tall robot

Back before your father
was even born.

T.j.: You used to fight
robots? Awesome.

Ha ha ha ha!
Well, t.j.,

That story might
be fictional.

no, no! It's true!

I was stronger
and faster

Than that silly
word girl you got flying
around here these days.

Uh, what's that now?

You were even stronger
than word girl?

Heh! Maybe
you're right, dad.

I think that story
might be fictional.

meanwhile, across town, in
tobie mccallister's bedroom...

This isn't a bedroom.
It's a laboratory.

Narrator: my bad, tobes.

Allow me to introduce
you to tobeybot ,

My finest and handsomest
robot to date.

The tobeybot is
more than just another
pretty face.

It is also invincible.

Nobody, not even
word girl, will be
able to defeat it.

The tobeybot is
programmed to defend

Against each and every
known word girl attack.

secret plan number ,

Number ...

You see? If the
tobeybot knows all
of word girl's moves,

She'll be unable
to defeat it;

Hence, invincible robot.

Narrator: yes,
and a little worried.

Back at the botsfords'...
Bampy: and there I was,

Standing in front of
this monstrously tall robot,

Wondering how I was
going to shut it down
and save the city.

And, to be honest with you,

I don't think that word girl
could have defeated
a robot this big.

Becky: um, heh!
I'm pretty sure

If word girl had been there,
she would have been able
to defeat the robot, ok?

I'm just saying.

Not this robot,

Only bampy and his
ultra screwdriver
could beat him.

Oh, t.j.
How could one person--

A non-superhero,
I might add--

Defeat a giant robot
with no w*apon?

Well, I was wondering
the same thing,

Until I realized I had
my trusty screwdriver
in my pocket.

T.j.: Again,
I say awesome.

Narrator: meanwhile,
high above downtown...

Ah, yes. Once word girl
is suitably impressed by
this technological masterpiece,

She will admit defeat,

And I will simply press
the manual override button

To deactivate
the tobeybot ,

Thus bringing my brilliant plan
to its elegant conclusion.

But enough chitchat.
Time for things to go boom.

[Laughing evilly]

Tobeybot, destroy!

Bampy: so there I was,

Clenching the screwdriver
in my teeth,

Climbing up the outside
of this robotic beast,
holding on for dear life--

This story
just can't be true.

I don't think
that actually happened.

But it did happen!

It has to be fictional.
Becky, please!

Quit interrupting
bampy's story.

What does that even

Well, if something is
fictional, then it's
made-up or not true.

Bampy's story about
fighting a giant robot
using only a screwdriver

Never actually happened,
so it's fictional.

But what if it's
a true story, becky?

What if bampy really did
defeat that robot?

Then it wouldn't
be fictional.

But think about it.
Could one person with
a screwdriver

Defeat a robot that big?

A robot word girl
couldn't even defeat?

Bampy could have.

now, uh, where was i?

Tobey: giant robot!

Uh-oh, bob.

Sounds like
there's trouble brewing
downtown. Let's go.

Where are you going,

You're going to miss
the end of my story.

Ok, move along, everybody.
Nothing to see here.

Just an enormous robot
going berserk.

Why, that's the
third one this month.

I hope word girl
works fast.

I've only got minutes
in my meter.

What do you know?
Free parking!


Word girl:
well, well, well.

I wonder who built
this robot.

This shouldn't take long.

Huggy, initiate
secret plan number .

Plan deflect.

Monkey using
nearby object.

Ooh! That's strange.
It's like he knew what
we were going to do.

Huh. Ok.

Huggy, initiate
secret plan number .


Plan -niner-niner.

Ignore dancing monkey,
brace for impact.

Oh! Maybe this won't be
as easy as I thought.

Greetings, word girl.

It seems you have met
my newest creation,

The tobeybot .

Yes, he is handsome,
just like me.

And, yes, he is also

"Invincible" means
impossible to defeat,

Beat, overcome,
or subdue.

That's right.
Nobody can stop
my invincible robot.

Ha ha ha ha!

Don't worry, huggy.
We'll come up with something.

Woman: jim,
I'm standing at the scene.

So far, none of word girl's
secret moves have worked.

Some are fearing this robot
may be invincible.

Invincible? Why,
that's just fiction.

I'll go give
that pile of bolts
a piece of my mind.

You're going to fight
the robot? No way!

Well, someone has to

And it might
as well be me.

We're going to fight
a giant robot!

What's up, hon?

Well, bampy and t.j.
Just left, and I think
I heard them say

They were going to fight
a giant robot.

Fight a giant robot?

But he might have said,
"eat a giant doughnut."

Well, which was it?

Well, you certainly
wouldn't eat
a giant robot

Or fight a giant

I'm leaning "fight
a giant robot."

[Both laugh]

Fighting a giant robot is
a terrible idea!

Worse than eating
a giant doughnut!

Both: wait up!

Narrator: back at the battle,
word girl and huggy are
running out of ideas.


And energy. I'm beat.

Come on, huggy.
We've got to figure
something out.

Tobey: ooh hoo!
Word girl? Give up yet?

Turn it off, tobey.

I'm not pressing this
manual override button

Until you agree to take
a stroll with me
down by the river.

We can talk about
how amazing I am.

Fine. Whatever.
Just turn it off.

I win! Ha ha ha ha!

Oh! Oh! No! No!



What does that
mean, tobey?

It means I can't turn
the tobeybot off.

Um, that's really

Robot: freedom!
Nobody can stop me!

I am invincible!


[People screaming]

You think you're
invincible? Ha ha!

I think it's pure fiction!

Let bampy do his thing, son.

Word girl: oh! Bampy?

I mean, nice older man
whose family might
call him any number

Of adorable grandpa
names, with bampy being
just one possibility.


Look out!

Bad idea,
older gentleman.

That robot has been
programmed to defend

Against all of
word girl's moves.

I doubt you could
put a dent in it.

But not bampy
botsford's moves.

Word girl!

Fly around
to distract it.

[Whistles a tune]


Word girl flying
distraction: plan .

Or plan

Or plan - -niner- .

Look! Bampy's climbing up
the robot, just like
in his story!

[Robot grunts]

Hang on to your
screwdriver, bampy!

ha ha!

Oh, got your nose.

Hey, whoa, whoa!

Ooh hoo!


Give me back my nose!

[Electricity crackles]

That was amazing,

You defeated a robot
with just a screwdriver!

Well, ha!
That wasn't invincible
after all, was it?

Kind of exciting.
What did I miss?

What did you miss?
Bampy defeated
a giant robot, becky!

And all this time,
you thought his story
was fictional, huh?

Now do you believe him?
T.j., Here's your
present back.


A robot-defeating

Well, let's just get
this over with.

Ow, ow, ow, ow!

Ooh, next time,
word girl and
sprightly old man--

Oh, ow! Don't! Ow!

We're glad
you're ok, bampy.

Fighting giant robots
can be dangerous.

Even more than eating
giant doughnuts.

Forget it. Now,

Who wants
some sweet potato
succotash surprise?

I do!
I do!
I'll have some.

Good flying
back there.

Don't worry, kiddo.

Your secret's safe
with me. Heh heh!

♪ Last one home's
an angry armadillo ♪

Narrator: and so, with tobey's
not-so-invincible robot safely
out of commission,

And bampy's fictional stories
revealed to be not so fictional,

All is well in the city.

Join us next time for another
exciting episode of...

[Robot voice]
"word girl."

♪ Word girl ♪

I'm beau handsome,

And this is...

All: "may I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines
today's featured word

Will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may.
Today's featured word
is "collection."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips
from "word girl"

That show the meaning
of the word.

yes! Phil?

"Collection" means
a group of objects
gathered by a person?


Whatever. None of
those collections
is anywhere near

As cool as my collection
of hand-drawn "word girl"


Uh, is that you
dressed as huggy?

Sure is.

Ok. I'm not going to ask
any more questions.

Phil, you are today's winner!

Huggy, show him
what he's won--

An official "word girl"
supercharged trampoline!



Well, I'm sure
he's fine. Heh!

That's it for today's episode--
[huggy squeaks]

[Laughter and applause]

Are you ok?

Oh, good to hear.
Ok, then.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪
narrator: psst!

Listen for the words "revise"

And "mislead."

Early one morning
around the botsford family
breakfast table...

[Hums a tune]

Sweet pasteurized
dairy creamer!

Listen to this, kids.

"New studies show
drinking milk will
make you a movie star."

Well, you shouldn't believe
everything you read
in the newspaper.

I mean, really, milk turning
you into a movie star?

Please. Who would write
such a misleading article?


Now, pumpkin, you know
the "daily rag" is never wrong.

Look, it was even written
by your friend scoops.

oh! That's peculiar.

Come on.
We'll be late for school.

No, we're not stopping
for more milk on the way.

You're as famous as you're
going to get, buddy.

Narrator: "squishy bunnies win
world series."

"Tiny big sells
zillion albums."

"The thing is back and now
bigger than ever."

Becky: todd "scoops" ming,
what is the meaning of this?!

Thanks to your article,
bob here thinks if he drinks
milk, he'll be a movie star.

"New studies show
drinking milk

Will make you
a movie star"?

This isn't what
I wrote at all.

My lead story
was all about
dairy allergies

And eating
healthy snacks
at recess.

Then where did
this misleading story
come from?

Good question,
becky. Hmm.

Wait a second.

Of course! M.b.!

He must have gone
back and changed
what I wrote!

M.b.? Who's m.b.?

He's the new editor of
the "daily rag." He just
started yesterday.


Do you smell that?


It smells like
the new editor is
up to something.


It also smells like
we'll be having tacos
for lunch today.

Come on.

Narrator: at the office
of the "daily rag"...

Mr. Big?

That's m.b.?

You're in charge
of the school
newspaper now?

Yes! I always wanted
to run a newspaper.

I even tried to take over
this one back when I was
in fifth grade.

but now I'm a big boy,

And I can take over
the "daily rag"

And control
people's minds legally

Because people will
believe everything
they read.

[toy squeaking]

Why did you revise
my story on healthy snacks?

That was a great story.

Hold on. Uh, leslie,

What exactly
is he accusing me of?

his articles, sir.

Oh, right. And what
does "revise" mean?

Well, let's see--

Becky: it means
you are changing it
or fixing it,

But when you revise
something, you're supposed
to be correcting it,

Making it better,
improving it.

Oh! So you agree,

I made the story better
by revising it.

No! When you revised
scoops' story, you
didn't just change it.

You turned it
into something
that wasn't true,

Something misleading.
Wow. Thanks, becky.

I don't think word girl
herself could have
said that any better.

You ok?

One more question for you.
Why don't you just
print the truth?

The truth?
Oh, come on!

You really expect
people to spend
their hard-earned money

On a newspaper
full of stories
about the truth?

Actually, m.b., No one
has to spend any money
on our newspaper.

It's free.

How did you manage
to keep your job
this long?


So now I will use
my new power--

The power
of the press--

To make me rich,
rich, richer!

[Laughing evilly]

Woo hoo!

Not if word girl
has anything to do
about it.

Well, she won't

this is going out
in tomorrow's edition.

"Mr. Big's big contest.

"The first citizen
to bring in a picture

"Showing the secret
identity of word girl

Wins free jelly beans
for life"?

My readers will keep
word girl so distracted,

She won't be able to
stop me from carrying out
my evil plan.

And the winner will also
take over as head reporter
for the "daily rag"?

Hey! I'm
the head reporter!

You can't
do that!
Oh, but I can.

But I really like
my job at the paper.

It's my main
extracurricular activity.

Well, scoops,

If you want
to keep your job,

Just bring me
the secret identity
of word girl.


Narrator: the next day,
the latest edition

Of the "daily rag" hits
the streets.

Leslie: extra. Extra.
Read all about it.

Unmask word girl,
win free jelly beans
for life.

Somebody help...

Me find my camera!

[Bicycle bell rings]

[Video game noises]

Say "cheese."
Whoa! Oh...

[Thundering footsteps]



Oh, man.

They just won't
give up.

there she goes!

Man: get the camera!
Quick, take the shot!


I've run out of film!

Narrator: is this the end
of word girl's secret identity?

Will scoops lose his job?

Shouldn't the narrator get
free jelly beans for life

Since he already knows
word girl's secret identity?

High above the city,

Word girl decides what
to do next.

By the way, what do you
plan on doing next?

I don't know.

I hope no one got
a clear picture

That reveals
my secret identity.

But, if someone did,
I hope it was scoops

Because at least
then he'll be able
to keep his job.

yes, bob,

And he'll probably
share his jelly beans
with you.

Er, hey, uh, scoops.
Heh heh!
Oh, hi, becky.

Do you think anyone got
a picture showing word
girl's secret identity?

Just wondering.
Not really--you know,
just a little curious.

I sure didn't.
I did get
a good picture

Of the dirt after
I got pushed over.

Oh. Well, you know,
whoever word girl is,

I bet she would rather
have you reveal
her secret identity

Than anyone else.

Aw, thanks, becky.
I have a feeling
my days writing

For the "daily rag"
are pretty much

Man: help!

A bee is chasing me!

And I'm trying to read

The special
evening edition of
the "daily rag!"

Since when is there
an evening edition
of the paper?

Look at that!

Word girl's
identity revealed!

Wait a minute.

This doesn't reveal
word girl's
secret identity.

Listen to this:
"now that we know

"Word girl's
secret identity,

"Do you want to
find out who she is?

"All you have
to do is be
the first person

"To send us
a picture
of her sidekick,

huggy face's,
secret identity

And then you'll win
the contest."

Becky, do you notice
anything weird
about this?

It's--it's misleading.

oh. Well, bob,

"Misleading" means
to purposely trick

Into thinking
something that
you know isn't true.

See, mr. Big wants
people to think he knows
who word girl is,

But he really doesn't.
All he cares about is

Keeping us--uh,
word girl distracted,

So he's filling
the paper with false,
misleading information.

No one figured out
word girl's
secret identity

In the first

I'm going to write
a new story now

And tell everyone
in the city

What mr. Big has been
up to all along.

Good idea!
And there's
no time to waste.

We're going to stop
mr. Big first thing

I have to go home
before it gets dark.

Narrator: the next day,
at the office of
the "daily rag"...

Hold it right there,
mr. Big!

Your days of publishing
lies and misleading
the public are over!

[Toy squeaking]





Never underestimate power
of the press.


Ace reporter todd "scoops" ming
at your service.

There he is, ma'am,
the villain who's
been printing

All the misleading lies
about woodview
elementary this week.

Shelley smalls?!
Just what do you think
you're doing here?

Nothing, m-ma'am.

Did you think
just because you're
all grown-up now

And happen to be
the richest,

Most powerful businessman
in the city,

That you can misbehave
in this school?!

Really, shelley,

Taking over
an elementary school

Isn't that a little small
for mr. Big?

it's personal.

Phase one was get
my grade school job

Phase two was take
over the world.

M.b., Your days
of revising
my newspaper stories

And tricking
the citizens of this
fair city are over.

"Revised edition:

"This is not another
misleading story.

"Daily rag" declares
word girl's
secret identity

"Is still a mystery

And mr. Big's
evil plan is


Oh. Sorry.

Oh, fine!
Keep your silly
little reporter job.

This office is
too small for
mr. Big anyway.

that's quite enough
out of you, mister.

We'll discuss
this evil scheme of yours
in my office, now.

Good work, scoops.
Thanks, word girl.

It's too bad becky
wasn't here to see it.

She was a big help.
She's always
disappearing, though.

Yeah. Heh! Weird.
Heh heh.


Are you sure you don't
want to tell me

Your secret identity,
just for fun?

I don't think so.
Now what was it

You were just saying
about becky being
a big help?

Narrator: and there
you have it, kids.

Be sure to join us next time
on the pretty boring,

Often dull, never exciting--

Ok, ok, that was

I'll revise.

Join us next time
for another amazing
adventure of "word girl."

♪ Word girl ♪

want more "word girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes
and test your word power

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required. Word up!