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03x28 - Dark Awakening

Posted: 07/26/23 07:43
by bunniefuu
♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots wage their battle to destroy
the evil forces of the Decepticons. ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Robots in disguise ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

may I have your attention please?

What is it, Sky Lynx?

My exquisitely tuned sensors

have detected a rather peculiar
phenomenon in the next sector.

Peculiar, peculiar, what's peculiar?
Where, where, where?

So far this trip has been boring!
It's about time we saw something peculiar,

hear something peculiar,
even smell something peculiar!

Put yourself in idle, Blurr.

Can you give us a visual, Sky Lynx?


Oh, theres someting to get excited about,
Boy, a large nickel in space.

Is that peculiar ? Its exciting?
Who says? I know. Me!


Indeed. And it would seem he has company.

Perceptor, is that a Quintesson ship?

Apparently, Galvatron is
meddling with something

they would prefer to be left alone.

Then maybe we oughta
mellow with it, too.

Sky Lynx--

Say no more, Prince Prime!

Course change, computed.
We are enroute!

Mighty Galvatron, please!
We are in danger of--

I shall learn the secret of this
disk or die tryin--!

Status of quadrant lock?

No significant damage.
We arrived in time, fortunately.

Continuing bombardment.

Ah, we seem to have an additional problem.
Autobot shuttle approaching.

Adjust heading! Commence attack!

g*n your rocket packs, gentlemen.

The Quintessons wish
to engage us in battle!

Ready, when you are, Sky Lynx.

Head for that disk!
I want to see what they're protecting!

Decepticons coming up, fast!

No, we have kept Zamojin imprisoned
in darkness for five thousand years,

and there it must remain!

He must not be allowed to examine the lock!

Except, perhaps, from the inside.

Yes Yes! Activate the isolator key!

Astonishing. The disk is a seal
on some sort of space warp!

It's mine! I found it!
Don't let them steal it!

Mighty Galvatron, you-


The pipeline is closing in on us!

I confirm your analysis, Ultra Magnus!
Most alarming!

Estimate chance in . million,

of the robots making it
safely through the warp.

The isolator key has short circuited!

Without a replacement part, we too
will be trapped in quadrant X forever!

Moreover, we have a statistical anomaly.

The Autobots live!

Including Perceptor?

See, he's equipped with
a universal emulator,

which could serve in place
of the isolator key!

Track his descent.

We'll send the Sharkticons to retrieve him.

Perceptor to Rodimus!
I'm in transformational paralysis!

Cannot return to robot mode!

Rodimus! Ultra Magnus!
Blurr! Do you read me?

Behold! Fire in the sky!

Brutalo! We ride!

With this sign, the devils return!

But this time,
this time they die!


Pick it up, Brutalo.

I didn't even dent that tree.
Felt like, a steel girder.

This planet has an incredibly
dense molecular structure.

Oh, you're complaining?
I should be complaining!

If I hit a tree, I'd be grateful,
but I didn't hit a tree, I hit a boulder,

if trees feel like steel around here what'd
ya think, the boulders feel like, huh huh?

On your feet. The natives are
coming and they don't sound happy.

Strut destroyed! Its pressing on a sensory
circuit, it hurts hurts hurts hurts, a lot!

Come on, Blurr. Lean on fearless leader.

Did either of you see what
happened to the Perceptor?

What in the name of Alfa Trion?

Rodimus! Ultra Magnus! Blurr!

I'm in a terrible predicament!

The universal emulator
located behind my insignia!

He's removing my insignia!

Perceptor's last communication

originated, here in the mountains,
just outside the city of Tozin.

Sharkticons, you'll proceed to these
points and retrieve the Autobot Perceptor.

Is that clear?

Ohayō, Sky Dancer.

Nijika, I bring you a gift.

Your own countenance.

The Face of Nijika.

I sense danger, Sky Dancer. I will be back!

What do you want, demons?

Go! Katsu Don sends you back
to your devilish masters!

An impressive display, Katsu Don.

Nijika... you speak?

Per this units design specification, yes.

Does this surprise you?

If not for this one lousy, rotten,
measly, crummy, substandard strut,

we'd be outta here. You know that,
I know that, 'cause I'd get us outta here.

When I'm zippin' to car mode soon,
would never have to think of that - uh!

Go find... Perceptor.

You fix him, maybe he can fix me.

I'm not sure we should leave him.

I'm not sure we have any choice.

Great, so leave, beat it,
amscray, split, depart, vamos,

evaporate, move it, sayonara,
do svidanya, goodbye!


Devil spawn!

You have not moved or spoken
since the night of the devils,

when the stars were stolen from the
sky and the light taken from our minds.

Tell me more about these devils.

It was long ago that they came,

in the days, when our city of Tozin itself,
shone bright as a star,

and our guardian, Kodu Ri,
had not yet descended into slumber.

My ancestor, Niko Don,
had invented a flying tower.

And now, with the aid of Kodu Ri,

The Zamojin people will take
their first step into the stars!

I wish to drive the tower myself,
but the Empress wouldn't allow it!

So Niko Don has also
created our first voyager.

Nijika, the Sky Dancer!

Nijika! Nijika! Nijika!

For Zamojin I shall dance among the stars!

Kodu Ri, help us make this journey.

Give us the power.

Open your heart to Zamojin!

It was then, that the scream
of the devils was heard,

and their metal beast
descended from the sky.

They poured from the belly of the beast,

raining destruction upon Zamojin.

They entered the very heart of Kodu Ri.

They made the guardian sleep.

Then they were gone.

But the greatest horror was yet to come,

for then the silver
disk appeared in the sky

and swallowed the stars.

You were damaged that night,
and with the light gone from his mind,

Niko Don, no longer
knew how to fix you.

Then the purpose of the quadrant lock

could only have been to halt
your people's evolution.

Your devils, Katsu Don,
are nothing of the kind.

They're called Quintessons,

and for some reason, they were terrified
your people would reach the stars.

Take me to the city.

We must warn your people that
their enemies have returned.

Sharkticons on scanner.
Look at them!

A single Zamojin was
responsible for all that damage.

This leaves us no alternative.

One of us must visit the planet surface.

Are you mad? If they can do this to
Sharkticons, what chance would we stand?

By yourselves, precious little.


If however, you share the secret of
the quadrant lock with Galvatron,

I may be willing to help you.

You, would go to the planet?

Yes. Though not alone of course.

Unlike your Sharkticons, I am not stupid.

You're point has been made.
I'm sure we can accomodate you.

We're nearing the origin point
of Perceptor's last transmission.

What are we gonna do when we get there?

If we couldn't even fix Blurr's bent strut.

Hopefully Perceptor can
tell us how to repair him.

More of the devil spawn!

Slay them!

Ultra Magnus!
I've got a major problem here!

Well, that was a barrel of laughs.

Now, rolling demon, you shall join
your friend in the pits below.

Stop! I don't wish to harm you!

I've got another m*ssile left, guys!
Anybody wanna play catch?

We will be back, demons!
You will not live to see the dawn!!!

Yeah yeah, sure sure.
How 'bout we blow this popsicle stand?

The sooner the better.

These are the coordinates.

last transmission came from--

They really did it, didn't they?

Theres only one thing to do.
Find the missing piece.

Good idea. Where do we go?

The neighbourhood universal emulator shop?

I will recommend for a
start that we try the city.

The emulator is near. Very near.

Halt, devil servant!

This will happen to you and
all devils from the sky!

Hehe! How hot do you think that hot bath
is huh? A thousand degrees? Two, maybe?

Hot enough to unbend a strut, maybe?

Gonna make a nice little soup, suckers!

Cyclonus: Burn him now!

Quintesson: Be silent!
Don't call attention to us!


Female Zamojin: Yes! The devils must pay!

They stole the stars in the sky!

Male Zamojin: They stole
the light from our minds!

Cyclonus: You've never understood
mob psychology, have you?

Hold! Your Empress's commands you!

Kodu Ri has sent us
a wonderous ally!

People of Zamojin!


The devils whom you fear are in
fact mortals from another world.

Furthermore, the stars are not gone,
but are merely hidden from you.

Lastly, this prisoner is not your enemy.

Indeed, we will need his help
if the Quintessons attack again.

The girl is possessed! Don't listen!

No, I didn't mean--

Fool! Summon your ship!

Immediate descent for close range pick-up!
These coordinates!


Okay. You were right, and I was wrong.

Greetings, Perceptor.

You will now do exactly as I
demand, or the Zamojin will perish.

Universal emulator, please.

As you wish.

You will now repair the isolator key.


You are gonna regret leaving me here!
When I get free, I'll--

You won't gonna get free!

Yeah. Yeah. Thats it. Good and warm!

Nice and hot!
Just right for, gettin' the jinx out!

We can lift off whenever we choose.
The quadrant lock will open.

Then I shall dispose off the Zamojin.

Hood in place, wheels in place, bumpers
in place, engine hot, I'M OUTTA HERE!

Hey, speed ball! Wait for us!

Your life is over, Autobot!

Spoke too soon, Cyclonus.

Devils. Devils!


Not elegant, but it worked.
Blurr, outta here! Now!

I'm with ya!

Theres nowhere to run, fools!

You'll be trapped in this quadrant forever!

No, you cannot strand me here!

Last time, they took the stars.
What will they steal from us this time?

They're not taking anything, Empress.

They're about to learn the joy of giving.

The stars! Kodu Ri!

They have a telepathic technology.

Powered apparently, by starlight.

No wonder the Quintessons
wanted them locked away.

In time, their capabilities will
be as limitless as thought itself.

Katsu Don, your ancestor built a
spacecraft. Will you continue his work?

You and Nijika will meet again.
Out, among the stars.