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03x27 - The Face of the Nijika

Posted: 07/26/23 07:42
by bunniefuu
♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots wage their battle to destroy
the evil forces of the Decepticons. ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Robots in disguise ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

Eat algae and perish, Broadside!

Mayday! Mayday!

Its Astrotrain! Aerialbots!
Separate and attack!

You'll never stop me, Autobots!

Air Raid! Skydive! Take the right flank!

Fireflight! Slingshot! Left flank!

This is... This is Yamanote Line !
Calling JNR Central!

Not! Stop! The humans!

Sensei! What is it?

No more, Bruticus!

No more harm will come to the humans!

That decision's been taken
out of your hands, Defensor!

Yours too, Cyclonus!

Nice sh**ting, Sky Lynx!

Yes, Kup, I know.

Anyone here get hurt?

No one, Autoboto-san.

Well, that's one piece of good news anyway.

Rodimus! If I may intrude, I'm recieving
a rather vehement transmission.

You're wanted at the Imperial Palace!

Yeah. I'll just bet I am.

Hey, I'm well aware of the
damage thats been done,

but we stopped the Decepticons from--

This is very bad for business!

You fight locals and scare tourists away!

Yeah, then maybe you oughta
try protecting yourselves!

Your presence and the presence of
others like you does endanger us!

Heck of a day.

Tell me about it? I was at the Imperial
Palace all afternoon with Prime Minister.

Eh, you've had worse times.

Yeah, when do they get better?
That's what I wanna know.

Whats eating you?

I don't know, Kup. I feel... boxed in.

Like the weight of the world
rests on your shoulders?


Like you wanna run away?

And how. The responsibilities...

Hey, Rodimus! We've got a problem!

Earth Defense Command needs--

Not you too!
Gimma a break will ya?

Since when am I the only one
who can solve everybody's problems?

But... but...

Just leave me alone!

What's with him?

- Giri. - Giri?

Japanese word.
It means "The burden hardest to bear".

He's feeling the pressures of
leadership, is that it?

Same thing happened to Optimus Prime
after the Matrix was passed to him.

Optimus learned to live with
his Giri and respect it.

And now it's Rodimus's turn.
Is there anything we can do to help?

No. He's got to resolve it for himself.

Still, maybe he could
use somebody to talk to.

If I could turn it into a car,
This is where I'd blow off steam.

Everybody else went back to Chaar.
Howcome we have to stay behind?

We got orders!
Watch for Autobot activity!

Like that clownoid for example!

Rodimus, is that you?

Its me Faireborn! We need to talk!

You talk! I'd rather race!

Okay, Mr. Macho-bot!
If thats the way you - huh !.

What the... Decepticons!

Dead End and Wildrider.

Come on, boys,
you want something really wild?


This is great! Just like the old days!

Oh wonderful!
Thats spinner's gaining on us!

Lets waste that dingus!

Marissa! Hang on, Marissa, I--

He done blowed up real good.

Yes. Let's go get a good look.

Hey! Whats that?

What's what?


Its the Matrix!
The secret to the Autobots' power!

Yahoo! Haha! Galvatron's gonna love this!

Now we can go back to the Chaar!

Come on, you miserable heap! Move!

Rodimus! Rodimus, can you hear me?

Rodimus, answer me!


You have done well!

For years the Matrix has eluded
us, but now it is finally ours!

At last all shall be one!

Under Galvatron's rule!

You dropped it, didn't you?
You broke the Matrix, didn't you?!

What are they? What are they?

The Ancient Autobots!

Return the Matrix!
Return the Matrix!

I will! I will!

Scourge! Take this and destroy it!

But mighty Galvatron!
You agreed to return it!

I lied! If we can't have
it, then no one shal!

The Matrix is ​​the key to the universe.

What did you say?


Then do as you are ordered.
Get rid of it!

They do not understand.

The Matrix is ​​no mere w*apon,
no simple energy source!

It is power!
Ultimate, unfathomable power!

What... is happening to me?

The Matrix... is working!

I have... the power in me
of a hundred Decepticons!

No... a hundred thousand!

And this is how you found him?

Yes. Will he be alright?

Difficult to say.

Your description, it sounds like Wildrider
and Dead End made off with the Matrix.

What does that mean?
Is it of any use to the Decepticons?

Thats hard to say, also.

He's awakening!

Oh, my aching head! What hit me?

What hit you?

What are you all staring at?
Look like you've seen a ghost!

We have... Hot Rod.

- Hot Ro-- - You no
longer possess the Matrix.

Yeah. I thought I felt
something different.

How do you feel, Roddy?
Strong enough to go after them?

Wait a minute! Whats the rush?

The Matrix is ​​the essence of Autobots.

Our link to our history and our future.
Without it...

Aren't you getting a
little carried away here?

I'm still me, you're still you:
Matrix, schmatrix.

Hot Rod! Listen to what you're saying!

I know exactly what I'm saying!

I'm telling you - all of
you-- that I'm sick,

of being responsible for the preservation
of the universe and its outlying suburbs!

Day in and day out: punch this Decepticon,
bash that Decepticon! What's the point?

Its been going on for a few dozen millennia
now, and I don't see it changing! Do you?

Do you want to get the Matrix back?
Swell! Go get it!

But find some other sucker to carry it!

'Cause I quit!

With the Matrix destroyed... Now,

now is the time to unleash our
fury upon them and crush th- aaaah!

Bow down to me me, Galvatron!

Bow down to Scourge--

annihilator of Autobots and
leader of the Decepticons!

Leader, Scourge? Leader of the Deceptions?

Only Galvatron leads! Only Galvatron!

His rampage must cease!

I am ultimate power!

You will follow me now!

All of you!

Or else follow Galvatron
and Cyclonus to your doom!

To Earth and the final
destruction of the Autobots!


I... Still function!

How could Scourge gain such power?

Only one explanation:

the Autobot Matrix!

And it has poisoned him in body and mind!

Now he leads the Decepticons on a
mission against Earth and the Autobots!

Only Galvatron leads.

I will not rest until the Matrix
and Scourge have been destroyed!

Ultra Magnus! Come quickly!

What is it, Captain?

Here at warp gate -A:
A ship approaching!

Springer! Sensor identification!

Do the words "Decepticon
Armada" mean anything to ya?

Kup, anything?

Not a peep outta Hot Rod. We're gonna
have to handle this one without him!

What were you thinking?

To be as forceful as possible.


Because I thought I
was not aggressive enough.

Rid yourself of thinking.

Don't expect to win, don't expect to lose.

But sensei... what should I expect?

Expect nothing.



Go now. We have finished for today.

You are troubled, Autoboto-san.

Who me? Ah.

You are lying, Autoboto-san.

Yeah. I am.

You wonder why I tell young
Ozu to banish thinking.

To expect nothing.

You wonder how victory can be
achieved without expectations.

The thought crossed my mind.

One cannot think of victory
without also considering its opposite.


And thinking of defeat distracts the mind

from what must be done in order to win.

Gotcha. And what must be done?

Whatever destiny obliges one to do.

One's, Giri.

For he who deserts his
obligation is already defeated.

Thank you, Sensei.
You've given me a lot to think about.

Cyclonus, report!

Scourge has passed through Warpgate
-A, out of visual range.

Faster then! I wish to see the look
on Scourge's face as I demolish him!

Target in view!

Remember, Decepticons,

your mission - your only
mission - is to destroy!

Destroy everything!

What kind of Decepticon are you, ugly?

The ultimate kind!
The kind that blasts Autobots - unh!

It will take more than
bulk to stop me, fool!

Did I frighten you, madam?

Let her alone!

I said let her alone!

Make me!

We're too late, Galvatron!
Scourge has already launched his as*ault!

He doesn't know the meaning
of the word as*ault,

but he's going to learn!

Oh no, we're trapped! We'll be k*lled!

Remarkable. The woman is clairvoyant!


Yes! And now you shall feel,

the destructive power of your own Matrix!

The Matrix did this to you?

Then I have to take it back.

I see now it is my obligation.
I belong to it...

... as much as it belongs to me!

You must die!

Not today, pal!

How about a lift home, folks?

Oh Scourge? Where are you, Scourge?


Mighty Galvatron?

Oh! No! Galvatron! You don't understand!

Understand what?

It wasn't my fault! It was the Matrix!

The Matrix!

Then this too is the fault of the Matrix!

Above! It's all over!


Looks like you did okay without me.

Hot Rod! Uh, Rodimus!

Well, son of a g*n.
Found that missing part, huh?

Not just the Matrix, Kup,
a missing part of... myself.

That's the point, son.

No matter who carries the Matrix,
that part is what you'll never lose.