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03x24 - Money Is Everything

Posted: 07/26/23 07:40
by bunniefuu
♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots wage their battle to destroy
the evil forces of the Decepticons. ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Robots in disguise ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

Today marks a momentous occasion.

In a few moments, the new power
generator deep within our planet

will begin to send energy
into these processing units.

Then, we shall have an
energy supply that will last forever.

Throw the switch, Grimlock!

Me, Grimlock, ready,
but forgot which button.

I went through it with him five times.

Now, Grimlock, remember!

I can't believe it! Grimlock!

Silly, Grimlock.
Pull wrong one by mistake.

This one maybe?

Now he's sound off the emergency alarm!

Can't be that one, must be one of these.

Eenie Menie miny moe.

This switch real rad! Gonna pull.

Grimlock, no!!!!! It's this one over here!

Uhhh, that Grimlock's next choice.

Why you think Grimlock stupid?

Me no stupid.
Grimlock is smartest Dinobot of all.

Unfortunately, that's probably true.

I just wish the Dinobots had
more sophisticated brains.

Brains?! Grimlock know how to bash brains.
Maybe bash yours.

Come on, let's go do it!
'cause we wanna get the money!

My kids, they need the dough,
and Galvatron promised!

Good thing you didn't break
it, 'cause Galvatron says

he searched the whole universe
for more and he couldn't find any!

Come on, pour it in!

We're too late, Cosmos!
We missed the whole ceremony!

I wanted to see our Auto-buddies
startup the new energy unit!

If we hadn't dawdled in space so long,
hunting Decepticons, we would have--

What's wrong, Cosmos?

I don't know-I! H-help me!

Sky Lynx! Hellpp!

Have no fear!
Once again I will save the day!

No! I lost control of my auto-gyros!

Hellppp! Heeeelp!

unless my lenses are decieving me,

Sky Lynx and Cosmos
require assistance without delay!

Me, Grimlock, say we must save them!

For once, I agree with you.

Grimlock: What go wrong?

Perceptor: Something incapacitated
their aerial capabilities.

Rodimus Prime: He means they couldn't
fly, so they crashed.

Grimlock: Me knew that!

I'll fly Sky Lynx into repair bay.

Hey! Something's jamming
my transform controls!

We need more help!

Attention, Ultra Magnus! This is Blaster,
blastin' at ya from Power Platform Alpha!

This ain't ever happen before,
Auto-buddies! I'm busted!

The problem is a vast power
generator, deep inside of Cybertron.

Its sending unidentified force
waves up the central shaft.

That force has entered the
units on Power Platform Alpha,

which is causing the
Autobots to malfunction.

Me, Grimlock, wonder how this happen.

What should we do, Teletraan ?

Shut down the generator in
the power core and repair it.

If you do not,
all Autobots will start glitching so badly,

you will all have to
leave Cybertron forever.

While your fixing it,
I'll construct a crane,

to help Sky Lynx and Cosmos
get to repair bay, Rodimus.

Take this. You will require
it to locate your objective.

Grimlock see , , ,
a zillion tunnels here!

How we know which one to take?

We'd all get lost in this
maze of ancient tunnels, Grimlock

if we didn't have Perceptor's Electro Map.

Come on, this way.

Me, Grimlock,
want to try electro map now.

No way, Grimlock. Its too delicate.

Me want to try!

Grimlock, no!

Stupid machine!

Oh great. Just great.
That was our only guide to the power core.

Guide? No need guide. Have Grimlock!

Don't remind me.

Oh, you think me Grimlock, just stupid!

You no want me anymore!

Fine time he picks to throw a tantrum.

What if he sets off the a*t*matic
security defences down here?

Kup, stay with Grimlock
and keep him out of danger.

We'll keep looking for the power core.

We... We must be getting
close to the generator.

Rodimus, you're...

I... I'm not functioning properly.
I gotta get away! I gotta--

Hurray! Grimlock find it!

Uh... It... What's... going on?

You found... what?

Me think something wrong with you, Kup.

Just like Sky Lynx and others.

Me, Grimlock,
got to turn off the machine right now.

My noggin's clear.

Hey, how did you shut down that baby?

I, Grimlock...used my rear molars.

Uh that makes good sense, good going.
You what?!

Is your hearing impaired, Kup?

With some Autobots,
you have to explain everything.

Using my teeth, I severed the connections,

thereby breaking the electrical circuit.

Grimlock, is that you talking t-t?

- and the next, everything's normal.

We've tripped the security system!

It thinks we're enemy intruders!

Come, I, Grimlock, detect that
our friends are in mortal peril!

Suffering software!
They're trapped, Grimlock!

Allow me a moment, Kup.

Ah, as I expected. There it is.

Kup! Grimlock! You saved us!

Hey, don't give me none of the credit.
It was all Grimlock here.

Grimlock? What did you do?
Bite the controls?

That was hardly necessary.

I, Grimlock,
simply nullified the hazard by

terminating the operation
of the security system.

Did uh...
Did he say what I thought he said?

It sure sounded like that.
Grimlock, are you feeling okay?

Its Ratbat! He's been spying on us!

You're come fish with Dinobots, Grimlock?

Please Snarl can't you comprehend that I've
more urgent matters weighing on my mind?

But Dinobots always go fish together!

I have to determine the reason the
generator in the power core malfunctioned.

Some other time, perhaps.

Him, have to do, what?

Listen, Galvatron, you creepo.

I did what you asked,
and now I want my money,

'cause my kids need it, ya see?

You insolent organics.
You've failed in your mission!

Show them what you discovered, Ratbat.

The Autobots have shut
down the master generator.

Without a source of power, the
anti-electrons you planted have vaprized!

Thanks to your incompetence,
my plan has failed!

Unless I find a new
source of anti-electrons--

He says he knows a source
you haven't discovered!

Cross my heart, and hope to die!

If he's lying, you will be space foam!

He says you should try looking
inside of Unicron's brain!

The information I programmed
into the analyser has been processed.

It is just as I suspected.

Someone fed anti-electrons into the
generator's power circuit.

Anti-electrons, of course!

They attack our electrocircuits!
Now why didn't I think of that?

Perhaps because your mental
abilities are so limited.

Approach with caution.
Unicron may still be quite powerful.

If he awakens while we
drain his anti-electrons,

we will need all our
power to destroy him!

Now! Unseal the cerebral chamber!

Grimlock? Grimlock! You here?

I'm occupied installing a
multi-faceted inverse thruster.

You're just in time to assist me.

But what you do?

Sky Lynx and Cosmos are
still in repair bay,

And Omega Supreme is away on a mission,

so I, Grimlock,
am constructing a new Autobot shuttle.

Sludge, I need you to
balance the exhaust manifold

on your back while I
rivet it to the fuselage.

You no act like Dinobot, Grimlock.
Me no like!

Grimlock no fun.

C'mon! We go hunting alone!

My data reveals that the
source of the antielectrons was Unicron,

before his body exploded.

The Decepticons have probably
determined that, more

anti-electrons still
exist in Unicron's brain.

Good thinking, Grimlock.

We've got to get there
before they do and stop them!

We've got just enough anti-electrons
here to paralyze any intruder.

Hmm, this good! Keep out invaders!

What? Autobots!

Anti-electron attack!

The Autobots are still alive! Terrorcons!

I want those Autobots into so many pieces,

that we couldn't even sell
them as junk to the Junkions!

Destroy! Destroy!

I... I don't recognize this place.
Where are we... and who am I?

I'm... its happening again! Perceptor!

How can we defend ourselves
when we can't control ourselves?

That one mine! Give me!

Me want that Autobot!

Grimlock! We need you!

Grimlock! Come back!

Awaken, Nosecone.
I, Grimlock, have created you.

Are... Are you my father?

In a way, but I'd rather you think
of me as your fellow Autobot.

You must help me vanquish
the Evil Decepticons.

Now, Transform!

Drill me a safe passage,
deep into Unicron's brain.

Is this where you wanted to go, Grimlock?

It will do nicely, Nosecone.

I am Unicron.
Who dares to enter my mind?

Now you've done it!
You've gone and awakened him!

This was all Galvatron's idea, not mine!

Trespassers, prepare to die!

All tresspassers must die!

Strafe, transform!

Strafe, proceed to disarm
Unicron's interior defenses!

No! I am invulnerable!

No one can disarm me!
No one! Noooo!

How did I let Grimlock
talk me into comin' here?

- Rip Autobot! - Rip and tear!

I fought bigger monsters than
you, you two-faced lizard!

You are all new creatures.

I, Grimlock, shall call you...
the Technobots.

Strafe: Yahoo! It feels great to
be a Technobot! My name is Strafe!

Afterburner: Far out!
Fantastic! I'm Afterburner!

I'm raring to burn neutrons
and see some heavy action!

Lightspeed: Mellow out, Afterburner.

Afterburner: Says who?

Lightspeed: They call me Lightspeed,
faster than a speeding photon.

Grimlock: And you, Scattershot,
shall be the leader of the Technobots.

But I thought you were our leader!

No, Scattershot.
I won't be of use to you much longer.

No way! You built us!

You're a genius, Grimlock!
We can't survive without you!

You can and you will.
Go now!

The Autobots need your help!

Look, Galvatron. We've done it.

Now we'll finish the Autobots.

The anti-electrons! Who dares?

The name's Scattershot!

Come on, Technobots! Let's show 'em
the stuff, Grimlock, made us off!

Who are they?

Beats me.

They're obviously Autobots,
but I've never seen them before.

Terrorcons, merge and become Abominus!

What do we do, Grimlock?
The Terrorcons turned into a giant!

Do not fear Abominus for you have
the power to become Computron!


I am Computron.

My computation capacity is nearly infinite,

yet I lack the
intelligence to feed my capacity.

Kneel, Computron.

You will now recieve my
intelligence, Computron,

and I will return to my former state.

But Grimlock--

Superintelligence is the only way
you can defeat Abominus' brute force!

Its the only way.

Oh, me, Grimlock, say you smart now.

Me no can help you anymore.

Datum recieved. Conclusion:

Must destroy Abominus at once.

Datum: Abominus's grip unbreakable.

Conclusion: Must use intense
vibration to disengage.

What? Who are you?

Name: Computron. Primary goal:

Obliterate Decepticons.

Decepticons, retreat!

Autobots, we've taught Galvatron
a lesson he'll never forget.

Our new generator is functioning flawlessly
and our future will be more secure,

now that the Technobots are among us.

And we can thank Grimlock.

Um... Grimlock? Has anyone seen Grimlock?

Grimlock right here!
He loves to fish with Dinobots!

Me Grimlock say no fun to
be genius all the time.

Much more better to be good
old Dinobot, Grimlock.