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03x23 - Grimlock's New Brain

Posted: 07/26/23 07:40
by bunniefuu
♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots wage their battle to destroy
the evil forces of the Decepticons. ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Robots in disguise ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

Hurry! The whole city's goin' up!

You know what we're looking for! Find it!

You look down, chum!
The Autobots are in town!

Help, please! Somebody help!

Will I do it?

Are you alright?

I've been better.

Okay, folks! Hop in!

You got looters at work on the docks!

We got it, Dutch!

Then let's get out of here!

Careful, Ultra Magnus!
They're armed and dangerous.

What-what-what do you want with us?

Very little, believe me.
Just the object of your affections there.

Anyway its not a new tie, right?

Rodimus, put it down! Its Newtronium!
Highly explos--

Thanks, Dutch. I thought we was goners.

Yeah well, you still might be,
when you tell Mr. Drath about this!

When am I gonna learn to be more careful?

Hopefully at the next opportunity.

Is it true, Chief Turan, these bombings

were engineered as a distraction to cover
the attempted theft of the newtronium?

No comment at this time.
We've just commencing our investigation.

However, I do wish to thank the
Autobots for their assistance.

Without their help, the loss of
life might have been catastrophic.

You are aware, I presume

that my client will not be pleased
about the loss of his newtronium.

But uh, Mr. Drath, we--

We will deal with the Autobots as we
would any other impediment to business.

Yer gonna ICE them robots?!

Hey, hey, you lookin' for old Snake?

Firest, tell me where he is.

Uh, he's next block, pacing up and down!

Pay the man, Dutch.

Snake! We have to talk.

I have another project for you.

Something worthy of my
services, Mr. Drath,

or another of your vendettas?

You spoke once of a technology
your organization had developed.

Synthoids, I believe.

You could transfer minds from their
original living forms to synthetic bodies?

Oh yes. Easily!

Victor Drath: Does that technology
still exist, Snake? Is it for sale?

Old Snake: This is the world, Mr. Drath.
Everything is for sale.

Its missing only one thing.

Yes. Victims!

No Chief, we can't ignore it. We've been
waiting weeks for a break in this case.

Even an anonymous tip beats it!

And if it's a trap, Springer?

Uh Chief, no offense,

I mean maybe this Victor Drath is
tough, but he's still only human.

I like this guy already.

Real flair, for the dramatic.

Still amused, Springer?

This way!

I take it you've received my invitation.

This is Michelle.
She's come to watch you die.

Lets not keep her waiting.

Bid farewell to those big,
strong bodies, Autobots!

You're going down the tubes!

Get rid of it.
And melt these down for scrap.

Ah, your lack of imagination appalls
me, Mr. Drath!

How can you dream of scrapping four of
the most powerful weapons on the Earth?

Make absolutely certain
this material is destroyed.

Is that clear?


We might want to get out of the open.

Thanks for rousing us.
You saved our lives, kid.

Don't mention it... gramps.


What, in the name of Prime?

Oh no... All of us?



Ultra Magnus?

Whats happened to us?

We were just wondering
about that ourselves.

At least we know who's responsible.

Victor Drath?

Who it would seem,
we've greatly underestimated.

But why? Why this--

This wasn't the plan.

Our survival was unintentional.

I recommend we split it up.

Arce and I will try to
contact Autobot City.

I want to find out how
Drath pulled this off.

Yeah, and if it's reversible!

Come on!

Yer 'trash' got up an' took a
hike before I could squash 'em!

Them blobs are alive?

Stranger things have happened.

Go to the house.
Activate all security systems.

Have some of the men search the
estate, just in case.

What about the robots?
Could you do anything with them?

Come see for yourself.

We know what's in there.

The steps must lead up to Drath's house.
Maybe we should pay a call.

They spotted us!

I'll lead them back toward the house.

You try to hook up with Ultra Magnus and--

Whoa! Wait a minute! Hold it, pal.
We're stickin' together!

And risk our both getting caught?

Sorry, we can't afford that.

There they go!

I could k*ll him for this!

Can the men control them?

What they lacking in grace
they make up in power.

Autobots, transform!

Shall I, have them take a test drive?

Gotta... get... into... house!

Well, aren't you a surprise.

Let's dry up by the pool!

We don't often get prowlers around
here, let alone good looking ones.

Did you seen a guy come this way?

Circuits shorted... the Matrix!
Need... Matrix!

The Path to True Humanity!
Only $ . , tax deductible!

Sorry, pal, I'm a robot at heart.

...Terrific. I already need a shave.

I just got an inspiration!

We could grab a little bonus, right?

But Mr. Drath said to
test drive these robots.

And we're gonna.

We got enough! Let's go!

Springer: Need a hand?
I, uh...operate heavy equipment.

Goon # : Uh...yeah.

Goon # : But dere's only
room for two in here!

Goon # : Yeah! Yer right!

Chief Turan wouldn't speak to you?

They kept me on hold until
my three minutes were up.

Look. That warehouse belongs to Drath!

I'd be interested to see what he
imports, wouldn't you?

Perishable is right! It's a bombcasing!

Photon Grenades.
The rest is probably similar merchandise.

There must be enough
expl*sives in this place to--

Ultra Magnus...

Its... us!

Arcee, out that door!
Head for Autobot City!

I can deal with our... otherselves.

No, those are our bodies! You can't...

Ultra Magnus, the place is
full of expl*sives! You'll be--

Do as I say, Arcee, now!

Don't think for a moment that I
haven't the nerve to use this—

I have!

Hey, my bike!

Just stand very still and I'll be going.

Nice try, man.

What's this?

It's called breakfast, dummy.

Mph. Smells better than it tastes.

We've met before, haven't we?
I recognize the look in your eyes.

You're the Autobot leader!

For heaven's sake, take it easy.

Does uh, Drath know I'm here?

No. He's been totally
occupied with business.

Can you get me into his house?

I'll help you in anyway I can.

I have to see Kup at once!

Sorry, ma'am, this station's on alert.

We're screening all visitors.
Step this way, ma'am.

I'm the Autobot! Arcee!

Victor Drath used some strange
machine to steal my body!

And Rodimus, Springer, and Ultra Magnus.

You don't believe me!


Kup! Kup! It's me! Arcee!

Easy, ma'am.
We have a nice doctor,

who'll be stopping by a little later.

Victor's study.

What the--!

Snake pointed out to me a problem with
eliminating only the four of you...

namely, an entire city of Autobots
who might be tempted to vengeance.

I believe in solutions, not problems.

You can watch the destruction
of Metroplex before you die.

So, what exactly is our assignment, pal?

Do I look like Victor
Drath's confidant?

All I know is that we gotta
pick up and a delivery to make.

Hey! I don't know you, buddy.

Nuts, and I forgot to bring
my my birth certificate.

He's, Jake. You should see
him handle these robot things.

Okay. You just drive the crates inside
Autobot City there and unload 'em.

Then set the detonator in each
crate and scram before the big bang!

Mr. Drath said,
to tie this guy to one of the crates.

You do it.

Let's get him inside.

Ultra Magnus, get in!

Get those two!

Send the remaining Autobots on
to their destination at once.

Forget the rest of the crates.

There's enough aboard the Autobots
now to blast Metroplex to atoms.

Go ahead... It won't save Autobot City!

Got three in a row for
you, right down the road!

Arcee, Ultra Magnus and
Rodimus Prime are coming home!

Blaster! Kup! Anyone! Listen to me!

Please! It's a trick!

Will it work?

I don't know. I've never
tried to repair myself before.

Make that four in a row, Metroplex!
We got Springer back too!

If we try to attack
them, they'll overpower us!

By the time we get inside and get
anyone to listen to us, it'll be too late!

Only one course open then:
Attack the city ourselves.

Make him transform to
battle station mode!

Oh no! It's not Springer, it's a ringer!

What he doing?

Drawing their fire to us!

Get out before we blow!

The sweet smell of victory.

This should accomplish the reversal.

Go ahead, Perceptor. Do it.


Well, did you enjoy your sojourn, Rodimus?

Maybe a little too much, Perceptor.
Let's go home.

Autobots, transform!

Poor Mr. Drath.
Not quite smart enough, were you?

They simply don't make
t*rrorists like they used to!